April 13, 2015
Message from the Senate: Yeas and Nays No. 13
House Bills Passed In The Senate
HB 46
Delegate Jones |
Joint Committee on Fair Practices and State Personnel Oversight - Revisions
HB 58
Delegate Reznik |
Health Occupations - Members of Boards and Advisory Committees - Prohibition Against Concurrent Service
HB 64
Delegate Vitale |
Alcoholic Beverages - Local Licensing Boards - Judicial Review
HB 74
Delegate Rosenberg |
Walter Sondheim Jr. Public Service Internship Scholarship Program - Expansion of Scope
HB 100
Delegate Hammen |
Developmental Disabilities Administration - Medicaid Fair Hearings
HB 154
Delegate Davis |
Maryland Home Builder Registration Act - Guaranty Fund - Claims
HB 197
Delegate Fennell |
Prince George's County - Education - Youth Wellness Leadership Pilot Program
HB 208
Delegate Pendergrass |
State Board of Chiropractic and Massage Therapy Examiners - Preapproval for Use of Trade Names - Repeal
HB 290
Delegate Barkley |
Alcoholic Beverages - Winery Off-Site Permit Holders - Comptroller Notification and Attendance Restrictions
HB 345
Delegate Lierman |
Labor and Employment - Flexible Leave - Use of Leave for Family Illness
HB 353
Delegate Cullison |
State Government - Automated Mapping-Geographic Information Systems - System Services Costs
HB 382
Delegate Morales |
Sexual Assault Survivors' Right to Know Act
HB 431
Delegate Parrott |
Health - Burial or Disposal of Body - Requirements and Penalties
HB 440
Howard County Delegation |
Howard County - Insurance - Certificates of Guarantee for County Bond Requirements Ho. Co. 8-15
HB 460
Delegate Rosenberg |
Couples Advancing Together Pilot Program - Eligibility and Extension
HB 522
Delegate Kramer |
Corporations - Maryland General Corporation Law - Miscellaneous Provisions
HB 535
Delegate Turner |
Blind or Visually Impaired Children - Individualized Education Programs - Orientation and Mobility Instruction
HB 541
Delegate Barkley |
Public Service Commission - Attachments to Utility Poles - Study
HB 555
Anne Arundel County Delegation |
Anne Arundel County - Semipermanent Food Service Facilities - Wastewater Disposal
HB 566
Delegate Rosenberg |
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Licensees Providing Services to Individuals With Developmental Disabilities - Emergency Action
HB 580
Delegate Pena-Melnyk |
Health Care Disparities, Cultural and Linguistic Competency, and Health Literacy - Recommended Courses
HB 649
Prince George's County Delegation |
Prince George's County - Clean Water Program - Report PG 404-15
HB 652
Montgomery County Delegation and Prince George's County Delegation |
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission - Montgomery County - Commissioner Terms MC/PG 105-15
HB 675
Montgomery County Delegation and Prince George's County Delegation |
Prince George's County - Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission - Performance Audit MC/PG 104-15
HB 716
Delegate Pena-Melnyk |
Health Occupations - Prescriber-Pharmacist Agreements and Therapy Management Contracts
HB 729
Delegate Angel |
State Board of Morticians and Funeral Directors - Cease and Desist Orders and Injunctive Relief - Authority
HB 744
Delegate Carter |
Commercial Law - Consumer Protection - "Mug Shot" Web Sites
HB 759
Delegate Bromwell |
Health Insurance - Small Employer Health Benefit Plan Premium Subsidy Program - Repeal
HB 775
Delegate Frick |
Inaugural Committees - Donations and Disbursements - Disclosure
HB 799
Delegate Young, P. |
Higher Education - Veterans and Dependents Nonresident Tuition - Compliance With Federal Law
HB 827
Delegate Hixson |
Alcoholic Beverage Taxes - Wine Tax Revenue Distribution
HB 838
Delegate Hill |
Health Insurance - Coverage for Infertility Services
HB 847
Delegate Simonaire |
Community Colleges - Victims of Human Trafficking - Exemption From Out-of-County and Out-of-Region Fees
HB 852
Delegate Carter |
Human Resources - Homeless Shelters - Best Practices and Models
HB 873
Charles County Delegation |
Charles County - Correctional Officers' Bill of Rights
HB 923
Delegate Hixson |
Capital Grant Program for Local School Systems With Significant Enrollment Growth or Relocatable Classrooms
HB 926
Delegate Sydnor |
Baltimore City and Baltimore County - Police Behavioral Health Units - Pilot Program
HB 936
Delegate Jones |
Public-Private Partnership Agreements - Construction Contracts - Security Requirements
HB 981
Cecil County Delegation |
Cecil County - Orphans' Court - Sessions
HB 1104
Chair, Health and Government Operations Committee |
Procurement Exemptions - Maryland Public Broadcasting Commission - Repacking Requirements
HB 1106
Delegate Morhaim |
Public Health - Electronic Advance Directives - Witness Requirements
HB 1160
Delegate Luedtke |
State Racing Commission - Employees of Licensees - Repeal of Citizenship Requirement
HB 1178
(Emergency Bill) |
Delegate Lafferty |
Recordation and Transfer Taxes - Exemption - Purchase Money Mortgage or Purchase Money Deed of Trust
HB 1185
Delegate Dumais |
Family Law - Application for Divorce - Residency Requirement
HB 1224
Chair, Health and Government Operations Committee |
Procurement - Contracts for Pretreatment and Removal of Snow and Ice
HB 1229
Chair, Environment and Transportation Committee |
Commercial Motor Vehicles - Denial, Cancellation, Suspension, or Revocation of Registration
HB 1234
Montgomery County Delegation and Prince George's County Delegation |
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - Customer Assistance Program MC/PG 107-15
HB 1287
Delegate O'Donnell |
Tidal Fisheries Advisory Commission and Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission - Membership
April 11, 2015
Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 34
SB 51
Senator Serafini |
Health and Government Operations |
Commission on African American History and Culture - Duties
SB 187
Senator Pugh |
Health and Government Operations |
Workgroup to Study Access to Obstetric Services
SB 195
Senator Eckardt |
Health and Government Operations |
Mental Health - Voluntary and Involuntary Admissions - Assent and Certification by Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners
SB 315
Senator Ramirez |
Judiciary |
Domestic Violence - 2-Year Protective Order
SB 344 (Amended)
Senator Pugh |
Health and Government Operations |
Public Health - Emergency and Allergy Treatment Program
SB 409
Senator Montgomery |
Environment and Transportation |
Environment - Hydraulic Fracturing - Regulations
SB 563
Senator Peters |
Health and Government Operations |
Developmental Disabilities Administration and Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Services - Military Families
SB 705
Senator Montgomery |
Judiciary |
Criminal Law - Assault - First Responders
SB 853
Senator Young |
Health and Government Operations |
Ethan Saylor Alliance for Self-Advocates as Educators
SB 862 (Amended)
Senator Kasemeyer |
Appropriations |
Maryland Park Service - Operations Revenue - Mandated Appropriation
SB 940
(Emergency Bill) |
Senator Conway |
Health and Government Operations |
Residential Child Care Programs - Statement of Need - Exception for Relocation
April 13, 2015
Message from the Senate: Concurrence Calendar No. 7
House Bills Amended In The Senate |
HB 12
Calendar No. 35 |
Workers' Compensation - Baltimore County Deputy Sheriff
HB 330
Calendar No. 10 |
Alcoholic Beverages - Micro-Breweries - Additional License
HB 526
Calendar No. 22 |
Alcoholic Beverages - Brewing Company Off-Site Permit and Beer Festival Permit
HB 871
Calendar No. 22 |
State Board of Individual Tax Preparers - Expiration and Surrender of Registrations and Civil and Criminal Penalties
HB 745
Calendar No. 39 |
Public Health - Overdose Response Program
HB 896
Calendar No. 44 |
Joint Committee on Behavioral Health and Opioid Use Disorders
HB 618
Calendar No. 39 |
Juveniles - Transfer Determinations - Confinement in Juvenile Facilities
HB 11
Calendar No. 14 |
Edward T. Conroy and Jean B. Cryor Memorial Scholarship Programs - Eligibility
HB 278
Calendar No. 15 |
Task Force to Study the Implementation of a Dyslexia Education Program
HB 298
Calendar No. 33 |
Education - Student Data Privacy Act of 2015
HB 452
Calendar No. 40 |
Commission to Review Maryland's Use of Assessments and Testing in Public Schools
HB 642
Calendar No. 39 |
Children - Child Care Facilities, Public Schools, and Nonpublic Schools - Contractors and Subcontractors
HB 779
Calendar No. 36 |
Maryland Higher Education Outreach and College Access Pilot Program