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House Agenda for Proceedings No. 68

APRIL 13, 2015 - SESSION 1
April 13, 2015
Message from the Senate: Yeas and Nays No. 13
House Bills Passed In The Senate
HB 46
Delegate Jones
Joint Committee on Fair Practices and State Personnel Oversight - Revisions
HB 58
Delegate Reznik
Health Occupations - Members of Boards and Advisory Committees - Prohibition Against Concurrent Service
HB 64
Delegate Vitale
Alcoholic Beverages - Local Licensing Boards - Judicial Review
HB 74
Delegate Rosenberg
Walter Sondheim Jr. Public Service Internship Scholarship Program - Expansion of Scope
HB 100
Delegate Hammen
Developmental Disabilities Administration - Medicaid Fair Hearings
HB 154
Delegate Davis
Maryland Home Builder Registration Act - Guaranty Fund - Claims
HB 197
Delegate Fennell
Prince George's County - Education - Youth Wellness Leadership Pilot Program
HB 208
Delegate Pendergrass
State Board of Chiropractic and Massage Therapy Examiners - Preapproval for Use of Trade Names - Repeal
HB 290
Delegate Barkley
Alcoholic Beverages - Winery Off-Site Permit Holders - Comptroller Notification and Attendance Restrictions
HB 345
Delegate Lierman
Labor and Employment - Flexible Leave - Use of Leave for Family Illness
HB 353
Delegate Cullison
State Government - Automated Mapping-Geographic Information Systems - System Services Costs
HB 382
Delegate Morales
Sexual Assault Survivors' Right to Know Act
HB 431
Delegate Parrott
Health - Burial or Disposal of Body - Requirements and Penalties
HB 440
Howard County Delegation
Howard County - Insurance - Certificates of Guarantee for County Bond Requirements Ho. Co. 8-15
HB 460
Delegate Rosenberg
Couples Advancing Together Pilot Program - Eligibility and Extension
HB 522
Delegate Kramer
Corporations - Maryland General Corporation Law - Miscellaneous Provisions
HB 535
Delegate Turner
Blind or Visually Impaired Children - Individualized Education Programs - Orientation and Mobility Instruction
HB 541
Delegate Barkley
Public Service Commission - Attachments to Utility Poles - Study
HB 555
Anne Arundel County Delegation
Anne Arundel County - Semipermanent Food Service Facilities - Wastewater Disposal
HB 566
Delegate Rosenberg
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Licensees Providing Services to Individuals With Developmental Disabilities - Emergency Action
HB 580
Delegate Pena-Melnyk
Health Care Disparities, Cultural and Linguistic Competency, and Health Literacy - Recommended Courses
HB 649
Prince George's County Delegation
Prince George's County - Clean Water Program - Report PG 404-15
HB 652
Montgomery County Delegation and Prince George's County Delegation
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission - Montgomery County - Commissioner Terms MC/PG 105-15
HB 675
Montgomery County Delegation and Prince George's County Delegation
Prince George's County - Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission - Performance Audit MC/PG 104-15
HB 716
Delegate Pena-Melnyk
Health Occupations - Prescriber-Pharmacist Agreements and Therapy Management Contracts
HB 729
Delegate Angel
State Board of Morticians and Funeral Directors - Cease and Desist Orders and Injunctive Relief - Authority
HB 744
Delegate Carter
Commercial Law - Consumer Protection - "Mug Shot" Web Sites
HB 759
Delegate Bromwell
Health Insurance - Small Employer Health Benefit Plan Premium Subsidy Program - Repeal
HB 775
Delegate Frick
Inaugural Committees - Donations and Disbursements - Disclosure
HB 799
Delegate Young, P.
Higher Education - Veterans and Dependents Nonresident Tuition - Compliance With Federal Law
HB 827
Delegate Hixson
Alcoholic Beverage Taxes - Wine Tax Revenue Distribution
HB 838
Delegate Hill
Health Insurance - Coverage for Infertility Services
HB 847
Delegate Simonaire
Community Colleges - Victims of Human Trafficking - Exemption From Out-of-County and Out-of-Region Fees
HB 852
Delegate Carter
Human Resources - Homeless Shelters - Best Practices and Models
HB 873
Charles County Delegation
Charles County - Correctional Officers' Bill of Rights
HB 923
Delegate Hixson
Capital Grant Program for Local School Systems With Significant Enrollment Growth or Relocatable Classrooms
HB 926
Delegate Sydnor
Baltimore City and Baltimore County - Police Behavioral Health Units - Pilot Program
HB 936
Delegate Jones
Public-Private Partnership Agreements - Construction Contracts - Security Requirements
HB 981
Cecil County Delegation
Cecil County - Orphans' Court - Sessions
HB 1104
Chair, Health and Government Operations Committee
Procurement Exemptions - Maryland Public Broadcasting Commission - Repacking Requirements
HB 1106
Delegate Morhaim
Public Health - Electronic Advance Directives - Witness Requirements
HB 1160
Delegate Luedtke
State Racing Commission - Employees of Licensees - Repeal of Citizenship Requirement
HB 1178
(Emergency Bill)
Delegate Lafferty
Recordation and Transfer Taxes - Exemption - Purchase Money Mortgage or Purchase Money Deed of Trust
HB 1185
Delegate Dumais
Family Law - Application for Divorce - Residency Requirement
HB 1224
Chair, Health and Government Operations Committee
Procurement - Contracts for Pretreatment and Removal of Snow and Ice
HB 1229
Chair, Environment and Transportation Committee
Commercial Motor Vehicles - Denial, Cancellation, Suspension, or Revocation of Registration
HB 1234
Montgomery County Delegation and Prince George's County Delegation
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - Customer Assistance Program MC/PG 107-15
HB 1287
Delegate O'Donnell
Tidal Fisheries Advisory Commission and Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission - Membership
April 13, 2015
Message from the Senate: Introductory Senate Bills No. 44
Senate Bills Introduced In The House
SB 192
Senator Pinsky
Rules and Executive Nominations
Voters' Rights Protection Act of 2015
SB 270
Senator Lee
Rules and Executive Nominations
Protective Order and Peace Order Petitions - Maryland Residents
SB 427
Senator Lee
Rules and Executive Nominations
Criminal Procedure - Victims of Crime - Notification Regarding DNA Profile
SB 482
(Emergency Bill)
Senator Ramirez
Rules and Executive Nominations
Public Safety - Law Enforcement Officers - Body-Worn Digital Recording Device and Electronic Control Device
SB 681
Senator Feldman
Rules and Executive Nominations
Corporations - Maryland General Corporation Law - Miscellaneous Provisions
April 13, 2015
Message from the Senate: Introductory Senate Bills No. 45
Senate Bills Introduced In The House
SB 868
Senator Ferguson
Rules and Executive Nominations
Public Utilities - Transportation Network Services and For-Hire Transportation
Economic Matters Committee Report No. 24
Distribution Date: April 13, 2015
Second Reading Date: April 13, 2015
SB 207
Favorable Senator Klausmeier
Telephone Companies - Streamlined Regulatory Requirements
SB 331
Favorable Senator Klausmeier
Workers' Compensation - Baltimore County Deputy Sheriff
SB 866
Favorable with Amendments Senator Peters
Prince George's County - Alcoholic Beverages - Licenses, Salaries, Inspectors, and Bottle Clubs
SB 937
(Emergency Bill)
Favorable with Amendments Senator Madaleno
Alcoholic Beverages - Powdered Alcoholic Beverages - Ban on Sales
HB 377
Unfavorable Delegate Frick
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard - Revisions (Maryland Clean Energy Advancement Act of 2015)
Health and Government Operations Committee Report No. 15
Distribution Date: April 13, 2015
Second Reading Date: April 13, 2015
SB 433
Favorable with Amendments Senator Peters
Funeral Establishments and Crematories - Unclaimed Cremains of Veterans - Disposition
SB 723
Favorable Senator Conway
Certified Nurse Practitioners - Authority to Practice
Judiciary Committee Report No. 23
Distribution Date: April 13, 2015
Second Reading Date: April 13, 2015
SB 67
Favorable with Amendments Senator Lee
Crime of Violence - Home Invasion
SB 146
Favorable Senator Zirkin
Prelitigation Discovery - Insurance Coverage - Prerequisites for Disclosure
SB 172
Favorable Senator Gladden
Juveniles - Transfer Determinations - Confinement in Juvenile Facilities
SB 472
Favorable with Amendments Senator Zirkin
Family Law - Grounds for Divorce - Mutual Consent
Ways and Means Committee Report No. 24
Distribution Date: April 13, 2015
Second Reading Date: April 13, 2015
SB 905
Favorable Senator Kasemeyer
Income Tax - Film Production Activity Tax Credit
SB 925
Favorable Washington County Senators
Washington County - Property Tax Credit - Economic Development Projects
House Rules and Executive Nominations Committee Report No. 22
Distribution Date: April 13, 2015
Second Reading Date: April 13, 2015
SB 482
(Emergency Bill)
To Judiciary Senator Ramirez
Public Safety - Law Enforcement Officers - Body-Worn Digital Recording Device and Electronic Control Device
SB 736
To Judiciary Senator Reilly
Public Safety - Handgun Identification Requirements - Repeal
SB 882
To Judiciary Senator Conway
Baltimore City Civilian Review Board
April 13, 2015
Calendar of Third Reading House Bills No. 60
HB 94
Delegate Wilson, B.
Health and Government Operations
Commission on African American History and Culture - Duties
HB 1161
Delegate Krimm
Health and Government Operations
Ethan Saylor Alliance for Self-Advocates as Educators
HJ 2
Delegate Hixson
Rules and Executive Nominations
United States Constitution - Democracy Amendment
April 11, 2015
Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 34
SB 51
Senator Serafini
Health and Government Operations
Commission on African American History and Culture - Duties
SB 187
Senator Pugh
Health and Government Operations
Workgroup to Study Access to Obstetric Services
SB 195
Senator Eckardt
Health and Government Operations
Mental Health - Voluntary and Involuntary Admissions - Assent and Certification by Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners
SB 315
Senator Ramirez
Domestic Violence - 2-Year Protective Order
SB 344
Senator Pugh
Health and Government Operations
Public Health - Emergency and Allergy Treatment Program
SB 409
Senator Montgomery
Environment and Transportation
Environment - Hydraulic Fracturing - Regulations
SB 563
Senator Peters
Health and Government Operations
Developmental Disabilities Administration and Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Services - Military Families
SB 705
Senator Montgomery
Criminal Law - Assault - First Responders
SB 853
Senator Young
Health and Government Operations
Ethan Saylor Alliance for Self-Advocates as Educators
SB 862
Senator Kasemeyer
Maryland Park Service - Operations Revenue - Mandated Appropriation
SB 940
(Emergency Bill)
Senator Conway
Health and Government Operations
Residential Child Care Programs - Statement of Need - Exception for Relocation
April 11, 2015
Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 35
SB 116
(Emergency Bill)
Senator Pugh
Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loans of 2013 and 2014 - Baltimore City - Skatepark of Baltimore at Roosevelt Park
SB 744
(Emergency Bill)
Senator Kagan
Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2011 - Montgomery County - Water Park at Bohrer Park
April 11, 2015
Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 36
SB 295
Senator Ramirez
Ways and Means
Prince George's County - Education - Youth Wellness Leadership Pilot Program
April 13, 2015
Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 40
SJ 2
Senator Pinsky
Rules and Executive Nominations
United States Constitution - Amendments Convention - Democracy Amendment
April 13, 2015
Message from the Senate: Concurrence Calendar No. 7
House Bills Amended In The Senate
HB 12
  Calendar No. 35
Workers' Compensation - Baltimore County Deputy Sheriff
HB 330
  Calendar No. 10
Alcoholic Beverages - Micro-Breweries - Additional License
HB 526
  Calendar No. 22
Alcoholic Beverages - Brewing Company Off-Site Permit and Beer Festival Permit
HB 871
  Calendar No. 22
State Board of Individual Tax Preparers - Expiration and Surrender of Registrations and Civil and Criminal Penalties
HB 745
  Calendar No. 39
Public Health - Overdose Response Program
HB 896
  Calendar No. 44
Joint Committee on Behavioral Health and Opioid Use Disorders
HB 618
  Calendar No. 39
Juveniles - Transfer Determinations - Confinement in Juvenile Facilities
HB 11
  Calendar No. 14
Edward T. Conroy and Jean B. Cryor Memorial Scholarship Programs - Eligibility
HB 278
  Calendar No. 15
Task Force to Study the Implementation of a Dyslexia Education Program
HB 298
  Calendar No. 33
Education - Student Data Privacy Act of 2015
HB 452
  Calendar No. 40
Commission to Review Maryland's Use of Assessments and Testing in Public Schools
HB 642
  Calendar No. 39
Children - Child Care Facilities, Public Schools, and Nonpublic Schools - Contractors and Subcontractors
HB 779
  Calendar No. 36
Maryland Higher Education Outreach and College Access Pilot Program

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Explanation of Floor Motions and Actions

April 13, 2015 3:11 PM
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