March 20, 2015
66th Day of Session
Message from the House: Introductory House Bills No. 18
HB 16
Delegate Glenn |
Judicial Proceedings |
Vehicle Laws - Baltimore City - Prohibition on Sale of Dirt Bikes
HB 124
Delegate Anderson |
Judicial Proceedings |
Criminal Procedure - Expungement - Conviction of a Crime That Is No Longer a Crime
HB 236
Delegate Jalisi |
Judicial Proceedings |
Criminal Law - Assault - First Responders
HB 362
Delegate Waldstreicher |
Judicial Proceedings |
Criminal Law - Animal Cruelty - Payment of Costs
HB 388
(Emergency Bill) |
Delegate Dumais |
Judicial Proceedings |
Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council
HB 456
Delegate Morales |
Judicial Proceedings |
Workgroup to Study Safe Harbor Policy for Youth Victims of Human Trafficking
HB 469
Delegate Jameson |
Finance |
Public Utilities - Electricity - Construction of Overhead Transmission Lines
HB 471
Delegate Kramer |
Judicial Proceedings |
School Bus Monitoring Cameras - Civil Penalty
HB 501
Delegate Valentino-Smith |
Judicial Proceedings |
Criminal Procedure - Victims of Crime - Notification Regarding DNA Profile
HB 549
Delegate Valentino-Smith |
Budget and Taxation |
Video Lottery Facility Payouts - Intercepts for Restitution Payments
HB 564
Delegate Kelly |
Finance |
State Personnel - Limits on Use of Leave for Birth, Adoption, Foster Placement, or Care of Child
HB 587
Delegate Davis |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
State Board of Barbers - Limited License - Barber-Stylist
HB 599
St. Mary's County Delegation |
Judicial Proceedings |
St. Mary's County - Violations of Ordinances, Rules, and Regulations - Penalties
HB 616
St. Mary's County Delegation |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
St. Mary's County - Animal Regulations
HB 643
Delegate Zucker |
Judicial Proceedings |
Department of Human Resources - State Child Welfare System - Report
HB 672
Delegate Jones |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Maryland College Education Export Act of 2015
HB 681
Prince George's County Delegation |
Budget and Taxation |
Prince George's County - Municipal Tax Setoff - Report PG 417-15
HB 750
(Emergency Bill) |
Delegate Robinson, B. |
Budget and Taxation |
Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loans of 2013 and 2014 - Baltimore City - Skatepark of Baltimore at Roosevelt Park
HB 827
Delegate Hixson |
Budget and Taxation |
Alcoholic Beverage Taxes - Wine Tax Revenue Distribution
HB 909
Delegate Pena-Melnyk |
Finance |
Pilot Program for Small Business Development by Ex-Offenders
HB 925
(Emergency Bill) |
Delegate Barve |
Budget and Taxation |
Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2011 - Montgomery County - Water Park at Bohrer Park
HB 1226
Chair, Economic Matters Committee |
Finance |
Apprenticeship and Training - Replacement of Obsolete References
HB 1233
Delegate Walker |
Budget and Taxation |
Tax Amnesty Program
March 20, 2015
66th Day of Session
Message from the House: Introductory House Bills No. 19
HB 8
Delegate Rosenberg |
Judicial Proceedings |
Uniform Act to Secure the Attendance of Witnesses From Without the State in Criminal Proceedings - News Media Privilege
HB 67
Speaker |
Rules |
General Assembly - Mandated Reports by State Agencies
HB 183
Baltimore County Delegation |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Baltimore County Code of Public Local Laws - 2015 Edition - Legalization
HB 340
Delegate Haynes |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
General Provisions - Commemorative Days - Thurgood Marshall Day
HB 368
Delegate Beidle |
Judicial Proceedings |
Civil Actions - Immunity From Liability - Emergency Medical Care for Drug Overdose
HB 490
(Emergency Bill) |
Delegate Morhaim |
Judicial Proceedings |
Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission - Miscellaneous Revisions
HB 494
Delegate Anderson |
Judicial Proceedings |
Criminal Procedure - Pretrial Release - Charge by Summons
HB 565
Delegate Bromwell |
Finance |
Insurance - Surplus Lines - Disability Insurance
HB 574
Delegate Robinson, B. |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
State Board of Physicians - Physicians, Physician Assistants, and Allied Health Practitioners - Licensure Requirements
HB 591
Delegate Miele |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Health Occupations - Pharmacists - Refills of Prescriptions During State of Emergency
HB 759
Delegate Bromwell |
Finance |
Health Insurance - Small Employer Health Benefit Plan Premium Subsidy Program - Repeal
HB 945
Delegate Pena-Melnyk |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Registered Nurses - Local Health Departments - Requirements for Personally Preparing and Dispensing Drugs and Devices
HB 971
Delegate Oaks |
Finance |
Public Health - Substance Abuse Treatment Outcomes Partnership Fund
March 20, 2015
66th Day of Session
Message from the House: Introductory House Bills No. 20
HB 70
Speaker |
Budget and Taxation |
Budget Bill (Fiscal Year 2016)
HB 72
Speaker |
Budget and Taxation |
Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2015
HB 73
Delegate Rosenberg |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Voters' Rights Protection Act of 2015
HB 114
Delegate Conaway |
Judicial Proceedings |
Maryland Tort Claims Act - Limit on Liability
HB 353
Delegate Cullison |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
State Government - Automated Mapping-Geographic Information Systems - System Services Costs
HB 476
Delegate Kramer |
Judicial Proceedings |
Motor Vehicles - Wearable Computer With Head-Mounted Display - Prohibited
HB 493
Delegate McMillan |
Judicial Proceedings |
Motor Vehicles - Prohibition Against Unattended Motor Vehicle - Exceptions
HB 495
Delegate Dumais |
Judicial Proceedings |
Criminal Law - Drug Paraphernalia Possession of Less Than 10 Grams of Marijuana - Code Violation
HB 507
Delegate Anderson |
Budget and Taxation |
Baltimore City - Property Tax Credit - Supermarkets
HB 511
Delegate Holmes |
Judicial Proceedings |
Real Property - Residential Property - Ground Leases
HB 514
Delegate Stein |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Maryland Commission on Climate Change
HB 600
St. Mary's County Delegation |
Judicial Proceedings |
St. Mary's County - Property Maintenance - Voluntary Agreements
HB 614
Delegate Dumais |
Judicial Proceedings |
Department of State Police - Handgun Roster Board - Definition of Handgun
HB 624
Delegate Miele |
Judicial Proceedings |
Estates and Trusts - Funeral Expenses Allowance - Modified Administration
HB 634
Prince George's County Delegation |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Prince George's County Board of Education - Authority to Establish a Certified County-Based Business Participation Program PG 408-15
HB 680
Delegate Moon |
Judicial Proceedings |
Evidence - Conviction for Traffic Offense - Admissibility in Civil Proceeding
HB 775
Delegate Frick |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Inaugural Committees - Donations and Disbursements - Disclosure
HB 781
Delegate Waldstreicher |
Finance |
Health Insurance - Coverage for Ostomy Equipment and Supplies - Required
HB 782
Delegate McMillan |
Judicial Proceedings |
Real Property - Residential Leases - Interest on Security Deposits
HB 812
Delegate Hornberger |
Judicial Proceedings |
Vehicle Laws - All-Terrain Vehicles - Access to Farms
HB 859
(Emergency Bill) |
Delegate Bromwell |
Finance |
Nonprofit Health Service Plans - Hearing and Order - Impact of Law or Regulatory Action by Another State
HB 970
Delegate Barnes, D. |
Budget and Taxation |
Prince George's County - Transfer Tax - Deputy Sheriffs
HB 1057
Delegate Carter |
Judicial Proceedings |
Criminal Law - Synthetic Cannabinoids - Prohibition
HB 1094
Delegate Smith |
Finance |
Consumer Protection - Monitoring Consumer Behavior and Shopping Habits - Required Notice
HB 1118
(Emergency Bill) |
Delegate Wilson, C. |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
General Provisions - Commemorative Days - Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day
HB 1227
Chair, Economic Matters Committee |
Finance |
Real Estate Appraisers - Licensing and Certification - Examination Waiver Requirements
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee Report No. 23
Distribution Date: March 20, 2015
Second Reading Date: March 20, 2015
SB 160
Favorable with Amendments (2) |
Senator Montgomery |
State Board of Morticians and Funeral Directors - Cease and Desist Orders and Injunctive Relief - Authority
SB 400
Favorable |
Senator Pugh |
State Government - Commemorative Months - Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month
SB 484
Favorable with Amendments (1) |
Senator Simonaire |
Anne Arundel County Public Schools Funding Accountability and Transparency Act
SB 535
Favorable |
Senator Madaleno |
Community Colleges - Tuition Waiver for Disabled Individuals - Requirements
SB 564
Favorable with Amendments (4) |
Senator Peters |
Prince George's County - Maryland-Washington Regional District - Fairness in Zoning
SB 624
Favorable with Amendments (1) |
Senator Currie |
Task Force to Study the Expansion of Career and Technical Education in Maryland
SB 673
Favorable with Amendments (2) |
Senator Young |
Alcoholic Beverages - Brewing Company Off-Site Permit and Beer Festival Permit
SB 677
Favorable with Amendments (1) |
Senator Ferguson |
Education - Professional Development for Teachers and Providers of Early Childhood Education - Master Plan
SB 211
Unfavorable |
Senator Young |
State Plumbing Code - Adoption of International Code Council Standards
SB 421
Unfavorable |
Senator Nathan-Pulliam |
State Board of Dental Examiners - Authority - Exemptions
SB 514
Unfavorable |
Senator Klausmeier |
Higher Education - Net Price Calculator Improvement Act - Establishment
SB 717
Unfavorable |
Senator Montgomery |
Health Occupations - Athletic Trainers and Physician Assistants - Reports to the Board of Physicians
SB 117
Unfavorable |
Senator Hershey |
Caroline County and Dorchester County - Sunday Hunting
SB 691
Unfavorable |
Senator Benson (Jointly Considered Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs/Budget and Taxation) |
Maryland After-School and Summer Opportunity Fund Program - Funding Requirement
Budget and Taxation Committee Report No. 9
Distribution Date: March 20, 2015
Second Reading Date: March 20, 2015
SB 439
Favorable with Amendments (7) |
Senator McFadden |
Baltimore City - Tax Sales
SB 640
Favorable with Amendments (1) |
Senator Serafini |
State Retirement and Pension System - Actuarial Stress Tests
SB 702
Favorable with Amendments (1) |
Senator Jennings |
Baltimore County - Property Tax Credit - Homes Near a Refuse Disposal System
SB 763
Favorable with Amendments (2) |
Senator Peters |
Tax Amnesty Program
SB 867
Favorable with Amendments (2) |
Senator Peters |
Prince George's County Board of Education - Public High Schools - Outdoor Synthetic Turf Fields
SB 825
Unfavorable |
Senator Edwards |
Allegany County - Video Lottery Facilities - Distribution of Proceeds
Finance Committee Report No. 16
Distribution Date: March 20, 2015
Second Reading Date: March 20, 2015
SB 331
Favorable with Amendments (1) |
Senator Klausmeier |
Workers' Compensation - Baltimore County Deputy Sheriff
SB 371
Favorable with Amendments (2) |
Senator Rosapepe |
State Highway Administration - Bicycle and Pedestrian Priority Areas
SB 416
Favorable with Amendments (3) |
Senator Kagan |
Health Insurance - Mandated Benefits - In Vitro Fertilization and Artificial Insemination Procedures
SB 469
Favorable with Amendments (2) |
Senator Madaleno |
Public Health - Maryland Behavioral Health Crisis Response System
SB 471
Favorable with Amendments (1) |
Senator Nathan-Pulliam |
Task Force to Study the Provision of Health Care Coverage to Uninsured Marylanders
SB 553
Favorable with Amendments (2) |
Chair, Finance Committee |
Motor Clubs - Scope of Law - Fees
SB 573
Favorable with Amendments (4) |
Senator Kelley |
Insurance - Standard Valuation Law and Reserve and Nonforfeiture Requirements
SB 613
Favorable with Amendments (2) |
Senator Astle |
Self-Service Storage Facilities - Enforcement of Lien - Advertisement of Sale
SB 802
Favorable with Amendments (2) |
Senator Cassilly |
State Highway Administration - Dedication of Structures - Gold Star Families (Hero's Highway Act)
SB 909
(Emergency Bill) |
Favorable with Amendments (2) |
Senator Middleton |
Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland - Powers - Property Interests
SB 910
Favorable with Amendments (1) |
Senator Middleton |
Motor Vehicle Insurance - Entry-Level Commercial Truck Driver's License Holders - Study
SB 807
Unfavorable |
Senator Middleton |
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Demonstration Program - Grant Application
SB 279
Unfavorable |
Senator Montgomery |
Procurement - Public Work Contracts - Contractor Occupational Safety and Health Requirements
SB 572
Unfavorable |
Senator Kelley |
Hospitals - Designation of Caregivers
March 20, 2015
66th Day of Session
Special Order Calendar No. 23
SB 190
Senator Madaleno
Sales and Use Tax - Taxable Price - Accommodations
03/19/15 Reported Favorably with Amendments (3) by the Committee on Budget & Taxation. Committee Amendments (3) Adopted. Made a Special Order for 03/20/15. |
Executive Nominations Report No. 6
03/19/15 Report of the Committee on Executive Nominations. Made a Special Order for 03/20/15.
SB 278
Senator Nathan-Pulliam
Public Schools - Health and Safety - Food Transparency
03/17/15 Reported Favorably with Amendments (2) by the Committee on Education, Health and Environmental Affairs and Laid Over under the Rule. 03/19/15 Made a Special Order for 03/20/15. |
SB 672
Senator Young
Public and Nonpublic Schools - Student Diabetes Management Program
03/17/15 Reported Favorably with Amendment (1) by the Committee on Education, Health and Environmental Affairs and Laid Over under the Rule. 03/19/15 Committee Amendment (1) and the Favorable Report Adopted. Ordered Printed for Third Reading. Motion to Reconsider the Vote by which the Bill passed to Third Reading. Made a Special Order for 03/20/15.
March 20, 2015
66th Day of Session
Special Order Calendar No. 24
SB 463
Senator Pinsky
Agriculture - Cattle, Swine, and Poultry - Use of Antimicrobial Drugs
03/18/15 Reported Favorably with Amendments (2) by the Committee on Education, Health and Environmental Affairs and Laid Over under the Rule. 03/19/15 Made a Special Order for 03/20/15.
SB 743
Senator Lee
Vital Records - New Certificates of Birth - Sex Change or Diagnosis of an Intersex Condition
03/18/15 Reported Favorably with Amendments (2) by the Committee on Finance and Laid Over under the Rule. 03/19/15 Made a Special Order for 03/20/15.
SB 70
Senator Conway
State Bd of Morticians and Funeral Directors - Orders of Summary Suspension - Prohib on Stays
03/17/15 Reported Favorably with Amendments (2) by the Committee on Education, Health and Environmental Affairs. Made a Special Order for 03/19/15. 03/19/15 Made a Special Order for 03/20/15.
SB 458
Senator Zirkin
Civil Actions - Hydraulic Fracturing Liability Act
03/17/15 Reported Favorably with Amendments (3) by the Committee on Judicial Proceedings and Laid Over under the Rule. 03/18/15 Committee Amendments (3) and the Favorable Report Adopted. Amendment (1) offered from the Floor by Senator Madaleno Adopted. Amendment (1) offered from the Floor by Senator Edwards. Made a Special Order for 03/19/15. 03/19/15 Amendment (1) offered from the Floor by Senator Edwards Not Adopted. Made a Special Order for 03/20/15.
Distribution Date: March 19, 2015
Third Reading Date: March 19, 2015
Senate Third Reading Calendar No. 37 (General Senate Bills)
SB 193
Senator Bates |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Election Law - Local Petitions - Advance Determination of Sufficiency of Local Law or Charter Amendment Summary
SB 460
Senator Feldman |
Finance |
Public Utilities - Electricity - Construction of Overhead Transmission Lines
SB 517
Senator Zirkin |
Judicial Proceedings |
Criminal Law - Use and Possession of Marijuana and Drug Paraphernalia
SB 528
Senator Raskin |
Judicial Proceedings |
Criminal Procedure - Seizure and Forfeiture
SB 551
Senator Rosapepe |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Land Use - Plans - Development and Adoption
SB 576
Senator Pugh |
Finance |
9-1-1 Emergency Telephone System - Multiple-Line Telephone Systems - Direct Dial (Kari's Law)
SB 600
Senator Astle |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Chesapeake Bay Trust and Chesapeake Conservation Corps - Funding
SB 638
Washington County Senators |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Washington County - Maryland Building Performance Standards - Modifications - Local Enforcement
SJ 6
Senator Mathias |
Finance |
Business and Economic Development - NASA Wallops Flight Facility - Commercial Rocket Boosters and Spacecraft
Distribution Date: March 19, 2015
Third Reading Date: March 19, 2015
Senate Third Reading Calendar No. 38 (General Senate Bills)
SB 344
Senator Pugh |
Finance Judicial Proceedings |
Public Health - Emergency and Allergy Treatment Program
SB 472
Senator Zirkin |
Judicial Proceedings |
Family Law - Grounds for Divorce - Mutual Consent
SB 544
Senator Lee |
Finance |
Statewide Information Technology Master Plan - Inclusion of Cybersecurity Framework - Requirement
SB 662
Senator Ready |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
State Finance and Procurement - One Maryland Blue Ribbon Commission
SB 666
Senator Bates |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Recreational Fishing Licenses - Duration and Expiration Date
SB 696
Senator Hershey |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Natural Resources - Oyster Poaching - Administrative Penalties
SB 770
Senator Astle |
Finance |
Insurance - Motor Vehicle Rental Companies - Limited Lines License to Sell Insurance
SB 798
Senator Mathias |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Wicomico County - Alcoholic Beverages - Micro-Breweries - Annual Production Limit
Distribution Date: March 20, 2015
Third Reading Date: March 20, 2015
Senate Third Reading Calendar No. 39 (General Senate Bills)
SB 265
Calvert County Senators |
Budget and Taxation |
Calvert County - Electronic Bingo and Electronic Tip Jars - Distribution of Admissions and Amusement Tax Revenues
SB 345
Senator Middleton |
Budget and Taxation |
Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Enhanced Agricultural Management Equipment
SB 356
Senator McFadden |
Budget and Taxation |
Baltimore City - Property Tax Exemption - Low Income Housing
SB 453
Senator Guzzone |
Budget and Taxation |
Public-Private Partnership Agreements - Performance Security - Requirements
SB 623
Senator Currie |
Budget and Taxation |
Prince George's County - Property Tax Deferrals - Elderly and Disabled Homeowners
SB 639
Senator Serafini |
Budget and Taxation |
Teachers' Retirement and Pension Systems - Reemployment of Retirees - Exemptions
SB 689
Senator Benson |
Budget and Taxation |
Prince George's County - Transfer Tax - Deputy Sheriffs
SB 707
Senator Eckardt |
Budget and Taxation |
Alcoholic Beverage Tax Returns - Manufacturers and Wholesalers - Due Date
SB 862
Senator Kasemeyer |
Budget and Taxation |
Maryland Park Service - Operations Revenue - Mandated Appropriation
SB 929
Senator King |
Budget and Taxation |
Video Lottery Terminal Revenues - Standardbred Owners and Trainers - Benefit Programs
Distribution Date: March 20, 2015
Third Reading Date: March 20, 2015
Senate Third Reading Calendar No. 40 (General Senate Bills)
SB 295
Senator Ramirez |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Prince George's County - Education - Youth Wellness Leadership Pilot Program
SB 328
Senator Klausmeier |
Judicial Proceedings |
Private Detective Agencies - License Terms
SB 383
Senator Hershey |
Judicial Proceedings |
Public Safety - Appointment of Members of Fire Companies as Deputy Sheriffs - Caroline County and Talbot County
SB 428
Senator Lee |
Judicial Proceedings |
Maryland Trust Act - Revocable Trusts - Partial Revocation by Divorce or Annulment
SB 597
Chair, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Public Health - Immunizations - Related Institutions
SB 652
Senator Muse |
Judicial Proceedings |
Criminal Procedure - Expungement of Records
SB 863
Senator Miller |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Watershed Protection and Restoration Programs - Revisions
Distribution Date: March 20, 2015
Third Reading Date: March 20, 2015
Senate Third Reading Calendar No. 41 (General Senate Bills)
SB 320
Senator Nathan-Pulliam |
Finance |
University of Maryland School of Medicine - Workgroup to Study Issues Related to Uterine Fibroids
SB 370
Senator Rosapepe |
Finance |
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Research, Development, Regulation, and Privacy Act of 2015
SB 516
Senator Klausmeier |
Finance |
Public Health - Overdose Response Program
SB 542
Senator Lee |
Finance |
Maryland Cybersecurity Council - Establishment
SB 582
Senator Pugh |
Finance |
Pilot Program for Small Business Development by Ex-Offenders
SB 607
Senator Klausmeier |
Finance |
Joint Committee on Behavioral Health and Opioid Use Disorders
SB 796
Senator Nathan-Pulliam |
Finance |
Public Health - Maryland AIDS Drug Assistance Program - Expansion of Eligibility and Services - Pharmaceutical Rebate Coverage
SB 896
Senator Jennings |
Finance |
Military Personnel and Veteran-Owned Small Business No-Interest Loan Program and Fund