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House Agenda for Proceedings No. 57

MARCH 30, 2016 - SESSION 1
March 30, 2016
Message from the Senate: Yeas and Nays No. 3
House Bills Passed In The Senate
HB 67
Chair, Ways and Means Committee
Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program - Composition
HB 72
Delegate Luedtke
Education - Sexual Abuse and Assault Awareness and Prevention Program - Development and Implementation
HB 85
Delegate Luedtke
Education - Children With Disabilities - Support Services - Parental Notification
HB 107
Delegate Rosenberg
Higher Education - Walter Sondheim Jr. Public Service Internship Scholarship Program - Scholarship Amount
HB 119
Delegate Reznik
State Board of Physicians - Licensing Exemption - Physicians With Traveling Athletic and Sports Teams
HB 185
Delegate Morhaim
State Board of Physicians - Licensed Physicians - Continuing Education Requirements
HB 186
Chair, Health and Government Operations Committee
Department of Veterans Affairs - Charlotte Hall Veterans Home Fund - Establishment
Economic Matters Committee Report No. 20
Distribution Date: March 30, 2016
Second Reading Date: March 30, 2016
SB 33
Favorable Senator Astle
Anne Arundel County - Alcoholic Beverages - Licenses
SB 130
Favorable Senator Mathias
Worcester County - Alcoholic Beverages - Refillable Container Permit for Draft Beer
SB 435
Favorable Senator Norman
Business Regulation - State and Harford County Juke Box Licenses - Repeal
SB 480
Favorable Senator Astle
Public Utilities - Maryland Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Authority - Funding
SB 483
Favorable Senator Edwards
Allegany County - Alcoholic Beverages - Minimum Age to Serve Liquor
SB 523
Favorable Washington County Senators
Alcoholic Beverages - Washington County - Local Penalties
SB 530
Favorable Senator Eckardt
Dorchester County - Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor License - Minimum Seating Requirement
SB 539
Favorable Senator Conway
Real Estate Brokers - Licensure Requirement - Exemption for Lawyers
SB 634
Favorable Caroline County Senators
Caroline County - Alcoholic Beverages - Refillable Container Permit
SB 663
Favorable Senator Benson
Commercial Sale of Dogs and Cats - Prohibited Acts (Companion Animal Welfare Act)
SB 670
Favorable Senator Kasemeyer
Howard County - Alcoholic Beverages - Continuing Care Retirement Community License
SB 693
Favorable Senator Young
Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Hotel Lobby License
SB 694
Favorable Senator Young
Frederick County - Alcohol Awareness Program - Absence From Licensed Premises
SB 695
Favorable Senator Young
Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Beauty Salon License
SB 746
Favorable Senator Ready
Carroll County - Alcoholic Beverages - Beer, Wine, and Liquor Tasting License
SB 750
Favorable Senator Klausmeier
Portable Electronics Insurance - Compensation of Vendor Employees - Repeal of Sunset and Reporting Requirement
SB 824
Favorable Senator Conway
Real Estate Licensees - Verification of Service Provider Licensing Status
SB 851
Favorable Senator Astle
Property and Casualty Insurance - Commercial Policies and Workers' Compensation Insurance Policies - Notices of Premium Increases
SB 912
Favorable Senator Feldman
Clean Energy Loan Program - Residential Property - Study
SB 967
Favorable Senator Mathias
Worcester County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class A Beer, Wine, and Liquor License
SB 1069
Favorable Senator Middleton
Public Utilities - Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity - Public Notice
Ways and Means Committee Report No. 15
Distribution Date: March 30, 2016
Second Reading Date: March 30, 2016
HB 764
Favorable with Amendments Delegate Saab
Anne Arundel County - Charitable Gaming
HB 1344
Favorable with Amendments Delegate Arentz
Queen Anne's County - County Commissioners Election and Terms - Straw Ballot
SB 78
Favorable Chair, Judicial Proceedings Committee
State Lottery and Video Lottery Facility Payouts - Remittance of Intercepted Prizes
SB 111
Favorable Chair, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee
State Lottery - Licensed Agents - Prize Payments
SB 169
Favorable Senator Kagan
Special Elections - Voting by Mail - Canvass of Votes
SB 170
Favorable Senator Kagan
Voter Registration - Affiliation With Political Party and Participation in Primary Election, Caucus, or Convention
SB 377
Favorable President
Admissions and Amusement Tax - Revenue Distribution - Maryland State Arts Council
SB 408
Favorable Senator Manno
Election Law - State Elected Officials - Campaign Fund-Raising During General Assembly Session - Civil Penalty
SB 766
Favorable Senator Madaleno
Local Income Tax - Overpayments, Underpayments, and Wynne Repayments - Local Reserve Account Repayment
HB 645
Unfavorable Delegate Rosenberg
Election Law - Change in Administrative Policy Affecting Voting Rights - Notice and Judicial Review
HB 789
Unfavorable Delegate Rosenberg
Tax Procedure - Assessments, Penalties, and Interest Rate on Tax Deficiencies and Refunds
HB 834
Unfavorable Delegate Rosenberg
Higher Education - Last Dollar Scholarship - Established
HB 1083
Unfavorable Prince George's County Delegation
Prince George's County - Abandoned Property - Special Property Tax Rate PG 432-16
March 25, 2016
Calendar of Third Reading House Bills No. 72
HB 253
Delegate Otto
Environment and Transportation
Motor Vehicle Registration - Exception for Golf Carts - City of Crisfield
HB 399
Delegate Afzali
Health and Government Operations
Lyme Disease - Laboratory Test - Required Notice
HB 437
Delegate Barron
Health and Government Operations
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Prescription Drug Monitoring Program - Modifications
HB 712
Baltimore County Delegation
Environment and Transportation
Foreclosures - Baltimore County - Certificate of Vacancy or Certificate of Property Unfit for Human Habitation
HB 722
Delegate Hixson
Capital Grant Program for Local School Systems With Significant Enrollment Growth or Relocatable Classrooms - Funding
HB 1504
Delegate Rosenberg
Economic Matters
Health and Government Operations
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Distribution of Tobacco Products to Minors - Prohibition and Enforcement
March 25, 2016
Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 9
SB 191
Creation of a State Debt - Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2016, and the Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loans of 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015
March 25, 2016
Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 10
SB 321
Senator Peters
State Retirement and Pension System - Board of Trustees - Designee Appointments and Fiduciary Duties
SB 343
Senator Peters
Employees' and Teachers' Pension Systems - Reformed Contributory Pension Benefit - Eligibility Service Clarifications
SB 344
Senator Peters
State Retirement and Pension System - Local Fire and Police System - Commingling of Assets
SB 345
Senator Peters
State Retirement and Pension System - Optional Retirement Allowances - Designated Beneficiaries
SB 373
Senator Peters
Teachers' Retirement and Pension Systems - Reemployment of Retirees - Clarification
SB 378
State Employees - Merit Increases in Salary
SB 473
Senator Peters
Correctional Officers' Retirement System - Clifton T. Perkins Maximum Security Guards - Allowances
SB 477
Senator Peters
State Retirement and Pension System - Reemployment of Ordinary Disability Retirees - Earnings Limitation
SB 1052
Senator Ferguson
University of Maryland Strategic Partnership Act of 2016
March 25, 2016
Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 11
SB 54
(Emergency Bill)
Senator Middleton
Economic Matters
Public Utilities - Transportation Network Services and For-Hire Transportation - Clarifications
SB 173
Senator Feldman
Economic Matters
Local Government - Clean Energy Loan Programs - Commercial Property Owners - Renewable Energy Projects
SB 277
Senator Middleton
Economic Matters
Motor Fuel Suppliers and Retail Service Station Dealers - Promotion - Sales
SB 323
Senator Pinsky
Economic Matters
Environment and Transportation
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Act - Reauthorization
SB 410
Senator Ferguson
Economic Matters
Distillery License Holders - Sale of Product to Participants in Guided Tours
SB 471
Senator Pugh
Economic Matters
Commercial Law - Debt Settlement Services - Fund and Sunset Repeal
SB 541
Senator Feldman
Economic Matters
Portable Electronics Insurance - Required Notices - Method of Mailing
SB 544
Senator Middleton
Economic Matters
Motor Vehicle Insurance - Insurance Identification Card - Carrying Proof of Coverage - Uninsured Motorist Education and Enforcement Fund
SB 587
Senator Madaleno
Economic Matters
Alcoholic Beverages - Sale of Powdered Alcohol - Prohibition
SB 687
Senator Middleton
Economic Matters
Charles County - Alcoholic Beverages - Entertainment Concessionaire and Entertainment Facility Licenses
March 25, 2016
Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 12
SB 51
Senator Klausmeier
Environment and Transportation
Natural Resources - Aquaculture Coordinating Council - Membership
SB 72
Senator DeGrange
Environment and Transportation
Citizens Committee for the Enhancement of Communities Surrounding Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport - Membership
SB 80
Chair, Judicial Proceedings Committee
Environment and Transportation
Commercial Drivers' Licenses - Cancellations and Downgrades (Driving Privilege Preservation Act of 2016)
SB 104
Chair, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee
Environment and Transportation
Housing and Community Development - Local Government Infrastructure Projects - Financing
SB 110
Chair, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee
Environment and Transportation
Agriculture - Young Farmers Advisory Board - Membership
SB 112
Chair, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee
Environment and Transportation
Pest Control Compact - Repeal
SB 113
Chair, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee
Environment and Transportation
Department of Agriculture - Bees, Bee Colonies, and Used Bee Equipment - Transportation and Shipment
SB 132
Senator Mathias
Environment and Transportation
Critical Area Commission for the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays - Membership From Ocean City
SB 146
Harford County Senators
Environment and Transportation
Harford County - State's Attorney - Salary
SB 194
Senator Ready
Environment and Transportation
Ethics Commission, Commission on Judicial Disabilities, Judicial Ethics Committee, and Joint Ethics Committee - Duties
SB 309
Senator Mathias
Environment and Transportation
Motor Vehicle Registration - Exception for Golf Carts - City of Crisfield
SB 426
Senator Astle
Environment and Transportation
Maryland Emergency Management Assistance Compact - City of Annapolis
SB 525
Senator Edwards
Environment and Transportation
Maryland Dormant Minerals Interests Act - Use of Mineral Interest - Clarification
March 25, 2016
Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 13
SB 1
Senator Kagan
Health and Government Operations
Health Insurance - In Vitro Fertilization - Use of Spouse's Sperm - Exception
SB 242
Senator Kelley
Health and Government Operations
Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Telemedicine - Modifications
SB 312
Senator King
Health and Government Operations
Children - Family Child Care Homes and Child Care Centers - Advertising and Penalties
SB 336
Senator Kelley
Health and Government Operations
Hospitals - Designation of Lay Caregivers
SB 460
Senator Conway
Health and Government Operations
Health Occupations - Dental Hygienists - Local Anesthesia
SB 469
Senator McFadden
Health and Government Operations
State Board of Pharmacy - Licensure Requirements for Pharmacists - Proof of Proficiency in English
SB 516
Washington County Senators
Health and Government Operations
Washington County - Fire, Rescue, and Ambulance Service - Local Authority
SB 600
Senator Reilly
Health and Government Operations
Freestanding Birthing Centers - Use of Ultrasound Imaging
SB 825
Senator Conway
Health and Government Operations
Health Occupations - Dental Hygienists - Administration of Nitrous Oxide
March 30, 2016
Message from the Senate: Concurrence Calendar No. 2
House Bills Amended In The Senate
HB 567
  Calendar No. 17
State Board of Cosmetologists - Mobile Beauty Salons - Permit Requirement
HB 1404
  Calendar No. 65
Construction Education and Innovation - Establishment of Fund and Centers

How a Bill Becomes Law

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Explanation of Floor Motions and Actions

March 31, 2016 6:0 AM
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