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House Agenda for Proceedings No. 67

APRIL 9, 2016 - SESSION 3
April 9, 2016
Message from the Senate: Introductory Senate Bills No. 57
Senate Bills Introduced In The House
SB 570
Senator Lee
Rules and Executive Nominations
Maryland Trust Act - Representation
SB 571
Senator Lee
Rules and Executive Nominations
Maryland Trust Act - Nonjudicial Settlement Agreements
SB 788
Senator Ferguson
Rules and Executive Nominations
Baltimore City - Alcoholic Beverages - Pub Crawl Promoter's Permits
SB 816
Senator Muse
Rules and Executive Nominations
Real Property - Condominiums and Homeowners Associations - Resales - Disclosures and Fees
SB 1145
Senator Middleton
Rules and Executive Nominations
Unemployment Insurance - Maximum Benefit - Increase
SB 1156
Senator Zirkin
Rules and Executive Nominations
Criminal Procedure - Determination of Eligibility for Services - Office of the Public Defender
Economic Matters Committee Report No. 30
Distribution Date: April 9, 2016
Second Reading Date: April 9, 2016
SB 696
Favorable with Amendments Senator Young
Frederick County and St. Mary's County - Alcoholic Beverages - Art Gallery Beer and Wine License
SB 921
Favorable Senator Pugh
Clean Energy Jobs - Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Revisions
Health and Government Operations Committee Report No. 16
Distribution Date: April 9, 2016
Second Reading Date: April 9, 2016
SB 707
Favorable with Amendments Senator Middleton
Freestanding Medical Facilities - Certificate of Need, Rates, and Definition
HB 1422
Unfavorable Delegate Bromwell
Integrated Community Oncology Reporting Program
Ways and Means Committee Report No. 24
Distribution Date: April 9, 2016
Second Reading Date: April 9, 2016
HB 708
Favorable Delegate Gutierrez
Education - Maryland Seal of Biliteracy Act - Establishment
SB 376
Favorable President
(Jointly Considered Ways and Means/Appropriations)
Pathways in Technology Early College High (P-TECH) Schools Act of 2016
SB 781
Favorable Senator Rosapepe
Education - Maryland Seal of Biliteracy Act - Establishment
House Rules and Executive Nominations Committee Report No. 22
Distribution Date: April 9, 2016
Second Reading Date: April 9, 2016
SB 922
To Ways and Means Senator Rosapepe
Career Apprenticeship Opportunity Act of 2016
April 9, 2016
Special Order Calendar No. 68
SB 1057
Senator King
STATUS: (Economic Matters and Appropriations)
Maryland Technology Development Corporation - Maryland Innovation Initiative - Financing Authority

Motion by Del. Fisher to make Bill a Special Order of Business for Saturday at the appropriate time. CARRIED.


April 9, 2016
Special Order Calendar No. 69
HB 390
Delegate Reilly
STATUS: (Ways and Means)
Maryland Income Tax Refunds - Warrant Intercept Program - Statewide

Favorable Report as Amended ADOPTED.

Floor Amendment by Del. Moon PENDING.

Motion by Del. Walker to make Bill and Amendment a Special Order of Business for Saturday at the appropriate time. CARRIED.


April 9, 2016
Special Order Calendar No. 70
HB 683
Delegate Moon
STATUS: (Judiciary)
Guardianship and Child in Need of Assistance Proceedings - Jurisdiction and Authority of Juvenile Court

Motion by Del. Buckel to make Bill a Special Order of Business for Saturday at the appropriate time. CARRIED.


April 4, 2016
Calendar of Third Reading House Bills No. 87
HB 778
Delegate Washington, M.
Ways and Means
Education - Students With Disabilities - Study of Parental Consent in the Individualized Education Program Process
HB 1556
Delegate Folden
Frederick County Sheriff - Collective Bargaining
HB 1615
Delegate Hixson
Ways and Means
Frederick County - Linking Youth to New Experiences (LYNX) High School
April 4, 2016
Calendar of Third Reading House Bills No. 88
HB 468
Delegate Lam
Health and Government Operations
Public Health - Opioid-Associated Disease Prevention and Outreach Programs
HB 976
Delegate Rosenberg
CINA, Guardianship, Adoption, Custody, and Visitation - Disability of Parent, Guardian, Custodian, or Party
HB 1410
Delegate Washington, M.
Ways and Means
Teacher Induction, Retention, and Advancement Act of 2016
HB 1572
(Emergency Bill)
Delegate Otto
Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loans of 2015 and 2016
HB 1634
Delegate Jalisi
Task Force to Study the Restraint, Searches, and Needs of Children in the Juvenile Justice System
April 3, 2016
Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 61
SB 148
Senator Feldman
Economic Matters
Corporations and Real Estate Investment Trusts - Directors and Trustees - Duties and Immunity From Liability
SB 226
Senator Simonaire
Economic Matters
Professional Engineers - Engineering Documents Prepared at the Request of the State or Political Subdivision of the State - Signing and Sealing
SB 505
Senator Klausmeier
Economic Matters
Workers' Compensation Insurance - Premium Discount - Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace Program
SB 561
Senator Ferguson
Economic Matters
Baltimore City - Alcoholic Beverages - Licenses
SB 1007
Senator Peters
Economic Matters
Maryland Small Business Retirement Savings Program and Trust
SB 1109
Chair, Finance Committee
Economic Matters
Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning - Transfer of Senior Community Service Employment Program
SB 1130
Senator Rosapepe
Economic Matters
Construction Education and Innovation - Establishment of Fund
April 3, 2016
Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 63
SB 459
Senator Conway
Ways and Means
Campaign Finance - Ballot Issue Committees - Prospective Questions
SB 533
Senator Pinsky
Ways and Means
Education - Assessments - Administration and Provision of Information
SB 595
Senator Rosapepe
Ways and Means
Education - Middle School Students - Awarding of Credit
SB 950
Senator Conway
Ways and Means
Education - Students With Disabilities - Study of Parental Consent in the Individualized Education Program Process
SB 1080
Senator Edwards
Ways and Means
Garrett County - Property Tax Exemption - Garrett College Business Incubator
SB 1125
Senator Ferguson
Ways and Means
Education - Public School Opportunities Enhancement Act
SB 1170
Senator Conway
Ways and Means
Next Generation Scholars of Maryland
SB 1171
Senator Pugh
Ways and Means
Enoch Pratt Free Library - Hours of Operation - Funding
April 4, 2016
Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 65
SB 71
Senator Young
Ways and Means
Public and Nonpublic Schools - Student Diabetes Management Program
SB 185
Senator Kelley
Ways and Means
Income Tax - Filing of Withholding Statements
SB 493
Senator Pinsky
Ways and Means
Teacher Induction, Retention, and Advancement Act of 2016
SB 676
Senator Kasemeyer
Ways and Means
College Affordability Act of 2016
SB 770
Senator Bates
Ways and Means
Education - Public High Schools - Agriculture Science
SB 936
Senator Manno
Ways and Means
Maryland Clean Energy Incentive Act of 2016
SB 1062
Senator Guzzone
Ways and Means
Target Redevelopment Areas - Sales and Use Tax Exemption
SB 1126
Senator Pugh
Ways and Means
Frederick County - Linking Youth to New Experiences (LYNX) High School
SB 1128
Senator Young
Frederick County Sheriff - Collective Bargaining
April 4, 2016
Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 66
SB 108
Chair, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee
Health and Government Operations
Nurse Support Program Assistance Fund - Revisions
SB 395
Senator Conway
Environment and Transportation
Ethics - Local Government - Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure
SB 425
Senator Reilly
Ways and Means
Maryland Income Tax Refunds - Warrant Intercept Program - Statewide
SB 481
Senator Lee
Economic Matters
Labor and Employment - Equal Pay for Equal Work
SB 509
Senator Waugh
Environment and Transportation
Real Property - Actions to Quiet Title
SB 540
Senator Conway
Morgan State University - Student Housing
SB 545
Senator Pugh
Economic Matters
Labor and Employment - Apprenticeship Career Training in Our Neighborhoods (ACTION) Program - Establishment
SB 557
Senator Astle
Economic Matters
Members of the National Guard - Employment and Reemployment Rights - Enforcement
SB 579
Senator Ramirez
Environment and Transportation
Vehicle Laws - Application - Park Model Recreational Vehicles - Definition
SB 649
Senator Astle
Economic Matters
City of Annapolis - Alcoholic Beverages - Refillable Container Permit for Draft Beer
SB 852
Senator Astle
Economic Matters
Anne Arundel County - Alcoholic Beverages - Beer and Wine Festivals
SB 969
Senator Brochin
Environment and Transportation
Vehicle Equipment - Counterfeit and Nonfunctional Airbags - Prohibitions
April 4, 2016
Calendar of Third Reading Senate Bills No. 67
SB 97
Chair, Finance Committee
Health and Government Operations
Public Health - Opioid-Associated Disease Prevention and Outreach Programs
SB 356
Senator Zirkin
Local Government Tort Claims Act and Maryland Tort Claims Act - Statute of Limitations and Notice Requirements
SB 537
Senator Klausmeier
Health and Government Operations
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Prescription Drug Monitoring Program - Modifications
SB 575
Senator Ramirez
County Boards of Education - Limit on Liability
SB 586
Senator King
Health and Government Operations
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Regional Institutes for Children and Adolescents - Report Before Closure
SB 605
Senator Bates
Health and Government Operations
Athletic Trainers - Evaluation and Treatment Protocols - Approval
SB 620
Senator Middleton
Health and Government Operations
Commemorative Weeks - Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week
SB 765
Senator Raskin
CINA, Guardianship, Adoption, Custody, and Visitation - Disability of Parent, Guardian, Custodian, or Party
SB 806
Senator Pugh
Health and Government Operations
State Board of Physicians - Naturopathic Doctors - Establishment of Naturopathic Doctors Formulary Council and Naturopathic Formulary
SB 926
Senator Young
Health and Government Operations
Lyme Disease - Laboratory Test - Required Notice
SB 1081
(Emergency Bill)
Senator Eckardt
Health and Government Operations
Mental Health - Voluntary and Involuntary Admissions - Certification by Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners
SB 1094
Senator Astle
Health and Government Operations
Health - Recovery Residences - Certification
April 9, 2016
Message from the Senate: Concurrence Calendar No. 16
House Bills Amended In The Senate
HB 842
  Calendar No. 23
Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Art Gallery Beer and Wine License

How a Bill Becomes Law

Legislative Lingo

Explanation of Floor Motions and Actions

April 11, 2016 11:12 AM
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