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Article - Estates and Trusts


    (a)    Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this section, for all services listed in § 2–206(b)(1) of this article that a register performs in connection with a small estate, the register shall receive the fees under § 2–206(b)(2) of this article.

    (b)    For each additional certificate of letters over 4 furnished in connection with a small estate, the register shall receive the additional fee under § 2–206(c) of this article.

    (c)    The register may not receive fees in connection with a small estate in which:

        (1)    The surviving spouse is the sole legatee or heir and has qualified for administration under this subtitle in accordance with § 5–601(c) of this subtitle; and

        (2)    The property of the decedent subject to administration in Maryland is established to have a value of $100,000 or less as of the date of death of the decedent.

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