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Article - Health - General


    (a)    In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.

    (b)    “Board” means the State Board of Pharmacy.

    (c)    “Drop–off site” means a pharmacy or other health care facility designated by the Board that:

        (1)    Has voluntarily agreed to accept donated prescription drugs or medical supplies; and

        (2)    Does not have a final disciplinary order issued against it by a health occupations board.

    (d)    “Program” means the Prescription Drug Repository Program.

    (e)    “Repository” means a licensed pharmacy that:

        (1)    Does not have a final disciplinary order issued against it by the Board of Pharmacy;

        (2)    Has voluntarily agreed to participate in the Program; and

        (3)    Has been approved by the Board to:

            (i)    Accept donated prescription drugs or medical supplies from a designated drop–off site;

            (ii)    Dispense the donated prescription drugs or medical supplies to needy individuals; or

            (iii)    Dispose of prescription drugs or medical supplies not accepted for dispensing to needy individuals.

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