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Statutes Text

Article - State Finance and Procurement


    (a)    In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.

    (b)    “Payment security” means security to guarantee payment for labor and materials, including leased equipment, under a contract for construction.

    (c)    “Performance security” means security to guarantee the performance of a contract for construction.

    (d)    “Public body” means:

        (1)    the State;

        (2)    a county, municipal corporation, or other political subdivision;

        (3)    a public instrumentality; or

        (4)    any governmental unit authorized to award a contract.

    (e)    (1)    “Supplier” means a person who supplies labor or materials.

        (2)    “Supplier” includes a lessor of equipment to the extent of the fair rental value of the equipment.

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