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Article - Transportation


    (a)    “Electric low speed scooter” means a vehicle that:

        (1)    Is designed to transport only the operator;

        (2)    Weighs less than 100 pounds;

        (3)    Has single wheels in tandem or a combination of one or two wheels at the front and rear of the vehicle;

        (4)    Is equipped with handlebars and a platform designed to be stood on while riding;

        (5)    Is solely powered by an electric motor and human power; and

        (6)    Is capable of operating at a speed of up to 20 miles per hour.

    (b)    “Electric low speed scooter” does not include:

        (1)    An electric personal assistive mobility device; or

        (2)    An electric wheelchair or other mobility aid used by a disabled individual.

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