- Title
- Economic Development – Western Maryland Economic Future Investment Board and Fund – Establishment
- Sponsored by
- Senators Edwards and Corderman
- Status
- In the House - Hearing 4/01 at 1:30 p.m.
- Analysis
- Fiscal and Policy Note (Revised)
Establishing the Western Maryland Economic Future Investment Board; establishing the Western Maryland Economic Future Investment Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund to provide grant funding to capital infrastructure projects and business development projects that improve the economic conditions in the region; requiring the Governor, for fiscal years 2023 through 2027, to include in the operating or capital budget an appropriation of at least $7,500,000 to the Fund, etc.
- Opposite:
- Ways and Means Click to view Recorded Media
Committee Testimony
Cross-filed with: HB1144
Bill File Type: Regular
Effective Date(s): October 1, 2021
Bill imposes a mandated appropriation in the annual State Budget Bill
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13-701, 13-702, 13-736 through 13-741 )
6-226 )
Last Updated: 4/2/2021 6:44 PM
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