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1998 Regular Session
Seq No. 0823April 3, 199811:47 AM
Presiding: Dewberry Legislative Date: March 31, 1998

General Assembly Of Maryland
House of Delegates
1998 Regular Session

Committee Amendment (#9) Adopted (79-53)
SB 217 Special Orders
The President
Creation of a State Debt - MCCBL of 1998 and Other
Consolidated Capital and Bond Loans
Favorable with amendments AMD 9
79 Yeas 53 Nays 0 Excused 6 Not Voting 3 Excused (Absent)
Voting Yea - 79
  Mr. Speaker   Dembrow   Harkins   Malone   Redmer
  Arnick   Dewberry   Hecht   Marriott   Rosenberg
  Baker W   Dobson   Heller   McClenahan   Rudolph
  Baldwin   Donoghue   Holt   McHale   Schade
  Beck   Doory   Hughes D   McIntosh   Schisler
  Bissett   Eckardt   Hurson   Minnick   Slade
  Bonsack   Edwards   Hutchins   Mitchell V   Snodgrass
  Bozman   Finifter   Jacobs   Mohorovic   Stocksdale
  Branch   Flanagan   Jones   Montague   Stull
  Brinkley   Franchot   Kach   Morhaim   Stup
  Burns M   Frank   Kelly   Murphy D   Walkup
  Busch   Fulton   Klausmeier   O'Donnell   Weir
  Cadden   Getty   Klima   Opara   Willis Miller
  Comeau   Gordon   Kopp   Ports   Wood
  Conway   Greenip *Linton   Preis   Workman
  DeCarlo   Guns   Love   Rawlings
Voting Nay - 53
  Baker R   Crumlin   Hammen   Mandel   Pendergrass
  Barve   Cryor   Harrison   Menes   Perry
  Benson   Davis C   Healey   Mitchell C   Petzold
  Billings   Davis D   Howard   Moe   Pitkin
  Bobo   Dypski   Hubbard   Morgan   Proctor
  Boston   Exum   Hughes B   Mossburg   Rzepkowski
  Burns E   Faulkner   Kagan   Murphy T   Shriver
  Campbell   Frush   Kirk   Muse   Turner
  Ciliberti   Genn   Kittleman   Nathan-Pulliam   Vallario
  Clagett   Goldwater   Krysiak   Oaks
  Conroy   Grosfeld   La Vay   Palumbo
Not Voting - 6
  Elliott   Leopold   Owings
  Hixson   McKee   Poole
Excused From Voting - 0
Excused (Absent) - 3
  Patterson   Valderrama   Watson
* indicates vote change
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