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1999 Regular Session
Seq No. 1076April 9, 199910:35 AM
Presiding: Speaker Taylor Legislative Date: April 5, 1999

General Assembly Of Maryland
House of Delegates
1999 Regular Session

Third Reading Passed (138-0)
SB 118 Third Reading (SB) Calendar No. 26
Sen. Stone (JUD)
Victims' Rights - Criminal Injuries Compensation
Board - Claims
On Third Reading
138 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Excused 2 Not Voting 1 Excused (Absent)
Voting Yea - 138
  Speaker Taylor   Conway   Guns   Linton   Ports
  Amedori   Cryor   Hammen   Love   Proctor
  Arnick   D'Amato   Harrison   Malone   Rawlings
  Baker R   Davis C   Healey   Mandel   Redmer
  Baker W   Davis D   Hecht   Marriott   Riley
  Baldwin   DeCarlo   Heller   McClenahan   Rosenberg
  Barkley   Dembrow   Hill   McHale   Rosso
  Bartlett   Dewberry   Hixson   McIntosh   Rudolph
  Barve   Dobson   Howard   McKee   Rzepkowski
  Benson   Donoghue   Hubbard   Menes   Schisler
  Billings   Doory   Hubers   Minnick   Shank
  Bobo   Dypski   Hurson   Mitchell   Sher
  Boschert   Eckardt   Hutchins   Moe   Shriver
  Boutin   Edwards   James   Mohorovic   Slade
  Bozman   Elliott   Jones A   Montague   Snodgrass
  Branch   Finifter   Jones V   Morhaim   Sophocleus
  Brinkley   Flanagan   Kach   Murphy D   Stern
  Bronrott   Franchot   Kagan   Nathan-Pulliam   Stocksdale
  Brown   Fulton   Kelly J   O'Donnell   Stull
  Burns   Getty   Kelly K   Oaks   Turner
  Busch   Giannetti   Kirk   Owings *Valderrama
  Cadden   Gladden   Kittleman   Paige   Vallario
  Campbell   Glassman   Klausmeier   Parrott   Walkup
  Cane   Goldwater   Klima   Patterson   Weir
  Carlson   Gordon   Kopp   Pendergrass   Wood
  Clagett   Greenip   Krysiak   Petzold   Zirkin
  Cole   Griffith   La Vay   Phillips
  Conroy   Grosfeld   Leopold   Pitkin
Voting Nay - 0
Not Voting - 2
  Frush   Swain
Excused From Voting - 0
Excused (Absent) - 1
* indicates vote change
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