File Code: Higher Education
- Sponsored By:
Delegates D'Amato, R. Baker, Bozman, Cadden, Clagett, Conroy,
Cryor, Goldwater, Hubers, James, V. Jones, Love, McKee, Parrott,
Phillips, Proctor, Rosso, Rudolph, Shriver, Sophocleus, Turner,
Rzepkowski, Greenip, Carlson,
Finifter, Howard, Marriott, Healey, Heller, and Bohanan
- Entitled:
Higher Education - Teaching Assistants - Eligibility for the Maryland
Teacher Scholarship Program
Making specified teaching assistants eligible for the Maryland Teacher
Scholarship program; expanding the eligibility and renewability
requirements for the Maryland Teacher Scholarship to specified
part-time students who are pursuing an undergraduate degree on
teaching; and specifying the award amounts based on full-time and
part-time enrollment.
House Action
- 2/8
- First Reading Ways and Means
- 2/13
- Hearing 2/26 at 1:00 p.m.
- 3/22
- Favorable with Amendments Report by Ways and Means
- Favorable with Amendments Report Adopted
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
- 3/23
- Third Reading Passed (139-1)
- 4/4
- House Refuses to Concur - Senate Amendments
- House Requests Senate Recede
- Conference Committee Appointed ...
- Delegates Phillips, Rudolph, and McKee
- 4/7
- Conference Committee Report Adopted
- Third Reading Passed (132-1)
- Passed Enrolled
- 5/6
- Signed by the Governor Chapter 410
Senate Action
- 3/25
- First Reading Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- 3/27
- Hearing 4/3 at 1:00 p.m.
- 4/4
- Favorable with Amendments Report by Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- 4/2
- Favorable with Amendments Report Adopted
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
- 4/3
- Third Reading Passed with Amendments (47-0)
- 4/4
- Senate Refuses to Recede
- Conference Committee Appointed ...
- Senators Hollinger, Collins, and Pinsky
- 4/7
- Conference Committee Report Adopted
- Third Reading Passed (47-0)
- Sponsored by:
- Delegate C. Richard D'Amato, District 30
- Delegate Rushern L. Baker, III, District 22B
- Delegate John L. Bohanan, Jr., District 29B
- Delegate K. Bennett Bozman, District 38
- Delegate Joan Cadden, District 31
- Delegate Paul H. Carlson, District 39
- Delegate Virginia P. Clagett, District 30
- Delegate Mary A. Conroy, District 23
- Delegate Jean B. Cryor, District 15
- Delegate Michael J. Finifter, District 11
- Delegate Marilyn R. Goldwater, District 16
- Delegate Janet Greenip, District 33
- Delegate Anne Healey, District 22A
- Delegate Henry B. Heller, District 19
- Delegate Carolyn J. B. Howard, District 24
- Delegate Nancy M. Hubers, District 6
- Delegate Mary-Dulany James, District 34
- Delegate Verna L. Jones, District 44
- Delegate Mary Ann E. Love, District 32
- Delegate Salima Siler Marriott, District 40
- Delegate Robert A. McKee, District 2A
- Delegate Joanne S. Parrott, District 35A
- Delegate Wendell F. Phillips, District 41
- Delegate James E. Proctor, Jr., District 27A
- Delegate Mary M. Rosso, District 31
- Delegate David D. Rudolph, District 35B
- Delegate James E. Rzepkowski, District 32
- Delegate Mark K. Shriver, District 15
- Delegate Theodore Sophocleus, District 32
- Delegate Frank S. Turner, District 13A
- Bill indexed under the following Subjects:
- Bill affects the following Statutes:
- Education
- (
18-2201 ,
18-2202 ,
18-2203 ,
18-2204 ,
18-2205 ,
- Bill Text:
First Reading (PDF),
Third Reading (PDF), Enrolled (PDF)
- Fiscal Note:
Available (PDF)
- Amendments:
- House
- Number: 755762/1 (PDF) Offered on: March 22, 2002 at:
1:14 p.m. Status: Adopted
- Senate
- Number: 824932/1 (PDF) Offered on: April 4, 2002 at:
11:35 a.m. Status: Adopted
- Conference Committee Documents::
- Report Number: 193820/1 (PDF) Offered on: April 8, 2002 at:
11:41 p.m. Status: Adopted
- Amendment Number: 473126/1 (PDF) Offered on: April 8, 2002 at:
11:42 p.m. Status: Adopted
- Roll Call Votes (Legislative dates are shown):
- House
- March 23, 2002: Third Reading Passed (139-1)
- April 7, 2002: Third Reading Passed (132-1)
- Senate
- April 3, 2002: Third Reading Passed (47-0)
- April 7, 2002: Third Reading Passed (47-0)
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