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2005 Regular Session
Seq No. 1392April 11, 200511:25 PM
Presiding: Speaker Busch Legislative Date: April 9, 2005

General Assembly Of Maryland
House of Delegates
2005 Regular Session

Third Reading Passed (127-4)
HB 333 House Bill Amended in the Senate
Del. Barkley (JUD)
Register of Wills - Salary

On Third Reading and Final Passage (CCR adp)
127 Yeas 4 Nays 0 Excused 6 Not Voting 4 Excused (Absent)
Voting Yea - 127
  Speaker Busch   Costa   Heller   Marriott   Quinter
  Anderson   Cryor   Hixson   Mayer   Ramirez
  Aumann   Davis_C   Hogan   McComas   Rosenberg
  Barkley   Davis_D   Holmes   McConkey   Ross
  Bartlett   DeBoy   Howard   McDonough   Rudolph
  Barve   Doory   Hubbard   McHale   Shank
  Bates   Dumais   Impallaria   McIntosh   Shewell
  Benson   Edwards   James   McKee   Simmons
  Bobo   Elmore   Jameson   McMillan   Smigiel
  Bohanan   Feldman   Jennings   Menes   Sophocleus
  Boschert   Franchot   Jones   Miller   Sossi
  Boteler   Frank   Kach   Minnick   Stern
  Boutin   Frush   Kaiser   Moe   Stocksdale
  Bozman   Gaines   Kelley   Montgomery   Stull
  Branch   Gilleland   Kelly_K   Morhaim   Taylor
  Bromwell   Glassman   King   Murray   Trueschler
  Bronrott   Goldwater   Kirk   Myers   Turner_F
  Burns   Goodwin   Krebs   Nathan-Pulliam   Turner_V
  Cane   Gordon   Krysiak   Niemann   Vallario
  Cardin   Griffith   Kullen   O'Donnell   Vaughn
  Carter   Gutierrez   Lee   Oaks   Weldon
  Clagett_G   Haddaway   Levy   Paige   Wood
  Clagett_V   Hammen   Love   Parker   Zirkin
  Cluster   Harrison   Madaleno   Patterson
  Conroy   Haynes   Malone   Pendergrass
  Conway   Healey   Mandel   Petzold
Voting Nay - 4
  Cadden   Dwyer   Leopold   Parrott
Not Voting - 6
  Arnick   Eckardt   Walkup
  Donoghue   Hurson   Weir
Excused From Voting - 0
Excused (Absent) - 4
  Brown   Elliott   Fulton   Proctor
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