File Code: Special Taxing Districts
Crossfiled with: SENATE BILL 923
- Sponsored By:
Delegates Rudolph, James, and Walkup
- Entitled:
Cecil County - Special Taxing Districts - Creation
Authorizing Cecil County to exercise specified powers concerning the
creation of special taxing districts, the levying of specified taxes,
and the issuing of bonds for developing and financing infrastructure
improvements under specified circumstances; authorizing Cecil County
to create a special taxing district only in specified areas;
authorizing the governing body of Cecil County to consider, at a
public hearing, elements of a proposed development that would benefit
from the creation of a special taxing district; etc.
Legislative date is used to record
history occuring in the Chambers
otherwise Calendar date is used.
House Action
- 2/26
- First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations
- 3/7
- Re-referred Ways and Means
- 3/12
- Hearing 3/21 at 1:00 p.m.
- 3/24
- Favorable with Amendments Report by Ways and Means
- 3/20
- Favorable with Amendments Report Adopted
- Floor Amendment (Delegate Smigiel)
- Motion vote previous question (Delegate Minnick) Adopted
- Floor Amendment (Delegate Smigiel) Rejected (45-85)
- Motion Tabled (Delegate Smigiel)
- Motion vote previous question (Delegate Minnick) Adopted
- Motion Tabled (Delegate Smigiel) Rejected (43-84)
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
- 3/21
- Third Reading Passed (85-45)
- 4/4
- Returned Passed
Senate Action
- 3/22
- First Reading Budget and Taxation
- 4/2
- Favorable Report by Budget and Taxation
- 3/31
- Favorable
- Special Order later today (Senator Munson) Adopted
- Favorable
- Special Order 4/4 (Senator Pipkin) Adopted
- 4/1
- Favorable Report Adopted
- Floor Amendment (Senator Pipkin) Rejected (9-31)
- Floor Amendment (Senator Pipkin) Rejected (15-24)
- Floor Amendment (Senator Pipkin) Rejected (16-25)
- Floor Amendment (Senator Pipkin) Rejected (10-32)
- Floor Amendment (Senator Pipkin) Rejected (18-25)
- Second Reading Passed
- 4/2
- Special Order later today (Senator Jacobs) Adopted
- Floor Amendment (Senator Pipkin) Rejected (14-31)
- Third Reading Passed (34-11)
Action after passage in House and Senate
- 5/13
- Approved by the Governor
- - Chapter 550
Sponsored by:
- Delegate David D. Rudolph, District 34B
- Delegate Mary-Dulany James, District 34A
- Delegate Mary Roe Walkup, District 36
Bill indexed under the following Subjects:
- Cecil County
- Civil Actions -see also- Small Claims
- Consumer Protection -see also- Unfair Trade Practices
- Contracts -see also- Land Installment Contracts; Procurement
- County and Baltimore City Bonds
- Development Fees and Taxes
- Disclosure
- Hearings
- Land Records -see also- Deeds
- Laws and Ordinances -see also- Pub Local Laws; Uniform Laws.
- Liability -see also- Good Samaritan
- Notices
- Petitions
- Public Works
- Real Property
- Revenue and Taxes -see also- Dev Fees &Taxes; specific tax
- Security Deposits
- Settlement Procedures
- Special Tax Districts
- Statutes of Limitation
- Zoning and Planning
Bill affects the following Statutes:
- Article - 24 Political Subdivisions - Miscellaneous Provisions
- (
9-1301 ,
- Real Property
- (
- Bill Text (Displayed in PDF Format):
First Reading,
Third Reading, Enrolled, Chapter
- Fiscal and Policy Note (Displayed in PDF Format):
- Amendments (Displayed in PDF Format):
- Number: 495866/01 Offered on: March 24, 2008 at:
1:40 p.m. Status: Adopted
- Number: 653827/01 Offered on: March 24, 2008 at:
1:42 p.m. Status: Rejected
- Number: 113628/01 Offered on: April 5, 2008 at:
3:22 p.m. Status: Rejected
- Number: 153526/01 Offered on: April 4, 2008 at:
10:38 a.m. Status: Rejected
- Number: 413524/01 Offered on: April 4, 2008 at:
10:41 a.m. Status: Rejected
- Number: 613420/01 Offered on: April 4, 2008 at:
10:35 a.m. Status: Rejected
- Number: 653626/01 Offered on: April 4, 2008 at:
10:44 a.m. Status: Rejected
- Number: 723827/01 Offered on: April 4, 2008 at:
10:34 a.m. Status: Rejected
- Roll Call Votes (Legislative dates are shown):
- March 20, 2008: Floor Amendment (Smigiel) Rejected (45-85)
- March 20, 2008: Motion Tabled (Smigiel) Rejected (43-84)
- March 21, 2008: Third Reading Passed (85-45)
- April 1, 2008: Floor Amendment (Pipkin) {723827/1 Rejected (9-31)
- April 1, 2008: Floor Amendment (Pipkin) {613420/1 Rejected (15-24)
- April 1, 2008: Floor Amendment (Pipkin) {153526/1 Rejected (16-25)
- April 1, 2008: Floor Amendment (Pipkin) {413524/1 Rejected (10-32)
- April 1, 2008: Floor Amendment (Pipkin) {653626/1 Rejected (18-25)
- April 2, 2008: Floor Amendment (Pipkin) {113628/1 Rejected (14-31)
- April 2, 2008: Third Reading Passed (34-11)
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