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2008 Regular Session

Delegate Craig L. Rice
District 15

Status of Legislation
Total Number of Bills: 87

    • HB 15

      Status as of January 23, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegate Rice
      Task Force on Classroom Indoor Air Quality Standards
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 199

      Status as of May 13, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 489

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Rice, Stein, Kaiser, Riley, Cardin, Elmore, Gilchrist, Ivey, Stukes, Tarrant, Vaughn, Walker, Hixson, Doory, Bartlett, Barve, Frick, George, Howard, Jennings, Krebs, Murphy, Olszewski, Ross, Serafini, and F. Turner
      Public Schools - Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation - Policy and Disciplinary Standards
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 1067

      Status as of April 7, 2008: Bill is in the Senate - Re-referred Education Health and Environmental Affairs

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Rice, Holmes, Barnes, Ali, Barve, Cardin, Carr, Dumais, Feldman, Gilchrist, Gutierrez, Haddaway, Heller, Hixson, Hucker, Ivey, Jennings, Kaiser, Kramer, Krebs, Manno, Mizeur, Murphy, Olszewski, Pena-Melnyk, Ramirez, Reznik, Ross, Schuler, Tarrant, Taylor, F. Turner, Valderrama, Vaughn, Waldstreicher, and Walker
      College Textbook Competition and Affordability Act of 2008
      House: Appropriations Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs

    Co-sponsored Bills

    • HB 94

      Status as of February 13, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Cardin, Healey, Krysiak, Rice, Stein, and F. Turner
      Task Force to Study Charitable and Commercial Gaming Activities in Maryland
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 102

      Status as of March 21, 2008: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Education Health and Environmental Affairs

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Rosenberg, Bronrott, Dumais, Haynes, Ivey, Rice, Ross, F. Turner, Frick, Gilchrist, Cardin, Doory, Olszewski, and Stukes
      Voter's Rights Protection Act of 2008
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 119

      Status as of April 5, 2008: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Senate Rules

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Cardin, Olszewski, Rice, Stein, and Walker
      Education - Reporting Requirement - Class Size
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Senate Rules
    • HB 124

      Status as of January 21, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Bartlett, Barve, Cardin, Elmore, Frick, George, Gilchrist, Howard, Ivey, Jennings, Kaiser, Krebs, McKee, Murphy, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, Stukes, F. Turner, and Walker
      Income Tax Credit for Services Donated to Community Health Organizations
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 138

      Status as of March 12, 2008: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Education Health and Environmental Affairs

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Kaiser, Ali, Barkley, Bobo, Feldman, Frush, Gutierrez, Hecht, Howard, Hubbard, Hucker, Ivey, Jennings, Jones, Kach, Lafferty, Lee, Manno, Montgomery, Morhaim, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, Stukes, and Weldon
      Election Law - Ballot Issue Committee - Campaign Finance Reporting Requirements
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 139

      Status as of April 24, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 252

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Stukes, Ali, Anderson, Cane, Conaway, Glenn, Harrison, Haynes, McDonough, McIntosh, Morhaim, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Rice, Robinson, Rosenberg, Tarrant, and Walker
      Task Force to Study Issues Related to Students Subject to Multiple Suspensions
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 140

      Status as of April 24, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 139

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Ross, Barnes, Howard, Hubbard, Kaiser, Elmore, Hixson, Doory, Bartlett, Barve, Cardin, Frick, George, Gilchrist, Ivey, Jennings, Krebs, Serafini, Murphy, Olszewski, Rice, Stukes, F. Turner, and Walker
      Income Tax - Credit for Cellulosic Ethanol Technology Research and Development
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 296

      Status as of March 21, 2008: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Education Health and Environmental Affairs

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Stifler, Norman, Cardin, Rice, Bartlett, Ivey, Ross, Frick, Stukes, and F. Turner
      Campaign Finance - Attribution, Receipt, and Deposit of Contributions
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 315

      Status as of April 24, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 165

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Elmore, Aumann, Barkley, Barnes, Bartlett, Barve, Bates, Beidle, Beitzel, Benson, Bobo, Boteler, Branch, Burns, Cane, Cardin, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Conway, DeBoy, Doory, Dumais, Dwyer, Eckardt, Elliott, Feldman, Frank, Frick, Frush, Gaines, George, Gilchrist, Glenn, Griffith, Haddaway, Haynes, Healey, Hecht, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Impallaria, Ivey, James, Jameson, Jennings, Jones, Kach, Kaiser, Kelly, King, Kipke, Kirk, Kramer, Krysiak, Kullen, Lee, Levi, Levy, Love, Manno, Mathias, McComas, McConkey, McDonough, McIntosh, McKee, Murphy, Myers, Nathan-Pulliam, Norman, Oaks, Olszewski, Ramirez, Rice, Robinson, Ross, Rudolph, Schuh, Shank, Shewell, Simmons, Sossi, Stifler, Stocksdale, Stull, V. Turner, Vaughn, Waldstreicher, Walkup, and Wood
      State Designations - Smith Island Cake - State Dessert
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 321

      Status as of January 25, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Environmental Matters

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Stukes, Cardin, Conaway, DeBoy, Elliott, Haynes, Kirk, McHale, Oaks, Rice, Tarrant, F. Turner, and Walker
      Transportation - Transit Vehicle Operators - Prohibition on Use of Wireless Communication Devices
      House: Environmental Matters
    • HB 334

      Status as of April 7, 2008: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

      Failed - Bond Bill not rolled into Capital Budget
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Barkley, Ali, Dumais, Feldman, Reznik, and Rice
      Creation of a State Debt - Montgomery County - Bioscience Education Center
      House: Appropriations
    • HB 336

      Status as of April 7, 2008: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

      Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capital Budget
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Barkley, Ali, Dumais, Feldman, Reznik, and Rice
      Creation of a State Debt - Montgomery County - Plum Gar Neighborhood Recreation Center
      House: Appropriations
    • HB 338

      Status as of January 30, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Cardin, Hixson, Morhaim, Rice, and Stein
      Energy Efficiency Tax Credit and Surcharge Act
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 344

      Status as of February 25, 2008: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Kipke, Aumann, Barve, Benson, Bromwell, Costa, Donoghue, Eckardt, Elliott, Elmore, Frush, Gaines, George, Haddaway, Hubbard, King, Krebs, Kullen, McDonough, Montgomery, Myers, Norman, Pena-Melnyk, Reznik, Rice, Schuh, Smigiel, F. Turner, V. Turner, and Weldon
      Crimes - On-Line Harassment
      House: Judiciary
    • HB 351

      Status as of January 30, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Judiciary

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Barnes, McIntosh, Kaiser, Mizeur, Schuler, Ali, Anderson, Barkley, Barve, Bobo, Bronrott, Carr, Carter, Dumais, Feldman, Frick, Frush, Gaines, Gilchrist, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Heller, Hixson, Hubbard, Hucker, Ivey, Lee, Manno, Montgomery, Niemann, Pena-Melnyk, Pendergrass, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Rosenberg, Stukes, F. Turner, Valderrama, and Waldstreicher
      Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act
      House: Judiciary
    • HB 370

      Status as of April 4, 2008: Bill is in the House - House Conference Committee Appointed

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegate Kramer and Delegates Jameson, Ali, Anderson, Barkley, Barnes, Bates, Beitzel, Bohanan, Boteler, Branch, Bronrott, Busch, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Conaway, DeBoy, Doory, Dwyer, Eckardt, Elmore, Feldman, Frank, Gaines, George, Gilchrist, Guzzone, Haddaway, Hammen, Haynes, Healey, Hecht, Heller, Impallaria, Ivey, James, Jennings, Jones, Kach, Kelly, King, Kipke, Krebs, Krysiak, Kullen, Lee, Levi, Levy, Love, Malone, Manno, Mathias, McComas, McConkey, McDonough, McHale, McIntosh, Miller, Minnick, Montgomery, Murphy, Myers, O'Donnell, Olszewski, Reznik, Rice, Riley, Rosenberg, Ross, Schuh, Shank, Simmons, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stein, Stocksdale, Stull, Valderrama, Vaughn, Weir, Weldon, and Wood
      Public Safety - Statewide DNA Data Base System - Crimes of Violence and Burglary - Sample Collections on Charge
      House: Judiciary Senate: Judicial Proceedings
    • HB 374

      Status as of April 24, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 131

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Feldman, Ali, Barve, Bobo, Bronrott, Cardin, Carr, G. Clagett, Conway, Doory, Dumais, Elmore, Haynes, Healey, Hecht, Hixson, Howard, Hucker, Jones, Kaiser, Lee, Manno, Mathias, Mizeur, Montgomery, Morhaim, Pena-Melnyk, Rice, Riley, Rosenberg, Shewell, Stein, Tarrant, Vaughn, Harrison, Kirk, Krysiak, and McHale
      EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act of 2008
      House: Economic Matters Senate: Finance
    • HB 376

      Status as of April 3, 2008: Bill is in the Senate - Third Reading Passed with Amendments

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Morhaim, Bronrott, Barve, Conway, Hammen, Ali, Aumann, Barkley, Beitzel, Bobo, Bohanan, Branch, Bromwell, Cardin, Carr, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Doory, Dumais, Eckardt, Elliott, Elmore, Feldman, Frank, Frick, Gaines, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Haddaway, Haynes, Healey, Hecht, Heller, Hixson, Howard, Hucker, Ivey, James, Jones, Kach, Kaiser, Krebs, Kullen, Lafferty, Lee, Levy, Love, Manno, Mathias, McHale, McIntosh, Miller, Mizeur, Montgomery, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Proctor, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Riley, Schuh, Shank, Shewell, Simmons, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stein, Tarrant, Taylor, F. Turner, Vaughn, Waldstreicher, Walker, Weldon, Pendergrass, Benson, Costa, Donoghue, Hubbard, Kipke, McDonough, and V. Turner
      High Performance Buildings Act
      House: Health and Government Operations and Appropriations Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 377

      Status as of April 24, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 132

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Doory, Rudolph, Hixson, Barve, Hecht, Howard, Cardin, Ali, Aumann, Bartlett, Bobo, Bohanan, Bronrott, Carr, G. Clagett, Dumais, Eckardt, Elmore, Frick, George, Haddaway, Haynes, Hucker, Ivey, James, Jones, Krebs, Lee, Love, Manno, Mathias, McHale, McKee, Mizeur, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murphy, Pena-Melnyk, Ramirez, Rice, Rosenberg, Ross, Shewell, Sophocleus, Stein, Tarrant, and F. Turner
      Solar and Geothermal Tax Incentive and Grant Program
      House: Economic Matters and Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation and Finance
    • HB 380

      Status as of February 25, 2008: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Environmental Matters

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates F. Turner, Barve, Bates, Bobo, Glenn, Hixson, Howard, Jones, Kramer, Miller, Montgomery, Murphy, Olszewski, Pendergrass, Reznik, Rice, Simmons, Taylor, V. Turner, Waldstreicher, Walker, and Weldon
      Motor Vehicles - Use of Text Messaging Device While Driving - Prohibition
      House: Environmental Matters
    • HB 418

      Status as of April 5, 2008: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Health and Government Operations

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Burns, Barnes, Benson, Branch, Cane, Carter, Conaway, Doory, Glenn, Haynes, Healey, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Ivey, Levi, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Proctor, Ramirez, Rice, Robinson, Ross, Simmons, Tarrant, Taylor, V. Turner, Vallario, Vaughn, and Walker
      State Government - Commemorative Months - Black History Months
      House: Health and Government Operations
    • HB 420

      Status as of April 7, 2008: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

      Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capital Budget
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Dumais, Ali, Barkley, Feldman, Reznik, and Rice
      Creation of a State Debt - Montgomery County - Button Farm Historic Preservation and Rehabilitation
      House: Appropriations
    • HB 455

      Status as of April 7, 2008: Bill is in the Senate - Re-referred Budget and Taxation

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Olszewski, Bromwell, DeBoy, Elmore, Feldman, Frank, Frush, Guzzone, Ivey, James, Jennings, Kach, Kipke, Krebs, McDonough, McKee, Minnick, Murphy, Rice, Riley, Rosenberg, Schuh, Schuler, Shewell, Sossi, Stein, Stukes, Walker, and Weir
      Income Tax - Brackets - Inflation Adjustment
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 468

      Status as of February 6, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Gilchrist, Jennings, Olszewski, Rice, Stukes, F. Turner, and Walker
      Video Lottery Terminals - Center on the Prevention of Compulsive Gambling
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 475

      Status as of February 6, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Olszewski, Bromwell, Cardin, DeBoy, Elmore, Feldman, Frank, Guzzone, Ivey, James, Jennings, Kach, Kipke, Krebs, McDonough, McKee, Minnick, Murphy, Rice, Riley, Rosenberg, Schuh, Schuler, Shewell, Sossi, Stein, Stukes, Walker, and Weir
      Income Tax - Personal Exemptions - Inflation Adjustment
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 500

      Status as of January 30, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Judiciary

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Dumais, Ali, Barkley, Barnes, Barve, Bates, Beidle, Benson, Bobo, Branch, Braveboy, Bromwell, Bronrott, Burns, V. Clagett, DeBoy, Doory, Eckardt, Feldman, Frick, Frush, Gaines, Gilchrist, Glenn, Griffith, Gutierrez, Haddaway, Harrison, Healey, Hecht, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Hucker, Ivey, Jameson, Jones, Kaiser, Kirk, Krebs, Krysiak, Kullen, Lafferty, Lee, Love, Manno, Mathias, McIntosh, Mizeur, Montgomery, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Pena-Melnyk, Pendergrass, Proctor, Reznik, Rice, Robinson, Ross, Schuler, Shewell, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Stein, Stifler, Stocksdale, Stull, Tarrant, F. Turner, V. Turner, Valderrama, Waldstreicher, and Weldon
      Family Law - Denial of Paternity, Custody, and Visitation
      House: Judiciary
    • HB 506

      Status as of January 30, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Appropriations

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Cane, Ali, Anderson, Benson, Braveboy, Burns, Carr, Conaway, Glenn, Harrison, Haynes, Holmes, Howard, Hucker, Ivey, Jones, Kirk, Levi, Love, Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Proctor, Rice, Robinson, Sossi, Stukes, Tarrant, Taylor, V. Turner, Vaughn, and Walker
      Maryland Higher Education Commission - Review of Duplicative Academic Programs
      House: Appropriations
    • HB 519

      Status as of February 6, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Walker, Olszewski, Barve, Benson, Branch, Braveboy, Bromwell, Burns, Cane, Cardin, Carter, Conaway, Costa, Davis, Feldman, Frush, George, Gutierrez, Hammen, Healey, Howard, Hubbard, Ivey, Jennings, King, Kirk, Kullen, Lafferty, Levi, Manno, Mathias, McDonough, Morhaim, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Proctor, Reznik, Rice, Robinson, Rosenberg, Ross, Schuh, Sophocleus, Stein, Stukes, Tarrant, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, Valderrama, Vaughn, Waldstreicher, Weir, and Weldon
      Public High Schools - Graduation Requirements - Weighted Numerical Assessment System
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 520

      Status as of February 6, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Walker, Benson, Boteler, Burns, Carter, Frush, Gutierrez, Healey, Howard, Hubbard, Kullen, Lafferty, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Proctor, Rice, Sophocleus, Stukes, Tarrant, V. Turner, Valderrama, and Vaughn
      Education - High School Assessment Requirement
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 533

      Status as of April 7, 2008: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

      Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capital Budget
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Feldman, Dumais, and Rice
      Creation of a State Debt - Montgomery County - Waters Barn Restoration
      House: Appropriations
    • HB 578

      Status as of May 13, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 510

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Pena-Melnyk, Mizeur, Benson, Bromwell, Costa, Donoghue, Dumais, Elliott, Feldman, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Heller, Kaiser, Kipke, Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Reznik, Rice, Tarrant, F. Turner, V. Turner, Waldstreicher, Weldon, Beitzel, Hammen, Hubbard, Kach, Kullen, McDonough, Morhaim, Pendergrass, and Riley
      Health Insurance - Coverage for Amino Acid-Based Elemental Formula
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Finance
    • HB 598

      Status as of March 31, 2008: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Health and Government Operations

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Taylor, Ali, Anderson, Barnes, Cane, Feldman, Frush, Haynes, Howard, Jones, Manno, Proctor, Rice, Ross, V. Turner, Vaughn, and Walker
      Commission on Minority Business Enterprise
      House: Health and Government Operations
    • HB 609

      Status as of March 22, 2008: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Economic Matters

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Tarrant, Ali, Anderson, Barnes, Branch, Burns, Cane, Cardin, Carr, Doory, Dumais, Feldman, Frush, Guzzone, Harrison, Haynes, Hecht, Howard, Hubbard, Hucker, Ivey, Jameson, King, Kirk, Krysiak, Levi, Love, Manno, Mathias, McComas, McDonough, McHale, McIntosh, Morhaim, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Norman, Oaks, Olszewski, Pena-Melnyk, Proctor, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Rosenberg, Ross, Rudolph, Schuler, Simmons, Stukes, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, Valderrama, Vaughn, Waldstreicher, and Walker
      Cigars - Sales of Less Than Five Per Package - Prohibited
      House: Economic Matters
    • HB 613

      Status as of February 13, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Economic Matters

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Pena-Melnyk, Ali, Anderson, Aumann, Barkley, Barnes, Beidle, Benson, Bobo, Braveboy, Burns, Cane, Carr, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Conaway, Costa, DeBoy, Dumais, Frick, Frush, Gaines, Glenn, Griffith, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Hammen, Haynes, Healey, Hecht, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Hucker, Impallaria, Ivey, James, Jones, Kach, Kaiser, Kirk, Kullen, Lafferty, Lee, Love, Manno, McDonough, McIntosh, Mizeur, Montgomery, Morhaim, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Pendergrass, Proctor, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Riley, Robinson, Rosenberg, Ross, Shewell, Simmons, Stukes, Tarrant, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, Valderrama, Vallario, Vaughn, Waldstreicher, Walker, and Weldon
      Education - Maryland Education Fund - Establishment and Funding
      House: Economic Matters and Ways and Means
    • HB 617

      Status as of March 10, 2008: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Economic Matters

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Tarrant, Ali, Barnes, Cane, Cardin, Carr, Frush, Gilchrist, Harrison, Haynes, Howard, Hubbard, Ivey, Manno, McHale, McIntosh, Morhaim, Niemann, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Proctor, Ramirez, Rice, Rosenberg, Rudolph, Simmons, Stukes, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, Waldstreicher, and Walker
      Cigarette - Definition
      House: Economic Matters
    • HB 653

      Status as of May 13, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 427

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Bartlett, Cardin, Doory, Elmore, Frick, Gilchrist, Howard, Ivey, Jennings, Kaiser, Krebs, Murphy, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, Serafini, Stukes, and Walker
      Schools - Early Intervention - Hearing and Vision Screenings
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 660

      Status as of April 7, 2008: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

      Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capital Budget
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Lee, Bronrott, Frick, Ali, Barkley, Barve, Bohanan, Carr, Carter, Dumais, Feldman, Gaines, Gilchrist, Gutierrez, Heller, Hixson, Hucker, Jones, Kaiser, Kramer, Levy, Manno, Mizeur, Montgomery, Niemann, Pena-Melnyk, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Rosenberg, Simmons, Taylor, and Waldstreicher
      Creation of a State Debt - Montgomery County - Group Home Renovations
      House: Appropriations
    • HB 669

      Status as of May 22, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 667

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates F. Turner, Bartlett, Bates, Bohanan, Boteler, Cardin, Conway, DeBoy, Elliott, Elmore, George, Gilchrist, Guzzone, Howard, Ivey, Jameson, Jennings, Kach, Kipke, Krebs, Kullen, Levy, Mathias, Miller, Minnick, Murphy, Olszewski, Pendergrass, Proctor, Ramirez, Rice, Ross, Shewell, Stocksdale, Stukes, Walker, Weir, Weldon, Wood, Hixson, Doory, Barve, Frick, Kaiser, and Serafini
      Motor Vehicle Excise Tax - Exemption for Returning Military Members
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 684

      Status as of May 13, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 514

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Stukes, Frush, Braveboy, Burns, Conaway, Frick, Glenn, Gutierrez, Howard, Kaiser, Levi, McHale, Niemann, Oaks, Proctor, Rice, Robinson, Taylor, F. Turner, Valderrama, Walker, Carr, McIntosh, Shewell, and Stein
      Task Force to Study Motor Vehicle Towing Practices
      House: Environmental Matters Senate: Finance
    • HB 712

      Status as of February 14, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Economic Matters

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Barve, Ali, Anderson, Barkley, Barnes, Bobo, Branch, Bromwell, Bronrott, Cardin, Carr, G. Clagett, Doory, Dumais, Feldman, Frick, Gilchrist, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Hubbard, Hucker, Ivey, James, Jones, Kaiser, Kullen, Lafferty, Lee, Manno, Mizeur, Montgomery, Morhaim, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Pendergrass, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Rosenberg, Ross, Schuler, Simmons, Stein, Taylor, F. Turner, Waldstreicher, and Walker
      Global Warming Solutions - Reductions in Greenhouse Gases
      House: Economic Matters and Environmental Matters
    • HB 724

      Status as of March 17, 2008: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Finance

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Feldman, Ali, Barkley, Barnes, Bates, Bobo, Bronrott, Dumais, Frick, Gilchrist, Gutierrez, Hecht, Hucker, Jameson, King, Kramer, Lee, Manno, Miller, Mizeur, Montgomery, Morhaim, Pendergrass, Rice, Rosenberg, Ross, Simmons, Stifler, Taylor, Vaughn, Waldstreicher, Walker, and Weldon
      Joint Information Technology and Biotechnology Committee - Membership and Duties
      House: Economic Matters Senate: Finance
    • HB 730

      Status as of March 18, 2008: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Health and Government Operations

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Feldman, Ali, Barve, Bobo, Boteler, Dumais, Kach, Kipke, Kullen, Montgomery, Rice, and Weldon
      Health Occupations - Complementary Alternative Medicine Health Care Providers - Scope of Practice
      House: Health and Government Operations
    • HB 746

      Status as of April 7, 2008: Bill is in the Senate - Re-referred Budget and Taxation

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Kaiser, Hixson, Barkley, Barnes, Barve, Bobo, Bronrott, Cardin, Carr, Dumais, Feldman, Frick, Gaines, Gilchrist, Gutierrez, Hubbard, Hucker, Ivey, Lee, Manno, McIntosh, McKee, Mizeur, Montgomery, Niemann, Pena-Melnyk, Pendergrass, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Ross, Stukes, F. Turner, Valderrama, Waldstreicher, and Weldon
      Recordation and Transfer Taxes - Exemptions - Domestic Partners
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 784

      Status as of May 13, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 403

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Kaiser, Barkley, Bartlett, Bates, Beitzel, Bohanan, Bromwell, Cardin, Carr, Costa, DeBoy, Dumais, George, Gutierrez, Hecht, Howard, James, Kelly, Kipke, Levy, Love, Mathias, McKee, Minnick, Montgomery, Robinson, Rudolph, Schuh, Schuler, Shank, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Stukes, Taylor, Weir, Weldon, Wood, Barve, Doory, Elmore, Frick, Gilchrist, Hixson, Ivey, Jennings, Krebs, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, Serafini, F. Turner, and Walker
      Task Force on Educational Issues Affecting Military Children
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 795

      Status as of May 22, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 608

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Reznik, Ali, Cardin, Conaway, Davis, Feldman, Frick, Haddaway, Hammen, Ivey, Kaiser, King, Kipke, Manno, Rice, Schuler, Taylor, Vaughn, and Walker
      Athletics - Mixed Martial Arts - Regulation by State Athletic Commission - Boxing and Wrestling Tax
      House: Economic Matters Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 854

      Status as of March 22, 2008: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Budget and Taxation

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Frick, Hixson, Bartlett, Barve, Cardin, Doory, Elmore, George, Gilchrist, Howard, Ivey, Jennings, Kaiser, Krebs, Manno, McKee, Murphy, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, Stukes, F. Turner, and Walker
      Income Tax - Credit for Providing Adult Literacy Programs
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 875

      Status as of April 5, 2008: Bill is in the Senate - Re-referred Judicial Proceedings

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Frick, Bronrott, Cardin, Kaiser, Levy, McComas, Montgomery, Morhaim, Pendergrass, Reznik, Rice, Ali, Beidle, Bobo, Boteler, Cane, Carr, V. Clagett, Frush, Glenn, Healey, Holmes, Hucker, Lafferty, Malone, McIntosh, Niemann, Norman, O'Donnell, Sossi, Stein, and Weir
      Vehicular Crossings - Use by Pedestrians and Bicycles - Authorization
      House: Environmental Matters Senate: Judicial Proceedings
    • HB 905

      Status as of May 22, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 580

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Gutierrez, Ali, Anderson, Barnes, Bobo, Branch, Braveboy, Carr, Gaines, Haynes, Heller, Hucker, Ivey, Jones, Kaiser, Lee, Manno, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Pena-Melnyk, Proctor, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Robinson, Stukes, Taylor, V. Turner, and Valderrama
      Institutions of Higher Education - Plans for Programs of Cultural Diversity
      House: Appropriations Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 923

      Status as of April 24, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 301

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Elmore, Barkley, Bartlett, Bates, Beitzel, Bohanan, Boteler, Cane, G. Clagett, Conway, Costa, Dumais, Eckardt, Frank, Frick, Gaines, George, Gilchrist, Haddaway, Hixson, Howard, Ivey, Jennings, Kipke, Kramer, Krebs, Levy, Mathias, McComas, McConkey, Murphy, Myers, Nathan-Pulliam, Norman, Rice, Schuh, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stifler, Stukes, Stull, Walker, and Walkup
      State Board of Nursing - Temporary Licenses and Temporary Practice Letters - Extensions
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 953

      Status as of May 13, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 379

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Bartlett, Barve, Doory, Elmore, Frick, Gilchrist, Howard, Ivey, Jennings, Kaiser, Krebs, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, Stukes, F. Turner, and Walker
      High School Dropouts - Alternative Education Programs and GED Requirements
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 978

      Status as of February 13, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Bartlett, Barve, Cardin, Doory, Elmore, Frick, Gilchrist, Howard, Ivey, Jennings, Kaiser, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, Stukes, F. Turner, and Walker
      Education - Funding Formula for Adult Education and Literacy Grants
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 985

      Status as of April 24, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 180

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates V. Clagett, Barve, Beidle, Cardin, Love, McConkey, Morhaim, Hixson, Doory, Bartlett, Elmore, Frick, George, Gilchrist, Howard, Ivey, Jennings, Kaiser, Krebs, Serafini, Murphy, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, Stukes, F. Turner, and Walker
      Sales and Use Tax - Energy Star Product Exemptions - Boilers
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 1058

      Status as of February 8, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Carr, Aumann, Beidle, Cane, Feldman, Gaines, Gilchrist, Haddaway, Healey, Holmes, Kaiser, Mathias, Mizeur, Montgomery, Rice, Schuh, Shewell, F. Turner, Valderrama, and Waldstreicher
      Homestead Tax Credit - Adjacent Lots
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 1094

      Status as of February 8, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Murphy, Bartlett, Bohanan, Cardin, Elmore, Frick, George, Gilchrist, Hixson, Howard, Ivey, Jameson, Jennings, Kaiser, Krebs, Kullen, Levy, McKee, O'Donnell, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, Stukes, F. Turner, Walker, and Wood
      Sales and Use Tax - Nonprofit Organizations
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 1120

      Status as of February 8, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Gilchrist, Barkley, Barnes, Bates, Bohanan, Bromwell, Cardin, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Costa, DeBoy, Donoghue, Elmore, Frick, George, Hammen, Hixson, Hubbard, Impallaria, Ivey, James, Jameson, Jennings, Kaiser, Kipke, Krysiak, Kullen, Levy, Love, Malone, McHale, Murphy, Olszewski, Rice, Riley, Rudolph, Schuler, Sossi, Stein, Walkup, Weir, and Wood
      Hometown Heroes Act of 2008 - Income Tax - Subtraction Modification for Retirement Income of Law Enforcement, Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Services Personnel
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 1123

      Status as of March 22, 2008: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Levi, Anderson, Barnes, Bronrott, Cane, Cardin, Carr, Carter, V. Clagett, Davis, Dumais, Feldman, Glenn, Griffith, Gutierrez, Haynes, Hucker, Mizeur, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Ross, Simmons, Tarrant, Taylor, Valderrama, Vaughn, and Walker
      Criminal Procedure - Occupational Licenses or Certificates - Issuance of a Certificate of Relief from Disabilities
      House: Judiciary
    • HB 1125

      Status as of February 13, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Health and Government Operations

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Montgomery, Hucker, Ali, Anderson, Barkley, Benson, Bobo, Carr, V. Clagett, Conaway, Doory, Frush, Gutierrez, Hixson, Hubbard, Kaiser, Lee, Manno, McIntosh, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Reznik, Rice, Riley, Rosenberg, Taylor, V. Turner, Valderrama, and Waldstreicher
      Maryland Universal Health Care Plan
      House: Health and Government Operations
    • HB 1128

      Status as of February 27, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Appropriations

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Krebs, Aumann, Barkley, Bartlett, Bates, Beidle, Beitzel, Boteler, Bronrott, DeBoy, Donoghue, Dumais, Dwyer, Eckardt, Elliott, Feldman, George, Jennings, Kach, Kelly, King, Kipke, Kramer, Manno, McComas, McConkey, McDonough, McKee, Montgomery, Murphy, Rice, Schuh, Shank, Shewell, Simmons, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stocksdale, Weir, and Weldon
      Transportation Trust Fund Protection Act
      House: Appropriations
    • HB 1158

      Status as of May 22, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 683

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Stein, Bronrott, George, Kach, Lafferty, Olszewski, Hixson, Bartlett, Barve, Cardin, Elmore, Frick, Gilchrist, Howard, Ivey, Jennings, Kaiser, Krebs, Murphy, Rice, Ross, Serafini, Stukes, F. Turner, and Walker
      Safe Schools Reporting Act
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 1159

      Status as of May 13, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 534

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Manno, Barve, Cardin, Eckardt, Elmore, Gilchrist, Haddaway, Hecht, Hucker, Impallaria, Ivey, Kaiser, King, Miller, Montgomery, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, and Stukes
      Homeowners' Tax Fairness in Eminent Domain Proceedings Act
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 1195

      Status as of February 12, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Environmental Matters

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Taylor, Ali, Glenn, Rice, and V. Turner
      Vehicle Laws - Off-Highway Recreational Vehicles - Titling
      House: Environmental Matters
    • HB 1206

      Status as of March 20, 2008: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Health and Government Operations

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Taylor, Ali, Carr, Hucker, Ivey, Manno, Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Proctor, Ramirez, Rice, Ross, and Vaughn
      State Procurement - Structuring and Bundling of Procurements
      House: Health and Government Operations
    • HB 1227

      Status as of February 8, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates F. Turner, Gilchrist, Rice, Stukes, and Walker
      Horse Racing Heritage Act
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 1235

      Status as of February 11, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Economic Matters

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Feldman, Ali, Barkley, Barnes, Barve, Benson, Braveboy, Bronrott, Frush, Gaines, Gilchrist, Gutierrez, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Hecht, Heller, Hixson, Howard, Hucker, Ivey, Kirk, Kullen, Lee, Levi, Manno, Montgomery, Niemann, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Ramirez, Rice, Ross, Stukes, Tarrant, Taylor, V. Turner, Valderrama, and Vaughn
      Maryland Wage and Hour Law - Payment of Overtime - Exemptions
      House: Economic Matters
    • HB 1238

      Status as of April 5, 2008: Bill is in the Senate - Special Order ...

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Elmore, Gilchrist, Howard, Ivey, Kaiser, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, and Stukes
      Transportation - Public-Private Partnerships - Notice to the General Assembly
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 1242

      Status as of April 24, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 187

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Stein, Bronrott, Burns, Cardin, Healey, Lafferty, Morhaim, Olszewski, Schuler, Weir, Hixson, Bartlett, Doory, Elmore, Frick, Howard, Ivey, Jennings, Kaiser, Krebs, Murphy, Rice, Ross, Serafini, Stukes, and Walker
      Task Force to Study How to Improve Financial Literacy in the State
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 1277

      Status as of May 22, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 601

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Walker, Taylor, Ali, Benson, Braveboy, Burns, Cane, Carter, Conaway, Doory, Frush, Gutierrez, Haynes, Healey, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Hucker, Ivey, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Proctor, Rice, Robinson, F. Turner, V. Turner, Valderrama, and Vaughn
      State Government - Brokerage and Investment Management Services - Use of Minority Business Enterprises
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Finance and Budget and Taxation
    • HB 1287

      Status as of April 24, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 317

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Haynes, Ali, Anderson, Aumann, Barnes, Barve, Beidle, Benson, Bobo, Bohanan, Branch, Braveboy, Bromwell, Bronrott, Burns, Cane, Carr, Carter, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Davis, Donoghue, Doory, Feldman, Frick, Frush, Gaines, Gilchrist, Glenn, Griffith, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Haddaway, Hammen, Harrison, Hecht, Heller, Holmes, Howard, Hucker, Ivey, James, Jones, Kach, Kaiser, Kirk, Krysiak, Kullen, Lafferty, Lee, Levi, Levy, Love, Manno, Mathias, McConkey, McHale, McIntosh, Mizeur, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Proctor, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Robinson, Ross, Schuler, Stocksdale, Stukes, Tarrant, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, Valderrama, Vaughn, Waldstreicher, and Walker
      Workforce Shortage Student Assistance Grants - Public Servants - Parren J. Mitchell Public Service Scholarship
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 1301

      Status as of May 13, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 467

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Frick, McIntosh, Gutierrez, Waldstreicher, Carr, Ali, Barkley, Barve, Beidle, Benson, Bronrott, V. Clagett, Dumais, Feldman, Frush, Gilchrist, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Hucker, Kaiser, Kramer, Lee, Malone, Manno, McComas, Mizeur, Montgomery, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Reznik, Rice, Shewell, Simmons, Sossi, and Taylor
      The Jane E. Lawton Loan Program
      House: Economic Matters Senate: Finance
    • HB 1319

      Status as of April 1, 2008: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Senate Rules

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hucker, Barve, Carr, Donoghue, Doory, Gilchrist, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Jennings, Kullen, McHale, McIntosh, Myers, Ross, Sossi, Taylor, F. Turner, Valderrama, Waldstreicher, Weir, Bartlett, Elmore, Ivey, Kaiser, Rice, Serafini, and Stukes
      Expanded Early Childhood Education
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Senate Rules
    • HB 1371

      Status as of February 8, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Bronrott, Barve, Carr, Feldman, Frick, Kullen, Lee, Levi, Manno, Mizeur, Rice, and Waldstreicher
      General Assembly - Internet Webcasting of Committee Meetings
      House: House Rules and Executive Nominations
    • HB 1379

      Status as of March 22, 2008: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Health and Government Operations

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Ivey, Barkley, Beidle, Benson, Branch, V. Clagett, Doory, Gilchrist, Harrison, Lee, Montgomery, Pena-Melnyk, Ramirez, Rice, Valderrama, and Walker
      Health Insurance - Waiver for Older Adults Expansion Fund
      House: Health and Government Operations
    • HB 1388

      Status as of February 13, 2008: Bill is in the House - First Reading Appropriations

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Mizeur, Beidle, Bobo, Bohanan, Bronrott, Carr, V. Clagett, Dumais, Feldman, Frick, Gutierrez, Healey, Hecht, Howard, Hucker, Ivey, Kaiser, Kelly, Kipke, Kullen, Lafferty, Lee, Manno, McComas, Montgomery, Pena-Melnyk, Rice, Schuler, Stein, Stukes, Tarrant, F. Turner, Valderrama, Waldstreicher, and Weldon
      Higher Education - Maryland Truth in Tuition Act
      House: Appropriations
    • HB 1391

      Status as of May 22, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 692

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Mizeur, Hammen, Benson, Donoghue, Elliott, Gutierrez, Hixson, Howard, Ivey, Kipke, Lafferty, McIntosh, Morhaim, Nathan-Pulliam, Pena-Melnyk, Pendergrass, Reznik, Schuh, Bromwell, Costa, Hubbard, Kullen, Montgomery, Oaks, V. Turner, Weldon, Hucker, Bartlett, Barve, Cardin, Doory, Elmore, Frick, George, Gilchrist, Jennings, Kaiser, Krebs, Murphy, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, Serafini, Stukes, F. Turner, and Walker
      Kids First Act
      House: Health and Government Operations and Ways and Means Senate: Finance
    • HB 1411

      Status as of May 13, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 465

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Kaiser, Bronrott, Carr, Conway, Healey, Love, Manno, Montgomery, Howard, Ivey, Rice, Ross, and Stukes
      Fitness and Athletics Equity for Students with Disabilities Act
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 1486

      Status as of March 5, 2008: Bill is in the House - Re-referred Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Tarrant, Braveboy, Glenn, Oaks, Rice, and Walker
      Education - Maryland School-Based Wellness Program
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 1506

      Status as of April 24, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 326

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Walker, Benson, Braveboy, Davis, Frush, Griffith, Healey, Holmes, Hubbard, Ivey, Jennings, Levi, Niemann, Oaks, Proctor, Rice, Ross, Tarrant, F. Turner, V. Turner, Valderrama, Vallario, Vaughn, and Elmore
      Task Force to Study Thoroughbred Horse Racing at Rosecroft Raceway
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Finance
    • HB 1521

      Status as of March 25, 2008: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Budget and Taxation

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Murphy, Bohanan, Boteler, Cardin, Frick, Gilchrist, Kullen, Levy, O'Donnell, Wood, Hixson, Doory, Bartlett, Barve, Elmore, George, Howard, Ivey, Jennings, Kaiser, Krebs, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, Serafini, Stukes, F. Turner, and Walker
      Sales and Use Tax - Exemption - Veterans' Organizations
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 1569

      Status as of April 7, 2008: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

      Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capital Budget
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Taylor, Ali, Barkley, Carr, Feldman, Gilchrist, Gutierrez, Hixson, Hucker, Kaiser, Lee, Manno, Montgomery, Reznik, Rice, Simmons, and Waldstreicher
      Creation of a State Debt - Montgomery County - The Arc of Montgomery County Group Homes
      House: Appropriations
    • HB 1570

      Status as of May 22, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 634

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Frick, Barve, Hixson, Doory, Bartlett, Cardin, Elmore, George, Gilchrist, Howard, Ivey, Jennings, Kaiser, Krebs, Serafini, Murphy, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, Stukes, F. Turner, and Walker
      Motor Vehicle Excise Tax - Leased Vehicles - Application of Trade-In Value
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 1576

      Status as of March 7, 2008: Bill is in the House - Re-referred Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates F. Turner, Doory, Gilchrist, Rice, Stukes, and Walker
      Statewide Phase-Out of Electronic Gaming Devices
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 1595

      Status as of March 22, 2008: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Environmental Matters

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Mizeur, Kaiser, Ali, Barnes, Beidle, Bobo, Bromwell, Carr, Carter, V. Clagett, Frush, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Hubbard, Hucker, Ivey, Kullen, Lafferty, Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Ramirez, Rice, Ross, Schuh, Schuler, Stein, Stukes, F. Turner, V. Turner, Valderrama, and Vaughn
      Intercounty Connector - Public Health Impacts from Air Pollution - Assessment
      House: Environmental Matters
    • HB 1602

      Status as of May 13, 2008: Became Law - Chapter 553

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Malone, Hammen, Aumann, Bates, Barkley, Bohanan, Branch, Bronrott, G. Clagett, Conway, DeBoy, Eckardt, Gaines, Griffith, Guzzone, Gutierrez, Haynes, Heller, James, Jones, Levy, Myers, Sophocleus, Stocksdale, Wood, O'Donnell, Ali, Barve, Beidle, Bromwell, Carr, Carter, Donoghue, Dumais, Feldman, Frick, Gilchrist, Hecht, Howard, Krysiak, Kullen, Lafferty, Lee, Love, McHale, McIntosh, Manno, Mathias, Minnick, Montgomery, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Olszewski, Pena-Melnyk, Proctor, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Riley, Rudolph, Schuler, Stein, Stukes, Tarrant, Valderrama, Weir, Haddaway, Kipke, Miller, and Stull
      Commission to Study the Impact of Immigrants in Maryland
      House: Appropriations Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 1609

      Status as of April 3, 2008: Bill is in the Senate - Third Reading Passed with Amendments

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates F. Turner, Guzzone, Pendergrass, Hixson, Doory, Bartlett, Cardin, Elmore, Frick, Gilchrist, Howard, Ivey, Jennings, Krebs, Murphy, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, Serafini, Stukes, and Walker
      Property Tax - Abatement of Tax on Exempt Manufacturing Personal Property
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
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