Status of LegislationTotal number of Bills: 131
Status as of February 16, 2009: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Judiciary
Status as of February 27, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Judicial Proceedings
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 530
Status as of May 7, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 272
Status as of January 29, 2009: Bill is in the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations
Status as of May 7, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 179
Status as of February 10, 2009: Bill is in the House - First Reading Judiciary
Status as of May 7, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 174
Status as of January 30, 2009: Bill is in the House - First Reading Environmental Matters
Status as of April 3, 2009: Bill is in the House - House Conference Committee Appointed
Status as of May 7, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 250
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 552
Status as of February 18, 2009: Bill is in the House - First Reading Economic Matters
Status as of May 19, 2009: Vetoed by the Governor - Duplicative
Status as of March 3, 2009: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Health and Government Operations
Status as of March 6, 2009: Bill is in the House - First Reading Judiciary
Status as of February 18, 2009: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means
Status as of March 9, 2009: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary
Status as of April 10, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Senate Conference Committee Appointed
Status as of April 4, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Senate Rules
Status as of March 17, 2009: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Economic Matters
Status as of April 14, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 145
Status as of April 14, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 146
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 686
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 746
Status as of March 4, 2009: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Economic Matters
Status as of March 2, 2009: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary
Status as of February 23, 2009: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary
Status as of March 26, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Education Health and Environmental Affairs
Status as of February 11, 2009: Bill is in the House - First Reading Environmental Matters
Status as of March 2, 2009: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Environmental Matters
Status as of April 1, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Finance
Status as of April 8, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Senate Rules
Status as of April 9, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Favorable Budget and Taxation
Status as of March 11, 2009: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Appropriations
Status as of February 12, 2009: Bill is in the House - First Reading Judiciary
Status as of March 30, 2009: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Health and Government Operations
Status as of February 25, 2009: Bill is in the House - First Reading Appropriations
Status as of March 23, 2009: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Ways and Means
Status as of February 13, 2009: Bill is in the House - First Reading Environmental Matters
Status as of April 11, 2009: Bill is in the House - Referred to interim study
Status as of May 7, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 193
Status as of March 23, 2009: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary
Status as of April 10, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Judicial Proceedings
Status as of March 27, 2009: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Environmental Matters
Status as of April 13, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Judicial Proceedings
Status as of April 10, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Second Reading Passed
Status as of March 17, 2009: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Health and Government Operations
Status as of February 13, 2009: Bill is in the House - First Reading Judiciary
Status as of March 11, 2009: Bill is in the House - Recommit to Committee Judiciary
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 710
Status as of March 27, 2009: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Appropriations
Status as of April 11, 2009: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Judiciary
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 712
Status as of March 26, 2009: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Judiciary
Status as of April 9, 2009: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Health and Government Operations
Status as of April 13, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Re-referred Education Health and Environmental Affairs
Status as of March 20, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Judicial Proceedings
Status as of March 25, 2009: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Economic Matters
Status as of March 27, 2009: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Economic Matters
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 718
Status as of March 4, 2009: Bill is in the House - Re-referred Environmental Matters
Status as of March 4, 2009: Bill is in the House - Re-referred Ways and Means
Status as of March 30, 2009: Bill is in the House - Re-referred Economic Matters
Status as of March 24, 2009: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Health and Government Operations
Status as of May 7, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 465
Status as of March 10, 2009: Bill is in the House - Re-referred Judiciary
Status as of April 9, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Third Reading Passed with Amendments
Status as of March 27, 2009: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Health and Government Operations
Status as of May 7, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 349
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 741
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 651
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 507
Status as of March 18, 2009: Bill is in the House - First Reading Health and Government Operations
Status as of April 14, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 24
Status as of February 13, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Education Health and Environmental Affairs
Status as of March 18, 2009: Bill is in the House - First Reading Judiciary
Status as of February 23, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Judicial Proceedings
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 513
Status as of May 7, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 207
Status as of March 26, 2009: Bill is in the House - First Reading Environmental Matters
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 525
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 529
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 496
Status as of May 7, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 173
Status as of March 24, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Third Reading Failed
Status as of May 7, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 178
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 500
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 531
Status as of April 11, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Education Health and Environmental Affairs
Status as of May 7, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 249
Status as of February 4, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Finance
Status as of March 4, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Judicial Proceedings
Status as of April 14, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 71
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 744
Status as of May 7, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 271
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 551
Status as of April 2, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Judicial Proceedings
Status as of February 25, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Finance
Status as of February 11, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Judicial Proceedings
Status as of March 23, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Judicial Proceedings
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 573
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 745
Status as of March 16, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Withdrawn Budget and Taxation
Status as of March 26, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Judicial Proceedings
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 747
Status as of April 10, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Third Reading Passed
Status as of March 16, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Withdrawn Judicial Proceedings
Status as of February 11, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Finance
Status as of March 27, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Referred to interim study
Status as of February 11, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Education Health and Environmental Affairs
Status as of April 6, 2009: Bill is in the House - Re-referred Economic Matters
Status as of March 17, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Finance
Status as of May 7, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 188
Status as of February 25, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Re-referred Judicial Proceedings
Status as of March 9, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Re-referred Education Health and Environmental Affairs
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 633
Status as of March 27, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Withdrawn Education Health and Environmental Affairs
Status as of March 5, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Re-referred Finance
Status as of March 16, 2009: Bill is in the Senate - Re-referred Education Health and Environmental Affairs
Status as of March 28, 2009: Bill is in the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations
Status as of May 19, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 650
Status as of May 7, 2009: Became Law - Chapter 348
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