File Code: Elections
- Sponsored By:
Delegates Levi, Dumais, Elmore, George, Gilchrist, Howard, Myers, Niemann,
Olszewski, Rice, Rosenberg, Shank, Stukes, F. Turner, and Valderrama
- Entitled:
Election Law - Transfer from Slate to Candidate - Campaign Finance Report
Requiring a slate that makes transfers in a cumulative amount of more
than $6,000 to the campaign finance entity of one of its members
during a period to file a campaign finance report for the reporting
period, as specified; requiring the campaign finance report to be
filed on a specified date; and providing that the State Board of
Elections is not required to provide notice to a specified entity that
a campaign finance report is to be filed under the Act.
Legislative date is used to record
history occurring in the Chambers
otherwise Calendar date is used.
House Action
- 2/18
- First Reading Ways and Means
- 2/19
- Hearing 3/16 at 1:00 p.m.
Senate Action
- No Action
Sponsored by:
- Delegate Gerron S. Levi, District 23A
- Delegate Kathleen M. Dumais, District 15
- Delegate D. Page Elmore, District 38A
- Delegate Ron George, District 30
- Delegate Jim Gilchrist, District 17
- Delegate Carolyn J. B. Howard, District 24
- Delegate LeRoy E. Myers, Jr., District 1C
- Delegate Doyle L. Niemann, District 47
- Delegate John A. Olszewski, Jr., District 6
- Delegate Craig L. Rice, District 15
- Delegate Samuel I. Rosenberg, District 41
- Delegate Christopher B. Shank, District 2B
- Delegate Melvin L. Stukes, District 44
- Delegate Frank S. Turner, District 13
- Delegate Kriselda Valderrama, District 26
Bill indexed under the following Subjects:
- Campaign Financing
- Disclosure
- Elections, State Board of
- Notices
- Political Candidates
- Political Committees
- Reports
Bill affects the following Statutes:
- Election Law
- (
13-209 ,
13-227 ,
13-304 ,
13-309 ,
13-312 ,
13-321 ,
All documents except Roll Call Votes are
displayed in PDF format:
- Bill Text:
First Reading,
Third Reading, Enrolled
- Fiscal and Policy Note:
- Amendments:
None offered
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