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2010 Regular Session

Delegate Sheila E. Hixson
District 20

Status of Legislation
Total Number of Bills: 90

    • HB 59

      Status as of May 4, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 306

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Pena-Melnyk, Manno, Ali, Aumann, Barnes, Bartlett, Barve, Braveboy, Carr, Costa, Dumais, Dwyer, Feldman, Frick, Gilchrist, Glenn, Healey, Howard, Hubbard, Ivey, Kaiser, King, Lafferty, Lee, Love, Montgomery, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, Shewell, Stocksdale, Stukes, Taylor, Valderrama, and Waldstreicher
      Task Force to Explore the Incorporation of the Principles of Universal Design for Learning into the Education Systems in Maryland
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 176

      Status as of April 13, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 105

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Hucker, Manno, Olszewski, Reznik, Robinson, Kaiser, Bronrott, Carr, George, Healey, Ivey, Love, Kramer, Montgomery, Niemann, Ramirez, Sophocleus, Waldstreicher, Murphy, and Myers
      Public Schools - Student Information - Availability to Military Recruiters
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 177

      Status as of April 10, 2010: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

      Became Law - Rolled into the Omnibus Bill
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Hucker, and Mizeur
      Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2009 - Easter Seals Inter-Generational Center
      House: Appropriations
    • HB 180

      Status as of April 10, 2010: Bill is in the Senate - Third Reading Passed with Amendments

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Hucker, and Mizeur
      Financial Institutions - Automated Teller Machines - Video Cameras
      House: Economic Matters Senate: Finance
    • HB 223

      Status as of April 13, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 74

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Howard, Feldman, Ali, Barkley, Barve, Bronrott, Carr, Dumais, Frick, Gilchrist, Gutierrez, Heller, Hucker, Kaiser, Kramer, Lee, Manno, Mizeur, Montgomery, Reznik, Rice, Simmons, Taylor, Waldstreicher, Benson, Boteler, Cane, G. Clagett, Davis, DeBoy, Doory, Frush, Gaines, Glenn, Healey, Hecht, Holmes, Ivey, King, Love, Minnick, Niemann, Pendergrass, Pena-Melnyk, Proctor, Ramirez, Ross, Shewell, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stocksdale, Valderrama, Vaughn, Walker, and Wood
      Maintenance of Effort - Penalty
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 241

      Status as of February 12, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Cardin, Doory, Frick, Gilchrist, Ivey, Kaiser, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, and Stukes
      Income Tax - Net Operating Loss Deductions - Loss from Criminal Fraud or Embezzlement
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 242

      Status as of May 4, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 400

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Cardin, Gilchrist, Howard, Ivey, Doory, Kaiser, Murphy, Rice, Stukes, and F. Turner
      Real Property - Mobile Home Park - Rental Agreement - Term of Payment
      House: Environmental Matters Senate: Judicial Proceedings
    • HB 243

      Status as of May 4, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 325

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Barve, Howard, Hucker, Ivey, Kaiser, Mizeur, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, Stukes, and F. Turner
      Fairness in Negotiations Act
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Finance
    • HB 244

      Status as of February 12, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Ivey, Kaiser, Rice, Ross, Stukes, and F. Turner
      Tax Compliance and Administration Act of 2010
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 410

      Status as of February 10, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Boteler, Bronrott, Cane, G. Clagett, DeBoy, Doory, Dumais, Frick, Gilchrist, Glenn, Healey, Hecht, Ivey, Kaiser, King, Love, Minnick, Mizeur, Montgomery, Niemann, Ramirez, Rice, Shewell, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stocksdale, and Wood
      Education - Statewide Maintenance of Effort Waiver
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 413

      Status as of May 4, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 255

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Bartlett, Barve, Beidle, Bobo, Boteler, Bronrott, Carr, G. Clagett, DeBoy, Frank, Frush, George, Gilchrist, Glenn, Gutierrez, Hammen, Hecht, Heller, Hucker, Ivey, Kaiser, Kirk, Krysiak, Kullen, Lafferty, Lee, Levi, Love, Mathias, McHale, McIntosh, Mizeur, Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, O'Donnell, Olszewski, Proctor, Reznik, Robinson, Rosenberg, Schuler, Shewell, Simmons, Sophocleus, Sossi, Tarrant, F. Turner, V. Turner, Valderrama, Vallario, Waldstreicher, Weir, Doory, Cardin, Elmore, Frick, Howard, Murphy, Myers, Rice, Ross, Shank, Stukes, Walker, and Kramer
      Education - Instruction of Blind and Visually Impaired Students - Use of Braille
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 718

      Status as of April 10, 2010: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

      Became Law - Rolled into the Omnibus Bill
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson and Mizeur
      Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2005 - Montgomery County - Old Blair High School Auditorium
      House: Appropriations
    • HB 723

      Status as of February 10, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Bartlett, Boteler, Elmore, Frick, Howard, Ivey, Murphy, Myers, Rice, Ross, Stukes, and F. Turner
      Education - Age of Compulsory Attendance - Exemptions
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 726

      Status as of February 9, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Economic Matters

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Frick, Cardin, Bartlett, Boteler, Doory, George, Gilchrist, Howard, Ivey, Kaiser, Mizeur, Murphy, Myers, Rice, Ross, Stukes, F. Turner, and Walker
      Consumer Protection - Negative Option Feature - Restrictions
      House: Economic Matters
    • HB 1036

      Status as of February 17, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Barve, Frick, Gilchrist, and Kaiser
      Education - Enrollment - Average Daily Attendance
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 1037

      Status as of March 23, 2010: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Health and Government Operations

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Hucker, Mizeur, and Ramirez
      Public Safety - National Guard Deployment - Governor's Powers
      House: Health and Government Operations
    • HB 1071

      Status as of April 12, 2010: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

      Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capital Budget
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Ali, Barnes, Gutierrez, Ivey, Mizeur, Niemann, Pena-Melnyk, and Ramirez
      Creation of a State Debt - Prince George's County - CASA Multi-Cultural Service Center
      House: Appropriations
    • HB 1081

      Status as of March 29, 2010: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Environmental Matters

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Hucker, Ivey, and Mizeur
      Condominiums - Conversion of Residential Rental Facilities - Expiration of Registration and Notice
      House: Environmental Matters
    • HB 1084

      Status as of March 15, 2010: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Judiciary

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Bobo, Dumais, Feldman, Gutierrez, Hucker, Kramer, Love, Manno, and Rice
      Domestic Violence - Reasonable Corporal Punishment - Limitations
      House: Judiciary
    • HB 1337

      Status as of February 19, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hixson, Cardin, Elmore, Frick, George, Reznik, Simmons, and F. Turner
      Election Law - Polling Places - Electioneering Boundaries
      House: Ways and Means

    Co-sponsored Bills

    • HB 34

      Status as of May 4, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 293

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Waldstreicher, Ramirez, Gutierrez, Pena-Melnyk, Ali, Anderson, Barkley, Barnes, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Branch, Bronrott, Burns, Cane, Carr, Carter, Conaway, Davis, Doory, Dumais, Eckardt, Feldman, Frick, Frush, Gaines, Gilchrist, Glenn, Griffith, Guzzone, Hammen, Haynes, Healey, Hecht, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Hucker, Ivey, Jameson, Jones, Kaiser, Kelly, Kipke, Kirk, Kramer, Krysiak, Lafferty, Lee, Levi, Levy, Love, Manno, McHale, McIntosh, Mizeur, Montgomery, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Pendergrass, Proctor, Reznik, Rice, Riley, Robinson, Rosenberg, Ross, Simmons, Stukes, Tarrant, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, Valderrama, Vallario, Vaughn, and Walker
      State Government - Commemorative Month - Hispanic Heritage Month
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 92

      Status as of March 22, 2010: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Budget and Taxation

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Busch, Hixson, Doory, Barkley, Barnes, Bobo, Bohanan, Branch, Carr, Davis, Dumais, Eckardt, Feldman, Gilchrist, Glenn, Gutierrez, Haynes, Hecht, Heller, Howard, Hucker, Ivey, Kelly, King, Kipke, Kullen, Lafferty, Levi, Malone, Manno, McIntosh, Mizeur, Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Rosenberg, Ross, Rudolph, Schuler, Stukes, Tarrant, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, Valderrama, Vallario, Vaughn, Waldstreicher, and Walker
      Labor and Employment - Job Creation and Recovery Tax Credit
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 155

      Status as of February 10, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Kaiser, Barkley, Boteler, Carr, DeBoy, Elmore, Glenn, Hixson, Hucker, James, Love, Manno, Montgomery, Robinson, and F. Turner
      Delegate Howard P. Rawlings Educational Excellence Award - Qualifications - Study Abroad Programs
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 183

      Status as of April 12, 2010: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

      Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capital Budget
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hucker, Hixson, and Mizeur
      Creation of a State Debt - Montgomery County - National Labor College Academic Services Building
      House: Appropriations
    • HB 189

      Status as of April 13, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 59

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegate DeBoy (Chair, Joint Audit Committee) and Delegates Aumann, Barkley, Bronrott, G. Clagett, Haynes, Hixson, Howard, Kach, and Oaks
      Office of Legislative Audits - Auditing Local School Systems
      House: Appropriations Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 198

      Status as of March 9, 2010: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Health and Government Operations

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Bronrott, Ali, Barkley, Barve, Carr, Dumais, Feldman, Frick, Gilchrist, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Heller, Hixson, Hucker, Kaiser, Kramer, Lee, Manno, Mizeur, Montgomery, Reznik, Rice, Simmons, Taylor, and Waldstreicher
      Health Insurance - Habilitative Services - Required Coverage
      House: Health and Government Operations
    • HB 203

      Status as of May 20, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 510

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Cardin, Bromwell, Hecht, Lafferty, Love, Morhaim, Olszewski, Rosenberg, Schuler, Stein, Bartlett, Barve, Boteler, Doory, Elmore, Frick, George, Gilchrist, Hixson, Howard, Ivey, Kaiser, Murphy, Myers, Rice, Ross, Shank, Stukes, F. Turner, and Walker
      Sales and Use Tax - Exemptions - Veterans' Organizations
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 250

      Status as of May 4, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 230

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Morhaim, Bobo, Cane, Glenn, Hecht, Heller, Hixson, Hubbard, Lafferty, Lee, Levi, Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Reznik, Shewell, Stocksdale, Tarrant, V. Turner, Walker, and Kramer
      Procurement - Minority Business Enterprises - Certification Process
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 251

      Status as of May 4, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 232

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Morhaim, Bobo, Cane, Cardin, Conaway, Glenn, Hecht, Heller, Hixson, Hubbard, Kaiser, Lafferty, Lee, Levi, Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Reznik, Robinson, Shewell, Stocksdale, Tarrant, V. Turner, Walker, Kramer, Pendergrass, Benson, Kullen, and Pena-Melnyk
      State Procurement - Minority Business Enterprises - Electronic Certification Process
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 270

      Status as of April 8, 2010: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Economic Matters

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Rice, Ali, Davis, Hixson, Reznik, Tarrant, and Vaughn
      Alcoholic Beverages - Licensed Restaurants - Extended Hours for Food Service
      House: Economic Matters
    • HB 271

      Status as of February 12, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Rice, Hixson, Cardin, Howard, Ivey, Kaiser, Olszewski, Ross, and Shank
      Transportation - Public-Private Partnerships - Notice to the General Assembly
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 304

      Status as of April 6, 2010: Bill is in the Senate - Senate Conference Committee Appointed

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Jones, Conway, Hixson, Holmes, McIntosh, O'Donnell, Ross, and Schuh
      Education - Maintenance of Effort Requirement - Process and Factors
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 317

      Status as of February 18, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Economic Matters

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Holmes, Aumann, Barkley, Benson, Bobo, Cane, Carr, Davis, Doory, Elmore, Glenn, Griffith, Gutierrez, Healey, Hecht, Hixson, Howard, Ivey, Jennings, Kullen, McConkey, Montgomery, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Pena-Melnyk, Proctor, Ross, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Tarrant, F. Turner, Valderrama, Vaughn, Waldstreicher, Walker, and Weir
      Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund - Acceptance of Premiums on Installment Basis
      House: Economic Matters
    • HB 322

      Status as of February 19, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Reznik, Ali, Barkley, Barve, Bronrott, Carr, Dumais, Feldman, Frick, Gilchrist, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Howard, Hucker, Ivey, Kaiser, Kramer, Lee, Manno, Mizeur, Montgomery, Murphy, Olszewski, Pena-Melnyk, Rice, Ross, Tarrant, Taylor, Valderrama, and Waldstreicher
      Elective Franchise - Registration and Voting at Polling Places
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 334

      Status as of May 4, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 267

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Walker, Ivey, Hixson, Bartlett, Cardin, Elmore, Frick, Gilchrist, Kaiser, Murphy, Myers, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, Stukes, and F. Turner
      Public Schools - Physical Education Facilities
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 344

      Status as of April 12, 2010: Bill is in the House - Referred to interim study

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Mizeur, Lafferty, Anderson, Aumann, Barkley, Barnes, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Bohanan, Bromwell, Bronrott, Carr, G. Clagett, Costa, DeBoy, Donoghue, Doory, Dumais, Feldman, Frick, Frush, Gaines, Glenn, Griffith, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Hammen, Haynes, Healey, Hecht, Heller, Hixson, Howard, Hubbard, Hucker, Impallaria, Ivey, Kach, Kaiser, Kipke, Krebs, Kullen, Lee, Levi, Love, Manno, Mathias, McDonough, McHale, Minnick, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Olszewski, Pena-Melnyk, Pendergrass, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Riley, Robinson, Rosenberg, Ross, Schuler, Smigiel, Stein, Stukes, Tarrant, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, Valderrama, and Waldstreicher
      Maryland Open Government Act
      House: House Rules and Executive Nominations
    • HB 350

      Status as of May 4, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 346

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hucker, Bartlett, Doory, Frick, Gutierrez, Hixson, Ivey, Kaiser, Montgomery, Murphy, Myers, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, Stukes, and V. Turner
      Education - Early Learning Challenge Fund - Application for Grants
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 359

      Status as of May 20, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 508

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates James, Riley, Ali, Barkley, Boteler, Burns, DeBoy, Elmore, Hixson, Kach, Kipke, Lafferty, Love, McDonough, Minnick, Mizeur, Montgomery, Robinson, Rudolph, Shewell, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stocksdale, Stukes, F. Turner, Wood, Benson, Bromwell, Costa, Donoghue, Elliott, Hubbard, Jenkins, Krebs, Kullen, Morhaim, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Reznik, Tarrant, and V. Turner
      Procurement - Veteran-Owned Small Business Enterprise Participation
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 362

      Status as of April 12, 2010: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

      Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capital Budget
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Griffith, Feldman, Ali, Barkley, Barnes, Barve, Benson, Bohanan, Bronrott, Carr, Davis, Dumais, Frick, Frush, Gaines, Gilchrist, Gutierrez, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Kaiser, Kramer, Lee, Levi, Levy, Manno, Mizeur, Montgomery, Niemann, Pena-Melnyk, Proctor, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Ross, Simmons, Taylor, V. Turner, Valderrama, Vallario, Vaughn, and Walker
      Creation of a State Debt - Capital Area Food Bank
      House: Appropriations
    • HB 389

      Status as of April 12, 2010: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

      Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capital Budget
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Taylor, Carr, Hixson, Hucker, Kaiser, and Montgomery
      Creation of a State Debt - Montgomery County - Maydale Nature Center
      House: Appropriations
    • HB 419

      Status as of February 10, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hucker, Bartlett, Doory, Frick, Gutierrez, Hixson, Ivey, Kaiser, Montgomery, Murphy, Myers, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, Stukes, and V. Turner
      Early Child Care and Education Enhancement Program - Annual Report
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 431

      Status as of April 6, 2010: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Health and Government Operations

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Waldstreicher, Benson, Bromwell, Costa, Donoghue, Elliott, Hixson, Hubbard, Kach, Kipke, Krebs, Kullen, McConkey, Mizeur, Montgomery, Morhaim, Myers, Nathan-Pulliam, Pena-Melnyk, Reznik, and Vallario
      Medical Review Committees - Subpoenas - Medical Records for Mental Health Services
      House: Health and Government Operations
    • HB 441

      Status as of April 12, 2010: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

      Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capital Budget
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Frick, Lee, Bronrott, Ali, Barkley, Barve, Carr, Dumais, Feldman, Gilchrist, Heller, Hixson, Hucker, Kaiser, Kramer, Manno, Mizeur, Montgomery, Reznik, Rice, Simmons, Taylor, and Waldstreicher
      Creation of a State Debt - Montgomery County - JFGH Activity Center
      House: Appropriations
    • HB 465

      Status as of May 20, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 496

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Hucker, Anderson, Barve, Benson, Carter, Frick, Frush, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Hixson, Hubbard, Lafferty, Manno, McHale, McIntosh, Mizeur, Montgomery, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Olszewski, Ramirez, Simmons, Tarrant, Taylor, V. Turner, Vaughn, and Waldstreicher
      Collective Negotiations by Family Child Care Providers
      House: Economic Matters Senate: Finance
    • Sponsored By
      The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Hixson and Conway
      Governor's P-20 Leadership Council of Maryland
      House: Ways and Means and Appropriations Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 469

      Status as of May 20, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 490

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Rosenberg, Hixson, Doory, Cardin, Bartlett, Frick, Kaiser, Ross, F. Turner, Beidle, Bobo, Bronrott, Carr, DeBoy, Haddaway, Hecht, Levy, Love, Malone, Manno, Mathias, Niemann, Reznik, Shewell, Stein, Gilchrist, Ivey, Rice, Murphy, Howard, Barve, Walker, Olszewski, and Stukes
      Motor Vehicle Excise Tax - Tax Credit For Electric Vehicles
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 473

      Status as of May 4, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 177

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Busch, Vallario, Rosenberg, Ali, Anderson, Barkley, Barnes, Bartlett, Barve, Beidle, Branch, Bromwell, Cardin, Carr, Conway, Davis, DeBoy, Doory, Dumais, Dwyer, Eckardt, Elmore, Feldman, Frank, Frick, Frush, Gaines, Gilchrist, Glenn, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Haddaway, Hammen, Haynes, Healey, Hecht, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Ivey, Jennings, Jones, Kaiser, Kelly, King, Kirk, Kramer, Lee, Levi, Levy, Love, Malone, Manno, Mathias, McComas, McConkey, McDonough, McHale, McIntosh, Miller, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murphy, Niemann, O'Donnell, Oaks, Olszewski, Pena-Melnyk, Proctor, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Ross, Rudolph, Shewell, Smigiel, Stein, Stifler, Tarrant, Taylor, V. Turner, Valderrama, Vaughn, Walker, and Conaway
      Criminal Procedure - Sexual Offenders - Lifetime Supervision
      House: Judiciary Senate: Judicial Proceedings
    • HB 475

      Status as of May 20, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 487

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Bartlett, Bobo, Bronrott, Cane, Carr, V. Clagett, Davis, Donoghue, Doory, Eckardt, Elmore, Frush, Gaines, Haddaway, Hammen, Healey, Jones, Kullen, Lafferty, McIntosh, Morhaim, Nathan-Pulliam, Proctor, Ramirez, Rice, Stein, Barve, Cardin, Frick, George, Gilchrist, Hixson, Howard, Ivey, Kaiser, Murphy, Myers, Olszewski, Ross, Stukes, F. Turner, and Walker
      Smart, Green, and Growing - The Sustainable Communities Act of 2010
      House: Ways and Means and Environmental Matters Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 478

      Status as of March 16, 2010: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Health and Government Operations

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Pena-Melnyk, Mizeur, Benson, Carr, Costa, DeBoy, Donoghue, Elliott, Frush, Glenn, Gutierrez, Hixson, Hubbard, Hucker, Kipke, Lafferty, Manno, Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Reznik, Rice, Riley, Ross, Stukes, and V. Turner
      Health Insurance - Prescription Drugs - Cost-Sharing Obligations
      House: Health and Government Operations
    • HB 483

      Status as of March 27, 2010: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Judiciary

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Dumais, Barkley, Barve, Beidle, Bobo, Bronrott, Carr, G. Clagett, Conway, DeBoy, Doory, Feldman, Frick, Frush, Gaines, Gilchrist, Glenn, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Healey, Hecht, Heller, Hixson, Howard, James, Jameson, Jones, Kaiser, Kullen, Lee, Love, Malone, Manno, Mathias, McHale, Mizeur, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Olszewski, Pendergrass, Reznik, Rice, Robinson, Rudolph, Shewell, Sophocleus, Stocksdale, Taylor, F. Turner, and Waldstreicher
      Uniform Power of Attorney Act
      House: Judiciary
    • HB 484

      Status as of May 20, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 680

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Elliott, Aumann, Bartlett, Bates, Beidle, Beitzel, Boteler, Bromwell, Cardin, Dwyer, Eckardt, Elmore, Frush, George, Haddaway, Healey, Heller, Hubbard, Impallaria, Jenkins, Kach, King, Kipke, Krebs, Levy, Love, Mathias, McDonough, Minnick, Morhaim, Murphy, Myers, Olszewski, Schuh, Shank, Shewell, Sossi, Stein, Stocksdale, Stukes, Stull, Waldstreicher, Walker, Wood, Barve, Doory, Frick, Gilchrist, Hixson, Howard, Ivey, Kaiser, Rice, Ross, and F. Turner
      Property Tax - Semiannual Payment Schedule - Small Business Property
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 496

      Status as of April 13, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 67

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Pena-Melnyk, Ali, Anderson, Barnes, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Bohanan, Branch, Braveboy, Bronrott, Burns, Busch, Cane, Carr, Carter, Conaway, Costa, Davis, Dumais, Dwyer, Eckardt, Feldman, Frick, Frush, Gaines, Gilchrist, Glenn, Griffith, Gutierrez, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Hucker, Ivey, Jones, Kach, Kaiser, Kipke, Kirk, Kramer, Krysiak, Kullen, Lee, Levi, Levy, Manno, McConkey, McIntosh, Mizeur, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Olszewski, Pendergrass, Proctor, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Robinson, Rosenberg, Ross, Schuh, Schuler, Simmons, Stukes, Tarrant, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, Valderrama, Vallario, Vaughn, Waldstreicher, and Walker
      No Representation Without Population Act
      House: House Rules and Executive Nominations Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 506

      Status as of March 17, 2010: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Education Health and Environmental Affairs

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Dumais, Feldman, Rice, Hixson, Bartlett, Barve, Cardin, Frick, Gilchrist, Howard, Ivey, Kaiser, Murphy, Myers, Ross, Stukes, F. Turner, and Walker
      Higher Education - Delegate Scholarships - Summer School
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 525

      Status as of February 3, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Judiciary

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Ali, Anderson, Beidle, Beitzel, Benson, Bobo, Cardin, Carr, Doory, Dumais, Feldman, Frush, Gaines, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Hammen, Healey, Hecht, Heller, Hixson, Howard, Hubbard, Hucker, Jones, Kaiser, King, Kramer, Lafferty, Levy, Love, McIntosh, Montgomery, Niemann, Pena-Melnyk, Pendergrass, Proctor, Reznik, Rice, Rosenberg, Rudolph, Taylor, V. Turner, Vaughn, and Walker
      Maryland False Health Claims Act of 2010
      House: Judiciary and Appropriations
    • HB 659

      Status as of May 20, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 689

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Simmons and Dumais, and Delegates Dwyer, Kipke, Kramer, Schuh, Sophocleus, Barkley, Barve, Beidle, Bobo, Bronrott, Carr, G. Clagett, Conway, DeBoy, Doory, Feldman, Frick, Frush, Gaines, Gilchrist, Glenn, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Healey, Hecht, Heller, Hixson, Howard, James, Jameson, Jones, Kaiser, Kullen, Lee, Love, Malone, Manno, Mathias, McHale, Mizeur, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Olszewski, Pendergrass, Reznik, Rice, Robinson, Rudolph, Shewell, Stocksdale, Taylor, F. Turner, and Waldstreicher
      Maryland General and Limited Power of Attorney Act (Loretta's Law)
      House: Judiciary Senate: Judicial Proceedings
    • HB 690

      Status as of February 18, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Cardin, Barve, Bobo, Carr, Frick, Hixson, Hucker, Montgomery, and Rosenberg
      Election Law - Persons Doing Public Business - Independent Expenditures
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 710

      Status as of May 20, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 526

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Howard, Ali, Barkley, Barnes, Bartlett, Barve, Beitzel, Bronrott, Cane, Carr, G. Clagett, Davis, DeBoy, Donoghue, Doory, Dumais, Feldman, Frick, Frush, Gaines, George, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Haynes, Healey, Hecht, Hixson, Holmes, Hubbard, Hucker, Ivey, Jameson, Jenkins, Kaiser, Kramer, Krysiak, Kullen, Lafferty, Lee, Levi, Levy, Manno, McHale, McIntosh, Mizeur, Murphy, Niemann, Proctor, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Ross, Simmons, Sophocleus, Stukes, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, Valderrama, Waldstreicher, and Walker
      Blue Ribbon Commission on Maryland Transportation Funding
      House: Ways and Means and Environmental Matters Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 755

      Status as of April 5, 2010: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Budget and Taxation

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Mizeur, Barkley, Bobo, Bronrott, Carr, Dumais, Feldman, Frick, Gilchrist, Glenn, Healey, Hecht, Hixson, Ivey, Kaiser, Lafferty, Manno, McIntosh, Montgomery, Murphy, Pena-Melnyk, Reznik, Rice, Robinson, Rosenberg, and Ross
      Earned Income Credit Information Act
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 767

      Status as of March 27, 2010: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Health and Government Operations

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Montgomery, Manno, Hucker, Ali, Anderson, Barkley, Benson, Bobo, Bronrott, Carr, Carter, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Conaway, Frick, Frush, Gaines, Gilchrist, Gutierrez, Hixson, Howard, Hubbard, Ivey, Kaiser, Lee, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Robinson, Rosenberg, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, and Waldstreicher
      Maryland Health Security Act of 2010
      House: Health and Government Operations
    • HB 789

      Status as of April 9, 2010: Bill is in the Senate - Third Reading Passed with Amendments

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Howard, Walker, Carter, Hucker, Stein, Cane, G. Clagett, DeBoy, Glenn, Harrison, Haynes, Kirk, Proctor, Robinson, Sophocleus, Stukes, F. Turner, Krebs, Bartlett, Doory, Frick, Gutierrez, Hixson, Ivey, Kaiser, Montgomery, Murphy, Myers, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, V. Turner, Anderson, Carr, Dumais, Love, McComas, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Shank, Simmons, Taylor, and Cardin
      Education - Children and Youth - Implementation of Programs and Reporting of Information Concerning Student Health, Well-Being, and Growth
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 808

      Status as of February 9, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Judiciary

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Barnes, McIntosh, Kaiser, Mizeur, Ali, Anderson, Barkley, Barve, Bobo, Bronrott, Carr, Carter, Dumais, Feldman, Frick, Frush, Gaines, Gilchrist, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Harrison, Heller, Hixson, Hubbard, Hucker, Ivey, Kirk, Kramer, Krysiak, Lee, Manno, Montgomery, Niemann, Pena-Melnyk, Pendergrass, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Rosenberg, Ross, Schuler, Simmons, Stukes, F. Turner, Valderrama, and Waldstreicher
      Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act
      House: Judiciary
    • HB 816

      Status as of May 4, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 204

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Cardin, Dumais, Hixson, Kaiser, Rice, Ross, George, and Shank
      Honorable Lorraine M. Sheehan Act to Protect Voting Rights for Individuals Under Guardianship for Mental Disability
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 817

      Status as of April 8, 2010: Bill is in the House - Third Reading Passed

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Frick, Barve, Branch, Cardin, Hixson, Miller, Minnick, Myers, Rice, Ross, Shank, and Stukes
      Heavy Equipment Tax Reform Act of 2010
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 830

      Status as of May 20, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 500

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Kramer, Ali, Barkley, Bates, Bronrott, Carr, Conaway, Dumais, Feldman, Frick, Gutierrez, Hecht, Heller, Hixson, Ivey, Jenkins, Kelly, Lee, Manno, McConkey, Miller, Mizeur, Montgomery, Murphy, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Shank, Simmons, Smigiel, Valderrama, Waldstreicher, Bartlett, Barve, Boteler, Cardin, Doory, Elmore, George, Howard, Kaiser, Myers, Ross, Stukes, F. Turner, and Walker
      Income Tax Checkoff for Developmental Disabilities
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 850

      Status as of May 4, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 329

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Barve, Branch, Cane, Donoghue, Dumais, Elmore, Frick, Hammen, Hixson, James, Jones, Kach, Love, Mathias, McHale, Morhaim, Murphy, O'Donnell, Shank, Sophocleus, Stifler, Bartlett, Boteler, Cardin, Doory, George, Gilchrist, Howard, Ivey, Kaiser, Myers, Olszewski, Rice, Ross, Stukes, F. Turner, and Walker
      Property Tax Credit - Habitat for Humanity
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 881

      Status as of February 24, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Appropriations

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hucker, Ali, Barkley, Barnes, Barve, Beidle, Benson, Bronrott, Davis, DeBoy, Dumais, Feldman, Frick, Frush, Gaines, Gilchrist, Glenn, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Ivey, Jones, Kaiser, Lee, Levi, Manno, McIntosh, Mizeur, Montgomery, Niemann, Oaks, Proctor, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Robinson, Ross, Sophocleus, V. Turner, Vaughn, and Waldstreicher
      Libraries - Collective Bargaining
      House: Appropriations
    • HB 932

      Status as of March 23, 2010: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Rice, Barkley, Bartlett, Barve, Carr, Feldman, Hixson, Montgomery, Reznik, and Walker
      Public Schools - New Construction or Renovation - Children's Environmental Health
      House: Appropriations
    • HB 938

      Status as of March 26, 2010: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Health and Government Operations

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Rice, Ali, Bronrott, Feldman, Gilchrist, Gutierrez, Healey, Hixson, Hucker, Kramer, Kullen, Manno, Montgomery, Reznik, Tarrant, and Taylor
      Developmental Disabilities Administration - Waiting List Equity Fund
      House: Health and Government Operations and Appropriations
    • HB 962

      Status as of March 27, 2010: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Judicial Proceedings

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates G. Clagett, Dumais, Burns, DeBoy, Hecht, Hixson, Howard, Jameson, Kullen, Miller, Sophocleus, Stocksdale, F. Turner, and Wood
      Crimes - Child Endangerment
      House: Judiciary Senate: Judicial Proceedings
    • HB 1022

      Status as of February 24, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Health and Government Operations

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Carr, Waldstreicher, Gutierrez, Ali, Anderson, Barkley, Barnes, Barve, Beidle, Bobo, Branch, Bronrott, Cardin, Carter, Conaway, Doory, Dumais, Feldman, Frush, Gaines, Gilchrist, Guzzone, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Hecht, Hixson, Holmes, Hubbard, Hucker, Ivey, Jones, Kaiser, Kirk, Kramer, Krysiak, Lafferty, Lee, Love, Manno, McHale, McIntosh, Mizeur, Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Robinson, Rosenberg, Ross, Schuler, Simmons, Stukes, Tarrant, F. Turner, Valderrama, and Vallario
      Human Relations - Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity - Antidiscrimination
      House: Health and Government Operations
    • HB 1034

      Status as of May 20, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 498

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Costa, Benson, Bobo, Bronrott, Gaines, Guzzone, Hubbard, Kullen, Manno, Mizeur, Montgomery, Waldstreicher, Hixson, Hammen, Pendergrass, Elliott, Jenkins, Krebs, McDonough, Morhaim, Nathan-Pulliam, Reznik, Riley, Tarrant, and V. Turner
      Community Services Reimbursement Rate Commission - Developmental Disabilities and Community Mental Health Services - Rate Adjustments
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Finance
    • HB 1040

      Status as of April 6, 2010: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Health and Government Operations

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Bronrott, Barkley, Barnes, Barve, Beidle, Bobo, Carr, Dumais, Frick, Frush, Gaines, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Hammen, Haynes, Hecht, Hixson, Hubbard, Hucker, Jones, Kaiser, Krysiak, Lafferty, Lee, Manno, McIntosh, Mizeur, Montgomery, Morhaim, Niemann, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Ross, Stein, and Taylor
      High Performance Buildings Act - Applicability to Recipients of State Aid
      House: Health and Government Operations and Appropriations
    • HB 1044

      Status as of May 20, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 528

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Bronrott, Ali, Aumann, Barkley, Barnes, Bartlett, Barve, Beidle, Beitzel, Bobo, Cardin, Carr, G. Clagett, Conway, Dumais, Eckardt, Feldman, Frick, Frush, Gaines, Griffith, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Hammen, Haynes, Healey, Hecht, Hixson, Hubbard, Hucker, Ivey, Jones, Kaiser, Kipke, Krysiak, Lafferty, Lee, Manno, McIntosh, Mizeur, Montgomery, Morhaim, Niemann, Pena-Melnyk, Pendergrass, Proctor, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Robinson, Ross, Stein, Taylor, F. Turner, and V. Turner
      High Performance Buildings Act - Applicable to Community College Capital Projects
      House: Health and Government Operations and Appropriations Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 1062

      Status as of May 20, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 721

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Healey, Ross, Frick, Gaines, Hixson, Howard, Ivey, Stukes, and Walker
      Property Tax Credit - Urban Agricultural Property
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 1091

      Status as of February 24, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Health and Government Operations

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Reznik, Anderson, Barkley, Beidle, Benson, Bobo, Bromwell, Bronrott, Carr, Carter, G. Clagett, Dumais, Feldman, Frick, Frush, Gilchrist, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Healey, Hixson, Howard, Hubbard, Hucker, Ivey, Kaiser, Kramer, Kullen, Lafferty, Lee, Manno, Mathias, Mizeur, Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Rice, Robinson, Rosenberg, Rudolph, Schuler, Shewell, Simmons, Sophocleus, Stein, Tarrant, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, Valderrama, and Waldstreicher
      Health Insurance - Coverage of Autism Spectrum Disorders
      House: Health and Government Operations
    • HB 1160

      Status as of May 4, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 188

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Busch, Dumais, Gilchrist, Heller, Hixson, Ivey, Kaiser, Kramer, Manno, Myers, Olszewski, Rice, Frick, Shank, Murphy, Elmore, F. Turner, Barve, Bartlett, Ross, Walker, Stukes, and George
      Safe Schools Act of 2010
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs and Judicial Proceedings
    • HB 1170

      Status as of March 25, 2010: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Economic Matters

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Gutierrez, Pena-Melnyk, Ali, Barkley, Carr, Carter, Feldman, Frick, Gaines, Hixson, Hucker, Lee, Mizeur, Montgomery, Ramirez, Reznik, Rice, Simmons, Taylor, F. Turner, Valderrama, Vallario, and Waldstreicher
      Consumer Protection - Prepaid International Calling Cards - Notice of Expiration
      House: Economic Matters
    • HB 1179

      Status as of February 24, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Murphy, Bartlett, Barve, Cardin, Doory, Elmore, Frick, George, Hecht, Hixson, Howard, Jameson, Kullen, Levy, Rice, Shank, Stukes, Walker, and Wood
      Office of Student Financial Assistance - Public Service Scholarships - Student Members of County Boards of Education
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 1206

      Status as of May 20, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 730

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Frick, Barkley, Barve, Bobo, Bronrott, Cardin, Carr, G. Clagett, Doory, Dumais, Feldman, Frush, George, Hecht, Hixson, Howard, Kramer, Lee, Miller, Mizeur, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murphy, Niemann, Olszewski, Reznik, Rice, Taylor, F. Turner, and Waldstreicher
      Commercial Law - Consumer Protection - Refund Anticipation Loans and Checks
      House: Economic Matters Senate: Finance
    • HB 1223

      Status as of April 2, 2010: Bill is in the Senate - Re-referred Finance

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Taylor, Ali, Barnes, Carter, Conaway, Frush, Gutierrez, Haynes, Hixson, Levi, Oaks, Ramirez, Rice, Robinson, Stukes, Tarrant, and Vaughn
      Financial Institutions - Credit Unions - Member Business Loans
      House: Economic Matters Senate: Finance
    • HB 1241

      Status as of March 26, 2010: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Judiciary

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Dumais, Bronrott, Carr, Feldman, Frick, Hixson, Hucker, Kaiser, Lee, Manno, McIntosh, Mizeur, Montgomery, Rice, and Rosenberg
      Family Law - De Facto Parents
      House: Judiciary
    • HB 1251

      Status as of February 19, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Cardin, Ali, Anderson, Barkley, Benson, Bobo, Carr, Feldman, Gaines, Glenn, Gutierrez, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Ivey, Manno, McIntosh, Mizeur, Montgomery, Niemann, Pendergrass, Proctor, Reznik, Rosenberg, Schuler, Valderrama, and Waldstreicher
      Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2010
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 1263

      Status as of May 4, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 189

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Busch, Hixson, Kaiser, and Rosenberg
      Education Reform Act of 2010
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 1272

      Status as of March 24, 2010: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Economic Matters

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Mizeur, Barkley, Barnes, Bronrott, Carr, Feldman, Frick, Gilchrist, Glenn, Gutierrez, Hammen, Hecht, Hixson, Hucker, Ivey, Kaiser, Krysiak, Lafferty, Lee, Love, Manno, McHale, McIntosh, Montgomery, Murphy, Niemann, Pena-Melnyk, Pendergrass, Reznik, Riley, Rosenberg, Ross, Taylor, F. Turner, and Waldstreicher
      Maryland Family and Medical Leave Act
      House: Economic Matters
    • HB 1322

      Status as of May 20, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 577

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hucker, Benson, Ali, Barkley, Barve, Bobo, Bronrott, Carr, Feldman, Gutierrez, Hecht, Hixson, Hubbard, Kullen, Manno, Montgomery, Morhaim, Reznik, Taylor, Vaughn, and Waldstreicher
      Business Regulation - Lodging Establishments - National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline Information
      House: Economic Matters Senate: Finance
    • HB 1358

      Status as of April 12, 2010: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Health and Government Operations

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Mizeur, Smigiel, Ross, Barkley, Barnes, Benson, Bronrott, Carr, Frick, Frush, Gaines, Gutierrez, Hixson, Hubbard, Ivey, Kaiser, Kramer, Kullen, Lee, Manno, McHale, McIntosh, Montgomery, Morhaim, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Pena-Melnyk, Ramirez, Reznik, Rosenberg, V. Turner, and Valderrama
      Family Planning Works Act
      House: Health and Government Operations
    • HB 1370

      Status as of May 20, 2010: Became Law - Chapter 641

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Branch, Gaines, Bohanan, Bronrott, Conway, Haynes, Hixson, James, Cardin, Howard, Rice, Stukes, and Walker
      Public-Private Partnerships - Oversight
      House: Appropriations and Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 1380

      Status as of March 10, 2010: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Murphy, Kipke, Bartlett, Barve, Bohanan, Boteler, Braveboy, Cardin, Doory, Elliott, Elmore, Frick, Frush, George, Gilchrist, Hecht, Hixson, Howard, Hubbard, Jameson, Kaiser, King, Kullen, Levy, O'Donnell, Pena-Melnyk, Rice, Ross, Shank, Stukes, F. Turner, Walker, and Wood
      County Boards of Education - Green Product Cleaning Supplies - Written Policies
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 1463

      Status as of March 29, 2010: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Economic Matters

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Kelly, Barnes, Beitzel, Conaway, Donoghue, Dumais, Feldman, Frank, Gilchrist, Gutierrez, Hixson, Kaiser, Kramer, Lee, McComas, Montgomery, Myers, Reznik, Rice, Rosenberg, Serafini, Simmons, and Valderrama
      Rachel's Law - Closed Captioning in Movie Theaters
      House: Economic Matters
    • HB 1469

      Status as of March 10, 2010: Bill is in the House - Re-referred Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Frick, Hixson, King, Feldman, and Schuh
      Maryland Small Business Investment Companies
      House: Ways and Means
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