File Code: Public Health
Crossfiled with: SENATE BILL 234
- Sponsored By:
The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Nathan-Pulliam,
Cardin, Cullison, Hammen, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Lee, Mizeur,
Morhaim, Pena-Melnyk, Ross, V. Turner, Pendergrass, Oaks, A. Kelly, Tarrant,
Donoghue, and Reznik
- Entitled:
Maryland Health Improvement and Disparities Reduction Act of 2012
Requiring the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene to designate
specified areas as Health Enterprise Zones in a specified manner;
specifying the purpose of establishing Health Enterprise Zones;
authorizing the Secretary, in consultation with the Community Health
Resources Commission, to adopt specified regulations; authorizing
specified nonprofit community-based organizations or local government
agencies to apply to the Secretary on behalf of specified areas for
designation as specified Health Enterprise Zones; etc.
Legislative date is used to record
history occurring in the Chambers
otherwise Calendar date is used.
For explanation of terms
click here.
House Action
- 2/1
- First Reading Health and Government Operations
- Hearing 2/14 at 1:00 p.m.
- 2/2
- Hearing cancelled
- 2/8
- Hearing 2/28 at 1:00 p.m.
- 3/22
- Favorable with Amendments Report by Health and Government Operations
- 3/20
- Favorable with Amendments {686588/1 Report Adopted
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
- 3/22
- Third Reading Passed (111-23)
Senate Action
- 3/22
- First Reading Finance & Budget and Taxation
- 3/27
- Hearing 3/29 at 1:00 p.m. (Finance)
- 3/28
- Hearing cancelled (Finance)
- Hearing 4/3 at 1:00 p.m. (Finance)
Sponsored by:
- Speaker, The
- Administration
- Delegate Jon S. Cardin, District 11
- Delegate Bonnie Cullison, District 19
- Delegate John P. Donoghue, District 2C
- Delegate Peter A. Hammen, District 46
- Delegate Sheila E. Hixson, District 20
- Delegate Marvin E. Holmes, Jr., District 23B
- Delegate Carolyn J. B. Howard, District 24
- Delegate James W. Hubbard, District 23A
- Delegate Ariana B. Kelly, District 16
- Delegate Susan C. Lee, District 16
- Delegate Heather R. Mizeur, District 20
- Delegate Dan K. Morhaim, District 11
- Delegate Shirley Nathan-Pulliam, District 10
- Delegate Nathaniel T. Oaks, District 41
- Delegate Joseline A. Pena-Melnyk, District 21
- Delegate Shane E. Pendergrass, District 13
- Delegate Kirill Reznik, District 39
- Delegate Justin D. Ross, District 22
- Delegate Shawn Z. Tarrant, District 40
- Delegate Veronica Turner, District 26
Bill indexed under the following Subjects:
- Committees and Commissions -see also- Political Committees
- Counties -see also- Chartered Counties; Code Counties
- Dentists
- Enterprise Zones
- Equipment -see also- Motor Vehicle Equipment
- Ethnic Affairs
- Grants
- Health -see also- Mental Health
- Health Care Commission
- Health Care Facilities -see also- Clinics; Hospices; etc
- Health Insurance -see also- HMOS; Managed Care Organizations
- Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of
- Health Occupations -see also- specific health occupations
- Health Planning and Cost Review
- Health Services Cost Review Commission
- Higher Education -see also- Comm Colleges; Med Schools; etc.
- Hospitals -see also- Clinics; State Hospitals
- Income Tax
- Loans -see also- Mortgages
- Medical Schools
- Mental Health
- Minorities -see also- Women
- Municipal Corporations -see also- Annap; Balt; Hager; OC
- Nonprofit Organizations
- Nurses
- Patients
- Physicians -see also- Dentists; Med Exmnrs; Psych; etc
- Psychiatrists
- Records -see also- Land Records; Vital Records
- Reports
- Revenue and Taxes -see also- Dev Fees &Taxes; specific tax
- Rules and Regulations
- State Aid
- Substance Abuse
- Sunset
- Tax Credits -see also- Circuit Breaker
- Work, Labor and Employment -see also- Col Barg; Holiday; etc
Bill affects the following Statutes:
- Health - General
- (
20-1401 through 20-1407
- Tax - General
- (
All documents except Roll Call Votes are
displayed in PDF format:
- Bill Text:
First Reading,
Third Reading, Enrolled
- Fiscal and Policy Note:
- Amendments:
- Number: 686588/01 Offered on: March 23, 2012 at:
3:37 p.m. Status: Adopted
Committee Votes :
- Health and Government Operations
- Roll Call Vote (Legislative date is shown):
- March 22, 2012: Third Reading Passed (111-23)
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