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2012 Regular Session

Delegate Shane E. Pendergrass
District 13

Status of Legislation
Total Number of Bills: 36

    • HB 1140

      Status as of May 2, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 296

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Pendergrass, Hammen, Hubbard, A. Kelly, Kipke, McDermott, Nathan-Pulliam, and Pena-Melnyk
      Physicians - Sharing of Information with Maryland Health Care Commission
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Finance
    • HB 1141

      Status as of May 2, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 418

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Pendergrass, Hammen, Frank, Hubbard, A. Kelly, and Pena-Melnyk
      Maryland Health Care Commission - Cardiac Surgery and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Services
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Finance
    • HB 1207

      Status as of May 22, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 629

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Pendergrass, Hammen, Carr, K. Kelly, McHale, Pena-Melnyk, B. Robinson, Hubbard, Morhaim, and Clippinger
      State Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists - Licensure of Clinical Professional Art Therapists
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs

    Co-sponsored Bills

    • HB 107

      Status as of January 25, 2012: Bill is in the House - First Reading Health and Government Operations

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hubbard, Barnes, Braveboy, Carr, Costa, Cullison, Donoghue, Frush, Gaines, Hucker, Ivey, A. Kelly, Kipke, Luedtke, Morhaim, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Pendergrass, Reznik, S. Robinson, Ross, Tarrant, V. Turner, Valentino-Smith, and Waldstreicher
      Public Health - Child Care Products Containing Flame Retardant Chemicals (TRIS) - Prohibition
      House: Health and Government Operations
    • HB 131

      Status as of May 2, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 215

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Kipke, Barkley, Barnes, Barve, Bobo, Boteler, Cardin, Carr, Eckardt, Feldman, Frick, Frush, Glass, Glenn, Haddaway-Riccio, Hucker, Impallaria, Jameson, Kach, Kaiser, A. Kelly, K. Kelly, Kramer, Love, Luedtke, McComas, McDermott, McHale, A. Miller, Minnick, Morhaim, Olszewski, Pendergrass, Reznik, S. Robinson, Rudolph, Schuh, Stocksdale, V. Turner, Vitale, and Waldstreicher
      Retail Pet Stores - Sales of Dogs - Required Records, Health Disclosures, and Purchaser Remedies
      House: Economic Matters Senate: Finance
    • HB 195

      Status as of February 1, 2012: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Cardin, Arora, Barkley, Barnes, Barve, Bobo, Carr, Frick, Healey, Hixson, Howard, Hubbard, Hucker, Ivey, Kaiser, Lafferty, Luedtke, McIntosh, Mizeur, Murphy, Niemann, Pendergrass, Reznik, Rosenberg, Stein, Summers, V. Turner, and Waldstreicher
      Public Funding and Small Donor Act for General Assembly Elections
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 211

      Status as of April 20, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 147

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Ivey, Vaughn, Griffith, Afzali, Alston, Anderson, Arora, Barkley, Barnes, Barve, Beidle, Beitzel, Bohanan, Branch, Braveboy, Burns, Cane, Carr, Carter, Clagett, Clippinger, Cullison, Davis, DeBoy, Feldman, Frick, Frush, Gaines, George, Gilchrist, Glenn, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Haddaway-Riccio, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Hershey, Hixson, Holmes, Hucker, James, Jameson, Jones, Kaiser, A. Kelly, Kramer, Lafferty, Lee, Luedtke, Malone, McConkey, McIntosh, A. Miller, Minnick, Mitchell, Mizeur, Morhaim, Murphy, Myers, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Olszewski, Pena-Melnyk, Pendergrass, Proctor, Reznik, S. Robinson, Rosenberg, Ross, Rudolph, Schuh, Schulz, Simmons, Smigiel, Stein, Stukes, Summers, Tarrant, V. Turner, Walker, Washington, Wilson, Wood, Zucker, and Norman
      Elected Officials - Removal from Office - Crimes
      House: Environmental Matters Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 230

      Status as of March 13, 2012: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Health and Government Operations

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates K. Kelly, Alston, Anderson, Arora, Aumann, Barve, Beitzel, Boteler, Bromwell, Burns, Carter, Clagett, Clippinger, Cluster, Conaway, Costa, DeBoy, Dumais, Elliott, Frank, George, Gilchrist, Glass, Glenn, Haddaway-Riccio, Hogan, Holmes, Hough, Hubbard, Impallaria, Jacobs, James, Jameson, Kaiser, Kipke, Kramer, Krebs, Lee, Love, Luedtke, McComas, McConkey, McDermott, McDonough, McHale, W. Miller, Minnick, Mitchell, Morhaim, Murphy, Myers, Norman, O'Donnell, Otto, Parrott, Pena-Melnyk, Pendergrass, Ready, Rosenberg, Rudolph, Serafini, Simmons, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Stocksdale, Summers, Valentino-Smith, Waldstreicher, Washington, Weir, and Wood
      Public Safety - Department of State Police - Yellow Dot Program
      House: Health and Government Operations
    • HB 243

      Status as of April 10, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 5

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Nathan-Pulliam, Braveboy, Burns, Conway, Donoghue, Eckardt, Frush, Howard, Hubbard, Jones, A. Kelly, Kipke, Morhaim, Murphy, Pena-Melnyk, Tarrant, V. Turner, Cullison, Krebs, Bromwell, Ready, Reznik, Elliott, Hammen, Pendergrass, Kach, McDonough, and Frank
      Kathleen A. Mathias Chemotherapy Parity Act of 2012
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Finance
    • HB 277

      Status as of May 22, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 489

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Walker, Vaughn, Pendergrass, Costa, Cullison, Hubbard, A. Kelly, Morhaim, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Reznik, and Tarrant
      State Government - Brokerage and Investment Management Services - Use of Minority Business Enterprises - Application
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs and Budget and Taxation
    • HB 286

      Status as of April 10, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 75

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hubbard, Anderson, Costa, Cullison, Frank, Hammen, A. Kelly, Kipke, Morhaim, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Pendergrass, Ready, Reznik, Rosenberg, V. Turner, Oaks, Krebs, Donoghue, and Pena-Melnyk
      Managed Care Organizations - Medical Loss Ratio Information - Publication
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Finance
    • HB 316

      Status as of May 22, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 463

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Costa, Kipke, Hammen, Pendergrass, Bromwell, Cullison, Donoghue, Elliott, Frank, Kach, A. Kelly, Krebs, McDonough, Morhaim, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Ready, Reznik, and Tarrant
      State Board of Pharmacy - Wholesale Distributor Permits - Permit and Application Requirements
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 361

      Status as of February 6, 2012: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Judiciary

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Pena-Melnyk, Reznik, Barnes, Braveboy, Bromwell, Carr, Costa, Cullison, Donoghue, Elliott, Frank, Frick, Frush, Gilchrist, Gutierrez, Hammen, Hubbard, Ivey, Kach, A. Kelly, Kipke, Krebs, Lee, Luedtke, McDonough, A. Miller, Morhaim, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Pendergrass, Ready, Tarrant, and V. Turner
      Public Safety - Autism Awareness Training Program
      House: Judiciary
    • HB 385

      Status as of February 16, 2012: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Olszewski, Kach, Arora, Beidle, Bobo, Boteler, Carr, Clagett, DeBoy, Healey, Kaiser, Kipke, McDonough, Mizeur, Pendergrass, Stocksdale, Szeliga, Vitale, and Weir
      Video Lottery Operation Licenses - Information on Payouts
      House: Ways and Means
    • HB 438

      Status as of March 1, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 2

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Anderson, Barkley, Barnes, Barve, Bobo, Bromwell, Busch, Cardin, Carr, Clagett, Clippinger, Cullison, Dumais, Feldman, Frick, Frush, Gaines, Gilchrist, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Hammen, Haynes, Hixson, Hubbard, Hucker, Ivey, Jones, Kaiser, A. Kelly, Kramer, Lafferty, Lee, Luedtke, McHale, McIntosh, A. Miller, Mitchell, Mizeur, Murphy, Niemann, Pena-Melnyk, Pendergrass, Reznik, B. Robinson, S. Robinson, Rosenberg, Ross, Simmons, Stein, Summers, Tarrant, F. Turner, Valderrama, Waldstreicher, Washington, and Zucker
      Civil Marriage Protection Act
      House: Judiciary and Health and Government Operations Senate: Judicial Proceedings
    • HB 439

      Status as of March 28, 2012: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Finance

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Nathan-Pulliam, Cardin, Cullison, Hammen, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Lee, Mizeur, Morhaim, Pena-Melnyk, Ross, V. Turner, Pendergrass, Oaks, A. Kelly, Tarrant, Donoghue, and Reznik
      Maryland Health Improvement and Disparities Reduction Act of 2012
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Finance and Budget and Taxation
    • HB 440

      Status as of May 22, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 447

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Reznik, Hammen, Jones, Mizeur, Rosenberg, Pendergrass, Bromwell, Cullison, Donoghue, Frank, Hubbard, Kach, A. Kelly, Kipke, Krebs, McDonough, Morhaim, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Pena-Melnyk, Ready, and Tarrant
      Procurement - Investment Activities in Iran
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 443

      Status as of May 2, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 152

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Barnes, Gaines, Griffith, Hammen, Haynes, Hucker, Jones, Morhaim, Pena-Melnyk, Pendergrass, Proctor, V. Turner, Waldstreicher, Hubbard, Reznik, A. Kelly, Oaks, Donoghue, Nathan-Pulliam, Cullison, and Murphy
      Maryland Health Benefit Exchange Act of 2012
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Finance
    • HB 525

      Status as of May 2, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 381

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Clagett, Aumann, Barve, Bates, DeBoy, Healey, Krebs, Norman, Pendergrass, Sophocleus, Stocksdale, Wood, and Zucker
      State Personnel - Hiring Prohibition - Individuals Terminated with Prejudice
      House: Appropriations Senate: Finance
    • HB 556

      Status as of May 22, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 524

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hubbard, Cluster, Boteler, Bromwell, Kach, Krebs, V. Turner, Hammen, Pendergrass, Costa, Cullison, Elliott, Frank, A. Kelly, Kipke, McDonough, Morhaim, Murphy, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Reznik, and Tarrant
      Continuing Care Retirement Communities - Regulation
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Finance
    • HB 559

      Status as of March 6, 2012: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Health and Government Operations

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Clagett, Aumann, Barve, Bates, DeBoy, Elliott, Healey, Krebs, Luedtke, McMillan, Pendergrass, Sophocleus, Stocksdale, and Wood
      Procurement - Automatic Debarment - Unpaid Taxes
      House: Health and Government Operations
    • HB 607

      Status as of May 22, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 492

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Hucker, Aumann, Barkley, Bobo, Burns, Carr, Dumais, Elliott, Frush, Gutierrez, Haddaway-Riccio, Impallaria, A. Kelly, Kramer, Krebs, Lafferty, W. Miller, Olszewski, Pendergrass, Reznik, S. Robinson, Rudolph, Szeliga, Waldstreicher, Barnes, Braveboy, Davis, Feldman, Harrison, Hershey, Jameson, Love, McHale, Minnick, Schuh, Schulz, Stifler, and Vaughn
      National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline Information - Sign Posting Requirements
      House: Economic Matters Senate: Judicial Proceedings
    • HB 634

      Status as of March 27, 2012: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Senate Rules

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates George, Kipke, Morhaim, Bromwell, Krebs, Frank, Pena-Melnyk, Costa, A. Kelly, Pendergrass, and Cullison
      Physician Assistants - Performance of X-ray Duties
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Senate Rules
    • HB 764

      Status as of May 22, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 569

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Frick, Afzali, Arora, Bobo, Carr, Clagett, DeBoy, Hixson, Howard, Lafferty, Luedtke, McMillan, Mizeur, Pendergrass, Stein, Stocksdale, Summers, Zucker, and A. Miller
      Tax Credit Evaluation Act
      House: Ways and Means Senate: Budget and Taxation
    • HB 766

      Status as of May 22, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 678

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Vallario, Proctor, Alston, Bohanan, Braveboy, Davis, Elliott, Frush, Gaines, Healey, Hershey, Holmes, Hough, Howard, Hubbard, Ivey, K. Kelly, Lee, McDermott, Niemann, Summers, V. Turner, Valderrama, Valentino-Smith, Vaughn, Walker, Wilson, Hammen, Pendergrass, Bromwell, Costa, Cullison, Frank, Kach, A. Kelly, Kipke, McDonough, Morhaim, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Ready, Reznik, and Tarrant
      State Government - Commemorative Days - Crime Victims and Advocates
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 838

      Status as of May 2, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 319

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Kipke, Hammen, Pendergrass, Bromwell, Costa, Cullison, Donoghue, Elliott, Frank, Hubbard, Kach, A. Kelly, Krebs, McDonough, Morhaim, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Ready, Reznik, and Tarrant
      Health Insurance - Pharmacy Benefits Managers - Audits and Reimbursement of Pharmacies or Pharmacists
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Finance
    • HB 841

      Status as of May 2, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 399

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Frick, Dumais, Eckardt, Feldman, Frank, George, Gilchrist, Haddaway-Riccio, Hixson, Hucker, Kach, A. Kelly, Kipke, Krebs, Lee, McDermott, McDonough, McMillan, A. Miller, Ready, Reznik, Schuh, Stocksdale, Waldstreicher, Bromwell, Morhaim, and Pendergrass
      Food Service Facilities - Open Windows and Doors
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Finance
    • HB 949

      Status as of April 4, 2012: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Judiciary

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Rosenberg, Alston, Anderson, Arora, Aumann, Barnes, Bobo, Branch, Braveboy, Burns, Cane, Carr, Carter, Conaway, Cullison, Dumais, Feldman, Frick, Frush, Gaines, Gilchrist, Glenn, Gutierrez, Guzzone, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Hucker, Ivey, Jones, Kaiser, A. Kelly, Kramer, Lafferty, Lee, Love, Luedtke, McIntosh, A. Miller, Mitchell, Mizeur, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Pendergrass, Proctor, Reznik, B. Robinson, S. Robinson, Ross, Simmons, Stukes, Summers, Tarrant, V. Turner, Valderrama, Valentino-Smith, Vaughn, Washington, and Zucker
      Death Penalty Repeal and Appropriation from Savings to Aid Survivors of Homicide Victims
      House: Judiciary
    • HB 1055

      Status as of May 2, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 294

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates A. Kelly, Alston, Arora, Barkley, Carr, Cullison, Frick, Glenn, Gutierrez, Hixson, Howard, Hubbard, Hucker, Ivey, Kaiser, Kipke, Lee, Luedtke, Mizeur, Pena-Melnyk, Reznik, S. Robinson, Tarrant, F. Turner, Valentino-Smith, Waldstreicher, Washington, Wilson, Zucker, Hammen, Pendergrass, Bromwell, Costa, Donoghue, Elliott, Kach, McDonough, Morhaim, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, and Ready
      Health Insurance - Habilitative Services - Required Coverage, Workgroup, and Technical Advisory Group
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Finance
    • HB 1149

      Status as of May 22, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 580

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Lee, Smigiel, Afzali, Beitzel, Clagett, Conaway, Cullison, DeBoy, Hammen, Healey, Howard, Jameson, Kach, A. Kelly, McComas, Nathan-Pulliam, Pendergrass, B. Robinson, Stocksdale, Tarrant, V. Turner, Bromwell, Costa, Donoghue, Elliott, Frank, Hubbard, Kipke, Krebs, McDonough, Morhaim, Murphy, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Ready, and Reznik
      Health Insurance - Coverage for Services Delivered Through Telemedicine
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Finance
    • HB 1242

      Status as of March 22, 2012: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary

      Failed Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Lee, Arora, Carr, DeBoy, Frush, Healey, Howard, Kach, Kipke, McComas, McDonough, A. Miller, Pendergrass, B. Robinson, and Stocksdale
      Identity Fraud Crimes - Restitution
      House: Judiciary
    • HB 1369

      Status as of May 2, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 153

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Chair, Health and Government Operations Committee (By Request - Departmental - Minority Affairs, Office of) and Delegates Pendergrass, Bromwell, Cullison, Donoghue, Hubbard, A. Kelly, Morhaim, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Reznik, and Tarrant
      Office of Minority Affairs - Duties of Special Secretary - Minority Business Enterprises
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 1370

      Status as of May 2, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 154

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Chair, Health and Government Operations Committee (By Request - Departmental - Transportation) (By Request - Departmental - Minority Affairs, Office of) and Delegates Pendergrass, Bromwell, Cullison, Donoghue, Hubbard, A. Kelly, Morhaim, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Reznik, and Tarrant
      Procurement - Minority Business Participation
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 1407

      Status as of April 4, 2012: Bill is in the Senate - Second Reading Passed

      Failed - Dead Legislation
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Walker, Hammen, Pendergrass, Bromwell, Costa, Cullison, Donoghue, Elliott, Hubbard, Kach, A. Kelly, Morhaim, Murphy, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Ready, Reznik, and Tarrant
      Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Workgroup on Cancer Clusters and Environmental Causes of Cancer
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Finance
    • HB 1429

      Status as of May 22, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 723

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Lee, Nathan-Pulliam, Alston, Arora, Beidle, Bobo, Braveboy, Burns, Cane, Carr, Conaway, Cullison, Eckardt, Frick, Frush, Gaines, George, Glenn, Gutierrez, Harrison, Healey, Howard, Jones, A. Kelly, Love, Luedtke, McComas, A. Miller, Pena-Melnyk, B. Robinson, Stukes, Tarrant, Valderrama, Washington, Hammen, Pendergrass, Bromwell, Donoghue, Elliott, Frank, Hubbard, Kach, Kipke, McDonough, Morhaim, Murphy, Oaks, Ready, and Reznik
      State Government - Statue of Harriet Tubman
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
    • HB 1435

      Status as of May 2, 2012: Became Law - Chapter 438

      Became Law - Governor Signed
      Sponsored By
      Delegates Stukes, Mitchell, Bromwell, Donoghue, Kach, Morhaim, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Pena-Melnyk, Pendergrass, and Tarrant
      Maryland Veterans Commission - Membership - Revision
      House: Health and Government Operations Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
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