Status of Legislation
Total Number of Bills: 176
Status as of February 19, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Commerce and Government Matters
Status as of April 8, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - Favorable Judicial Proceedings
Status as of May 14, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 430
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 32
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 33
Status as of May 23, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 679
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 34
Status as of March 6, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Economic and Environmental Affairs
Status as of March 13, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Judicial Proceedings
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 181
Status as of March 29, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Budget and Taxation
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 182
Status as of May 23, 1996: Vetoed by the Governor - Cross-filed bill was signed
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 183
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 184
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 185
Status as of March 21, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Economic Matters
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 35
Status as of May 23, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 605
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 190
Status as of April 1, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Economic and Environmental Affairs
Status as of February 28, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Finance
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 191
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 39
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 192
Status as of March 25, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Finance
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 193
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 194
Status as of March 6, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Economic and Environmental Affairs
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 195
Status as of February 12, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Commerce and Government Matters
Status as of February 5, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary
Status as of May 23, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 606
Status as of February 5, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary
Status as of May 23, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 680
Status as of February 5, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 41
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 42
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 43
Status as of April 2, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - Third Reading Passed with Amendments
Status as of February 19, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Environmental Matters
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 48
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 203
Status as of May 23, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 612
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 211
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 52
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 53
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 214
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 54
Status as of March 6, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Economic Matters
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 56
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 219
Status as of February 19, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Commerce and Government Matters
Status as of May 23, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 683
Status as of May 14, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 454
Status as of April 8, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Budget and Taxation
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 58
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 225
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 226
Status as of April 5, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Economic and Environmental Affairs
Status as of April 4, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Finance
Status as of May 14, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 456
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 227
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 59
Status as of May 14, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 457
Status as of February 26, 1996: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Appropriations
Status as of February 19, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Commerce and Government Matters
Status as of May 14, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 465
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 234
Status as of March 19, 1996: Bill is in the House - Recommit to Committee Environmental Matters
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 62
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 235
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 236
Status as of March 4, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Environmental Matters
Status as of May 14, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 467
Status as of May 23, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 623
Status as of April 8, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Budget and Taxation
Status as of April 1, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Budget and Taxation
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 242
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 243
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 244
Status as of March 22, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Budget and Taxation
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 245
Status as of March 6, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Environmental Matters
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 270
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 271
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 272
Status as of February 27, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Economic Matters
Status as of February 27, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Economic Matters
Status as of March 15, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Environmental Matters
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 273
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 274
Status as of May 14, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 498
Status as of March 26, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Environmental Matters
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 285
Status as of March 27, 1996: Bill is in the House - Referred to interim study
Status as of March 20, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Economic and Environmental Affairs
Status as of April 4, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - Third Reading Passed with Amendments
Status as of March 4, 1996: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Environmental Matters
Status as of April 5, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - Favorable Report
Status as of February 14, 1996: Bill is in the House - First Reading Appropriations
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 75
Status as of March 12, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Economic Matters
Status as of May 14, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 520
Status as of February 26, 1996: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Appropriations
Status as of March 18, 1996: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Commerce and Government Matters
Status as of March 20, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Economic and Environmental Affairs
Status as of May 14, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 524
Status as of March 18, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Economic Matters
Status as of May 14, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 526
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 312
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 313
Status as of March 18, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Commerce and Government Matters
Status as of March 14, 1996: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Commerce and Government Matters
Status as of March 21, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Environmental Matters
Status as of May 23, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 652
Status as of May 23, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 600
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 318
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 319
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 320
Status as of April 4, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - Third Reading Failed
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 321
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 76
Status as of March 22, 1996: Bill is in the House - Third Reading Failed
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 323
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 77
Status as of April 2, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - Recommit to Committee Finance
Status as of May 23, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 653
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 325
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 326
Status as of May 23, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 654
Status as of March 4, 1996: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Environmental Matters
Status as of April 6, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - Third Reading Passed with Amendments
Status as of March 14, 1996: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Economic Matters
Status as of May 23, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 659
Status as of March 21, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Environmental Matters
Status as of May 14, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 546
Status as of April 3, 1996: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Appropriations
Status as of March 21, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 341
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 96
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 97
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 98
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 99
Status as of February 13, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Budget and Taxation
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 100
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 16
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 17
Status as of February 13, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Economic and Environmental Affairs
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 18
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 101
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 102
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 103
Status as of April 3, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Environmental Matters
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 104
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 105
Status as of May 14, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 369
Status as of May 14, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 370
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 106
Status as of April 30, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 107
Status as of January 29, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - Withdrawn Economic and Environmental Affairs
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 19
Status as of April 2, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary
Status as of April 2, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 20
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 21
Status as of May 14, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 371
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 22
Status as of May 23, 1996: Vetoed by the Governor - Cross-filed bill was signed
Status as of February 5, 1996: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Judicial Proceedings
Status as of April 9, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 23
Status as of April 4, 1996: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Economic Matters
Status as of March 29, 1996: Bill is in the House - Third Reading Passed with Amendments
Status as of May 14, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 350
Status as of May 23, 1996: Vetoed by the Governor - Cross-filed bill was signed
Status as of May 14, 1996: Became Law - Chapter 352