- Title
- Financial Consumer Protection Act of 2019
- Sponsored by
- Senators Rosapepe, Lee, Ferguson, and Washington
- Status
- In the Senate - Unfavorable Report by Finance
- Analysis
- Fiscal and Policy Note
Establishing and strengthening consumer protections in certain areas of financial transactions, including mobile home purchases, security breaches, vehicle purchases, money transmission, and other areas; applying certain existing financial consumer protections to new forms of financial transactions; establishing that a mobile home retailer has a duty of good faith and fair dealing; prohibiting a mobile home retailer from steering a consumer borrower to products that offer less favorable terms; etc.
- Original:
- Finance Click to view Recorded Media
Cross-filed with: HB1127
Bill File Type: Regular
Effective Date(s): July 1, 2019, October 1, 2019
Creates a Task Force or Commission
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12-1001, 12-101, 12-1021, 12-115, 12-901, 12-921, 14-1901, 14-1906.1, 14-3501, 14-3503, 14-3504, 14-3504.1 )
11-803 )
11-501, 11-503.1, 11-601, 11-610, 12-1101 through 12-1129, 12-401, 12-407, 12-414.1 through 12-414.3, 12-425, 2-105.1 )
7-601 through 7-605 )
15-311.4 )
2017 )
Last Updated: 2/3/2020 2:34 PM
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