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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0128 - Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation - Total Assessed Cost of Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Study and Reports

Economic Matters 1/23/2025 1:00:00 PM
As of: 3/31/2025 6:27:58 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Fraser-Hidalgo, Delegate Fraser-Hidalgo FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
DeMarco, Vincent FAV RENEW Testimony Before the House Economic Matters ECM
Marczyk, Bernie Cornerstone Government Affairs UNF FINAL_API_md_hb128_jan2025 UNF.pdf ECM
Kinsey, Kathy Mobilize Frederick FAV MF_HB 128 RENEW Act Testimony.pdf ECM
Mizrahi, Jennifer Mizrahi Family Charitable Fund FAV Climate Financial Risk White House White-Paper_Dec ECM
Plante, Cecilia Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV HB0128_RENEW_Act_MLC_FAV.pdf ECM
SWASC, UM Social Work Advocates for Social Change FAV HB128_FAV_SWASC.pdf ECM
DeMarco, Jamie DeMarco Advocacy FAV House RENEW Act sign on testimony (1).pdf
House RENEW Act sign on testimony .pdf
Arney, Lauren Healthy St. Mary's Partnership FAV HB128_FAV_Healthy St. Mary's Partnership.pdf ECM
Jakuta, Joseph Climate Parents of Prince George's FAV HB128 - RENEW ACT - Climate Parents of Prince Geor ECM
Arndt, Dave FAV No Testimony ECM
Simon, Robert Maryland Catholics for Our Common Home FAV HB 128_Maryland Catholics for Our Common Home_FAV. ECM
Crump, Patrick MEPPN FAV 2025 - HB 0128 - The RENEW Act.pdf ECM
Wald, Robert Third Act Maryland FAV Third Act Maryland House Testimony - RENEW Act.pdf ECM
Wald, Robert FAV RENEW Act 2025 Testimony - Personal.pdf ECM
Brown, Jim Audubon Mid-Atlantic FAV HB128_AudubonMidAtlantic_RENEWact.pdf ECM
O'Halloran, Mike UNF HB128_MAPDA_unfav UPDATED (2025).pdf ECM
Wilson, Maryrose FAV HB128_FAV_Wilson.pdf ECM
Snyder, Abigail Baltimore Jewish Council FAV HB128 - RENEW Act - Testimony.pdf ECM
Kaplowitz, Richard KAP Year FAV Testimony in support of HB0128 Responding to Emerg ECM
Demiray, Sonia Climate Communications Coalition FAV HB0128_RENEW_FAV_ClimateCC.pdf ECM
McGilvray, Laurie Climate Justice Wing of the Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV _HB128_RENEW Act_ECM_CJW FAV.docx (1).pdf ECM
Dudzic, Matthew Office of the Comptroller FAV HB 128 - LOS.pdf ECM
Alexander, Peter FAV HB128_IndivisibleHoCoMD_FAV_Alexander.pdf ECM
N/A, Healthy Climate Maryland Healthy Climate Maryland FAV Healthy Climate Maryland_RENEW Act Support_HB 128. ECM
Cheston, Susan FAV HB0128_FAV_Cheston.pdf ECM
Piermattei, William FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Baker, Brittany Chesapeake Climate Action Network FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Mascioli, William CCAN Volunteer FAV HB128_FAV_MASCIOLI.pdf ECM
Phelps Jr, Ken The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
2025 - HB 0128 - The RENEW Act.pdf
Fine, Julia FAV HB128_FAV_Fine.pdf ECM
Thomas, Meryl FAV “HB0128_FAV_Thomas.pdf ECM
Coronado Flores, Jose CASA FAV HB128 - CASA Written Testimony.pdf ECM
Miller, Cynthia Third Act MD FAV HB -128 - Support Miller.pdf ECM
Kranz, Rhonda Maryland Legislative Coalition Climate Justice Wing FAV No Testimony ECM
Manuel, Anne CCAN Action Fund volunteer FAV HB128_FAV_Manuel.pdf ECM
Wenger, Katie Maryland Just Power Alliance FAV HB0128_FAV_Maryland Just Power Alliance.pdf ECM
Singer, Elizabeth Jewish Community Relations Council, Jewish Federation of Howard County FAV HB128_FAV_JCRC.Singer.pdf ECM
Shriner, Mariah Sierra Club Maryland Chapter FAV HB0128_MDSierraClub_fav_23January2025.pdf ECM
Scarr, Emily Maryland PIRG FAV No Testimony ECM
Flagg, Justin New York State Senator Liz Krueger FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
Kranz, Rhonda FAV No Testimony ECM
Ostdahl, Maggie National Aquarium FAV HB 128 - National Aquarium - Support.pdf ECM
Livermore, Michael FAV HB128_FAV_Livermore.pdf ECM
Fox, Valory FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Hudson, Lee Delaware-Maryland Synod, ELCA FAV hb128 RENEW- EM , E&T 1-23-2025.pdf ECM
Tibbals, Trudy UNF No Testimony ECM
Teng, Bill FAV HB128_FAV_Teng.pdf
Puentes, Erica Progressive Maryland FAV Progressive Maryland. RENEW. Favorable.pdf
RENEW. Favorable Position. MD Grassroots EJ Workgr
Webster, Phil Legislative body for the Unitarian Universalist faith, C/O Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis FAV Testimony - HB 128 -RENEW-Support-Phil Webster-UUL ECM
Searcy, Talisha City of Takoma Park FAV Takoma Park 2025 - HB 128 RENEW Act - House.pdf ECM
Ong, Kimberly Natural Resources Defense Council FAV NRDC Testimony in Support of MD HB128 .pdf
NRDC Testimony in Support of MD HB128 .pdf
NRDC Testimony in Support of MD HB128.pdf
Welch, Laura FAV Welch RENEW Act 2025 Testimony.pdf ECM
Stegman, Matt Chesapeake Bay Foundation FAV HB 128 - CBF - FAV.pdf ECM
Clark, Tiffany Office of the Attorney General FWA 2025-01-22 HB 128 - Support with Amendments.pdf ECM
Hinrichs, Isabella FAV HB128 - SUPPORT.pdf ECM
Held, Karl FAV No Testimony ECM
McNair, Lee Unitarian Universalist Environmental Justice Ministry FAV No Testimony ECM
Bartolomeo, Kathleen GCAN, MCRT FAV No Testimony ECM
Davis, Dereck Maryland State Treasurer's Office FWA HB 128 - STO Testimony.pdf ECM
Kaye, Molly FAV No Testimony ECM
Hunt, Ethan Anne Arundel County FAV Anne Arundel County _FAV_HB128.pdf ECM
Gallagher, Zoe Economic Action Maryland FAV HB128 RENEW Act Testimony .docx.pdf ECM
Broder, Robin Waterkeepers Chesapeake FAV No Testimony ECM
Fraser-Hidalgo, David FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
RENEW Act Testimony (DFH, 2025).pdf
Feighner, Liz HoCo Climate Action FAV HB0128_RENEW_Act_ECM_HoCoCA.org_FAV.pdf ECM
Allen, Hannah Maryland Chamber of Commerce UNF HB 128_MDCC_Responding to Emergency Needs From Ext ECM
Vetter, Drew FAV HB0128_FAV_MedChi_RENEW Act of 2025.pdf ECM
Rehr, Rebecca Maryland League of Conservation Voters FAV HB 0128 - RENEW Act_ MDLCV Support.pdf ECM
Mettle, Katie Advanced Energy United FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB0128_2025_FAV_Advanced Energy United.pdf
McCauley, Kirk WMDA - service station, convenience stores and repair facilities UNF HB128 testimony.pdf ECM
Orozco, Andrea Interfaith Power & Light (DC.MD.NoVa) FAV IPL-DMV FAV Testimony for HB128.pdf ECM
Meyerovich, Mark UNF No Testimony ECM
Little, Kathryn FAV HB0128_FAV_Little.pdf ECM
Feighner, Liz Liz Feighner, self FAV No Testimony ECM
Aguilar, Jorge Food & Water Watch FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
2025FoodandWaterWatch-Support HB128 RENEW Act.pdf
Fitzgerald, Garrett Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection FAV HB 128 - MoCo DEP - Fitzgerald (GA 25) FAV.pdf ECM
Eckenrode, John CCAN Action Fund Volunteer FAV RENEW.pdf ECM
Goldsmith, Mirele FAV HB128_FAV_Goldsmith.pdf ECM
Reeves, Joy The Rachel Carson Council FAV HB0128_FAV_RCC.pdf ECM
Cooper, Charlie Get Money Out -- Maryland FAV CCAN_HB128test_012325.pdf ECM
Stewart, Frances Elders Climate Action Maryland FAV No Testimony ECM
Dunning, Bryan Center for Progressive Reform FAV Renew Act testimony CPR.pdf ECM
Happel, Laura FAV No Testimony ECM
Schumitz, Kali Maryland Center on Economic Policy FAV HB 128_MD Center on Economic Policy_FAV.pdf ECM
Peters, Sarah Husch Blackwell Strategies UNF RENEW MCIES LOO.pdf ECM
Rosales, Mariana The Nature Conservancy FAV HB 128 Responding to Emergency Needs from Extreme ECM
Puentes, Erica Progressive Maryland FAV Progressive Maryland. RENEW. Favorable.pdf
RENEW. Favorable Position. MD Grassroots EJ Workgr
Hartwell, Staci NAACP FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
SCEJC HB0128 SB0149 RENEW Act Testimony.pdf
Fahrig, Landon Maryland Energy Administration INFO HB0128 (SB0149) - LOI - Responding to Emergency Ne ECM
Baker, Jeremy D Maryland Department of the Environment INFO HB0128 MDE LOI .docx.pdf ECM
Carr, Alfred DOEE FAV DOEE support for HB121 PJM tranparency ECM
Martinez, Ashanti Maryland Legislative Latino Caucus FAV MLLC Testimony-HB 128 ECM
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 2-4-2025 at 341 PM ECM
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