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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0571 - Opioids - Opioid Restitution Advisory Council and Fund and Overdose Response Program

Health and Government Operations 3/2/2023 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/18/2024 7:18:09 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Kipke, Delegate Kipke FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Coble, Annie Johns Hopkins FAV HB571- Johns Hopkins - Support.pdf HGO
Kemerer, Hannibal Office of Attorney General FWA 2023-03-02 HB 571 Support with Amendments.pdf HGO
Reese, AmandaLynn Harm Reduction FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Mansfield, Andrea MD Chiefs and Sheriffs Association FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Gilleland, Emily Office of Delegate Nic Kipke FAV HB571 CRE_Naloxone_HCl_Rescue_Recommendations_For_
HB571 Kloxxado_Lobbyist One-Pager - v1 (002).pdf
HB571 MORE STUDY_postcard -v1 (002).pdf
HB571 ORP Dispensing Order-10-2022.pdf
HB571 Statewide Standing Order and Guidance-July-2
Mehu, Natasha FAV HB 571-ORPs-Choice of Formulation and Dosage-SUPPO HGO
Golden, Michelle FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Wieland, Tom Ritchie Pharmacy , Brooklyn Park, Md. FAV No Testimony HGO
Sample, Sarah Maryland Association of Counties FAV HB0571-HGO_MACo_SUP.pdf HGO
(MD), State of Maryland UNF 5 - HB 571 - HGO - MDH - LOO.pdf HGO
Bogdan, Henry Maryland Nonprofits FAV No Testimony HGO
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