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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB1145 - Health Insurance - Hearing Aids for Adults - Coverage

Health and Government Operations 2/23/2023 1:00:00 PM
As of: 2/15/2025 8:02:48 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Reilly, Delegate Reilly FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Schagrin, Judith National Association of Social Workers - Maryland Chapter FAV NASW Maryland - 2023 HB 1145 FAV - Hearing Aids - HGO
Celentano, Matthew Funk & Bolton, P.A. UNF DOCS-#229863-v1-HB_1145_Hearing_Aids_League_Oppose HGO
Forsyth, Heather OAG/HEAU FWA HB1145.LOSWA.REVISED.pdf HGO
Paddy, Michael Public Policy Partners FAV No Testimony HGO
Casper, Mary Maryland Speech-Language-Hearing Association FAV HB 1145 Support MSHA February 2023 (1).pdf HGO
Mitchell, Jennifer FAV No Testimony HGO
Meyerovich, Mark FAV No Testimony HGO
Kauffman, Danna FAV No Testimony HGO
Duffy, Suzanne Concerned Citizen FAV No Testimony HGO
Spoor , Dr. Alicia Maryland Academy of Audiology FAV MAA Support Letter HB1145- final.pdf HGO
Reilly, Teresa FAV 2023 HB1145 Testimony-Reilly.pdf HGO
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