Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
SB0051 - Criminal Procedure - Reasonable Suspicion and Probable Cause - Cannabis
Judicial Proceedings 2/2/2023 1:00:00 PM
As of: 3/31/2025 5:09:00 PM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Senator Carter, Senator Carter | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
JPR | |
Caplan, Karen | Karen D. Caplan | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB0051_Karen Caplan_FAV.docx.pdf |
Abdul-Malik, Sita | Maryland NORML | FAV |
Virtual - Oral Testimony |
Caroom, Philip | Maryland Alliance for Justice Reform | FAV | No Testimony | JPR |
Walker, Emily | Calvert County PRISM | FAV | Testimony for the Senate Judicial Proceedings Comm | JPR |
Ellis, Lisa | Maryland Business Clergy Partnership | FAV | MBCP_Favor_SB51.pdf | JPR |
Mckinney, Tarolyn | FAV |
Virtual - Oral Testimony |
JPR | |
Reid, William | Retired | FAV | Senator Young SB51.pdf | JPR |
Jasen, Debi | FAV | No Testimony | JPR | |
Carr, Rusty | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB0051_carr_FWA.pdf |
JPR | |
Wilkes, Mckayla | Schools Not Jails | FAV |
Virtual - Oral Testimony |
Keipper, Lindsay | Showing Up for Racial Justice- Baltimore | FAV | SB51 - Marijuana Odor Search.docx.pdf | JPR |
mcavoy, vince | UNF |
Virtual - Oral Testimony |
JPR | |
STERN, CAROL | FAV | SB51_Carol Stern_FAV.pdf | JPR | |
Yoder, Daryl | FAV | SB51 - Marijuana Odor Search.pdf | JPR | |
Silver, Joanna | Joanna Silver | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB0051_SilverSpringJusticeCoalitionJoannaSilver_FA |
Ramsey, Debbie | Law Enforcement Action Partnership (LEAP) | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony Testimony MD SB 51 MJ Searches.pdf |
Girdner, Linnie | FAV | 1675172976438_Support SB0051 Probable Cause - Cann | JPR | |
Pipkin, Matthew | Maryland Judiciary | UNF | sb51.pdf | JPR |
Koravos, JoAnne | Montgomery County Women's Democratic Club | FAV | No Testimony | JPR |
Ditz, Toby | FAV | SB0051 Toby Ditz FAV Judicial Proceedings Feb 2023 | JPR | |
ruff, Malcolm | Murphy, Falcon & Murphy | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Gardner, Debra | Public Justice Center | FAV | PJC testimony SB 51 favorable.pdf | JPR |
Williams Jr, Roanld | Ron Williams Jr, MD Farmer and Waterman | FAV | Statement in Support of SB 51 Marijuana Odom Stops | JPR |
Todd, Tamara | FAV | SB51 - Marijuana Odor Search.pdf | JPR | |
Badeker, Melissa | SURJ Baltimore | FAV | M Badeker_SB51 - Marijuana Odor Search.pdf | JPR |
Dews, Christopher | Cornerstone Government Affairs | FAV | No Testimony | JPR |
Green, Rondez | FAV |
Virtual - Oral Testimony |
JPR | |
Laitin, Elissa | FAV | Laitin testimony.pdf | JPR | |
Wallis, Anastacia | FAV | sb51-wallis-testimony.pdf | JPR | |
Kroll, Steven | Maryland State's Attorneys' Association | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Shellenberger, Scott | Baltimore County State's Attorney's Office | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB 51 - Criminal Procedure - Reasonable Suspicion |
Daggett, David | Maryland State's Attorneys' Association | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony Smoking Cannabis in Vehicle.pdf |
Ford, John | FAV | SB51 - Marijuana Odor Search.pdf | JPR | |
Progressive Caucus, Lower Shore | Lower Shore Progressive Caucus | FAV | SB0051 Testimony .pdf | JPR |
Naugle, Olivia | Marijuana Policy Project | FWA | MPP SB 51 FWA.pdf | JPR |
Cobb, Treanna | FAV | Treanna Cobb Testimony.pdf | JPR | |
Plante, Cecilia | Maryland Legislative Coalition | FAV | SB0051 Probable Cause - Cannabis.pdf | JPR |
Weissman, Louise | Jews United for Justice | FAV | SB0051_Louise Weissman_FAV.pdf | JPR |
Amanuel, Yanet | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB 51_FAV_Amanuel.pdf |
JPR | |
Palmisano, Erica | SURJ Baltimore | FAV | SB51 - Marijuana Odor Search.pdf | JPR |
Bromfield, Lisa | FAV | SB51 - favorable.pdf | JPR | |
Tamagna, Jane | FAV | Bill51letterpdf.pdf | JPR | |
Shifrin, Jo | FAV | _SB0051_JoShifrin_FAV (2).pdf | JPR | |
Mansfield, Andrea | MD Chiefs and Sheriffs Association | UNF | MCPA-MSA-SB 51-Odor of Cannabis_Oppose.pdf | JPR |
Mitchell, Martin | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
JPR | |
Roth, Kristina | NAACP LDF | FAV | 2.1.23 LDF Written Testimony on SB 51_Senate Judic | JPR |
Vessels, Marcus | FAV |
Virtual - Oral Testimony |
JPR | |
John, Beverly | FAV | Testimony for the Senate Judicial Proceedings Comm | JPR | |
Hunter, Casey | Common Cause Maryland | FAV | SB 51 Criminal Procedure - Reasonable Suspicion an | JPR |
Lewis, Roderick | Mr. | FAV | SB51 S23 St. Mary's NAACP Testimony (1).pdf | JPR |
Gudlavalleti, Rajani | Baltimore Harm Reduction Coalition | FAV | SB51 FAV Cannabis Suspicion Inadmissable _BHRC.pdf | JPR |
Antoniewicz, Carol | FAV | SB51 testimony, favorable 2-1-23.pdf | JPR | |
Day, Camilla | JUFJ | FAV | Testimony SB51 .pdf | JPR |
Welter, Jer | Office of the Attorney General | FWA | 2023-02-02 SB 51 (Support with Amendments).pdf | JPR |
Johnson, Sarah | FAV | SB51 - Marijuana Odor Search.pdf | JPR | |
Martinez, Roberto | Maryland Office of the Public Defender | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB 51 Criminal Procedure - Reasonable Suspicion an |
Kleinman, Jan | SURJ Baltimore | FAV | SURJ Marijuana Odor Search 2023 2 1.pdf | JPR |
Ahearn, Charlotte | Maryland Legal Aid | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB51- Maryland Legal Aid- FAV.pdf |
Pham Linhoff, Christina | SURJ | FAV | SB51 - Marijuana Odor Search - Christina Pham Linh | JPR |
Stribling, LaWann | Strib'ble District LLC, MDNORML | FAV | Strib'ble District .docx.pdf | JPR |
Powell, Holly | Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) | FAV | SB51 - Marijuana Odor Search.pdf | JPR |
Ford, Mary Ann | RISE Coalition of of Western Maryland | FAV | Mary Ann SB51 testimony.pdf | JPR |
Pereschuk, Alicia | FAV | SB51 - Marijuana Odor Search.pdf | JPR | |
Hall, Michele | Maryland Office of the Public Defender | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB 51 Odor of Cannabis Favorable.pdf |
Tyree, Nikki | LWVMD | FAV |
Virtual - Oral Testimony |
Carter, Jill | FAV | SB51Testimony (1).docx.pdf | JPR | |
Shillenn, Rebecca | SURJ Baltimore | FAV | SB51 - Marijuana Odor Search.pdf | JPR |
Warnken, Heather | University of Baltimore School of Law Center for Criminal Justice Reform | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony In Support of SB 51 CCJR.pdf |
Ruddle, Amy | FAV | SB0051_AmyRuddle_Favorable .pdf | JPR | |
Quinn, Kelly | The Choice Program at UMBC | FAV | Choice SUPPORT SB 0051 .pdf | JPR |
Testimony, All | N/A | Merged Testimony as of 2-1-2023 at 403 PM | JPR | |
Lewis, Mike | Wicomico County | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Black Caucus, Legislative | FAV | Legislative Black Caucus - Support | JPR |
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