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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0145 - State Board of Social Work Examiners - Conditional Licenses to Practice Social Work

Finance 2/7/2023 1:00:00 PM
Health and Government Operations 3/30/2023 1:00:00 PM
As of: 12/3/2024 1:48:47 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator West, Senator West FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Acerno, Steven The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Krienke, Jane Maryland Hospital Association FAV SB 145- State Board of Social Work Examiners - Tem FIN
Boston, Frank FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
West, Derek UNF No Testimony FIN
Dews, Christopher Cornerstone Government Affairs FAV No Testimony FIN
Plaut, Ari Boston Plaut Attorneys at Law FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB 145 - Written Testimony.pdf
Vaughan, Regan Catholic Charities of Baltimore FAV SB0145_CC_Buchdahl_FAV.pdf FIN
Perez, Chloe Hearts and Homes for Youth, Inc. FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 103 Testimony.pdf
Hessler, Therese FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB145_SUPPORT_Adoptions Together.pdf
SB145_SUPPORT_Cedar Ridge.pdf
Tildon, Kyle Law Offices of Boston & Plaut FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
(MD), State of Maryland UNF 1 - SB 145 - FIN - Bd. of Social Work - LOO.docx.p FIN
Schagrin, Judith National Association of Social Workers - Maryland Chapter FWA NASW Maryland - 2023 SB 145 FWA - Temp Licensure - FIN
McClellan, Daphne Board of Social Work Examiners, MD Dept. of Health UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Krone, Christine FAV SB0145_FAV_MdCSWC_State Board of Social Work Exami FIN
Petty, Sondra G MDSWE UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Smith, Nicole FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB 145- Board of Social Work Examiners- Temporary
West, Christopher Senator Chris West FAV SB145 West FAV.pdf
SB145- West - Sponsor Amendment
Bramble, Simone FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Pressley Ridge_SB145_Written Testimony.pdf
Ciekot, Ann Public Policy Partners FWA In Person - Oral Testimony
Arneson, Emily Kennedy Krieger Institute FAV SB145_SWTempLicense_KennedyKriegerSupport.pdf FIN
Rothstein, Melissa UNF SB 145 SW temp licensure OPD opposition .pdf FIN
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 2-6-2023 at 321 PM FIN
Senator West, Senator West FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Bushrod, Dionne NASW Maryland FWA In Person - Oral Testimony
Barber-Alexander, Brittany FWA In Person - Oral Testimony
McClellan, Daphne Board of Social Work Examiners, MD Dept. of Health UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Doyle, William FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Will Doyle-SB0871_SB0145 Testimony-3-28-23.pdf
Ross, Philicia FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Testimony March 28th 2023 (3).pdf
Plaut, Ari Boston Plaut Attorneys at Law FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Boston, Frank FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
O. Breen, Kate Office of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing INFO GODHHSocialWork2.pdf HGO
Kays, Lisa FAV Testimony from Lisa Kays on SB871 and SB145.pdf HGO
Postmus, Judy University of Maryland School of Social Work FAV SB145 State Board of Social Work Examiners - Tempo HGO
Hessler, Therese FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Arneson, Emily Kennedy Krieger Institute FAV SB145_SWTempLicense_KennedyKriegerSupport_HOUSE.pd HGO
O'Connell, Jenna FAV Pressley Ridge_SB145_Written Testimony.pdf
SB145_SUPPORT_Adoptions Together (1).pdf
SB145_SUPPORT_Cedar Ridge (1).pdf
Diamond, Joanna Health Care for the Homeless FAV Health Care for the Homeless - 2023 FAV SB 145 - T HGO
Schneider, Adam FWA SB145 - HGO - FAVwAm - ASchneider.pdf HGO
Krienke, Jane Maryland Hospital Association FAV SB 145- State Board of Social Work Examiners - Tem HGO
Schagrin, Judith National Association of Social Workers - Maryland Chapter FWA NASW Maryland - 2023 SB 145 SWA - Social Worker Te HGO
Davis, Rebecca FAV SB0871 and SB0145 Davis and Stafford.pdf HGO
Shafer, Dawn FAV Shafer, Celestine-Donnor, Lehning Written testimon HGO
MDAD President, MDAD President FAV MDAD SB 145 – State Board of Social Work Examiners HGO
Bailey, Temeka Morgan State University FAV T.Bailey HGO Testimony 3.28.23.pdf HGO
Poliakoff, Bracha FWA Testimony.pdf HGO
Fuld, Samantha N/A FAV SB0871 and SB0145 Fuld.pdf HGO
Shdaimah, Corey FAV SW Professors Testimony.pdf HGO
Doyle, Rachel FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
871.145 written testimony.pdf
Follow-Up on SB871 + SB145 for HGO.pdf
Long-Form Informational Sheet SB871.SB145.pdf
SWEAR Policy Brief for SB871 and SB145.pdf
West, Christopher Senator Chris West FAV SB145 CrossOver .pdf HGO
Tome, Gretchen FAV Testimony SB871 SB145.pdf HGO
(MD), State of Maryland UNF 7 - SB 145 (3rd) - HGO - Social Work Bd - LOO.docx HGO
Smith, Nicole FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
Ross, Philicia Social Workers for Equity and Anti-Racism (SWEAR) FAV SWEAR HGO Testimony-SB0871-SB0145.pdf HGO
Smith, Maria Inclusive Therapy FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Maria's Written Testimony 3.28.23.pdf
Leffler, Jacob FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Respress, Christy Pathways to Housing DC FAV Pathways HGO Testimony-SB0871-SB0145.pdf HGO
Massey, Michael FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Meyer, Megan FWA Favorable Support SB145 and SB 871 (002).pdf HGO
Rodriguez, Victoria FAV Written Testimony SB871 and SB145 For 3.30.23 -.pd HGO
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