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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0232 - Health Occupations - Licensed Athletic Trainers - Dry Needling Approval

Finance 2/7/2023 1:00:00 PM
Health and Government Operations 3/22/2023 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/18/2024 6:48:16 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator Beidle, Senator Beidle FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Siebens, Caroline Maryland Athletic Trainers' Association FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
CS Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.docx (1
Robinson, William Maryland Athletic Trainers' Association FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Perez, Brian FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
DN Support.pdf
Perry, Rebecca FAV letter in support.pdf FIN
Kazimir, Kasey FAV SUPPORT SB 232:HB 172.pdf FIN
Harris, Jaime University of Maryland School of Medicine Department of Orthopedics FAV Document1 (1).pdf FIN
Miraglia, Jane Maryland Athletic Trainers' Association FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Miraglia Favorable Written Testimony 2023.pdf
McGinty, Neely FAV McGinty_Neely_Senate and House baill support (3). FIN
West, Derek UNF No Testimony FIN
Perez, Jean FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
letter of support.pdf
Armijo, Brandie UNF Virtual - Oral Testimony
Cilluffo, Anthony Maryland Athletic Trainers' Association FAV Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.pdf FIN
Long, Erin FAV SB 232- Support Letter.pdf FIN
Strapp, Edward FAV 2023-02-06-10-25-02-support-dry-needling-in-maryla
DN Letter of Support.pdf
Beidle, Pamela FAV SB232 Dry Needling.pdf FIN
Ampey, Veronica Maryland Athletic Trainers' Association FAV MATA dry needling support letter.pdf FIN
Padgett, Victoria FAV Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.docx.pdf FIN
Klossner, Joanne FAV Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.pdf FIN
Needum, William FAV MATA Letter of Support.pdf FIN
Hazlewood, Nicole FAV Dry Needling Support Letter.pdf FIN
Hortz, Brian FAV MD Testimony.pdf FIN
Guzzo, Stephanie FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
Dry Needling Support Letter.pdf
Hayes, David St. Mary's College of Maryland FAV SB232 HB 172.pdf FIN
Webb, Jodi Maryland Athletic Trainer's Association FAV Maryland Dry Needling Testimony.pdf FIN
Greenspan, Cole FAV Dry Needle Support Letter.pdf FIN
Bakshi, Divya FAV Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.docx.pdf FIN
Brown, Adam FAV Copy of Maryland Dry Needling Written FIN
Burrell, Rochan UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Willis, Janice UNF SB232 Testimony by Janice Willis, LAc in MD.pdf FIN
Sullivan, Meghan FAV MD DN Testimony.pdf FIN
Arndt, Jonathan Maryland Athletic Trainers' Association FAV Dry Needling Support.pdf FIN
Dixon, Adrian Baltimore Ravens FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
A. Dixon Testimony 1.pdf
Gioioso, Diane UNF Virtual - Oral Testimony
McCabe, Bryan FAV Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.docx.pdf FIN
Holt, Kimberly St. Mary's High School FAV Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.docx.pdf FIN
Moore, Rachel MATA FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
Moore Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.docx
Massella, Meaghan Edgewater Acupuncture UNF Dawn Gile.pdf FIN
Hildebrand, Emily Towson University Athletic Training Program FAV Hildebrand_Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony FIN
Marinaro, Laura FAV LM-Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.pdf FIN
Thompson, Heather Waypoint Integrative Health LLC UNF SB 232-UNFAVORABLE H. Thompson.pdf FIN
(MD), State of Maryland INFO 8a - SB 232 - FIN - BOP - LOI.docx.pdf FIN
Black, Sherrie Sherrie T. Black UNF Virtual - Oral Testimony
Wilmes, Jenny FAV Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.pdf FIN
Hastings, Cassandra FAV MD Dry Needling letter.pdf FIN
McGinty, Martin Archbishop Curley High School FAV MATA Dry Needling One Pager.pdf FIN
Durkee Immler, Carrie UNF Athletic trainers.pdf FIN
Pitcher, Bill Husch Blackwell Strategies FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Dechant, Matthew FAV Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.pdf FIN
DeLorme, Lee Andrew UNF SB232OppositionltrDeLorme.pdf FIN
Tran, Cindy UNF sb232opposition.pdf FIN
Friese, Courtney FAV Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.pdf FIN
Smale, Georgeann personal UNF acupuncture letter_Feb 2023.pdf FIN
Ingram, Kina FAV Ingram_Dry Needling Support .pdf FIN
Peters, Sarah Husch Blackwell Strategies FAV Athletic Trainers are Educationally Prepared for
MATA Dry Needling One Pager.pdf
Cleveland, Seanta FAV Seanta Cleveland Dry Needling Support.pdf FIN
An, Matt FAV Favorable SB 0232.pdf FIN
Welch, Jeanette FAV Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.pdf FIN
Thompson, Sam FAV Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.pdf FIN
Most, Heidi MUIH UNF Heidi Most Opposition to Athletic Trainers doing D FIN
Kaiser, Kelli Towson University FAV Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony - Kelli Ka FIN
Francis, Collin FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
van Peppen, Noralee FAV DryNeedling.pdf FIN
Ward, Janay Towson University FAV Copy of Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.pd FIN
Poulin, Jennifer UNF Athletic trainer letter.pdf FIN
Costello, Bryan FAV Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.pdf FIN
Durr, Christopher FAV Durr_Chris - Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimo FIN
Domboski, Kevin FAV Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.pdf FIN
Kline, Laura Naval Academy Athletic Association FAV Copy of Maryland Dry Needling Written FIN
Faulkner, Tyler Washington College FAV MATA Dry Needling Support.pdf FIN
Domboski, Kathy FAV Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony- KD.pdf FIN
Campbell, Alexis FAV Testimony.pdf FIN
Aribisala, Mayowa Washington College FAV Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.pdf FIN
DAMIANI, SARAH none UNF Cerra_Letter.pdf
Spause, Scott FAV AT Dry Needling Letter.pdf FIN
Fink, Nelda FAV No Testimony FIN
Musser, Jeremiah FAV Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.pdf FIN
State of, Maryland UNF 8b - SB 232 - FIN - Various Bds - LOO.docx.pdf FIN
Richman, Nicola Metsuyan Wellness UNF Opposition SB232.pdf FIN
Fitzgerald, Andrew FAV Fitzgerald_Dry_Needling.pdf FIN
EMRICH, DANA FAV SB 0232:HB 0172 Support.pdf FIN
CAPLAN, BRYAN MedStar Health FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
Clark, Rachel Evans & Associates, LLC UNF SB 232 Testimony1.pdf
SB 232 Testimony12.pdf
SB 232 Testimony13.pdf
SB 232 Testimony2.pdf
SB 232 Testimony3.pdf
SB 232 Testimony4.pdf
SB 232 Testimony5.pdf
SB 232 Testimony6.pdf
SB 232 Testimony7.pdf
SB 232 Testimony8.pdf
Dummermuth, Barbara Swiss Healing Center UNF MarylandAgainstTrainers.pdf FIN
Evans, Hayley UNF SB 232 Testimony10.pdf
SB 232 Testimony11.pdf
SB 232 Testimony9.pdf
Robinson, Catherine FAV Maryland Dry Needling Written Testimony.pdf FIN
Guimond, Kallie Maryland Acupuncture Society UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
White, Jordan FAV SB232-JordanWhite-FAV FIN
Tyson, Denise Maryland Acupuncture Society UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
SB 232_MAS_UNF.pdf
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 2-6-2023 at 318 PM FIN
Senator Beidle, Senator Beidle FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Miraglia, Jane Maryland Athletic Trainers' Association FAV AD Written Testimony.pdf
CAATE Standards 54-55.pdf
Chris Lacsamana 2023 DN Written Testimony.pdf
Hortz et al. - 2019 - Current Athletic Training Ed
Hortz Written Testimony.pdf
IJSPT Adverse Events Associated with Therapuetic D
MATA Dry Needling One Pager.pdf
Miraglia Favorable Testimony for SB 232 in HGO.pdf
Insalaco, Mikahla UNF HB172 Opposition Letter.pdf HGO
McCleod, Damian DM Acupuncture UNF SB232-opposition.pdf HGO
DAMIANI, SARAH none UNF Cerra_Letter.pdf
McFarland, Mary Teresa McFarland Acupunct ure UNF Written Testimony.pdf HGO
King, Laura Maryland Acupuncture Society UNF Bill SB232 opposed.pdf HGO
Hanley, Kristy UNF Acupuncture.pdf HGO
Most, Heidi MUIH UNF Delegate Joseline Pena.pdf HGO
Ryu, Jisun UNF Jisun Ryu - Maryland Acupuncture Society.pdf HGO
Strapp, Edward FAV Strapp DN Letter of Support (1).pdf HGO
Smith, Rebecca Arundel Acupuncture/Maryland Acupuncture Society UNF SB232_HB172 Dry Needling Letter.pdf HGO
Beidle, Pamela FAV SB 232 Testimony Dry Needling.pdf HGO
Tyson, Denise Maryland Acupuncture Society FWA AG Opinion on DN_95oag138.pdf
Dry Needling Facts- AAPAS Dry Needling White Paper
Dry Needling Facts- AAPAS Dry Needling White Paper
Fan AY, Jiang J, Faggert S, Xu J. Research on Dry
Fan AY, Zheng L, Yang G. Evidence that dry needlin
NCCAOM Letter and Comments re Dry Needling 02-06-2
Peng ZF, et al. Comparison of Trigger Point Acupun
SB 232_MAS_Support with Amendments.pdf
(MD), State of Maryland UNF 6 - SB 232 (3rd) - HGO - Various Boards - LOO.pdf HGO
Al-Amin, Rabab UNF Unfavorable AJ.pdf
Unfavorable H.T.pdf
Unfavorable Rami.pdf
Unfavorable RH.pdf
Unfavorable RT.pdf
Unfavorable SB0172.pdf
Unfavorable SS.pdf
Unfavorable. H.T.pdf
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