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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0482 - Governor's Office for Children - Engaging Neighborhoods, Organizations, Unions, Governments, and Households (ENOUGH) Grant Program (ENOUGH Act of 2024)

Education, Energy, and the Environment 3/1/2024 9:00:00 AM
Appropriations 3/26/2024 1:00:00 PM
As of: 2/17/2025 1:15:11 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
President, President FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Guy, Randy Commissioners of St. Mary's County FAV 036 LOS SB482 CSMC Signed.pdf EEE
Stevens, Heidi United Way of Central Maryland FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
ENOUGH TestimonySB482H. Stevens.pdf
Bogley, Laura Maryland Right to Life UNF UNFAVORABLE.SB482.HB694.LauraBogley.MDRTL.pdf EEE
Garver, Shane Partners for Rural Impact FAV ENOUGH Act Favorable Support - Partners for Rural EEE
Park, Liz MD Association of Youth Service Bureaus FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
2024 MAYSB SB 482 Enough ACT Senate FAV.pdf
Moore, Connie Drink at The Well, Inc. FAV SB0482...Moore.pdf EEE
Masters, Andrew United Way of Central Maryland FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
A. Masters Testimony ENOUGH Act.pdf
Naughton, Carol Purpose Built Communities Foundation FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Purpose Built Communities - Favorable Testimony f
O'Keeffe, Kevin Law Office of Kevin O'Keeffe FWA In Person - Oral Testimony
SB482_LOS with Amendment_Governor's Office for Chi
Posner, Mitchell Community Assistance Network, Inc. FAV SB482 due 2-29-24.pdf EEE
Brown, Renaud FAV No Testimony EEE
Plaut, Ari Law Offices of Boston and Plaut FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
ENOUGH Act Testimony- Baltimore Promise.pdf
Government Affairs, Rachel Sledge Department of Human Services FAV SB482 - FAV - DHS.pdf EEE
Johnson, Jeffery Montgomery County Community Action Agency FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
López, Rafael Department of Human Services FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Cole, Molli Rural Maryland Council FAV SB482_RMC_SupportTestimony.pdf EEE
Mitchell, Ellie Maryland Out of School Time Network FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Holder, Kia Anne Arundel County Community Action Agency FWA Letter of Support SB482.pdf EEE
Meyerovich, Mark UNF No Testimony EEE
Love, William UNF No Testimony EEE
Hands, Zachary Maryland State Board of Education FAV SB 482 - State Board - SUPPORT.pdf EEE
Porter, Phylicia Baltimore City Council District 10 FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Letter of Support_ SB0482 The ENOUGH Act 2024 .pdf
Sirkel, Robin UNF No Testimony EEE
Pedersen, Stacy UNF No Testimony EEE
Bogdan, Henry Maryland Nonprofits FAV No Testimony EEE
Lang, Alan UNF No Testimony EEE
sirkel, jess UNF No Testimony EEE
Crystal, Ruth FAV SB482.pdf EEE
Martin, Carmel FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
DOrazio, Peter Year UNF No Testimony EEE
Hicks, Myles FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
ENOUGH - Favorable.docx (1).pdf
Buckler, Lauren FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Mayer, Robert KABOOM! FAV KABOOM! SB 482 ENOUGH Act Testimony Senate - FAV.p EEE
Monteiro, Darron DSCI FAV SB0482 Written Testimony (DSCI).pdf EEE
Atkins, Robert UNF No Testimony EEE
Holmes, Ayesha Share Our Strength/No Kid Hungry FAV ENOUGH Act testimony - Favorable.pdf EEE
Raine, James UNF No Testimony EEE
Yard, Scott Human Serivces programs of Carroll County, Inc FWA ENOUGH ACT LOS.pdf EEE
Rabbitt, Dan Behavioral Health System Baltimore FAV SB 482_ENOUGH Act_BHSB_FAVORABLE.pdf EEE
Eisenreich, Kim Howard County Office of the Local Children's Board FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Harris, Mrs. FAV No Testimony EEE
Jones, Joseph Center for Urban Families FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB0482_FAV_CFUF (1).pdf
Butchko, Dominic Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Simon, Travis FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Travis Simon - SEIU Locall 500 - Enough Act - Supp
Wallerstedt, Anne Maryland Food Bank FAV SB 482 - Maryland Food Bank - FAV.pdf EEE
Arnold, Tyahna Ashlar Government Relations FAV SB482 fav MARFY.pdf EEE
Woolums, John Maryland Assn. of Boards of Education FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB 482.ENOUGH Neighborhoods in Poverty Grant Progr
Price, Suzanne Concerned Citizen UNF SB0482.pdf EEE
Arneson, Emily Kennedy Krieger Institute FAV SB482_ENOUGH Act_KennedyKrieger_Support.pdf EEE
Pittman, Steuart Office of the Anne Arundel County Executive FAV Anne Arundel County _FAV_SB482.pdf EEE
Fiore, Justin Maryland Municipal League FAV MML-SB 482 - FAV.pdf EEE
Fitzwater, Jessica Frederick County Executive FAV SB 482, FAV, FCG, OCE, JF, LS24.pdf EEE
Cano, Christopher SEIU Local 500 FAV SEIU Local 500 Testimony on ENOUGH Act Senate EEE. EEE
Frey, Leslie Montgomery County FAV CJJ favorable SB482.pdf EEE
Evans, Emmerald GRACE/End Child Poverty CA FAV GRACE:ECPCA ENOUGH ACT (SB 482) Testimony Letter.p EEE
Raya, Richard Mission Economic Development Agency FAV MEDA ENOUGH ACT Senate Testimony Letter.pdf EEE
Katz, Janet UNF No Testimony EEE
Davis, Josh StriveTogether FAV MD_ENOUGH Act Senate Testimony Letter_StriveTogeth EEE
Elrich, Marc Montgomery County Government FWA Montgomery County Community Action Board Testimony EEE
Shmelzer, Grant IEC Chesapeake INFO Virtual - Oral Testimony
Bondoa, Fritz William Julius Wilson Institute at Harlem Children's Zone FAV WJWI Written Testimony for ENOUGH Act_Senate.pdf EEE
Millard, Demaune Family League of Baltimore FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB482 ENOUGH Act Written Testimony.pdf
Meatyard, Amanda St. Mary's County Local Management Board on Youth & Family Services FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
senate ENOUGH testimony_2.29.24.pdf
Diefenbach, Linda UNF No Testimony EEE
O'Day, Garrett Maryland Catholic Conference FAV MD Catholic Conference_SB 482_FAV.pdf EEE
Britt, Adiena N/A FAV No Testimony EEE
Carrington, Darrell Carrington & Associates, LLC FWA Carrington 2024 SB482 HB694 ENOUGH Act 2282024.pdf EEE
Jolin, Michele FAV SB 482 - ENOUGH Act of 2024 - SUPPORT.pdf EEE
Michael, Joshua Cherry Hill Strong FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Volkmar, Leslie UNF No Testimony EEE
Williams, Peggy UNF No Testimony EEE
Elbourn, James UNF No Testimony EEE
Ditraglia, Frank UNF No Testimony EEE
Neal, Marilyn Neighborhood Service Center, Inc. FAV Neighborhood Service Center, Inc.-- Letter in Supp EEE
McShane, Jolie UNF No Testimony EEE
Monteiro, Paul Department of Service and Civic Innovation FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Sims, Brian Maryland Hospital Association FAV SB482_ENOUGHAct_MHA LOS_2024.pdf EEE
Themelis, Nina Mayor's Office of Government Relations FAV SB0482-BT-EEE-FAV.pdf EEE
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 2-29-2024 at 608 PM EEE
President, President FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
O'Keeffe, Kevin Law Office of Kevin O'Keeffe FWA SB482_LOS with Amendment_Governor's Office for Chi APP
Bogley, Laura Maryland Right to Life UNF UNFAVORABLE.SB482.HB694.LauraBogley.MDRTL.pdf APP
Hands, Zachary Maryland State Board of Education FAV SB 482 - State Board - SUPPORT.pdf APP
Government Affairs, Rachel Sledge Department of Human Services FAV SB0482 - FAV - DHS.pdf APP
Fitzwater, Jessica Frederick County Executive FAV SB 482,FAV, FCG, OCE, JF, LS24, APP.pdf APP
Guy, Randy Commissioners of St. Mary's County FAV 061 LOS SB 482 CSMC signed.pdf APP
Arnold, Tyahna Ashlar Government Relations FAV sb482 crossfile.pdf APP
Bridges, Kam Job Opportunities Task Force FAV SB 482 - Governor's Office for Children - (ENOUGH APP
Fiore, Justin Maryland Municipal League FAV MML-SB 482 -FAV.pdf APP
Buckler, Lauren FAV BaltimoreCounty_FAV_SB0482.pdf APP
Sample, Sarah Maryland Association of Counties FAV SB0482-APP_MACo_SUP.pdf APP
Park, Liz MD Association of Youth Service Bureaus FAV 2024 MAYSB SB 482 Enough ACT House FAV.pdf APP
Mayer, Robert KABOOM! FAV KABOOM! SB 482 ENOUGH Act Testimony House - FAV.pd APP
Kraska, Jenny FAV Maryland Catholic Conference_FAV_SB482 HOUSE CROSS APP
Williams, Peggy UNF SB0482 oppose.pdf APP
Rabbitt, Dan Behavioral Health System Baltimore FAV SB 482_ENOUGH Act_BHSB_Crossover_FAVORABLE.pdf APP
Huffman, Mark Marylanders Against Poverty FAV SB 482_MAP_FAV.pdf APP
Diefenbach, Linda UNF OPPOSE SB 482.pdf APP
Goldfine, Leah Montgomery County Community Action Board FWA Montgomery County Community Action Board Testimony APP
Lang, Alan UNF 2024 SB0482 Testimony Against 2024-03-26.pdf APP
Themelis, Nina Mayor's Office of Government Relations FAV SB0482-APP-FAV.pdf APP
Carrington, Darrell Carrington & Associates, LLC FWA SB482 HB694 ENOUGH Act Position Statement.pdf APP
Pittman, Steuart Office of the Anne Arundel County Executive FAV Anne Arundel County _FAV_SB482 (House).pdf APP
Luedtke, Eric FAV Governor's Office Testimony-Support SB 482.docx.pd APP
Martin, Angela Maryland Community Action Partnership FAV Support Testimony APP
Caucus, Legislative Black FAV Support Testimony APP
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