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As of: 10/19/2024 9:30:56 AM
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Created: 12/22/2020 1:25 PM
Budget and Taxation Committee - Budget Hearing
1:30 PM - Virtual Meeting

Created: 2/5/2021 4:36 PM
Budget and Taxation Committee - Voting Session
4:30 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Chr B&T (Dept)

Economic Development – Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit Program – Alterations
Sen Young, et al

Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Living Organ Donors
Chr B&T (Dept)

Department of Juvenile Services – Deputy Secretaries
Sen Kelley

Insurance - Application of Premium Tax - Continued Exclusion of Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund
(Jointly assigned to Finance\Budget and Taxation)
Chr B&T (Dept)

Economic Development – Cybersecurity Investment Incentive Tax Credit Program – Expansion and Extension
Sens McCray and Zucker

Maryland Transit Administration - Funding (Transit Safety and Investment Act)
Sen Guzzone

Sales and Use Tax – Vendor Collection Credit – Job Training
Sen Simonaire

Anne Arundel County - Property Tax Credit for Business Entities - State of Emergency
Sen Gallion, et al

Cecil County - Sales and Use Tax Exemption - Federal Facilities Redevelopment Areas
Sen Guzzone

Labor and Employment - Direct Care Workforce Innovation Program
(Jointly assigned to Finance\Budget and Taxation)
Chr B&T (Dept)

Tax Sales – Redemption – Nondelinquent Taxes
Sen McCray

Transportation - Highway User Revenues - Revenue and Distribution
Sen McCray

Department of Assessments and Taxation - Identification Number for Business - Task Force
Sen Zucker

Income Tax Distribution – Tax Clinics for Low–Income Marylanders
Sen Simonaire

Sales and Use Tax - Tax-Free Period for Back-to-School Shopping - Sale of Sewing Items
Sen Guzzone

Income Tax Credit – Wineries and Vineyards – Sunset Extension
Sen Guzzone

Income Tax Credit – Food Donation Pilot Program – Extension

Capital Budget Subcommittee - (Budget and Taxation Committee)
Created: 12/22/2020 1:25 PM
Capital Budget Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
3:00 PM - Virtual Meeting

Created: 1/22/2021 1:54 PM
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Sens King and Guzzone

Maryland Sign Language Interpreter Act
Sen Ellis

Department of Planning - Collateral Consequences for Individuals With Criminal Records - Study
Sen Elfreth, et al

Department of Housing and Community Development - Office of Digital Inclusion - Established (Digital Connectivity Act of 2021)
(Jointly assigned to Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs\Budget and Taxation)
Sen Young

State Real Estate Commission - Property Managers - Registration
Sen Griffith

Energy Efficiency - Net-Zero Homes - Contract Preferences
Sen Rosapepe

Creating Governor's Office of Immigrant Affairs
(Jointly assigned to Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs\Budget and Taxation)
Sen Griffith

Business Occupations and Professions - Architects - Scope of Licensure
Sen Sydnor

Workgroup on Minority Homeownership, Neighborhood Revitalization, and Household Wealth Equity
Sen McCray

Neighborhood Business Development Program - Food Desert Projects - Business Retention
Sen McCray

Housing and Community Development - Neighborhood Revitalization Programs - Application Requirements
Sen Peters

National Capital Strategic Economic Development Program - Eligibility
Sen Smith

State and Local Housing Programs - Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing
(Added - 2/3/2021 3:22 PM)

Health Subcommittee - (Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee)
Created: 2/8/2021 1:11 PM
Health Subcommittee - Work Session
4:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube

Created: 1/15/2021 3:00 PM
Finance Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Sen Salling

Unemployment Insurance – Computation of Earned Rate of Contribution – Applicable Table of Rates
Sen Carter

Mental Health Law - Petitions for Emergency Evaluation - Procedures
Sen Kagan

Economic Development - Maryland Technology Development Corporation - Alterations
Sens Kagan and Reilly

Financial Institutions - Security Questions and Measures
Sen Kelley

Public Utilities - Annual Reports
(Added - 1/24/2021 5:07 PM)
Sen Kelley

For-Hire Driving and Vehicles - Requirements
(Added - 1/24/2021 5:07 PM)
Sen Kelley

Public Service Commission - Virtual Public Hearings
(Added - 1/24/2021 5:07 PM)
Sen Augustine

Behavioral Health Crisis Response Services – Modifications
(Jointly assigned to Finance\Budget and Taxation)
Sen Kramer

Consumer Protection - Banking Institutions - Unauthorized Debit Transactions (Consumer Bank Deposits Protection Act)
Sen Ellis

Maryland Small Business Development Financing Authority - Minority Business Enterprise Procurement Contract Financing Program
(Removed - 2/4/2021 6:35 AM)
Sen Salling

Unemployment Insurance - Earned Rating Record - Waiver of Benefit Charges Due to COVID-19
(Removed - 2/5/2021 4:02 PM)

Created: 2/8/2021 1:42 PM
Finance Committee - Voting Session
4:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Sen Kramer

Utility Regulation - Consideration of Climate and Labor
Sen Kramer

Public Utilities - Investor-Owned Utilities - Prevailing Wage
Sen Patterson

Labor and Employment - Apprenticeship and Training Council - Representation
Sen McCray

Maryland Transit Administration – Reduced Fare Program for Opioid Treatment Program Patients – Program Requirements

Created: 1/18/2021 8:41 AM
Judicial Proceedings Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Sen Rosapepe

State Government – Notaries Public – Notary Public Fund and Remote Notarial Acts
Sen McCray

Courts – Improperly Summoning a Police Officer – Civil Liability
Sen McCray

Baltimore City – Civil Claims Against Law Enforcement Officers of an Institution of Higher Education – Prohibition Against Nondisclosure Provision in Settlement Agreement
Sen Peters

Child Abuse and Neglect - Memorandum of Understanding With Military Family Advocacy Program
Sen Eckardt

Real Property - Sale of Mobile Home Parks - Notice Requirements
(Added - 1/25/2021 8:29 AM)
Sen Beidle

Family Law - Marriage - Licenses and Records
(Added - 1/25/2021 8:29 AM)
Sen Smith

Discrimination in Employment – Use of Medical Cannabis – Prohibition
(Added - 1/25/2021 8:29 AM)
Sen Carter

Family Law - Nonpayment of Child Support - Sentencing
Sen Carter

Landlord-Tenant - Nonrenewal of Lease - Notice Requirements
Sen Carter

Driver's Licenses - Suspension for Child Support Arrearages - Repeal
Sen Sydnor

Real Property – Alterations in Actions for Repossession and Establishment of Eviction Diversion Program
(Added - 1/25/2021 8:29 AM)
Sen Sydnor

Employment Discrimination - Time for Filing Complaints
(Added - 1/25/2021 8:29 AM)

Created: 2/8/2021 12:44 PM
Judicial Proceedings Committee - Work Session
4:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Police Reform

Created: 12/22/2020 1:25 PM
Appropriations Committee - Budget Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube

Capital Budget Subcommittee - (Appropriations Committee)
Created: 12/22/2020 1:25 PM
Capital Budget Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
3:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube

Created: 1/28/2021 10:17 AM
Economic Matters Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Valderrama

Workers' Compensation - Medical Cannabis - Compensation and Benefits
(Jointly assigned to Economic Matters\Health and Government Operations)
Del Valderrama

Professional Land Surveyors - Surveying Practice - Definition and Licensing Exception
Del Valderrama

Labor and Employment - Secure Maryland Wage Act
Del Ivey

Labor and Employment - Apprenticeship and Training Council - Representation

Banking, Consumer Protection, and Commercial Law - (Economic Matters Committee)
Banking, Consumer Protection, and Commercial Law - Bill Hearing
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Feldmark, et al

Consumer Protection - Right to Repair
Del Carey

Commercial Law - Personal Information Protection Act - Revisions
Del Love

Commercial Law – Consumer Protection – Biometric Identifiers and Biometric Information Privacy

Created: 2/5/2021 2:32 PM
Banking, Consumer Protection, and Commercial Law - Work Session
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
The Following Bills will be discussed:
•HB 218 (Love) - Commercial Law
– Consumer Protection –
Biometric Identifiers and
Biometric Information Privacy
•HB 148 (Carey) - Commercial
Law - Personal Information
Protection Act - Revisions
•HB 84 (Feldmark) - Consumer
Protection - Right to Repair

Created: 1/26/2021 12:37 PM
Environment and Transportation Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Boteler

Local Government - Regulation of Amateur Radio Station Antenna Structures
Del Fennell

Human Relations - Discrimination in Housing - Reentry-Into-Society Status
Del Fraser-Hidalgo

Condominiums and Homeowners Associations - Meeting Requirements
Del Lierman, et al

Environment – Packaging, Containers, and Paper Products – Producer Responsibility
(Jointly assigned to Environment and Transportation\Economic Matters)
Del Lierman

Workgroup on Minority Homeownership, Neighborhood Revitalization, and Household Wealth Equity
(Jointly assigned to Environment and Transportation\Economic Matters)
Del Love

Beverage Container Deposit Program - Establishment and Advisory Commission
(Jointly assigned to Environment and Transportation\Economic Matters)
Del Charkoudian

Maryland Recycling Act - Recyclable Materials and Resource Recovery Facilities - Alterations
(Jointly assigned to Environment and Transportation\Economic Matters)
Del Solomon

Public-Private Partnerships - Process and Oversight
(Jointly assigned to Environment and Transportation\Appropriations)

Natural Resources, Agriculture & Open Space Subcommittee - (Environment and Transportation Committee)
Created: 2/8/2021 3:09 PM
Natural Resources, Agriculture & Open Space Subcommittee - Work Session
5:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube

Created: 1/21/2021 4:03 PM
Health and Government Operations Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Final bill order below.
Del Pena-Melnyk

Maryland Department of Health - Birth Registration - Gestational Carriers
(Added - 1/29/2021 10:02 AM)
Del K. Young

Suicide Treatment Improvements Act
Del Kipke

Veterans - Behavioral Health Services - Mental Health First Aid
Del Krebs

Maryland Medical Assistance Programs - Dental Providers and Dental Students - Reimbursement
(Added - 1/29/2021 10:02 AM)
Del R. Lewis

Maryland Medical Assistance Program – Dental Prophylaxis Care and Oral Health Exams
Del R. Lewis

Human Services - Trauma-Informed Care - Commission and Training
Del Hornberger

Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Emergency Service Transporters - Reimbursement
(Jointly assigned to Health and Government Operations\Appropriations)
Del Kelly

Maryland Medical Assistance Program – Applied Behavior Analysis Services – Reimbursement
Del Washington

Residential Rehabilitation Programs - Reporting of Critical Incidents
(Removed - 2/8/2021 12:17 PM)

Insurance and Pharmaceuticals Subcommittee - (Health and Government Operations Committee)
Created: 2/5/2021 2:47 PM
Insurance and Pharmaceuticals Subcommittee - Work Session
11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
- HB 34, 107, 123, 162, 167, and 303

Public Health and Minority Health Disparities Subcommittee - (Health and Government Operations Committee)
Created: 2/5/2021 2:47 PM
Public Health and Minority Health Disparities Subcommittee - Work Session
11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
- HB 463

Created: 1/15/2021 4:18 PM
Judiciary Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
The Spkr (Plc Rfm Accntblty Wrkgrp)

Police Reform and Accountability Act of 2021
(Added - 1/26/2021 6:14 PM)
The Spkr

Public Information Act – Personnel and Investigatory Records – Complaints Against Police Officers
(Added - 1/26/2021 6:14 PM)
Del Crosby

Law Enforcement – Department of State Police – Body–Worn Cameras
(Added - 1/19/2021 4:13 PM)
Del Ivey

Public Safety – Law Enforcement – Body–Worn Cameras
(Added - 1/19/2021 4:13 PM)
Del Grammer

No–Knock Warrants – Elimination (Duncan’s Act)
(Added - 1/19/2021 4:13 PM)
Dels Cardin and Crutchfield

District Court Commissioners - Arrest Warrants - Recall and Issuance of a Summons
Del Wilson

Criminal Procedure - District Court Commissioners - Issuance of Arrest Warrant
(Added - 1/19/2021 4:13 PM)
Del Wilson

Criminal Procedure – Police Officers – Stop Procedures (Know Your Rights Act)
(Added - 1/19/2021 4:13 PM)
Del D.M. Davis, et al

Law Enforcement Officers - Use of Force
(Added - 1/19/2021 4:13 PM)
Del Acevero

Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights - Repeal
(Added - 1/19/2021 4:13 PM)
Dels Acevero and Barron

Public Information Act – Personnel Records – Investigations of Law Enforcement Officers (Anton’s Law)
(Added - 1/19/2021 4:13 PM)

Created: 1/28/2021 10:17 AM
Ways and Means Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Chr W&M (Dept)

Election Law - Certificates of Candidacy and Ballot Questions - Revisions
Del Hornberger

Election Integrity Act
Del Hornberger

Election Law – Campaign Contributors – Disclosure of Owning or Controlling Individual or Business Entity
Del Hornberger

Election Law - Offenses Related to Voting - Penalties
Del Hornberger

State Board of Elections - Campaign Finance Reporting Database - Study
The Pres (Admin), et al

Recovery for the Economy, Livelihoods, Industries, Entrepreneurs, and Families (RELIEF) Act
(Jointly assigned to Ways and Means\Economic Matters)
(Added - 2/8/2021 3:16 PM)
Del Chisholm

Anne Arundel County - Property Tax Credit for Business Entities - State of Emergency
Bill hearings on local bills for the 2021 session will be sponsor only.
Del Crosby

Election Law - Early Voting Centers - Accessibility by Public Transportation
Del Crosby

Local Government – County Commissioner Elections – District Voting

Baltimore City
Created: 2/3/2021 1:03 PM
5:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Local Alcohol Bill Hearings and Voting Session

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