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As of: 9/26/2024 6:05:36 PM
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Created: 2/10/2021 10:08 AM
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee - Bill Hearing
11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
The Committee will break from 12:45 to 1:30 p.m.
Sens Ferguson and Pinsky

State Board of Education Membership and Terms - Capability and Capacity Study of Education Agencies
Sen Carter

Public Institutions of Higher Education - Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Individuals - Academic and Employment Opportunities
Sen Augustine

Higher Education - Student Identification Cards - Required Information
Sen Augustine

Public Schools - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Surveys - Revisions
Sen Washington, et al

Public Schools - Pregnant and Parenting Students - Policies and Reports
Sen Washington

Institute for Innovation and Implementation - Pregnant, Expecting, and Parenting Students - Data Collection and Report
Sen Washington, et al

Maryland Longitudinal Data System - Student Data - Pregnant and Parenting Students
Sens Ready and West

Public Institutions of Higher Education - Student Athletes (Jordan McNair Safe and Fair Play Act)
Sen Ready, et al

State Department of Education - Interscholastic Athletics Eligibility Waiver - Graduate Athletes
(Added - 2/15/2021 8:32 AM)
Sen McCray, et al

Legal Education Success Collaborative - Established
(Jointly assigned to Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs\Budget and Taxation)
Sen Gallion

Education - Student Horizon Database and Scorecard (Students Right to Know Act of 2021)
Sen Klausmeier

Education – Comprehensive Health Education Program – Instruction on Skin Cancer
Sen Ellis

Education - High School Graduation Requirements - Applications for Student Financial Aid
Sen Elfreth

Transfer With Success Act
Sen King

Early Childhood Education – Child Care Provider Support Grant Program (The Child Care Provider Support Act)
(Jointly assigned to Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs\Budget and Taxation)

Environment Subcommittee - (Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee)
Created: 2/23/2021 4:44 PM
Environment Subcommittee - Work Session
4:30 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
4:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube

Created: 2/24/2021 9:12 AM
Finance Committee - Briefing
12:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Briefing on SB 414

Created: 1/29/2021 10:34 AM
Finance Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Sen Young

Collective Bargaining - Teachers at the Maryland School for the Deaf - Separate Bargaining Unit
Sen Cassilly

Lodging Establishments – Accessible Rooms for Individuals With Disabilities – Deadlines
(Added - 2/1/2021 4:42 PM)
Sen King

State and Local Government and Private Employers - Teleworking
(Added - 2/8/2021 8:46 AM)
Sen Kagan

Health Care Facilities – Restrooms – Requirements
(Added - 2/1/2021 4:42 PM)
Sen Carozza, et al

Labor and Employment - Maryland Healthy Working Families Act - Verification
(Added - 2/1/2021 4:42 PM)
Sen Klausmeier

Labor and Employment - Healthy Working Families Act - Application
(Added - 2/1/2021 4:42 PM)
Sen Beidle, et al

Nursing Homes - Transfer of Ownership - Site Visits and Surveys
(Added - 2/8/2021 8:46 AM)
Sen Feldman

Office of Health Care Quality – Influenza Virus Immunization Education and Information – Assisted Living Facilities
(Added - 2/8/2021 8:46 AM)
Sen Feldman, et al

Health Facilities - Hospitals - Medical Debt Protection
(Added - 2/2/2021 12:00 PM)

Created: 2/4/2021 9:26 AM
Judicial Proceedings Committee - Bill Hearing
11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
Sen Ready

Drunk and Drugged Driving - Testing - Warrants
(Added - 2/9/2021 5:11 PM)
Sen Feldman

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority – Metro Transit Police – Quotas and Police Complaints Board
(Added - 2/5/2021 4:02 PM)
Sen Hough

Correctional Services – Division of Parole and Probation – Definition of Absconding
(Added - 2/9/2021 5:11 PM)
Sen Lee, et al

Criminal Procedure - Probation Before Judgment - Facts Justifying a Finding of Guilt and Suspension of Sentence
(Added - 2/9/2021 5:11 PM)
Sen Lee

Criminal Law - Crimes Involving Computers
Sen Lee

Intercepted Communications - Penalties and Admissibility of Evidence
Sen Waldstreicher

Criminal Procedure – Charging Procedures – Citations
Sen Sydnor

Public Information Act - Inspection of Records From Body-Worn Digital Recording Devices

Created: 2/25/2021 2:28 PM
Judicial Proceedings Committee - Voting Session
7:30 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
9:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Sen Carter

Law Enforcement Officers - Use of Force

Created: 2/11/2021 7:09 AM
Appropriations Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Solomon

Facilitating University Transformations by Unifying Reductions in Emissions (FUTURE) Act
Del Chang

Bay Restoration Fund - County Authority to Incur Indebtedness
Del Bridges

State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Exclusive Representative Access to New Employees
Del Bhandari

Board of Community College Trustees for Baltimore County - Collective Bargaining - Faculty
Del B. Barnes

Education - Maryland School for the Blind - Pay Plan
Del Reznik

Local Health Departments – Funding
Del Harrison

Higher Education - Richard W. Collins III Leadership With Honor Scholarship - Bowie State
Carroll County Delegation

Carroll County - Public Facilities Bond
Calvert County Delegation

Calvert County - Public Facilities Bond

Oversight Committee on Personnel - (Appropriations Committee)
Created: 2/24/2021 1:07 PM
Oversight Committee on Personnel - Voting Session
8:30 AM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Krimm

State and Local Government and Private Employers – Teleworking

Health and Social Services Subcommittee - (Appropriations Committee)
Created: 2/24/2021 2:19 PM
Health and Social Services Subcommittee - Voting Session
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Guyton

State Coordinator for Autism Strategy and Advisory Stakeholder Group on Autism-Related Needs - Mandated Appropriation

Education and Economic Development Subcommittee - (Appropriations Committee)
Created: 2/24/2021 6:16 PM
Education and Economic Development Subcommittee - Voting Session
3:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube

Transportation and the Environment Subcommittee - (Appropriations Committee)
Created: 2/23/2021 7:53 PM
Transportation and the Environment Subcommittee - Voting Session
3:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Korman

Maryland Environmental Service Reform Act of 2021
(Jointly assigned to Appropriations\Environment and Transportation)
Del Lierman, et al

Maryland Transit Administration - Funding (Transit Safety and Investment Act)
(Removed - 2/24/2021 10:57 AM)

Economic Matters Committee - Work Session
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
MEWPA Workgroup
(HB 518/SB 486)

Created: 2/5/2021 3:02 PM
Economic Matters Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Adams

Clean Energy Attribute Credits and Procurement
Prince George's County Delegation

Prince George’s County – Coal– and Gas–Fired Generating Stations – Prohibitions (Prince George’s County Stop Environmentally Unjust Coal and Gas Plants Act of 2021) PG 410–21
Del Charkoudian

Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard and Geothermal Heating and Cooling Systems
Del Brooks

Public Service Commission - Damaged, Obsolete, or Excessive Lines - Fines
(Added - 2/8/2021 4:08 PM)
Del Washington

Motor Vehicle Insurance – Rate Filings – Discrimination, Trade Secrets, and States of Emergency
(Added - 2/8/2021 4:08 PM)
Del Lisanti

Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund – Liability Insurance – School Bus Contractors
(Added - 2/8/2021 4:08 PM)
Del Fraser-Hidalgo

State Airports - Commercial Activity - Rental Vehicles and Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing
(Jointly assigned to Economic Matters\Environment and Transportation)
(Added - 2/8/2021 4:08 PM)

MD Essential Worker Protection Act Workgroup - (Economic Matters Committee)
Created: 2/24/2021 12:29 PM
MD Essential Worker Protection Act Workgroup
8:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
HB581 -Labor and Employment - Employment Standards During an Emergency (Maryland Essential Workers' Protection Act)

Created: 2/7/2021 1:34 PM
Environment and Transportation Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Lopez

Vehicle Laws – Enforcement and Use of Real–Time Digital Spotters
(Jointly assigned to Environment and Transportation\Judiciary)
St. Mary's County Delegation

St. Mary’s County – Motor Vehicle Registration – Exception for Golf Carts
(Added - 2/10/2021 10:23 AM)
Del R. Watson

Vehicle Laws - Commercial Motor Carriers - Safety, Inspection, Performance, and Insurance Information (James Cohran's Law)
Del M. Fisher

Elected Officials – State–Owned Electric Vehicle Charging Stations – Reimbursement
Del Arentz

Illegal Dumping and Litter Control Law – Yard Waste – Disposal on Highways
Del Arentz

Kent Narrows Bridge – State Highway Right–of–Way – Fishing Prohibition
Del Parrott

Traffic Control Signal Modernization Fund – Establishment
(Added - 2/10/2021 10:23 AM)
Del Lisanti

Public Ethics - Local Officials - Electronic Filing of Financial Disclosure Statements
(Added - 2/10/2021 10:23 AM)
Del Walker

State Highways – Designations – Thurgood Marshall Highway
(Added - 2/10/2021 10:23 AM)

Motor Vehicle and Transportation Subcommittee - (Environment and Transportation Committee)
Created: 1/21/2021 3:16 PM
Motor Vehicle and Transportation Subcommittee - Work Session
5:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Exact time of this subcommittee meeting will be announced after the Bill Hearings are complete

Created: 2/2/2021 7:48 PM
Health and Government Operations Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Final bill order below.
Del Lisanti

Health Insurance – Hearing Aids for Adults – Coverage
Del Crosby

Health Occupations – Service Members, Veterans, and Military Spouses – Temporary Licensure, Certification, and Registration
(Added - 2/11/2021 3:20 PM)
Del Cullison

Prescription Drug Affordability Board - Plan of Action - Repeal of Date for Submission
(Added - 2/11/2021 3:20 PM)
Del Amprey

Workgroup on Black, Latino, and Other Underrepresented Mental Health Professionals
Del Bagnall

Maryland Insurance Commissioner – Specialty Mental Health Services and Payment of Claims – Enforcement
Del Johnson

Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact
(Added - 2/11/2021 3:20 PM)
Del Griffith

Adoption - Access to Birth and Adoption Records and Search, Contact, and Reunion Services
(Removed - 2/22/2021 9:26 AM)

Health Occupations and Long-Term Care Subcommittee - (Health and Government Operations Committee)
Created: 2/22/2021 1:58 PM
Health Occupations and Long-Term Care Subcommittee - Work Session
11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
- HB 276, 674, 806, 811, 873, and 983

Created: 2/10/2021 10:11 AM
Judiciary Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Bills are ordered as they appear below. Each bill sponsor will receive three (3) minutes to provide oral testimony while each witness will receive two (2) minutes to provide oral testimony.
Del Crutchfield

Juvenile Services - Workgroup to Develop Evidence-Based, Research-Based, and Culturally Competent Practices
Del Valentino-Smith

Juvenile Law - Informal Adjustment
Del Clippinger

Juvenile Law - Juvenile Justice Reform
Del Valentino-Smith

Juvenile Law - Probation
(Removed - 2/22/2021 4:43 PM)
Del Crutchfield

Juvenile Law - Dispositions - Placement Guidance
(Removed - 2/22/2021 4:43 PM)
Del Crutchfield

Juvenile Court - Jurisdiction
(Removed - 2/22/2021 4:43 PM)
Del Wilson

Juvenile Law - Child Custodial Interrogation - Rights
(Removed - 2/22/2021 4:43 PM)
Del T. Branch

Baltimore City and Prince George's County - Diversionary and Reentry Program
(Removed - 2/25/2021 12:05 PM)

Civil Law and Procedure Subcommittee - (Judiciary Committee)
Created: 2/24/2021 9:38 AM
Civil Law and Procedure Subcommittee - Work Session
12:15 PM - Zoom / YouTube
- HBs 23 and 260

Created: 2/2/2021 12:18 PM
Ways and Means Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
The Spkr

Gaming - Regulation of Fantasy Gaming Competitions and Implementation of Sports Wagering
(Added - 2/2/2021 4:14 PM)
Del Qi

Small Business COVID-19 Relief Act of 2021
(Added - 2/8/2021 9:09 AM)
Del Buckel

Economic Development – Maryland Technology Infrastructure Pilot Program – Establishment
Del Buckel

Sales and Use Tax - Vendor Collection Credit
(Added - 2/8/2021 9:09 AM)
Del Buckel

Income Tax – Subtraction Modification – Trade or Business Expenses Resulting in Federal Loan Forgiveness
(Added - 2/8/2021 9:09 AM)
Del Buckel

Sales and Use Tax – Rate Reduction
(Added - 2/8/2021 12:24 PM)
Del Lehman

Income Tax – Mechanical Insulation Installation Tax Credit
(Added - 2/8/2021 9:09 AM)
Del Wivell

Income Tax - Itemized Deductions
(Added - 2/8/2021 9:09 AM)
Del Kaiser

Maryland Tax Credit Evaluation Act – Alterations
(Added - 2/8/2021 9:09 AM)
Del Mangione

Gaming - Sports and Event Wagering License - Maryland State Fair and Agricultural Society, Inc.
(Removed - 2/2/2021 4:20 PM)

Revenues Subcommittee - (Ways and Means Committee)
Created: 2/23/2021 10:32 AM
Revenues Subcommittee - Voting Session
12:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del K. Young

Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Living Organ Donors
Del Luedtke

Influence on Collective Bargaining – Prohibition on Use of Public Funds and Income Tax Addition Modification
(Jointly assigned to Appropriations\Ways and Means)
Del Rosenberg

Income Tax Distribution – Tax Clinics for Low–Income Marylanders
Del Buckel

Historic Revitalization Tax Credit - Certified Historic Structure and Single-Family, Owner-Occupied Residence - Definitions
Del D. Jones

Income Tax – Subtraction Modification – Donations to Diaper Banks and Other Charitable Entities
Chr W&M (Dept)

Small, Minority, and Women–Owned Businesses Account – Alterations
Del McKay

Income Tax – Subtraction Modification for Volunteer Fire, Rescue, or Emergency Medical Services Members – Active Status Points

Election Law Subcommittee - (Ways and Means Committee)
Created: 2/24/2021 11:55 AM
Election Law Subcommittee - Voting Session
12:40 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Crosby

Election Law - Early Voting Centers - Accessibility by Public Transportation
Del Wilkins

Election Law - Permanent Absentee Ballot List

Created: 2/22/2021 9:17 AM
9:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
Harford County House Delegation Meeting

Created: 2/24/2021 5:02 PM
5:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Delegation Meeting

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