As of: 2/13/2025 9:22:36 PM
Created: 1/23/2025 12:38 PM
9:00 AM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
These bills will heard by the Pension Subcommittee
Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns)
State Retirement and Pension System - Transfers Between Systems - Workgroup
Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns)
State Retirement and Pension System - Deferred Vested Former Members - Return to Service
(Added - 1/30/2025 4:49 PM)
Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns)
State Retirement and Pension System - Alterations and Clarifications
(Added - 2/3/2025 11:34 AM)
Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns)
State Retirement and Pension System - Reemployment Earnings Limitations - Maximum Average Final Compensation
(Added - 2/3/2025 11:34 AM)
Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns)
State Retirement and Pension System - Administrative Fees - Repeal
(Added - 2/7/2025 11:10 AM)
Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns)
Correctional Officers' Retirement System - Membership - Clarifications
(Removed - 2/3/2025 2:58 PM)
Created: 1/23/2025 12:38 PM
9:00 AM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Bill Hearings
(Added - 1/30/2025 5:02 PM)
(Added - 2/3/2025 11:34 AM)
(Added - 2/3/2025 11:34 AM)
(Added - 2/7/2025 11:10 AM)
(Removed - 2/3/2025 2:58 PM)
(Removed - 2/5/2025 11:59 AM)
Created: 1/8/2025 3:17 PM
1:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/8/2025 3:17 PM
1:00 PM - Miller Senate Building, William Amoss Room, 4th Floor, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/8/2025 3:17 PM
1:00 PM - Miller Senate Building, Schweinhaut Room, 4th Floor, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/27/2025 2:32 PM
1:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Sen Ferguson, et al
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard - Eligible Sources - Alterations (Reclaim Renewable Energy Act of 2025)
Sens Simonaire and Jackson
Maryland Department of Labor - Licenses - Notation of Veteran Status and Eligibility for Benefits
(Jointly assigned to Education, Energy, and the Environment\Finance)
(Added - 1/31/2025 2:08 PM)
Sen Ready, et al
Task Force to Study the Premature Retirement of Electricity Generation Facilities
Sens Brooks and Hettleman
Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity - Overhead Transmission Lines - Conservation Easements
Sen Hester
Electric Companies - Regional Transmission Organizations - Report (Utility Transparency and Accountability Act)
Sponsor only testimony
(Jointly assigned to Education, Energy, and the Environment\Finance)
Chr Education, Energy, and the Environmen
Environment - Building Energy Performance Standards - Compliance and Reporting
Created: 2/12/2025 4:14 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee - Voting Session
4:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/30/2025 4:18 PM
1:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Sens M. Washington and Lam
Public Health - Maryland Commission on Health Equity - Membership and Purposes
Sen Lam
Maryland Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Incentive Program - Alterations
Sen A. Washington
Economic Development - Business Resource Initiative for Developmental Growth and Empowerment (BRIDGE) Program - Establishment
SB 377 is a prior introduction. The Committee will hear from the sponsor only.
The Pres (Office of the Comptroller)
Business Regulation - Miscellaneous State Business Licenses - Enforcement and Penalties
The Pres (Office of the Comptroller)
Maryland Uniform Disposition of Abandoned Property Act – Revisions
Created: 2/9/2025 2:47 PM
4:30 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/30/2025 1:24 PM
1:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Sen Smith
Vehicle Laws - Licenses, Identification Cards, and Moped Operator's Permits - Notation of Nonapparent Disability
Senate Bill 618 is a prior introduction. The committee will hear from 2 proponents and 2 opponents.
(Added - 2/3/2025 10:32 AM)
(Added - 2/3/2025 10:32 AM)
Sen M. Washington
Correctional Services - Comprehensive Rehabilitative Prerelease Services - Female Incarcerated Individuals (The Monica Cooper Prerelease Act)
(Jointly assigned to Judicial Proceedings\Budget and Taxation)
(Added - 2/3/2025 10:32 AM)
(Added - 2/3/2025 10:32 AM)
SB 627 is a prior introduction. The committee will hear from 2 proponents and 2 opponents.
(Added - 2/3/2025 10:32 AM)
Sens Jackson and Waldstreicher
Montgomery County and Prince George's County - Distracted Driving Monitoring System Pilot Program
Created: 2/12/2025 11:27 AM
5:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/10/2025 12:33 PM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 120, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/10/2025 12:33 PM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 150, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/10/2025 12:33 PM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 145, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/23/2025 3:14 PM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 230, Annapolis, MD
Chr ECM (Atty Gen Ofc)
Maryland Protecting Opportunities and Regional Trade (PORT) Act – Reports of Attorney General – Frequency
Del Vogel, et al
Labor and Employment - Exemptions From Overtime Pay - Administrative, Executive, or Professional Capacity
Del Schindler, et al
Labor and Employment - Workplace Fraud - Application (Maryland Workplace Fraud Act of 2025)
Del Spiegel, et al
Federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program - Employee Certification and Awareness Materials
(Added - 1/29/2025 12:27 PM)
Del Stewart
Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program - Covered Individuals - Alternatively Qualified Individuals
(Added - 1/29/2025 12:27 PM)
(Added - 1/29/2025 12:27 PM)
Created: 1/27/2025 6:02 PM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 250, Annapolis, MD
Del Wilkins, et al
Vehicle Laws - Licenses, Identification Cards, and Moped Operator's Permits - Notation of Nonapparent Disability (Eric's ID Law)
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:11 AM)
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:11 AM)
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:11 AM)
Prince George's County Delegation
State Highway Administration - Memorials - Maryland Route 210 in Prince George's County PG 307-25
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:11 AM)
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:11 AM)
(Added - 1/29/2025 5:23 PM)
Del Stein, et al
Baltimore County - Vehicle Laws - Private Roadways in Residential Subdivisions and Communities
Del Healey, et al
Highways - Sidewalks and Bicycle Pathways - Construction and Reconstruction
Del Taylor, et al
Real Estate Development and Highway Rights-of-Way - Installation of Broadband Micro Conduits and Microducts
(Removed - 2/13/2025 10:10 AM)
Del Harris, et al
Maryland Transportation Authority - Video Toll Facilities - Study on Image Capture of License Plates
(Removed - 2/13/2025 10:10 AM)
Del M. Morgan, et al
Motor Vehicles - Driving Records - Disclosure of Medical Diagnosis (Safeguarding American Families Everywhere Act)
(Removed - 2/13/2025 10:10 AM)
Created: 2/12/2025 8:26 PM
3:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
The exact start time will be announced at the end of bill hearings.
Created: 2/11/2025 4:27 PM
3:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
The exact start time will be announced at the conclusion of bill hearings. Agenda
Created: 2/3/2025 12:50 PM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 240, Annapolis, MD
Bill order has been updated for today's bill hearing.
Del Guyton
State Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists - Behavior Analysts - Licensure Applications
Del D. Jones, et al
Health Insurance - Genetic Testing and Cancer Imaging - Required Coverage and Prohibited Cost-Sharing
Del Cullison
Health Insurance - Utilization Review - Exemption for Participation in Value-Based Care Arrangements
The Spkr (Atty Gen Ofc)
Health Care Facilities - Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Programs - Video Recordings
Del Pena-Melnyk
Workgroup to Study the Rise in Adverse Decisions in the State Health Care System - Establishment
Del Taveras, et al
Health Insurance - Prescription Drug Formularies and Coverage for Generic Drugs and Biosimilars
(Removed - 2/11/2025 10:10 AM)
Del Woods, et al
Health Insurance - Artificial Intelligence, Adverse Decisions, and Grievances - Reporting Requirements
(Removed - 2/11/2025 4:03 PM)
Created: 2/10/2025 10:31 AM
11:30 AM - Zoom / YouTube
HBs 406 and 565
(Added - 2/11/2025 11:29 AM)
Created: 1/27/2025 3:28 PM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 100, Annapolis, MD
** Bill Sponsor testimony limited to 3 minutes. All others limited to 2 minutes. **
Del Crutchfield
Family Law - Child Abuse and Neglect Investigations ("Know Before They Knock" Family Right to Notice Act)
Del Stewart
Residential Child Care Programs - Transportation Companies - Regulation (Preventing Abduction in Youth Transport Act of 2025)
Del Spiegel, et al
Civil Actions - Child Nonsexual Abuse and Neglect - Damages and Statute of Limitations
Del Miller, et al
Primary and Secondary Education - Definition and Notification of Reportable Offense - Alterations
(Removed - 2/6/2025 4:46 PM)
Created: 2/12/2025 1:09 PM
2:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 100, Annapolis, MD
Created: 2/7/2025 12:43 PM
12:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Foley
Legal Advertisement or Legal Notice - Publication in Newspaper or Newspaper in General Circulation - Digital Newspapers
Del Cardin
Estates and Trusts - Maryland Trust Decanting Act - Notification and Document Transmittal
Del Palakovich Carr
Residential Real Property - Local Limits on Summoning Law Enforcement or Emergency Services
Created: 1/27/2025 4:04 PM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 130, Annapolis, MD
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:35 AM)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Dels Buckel and Wilkins
Sports Wagering - Licenses and Application of Minority Business Enterprise Program Requirements
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:35 AM)
Del Griffith, et al
Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Public Safety Employee Retirement Income
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:35 AM)
Del Griffith, et al
Income Tax - Subtraction Modification for Military Retirement Income - Individuals Under the Age of 55
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:35 AM)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:35 AM)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 1/31/2025 11:47 AM)
Cecil County Delegation
Horse Racing - Distribution of Racetrack Facility Renewal Account Funds - Alterations
(Added - 1/31/2025 11:47 AM)
Del Spiegel, et al
Maryland Financial Empowerment Center Network Pilot Program - Establishment
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:35 AM)
(Added - 1/31/2025 11:47 AM)
Dels Young and Mireku-North
Sales and Use Tax - Firearms, Firearm Accessories, and Ammunition - Rate Alteration
(Added - 1/31/2025 11:47 AM)
(Added - 1/31/2025 11:47 AM)
Del Fraser-Hidalgo
Economic Development - Income Tax Benefit Transfer Program - Establishment
(Removed - 2/5/2025 10:39 AM)
Harford County Delegation Weekly Meeting
Howard County Delegation meeting on proposed local bills and bonds.
Created: 2/11/2025 1:40 PM
Bill Hearing
12:00 PM - Miller Senate Building, Welcome Room, 4th Floor, Annapolis, MD
Immediately following session
Montgomery County Delegation
Montgomery County - Task Force on the Displacement of Residents of Emory Grove MC 5-25
Montgomery County Delegation
Montgomery County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Maryland Route 200 (Intercounty Connector) MC 10-25
Montgomery County Delegation
Montgomery County - Stop Sign Monitoring Systems - Authorization MC 4-25
Montgomery County Delegation
Montgomery County - Alcoholic Beverages - Beauty Salon License MC 3-25
Montgomery County Delegation
Montgomery County - Speed Monitoring Systems - High-Risk Highways MC 17-25
Montgomery County Delegation
Montgomery County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class BD-BWL Licenses - Multiple Licenses MC 18-25
Montgomery County Delegation
Montgomery County - Vehicle Control and Monitoring Systems - Distribution of Contested Traffic Fines, Application, and Implementation MC 8-25
Montgomery County Delegation
Department of Commerce - Montgomery County Agricultural Reserve Study MC 15-25
Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - Design and Construction - Alternative Project Delivery and Solicitation Methods MC/PG 102-25
Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg
Montgomery County Planning Board and Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - Open Meetings - Live Streaming Requirement MC/PG 101-25
Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg
Prince George's County - Board of Appeals - Membership MC/PG 106-25
Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg
Montgomery County - Municipal Authority to Regulate Structures - Alterations MC/PG 116-25
Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - System Development Charge - Exemptions MC/PG 107-25
Created: 1/10/2025 3:12 PM
9:00 AM - Virtual Meeting
To watch the livestream click here and click on "Stream" under the appropriate date.
Public virtual meeting to discuss normal IAC business
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