As of: 3/26/2025 6:09:52 AM
Created: 3/20/2025 4:38 PM
Budget and Taxation Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
These bills are being heard before the Procurement Subcommittee
Del Charkoudian, et al
Procurement - State Department of Education - Local Food Purchasing Program
Sponsor Only
Sponsor Only
Sponsor Only
Sponsor Only
Created: 3/20/2025 4:38 PM
Procurement Subcommittee
1:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Sponsor Only
Sponsor Only
Sponsor Only
Sponsor Only
Created: 3/18/2025 2:29 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Limited testimony of 2 proponents and 2 opponents. Written testimony welcome.
Del Stein
Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, or Refrigeration Contractors - Equipment Sales
Limited testimony of 2 proponents and 2 opponents. Written testimony welcome.
Limited testimony of 2 proponents and 2 opponents. Written testimony welcom.
Chr ECM (Dept)
Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund and Customer-Sited Solar Program - Alterations
(Added - 3/20/2025 12:46 PM)
Del A. Jones
Barbers and Cosmetologists - License Qualifications - Domestic Violence Awareness Training
Sponsor only
Created: 3/18/2025 3:26 PM
Finance Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
House Bills are sponsor only UNLESS there is opposition. If there is opposition, the Committee will hear from a limited number of proponents and a limited number of opponents.
Allegany County Delegation
Allegany County - Alcoholic Beverages - Minimum Age for Employment of Underage Individuals
Baltimore County Delegation
Baltimore County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class B-OB-CRD (Office Building - Commercial Revitalization District) Beer, Wine, and Liquor License
Baltimore County Delegation
Baltimore County - Alcoholic Beverages - Waiting Period After License Denial
Howard County Delegation
Howard County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class MT (Movie Theater) License
Montgomery County Delegation
Montgomery County - Alcoholic Beverages - Beauty Salon and Barbershop License MC 3-25
Montgomery County Delegation
Montgomery County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class BD-BWL Licenses - Multiple Licenses MC 18-25
Montgomery County Delegation
Montgomery County - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Health and Safety MC 21-25
St. Mary's County Delegation
St. Mary's County - Alcoholic Beverages - Civil Penalty for Sales Violations
St. Mary's County Delegation
St. Mary's County - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Multiple Licensing Plans
Del Guyton, et al
Maryland Transit Administration - Disability Reduced Fare Program - Renewal for Permanently Disabled Individuals
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
Del S. Johnson, et al
Maryland Insurance Administration and Maryland Department of Health - Workgroup to Study Pharmacy Benefits Managers
(Added - 3/21/2025 3:59 PM)
Del Martinez, et al
Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Coverage for Anesthesia - Prohibiting Time Limitations
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
Del Rosenberg, et al
Maryland Medical Assistance Program, Maryland Children’s Health Program, and Health Insurance – Transfers to Special Pediatric Hospitals – Prior Authorizations
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
Del Ghrist, et al
Health Insurance - Provider Panels - Credentialing for Behavioral Health Care Professionals
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
(Removed - 3/21/2025 11:36 AM)
Created: 3/19/2025 2:31 PM
Judicial Proceedings Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
All bills are sponsor only EXCEPT HB 623 and HB 1151
Del Foley, et al
Legal Advertisement or Legal Notice - Publication in Newspaper or Newspaper in General Circulation - Digital Newspapers
Del Holmes
Real Property - Condominiums and Homeowners Associations - Governing Bodies and Annual Meetings
Del Lehman, et al
Real Property - Residential Rental Apartments - Air-Conditioning Requirements
Prince George's County Delegation
Prince George's County - Community Associations - Registration Fees for Administrative Hearing Process PG 408-25
Del J. Long, et al
Petition for Guardianship of the Property of Alleged Disabled Person - Stay of Civil Actions and Proceedings
Howard County Delegation
Columbia Association - Lease Requirements and Governing Documents Ho. Co. 14-25
Del Terrasa, et al
Residential Real Property - Landlord and Tenant - Notice of Landlord Entry
Del Taveras, et al
Fair Housing and Housing Discrimination - Regulations, Intent, and Discriminatory Effect
Del Woorman, et al
Registers of Wills - Appointment of Personal Representatives - Noncitizens
(Removed - 3/25/2025 11:26 AM)
Created: 3/25/2025 10:40 AM
Judicial Proceedings Committee - Voting Session
3:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Created: 3/19/2025 6:00 PM
Appropriations Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 120, Annapolis, MD
Chr Education, Energy, and the Environmen
Maryland Higher Education Commission - Academic Program Approval - Revisions
Sen Kramer
Labor and Employment - Occupational Safety and Health - Revisions (Davis Martinez Public Employee Safety and Health Act)
(Jointly assigned to Appropriations\Judiciary)
Sen Lewis Young, et al
Higher Education - Janet L. Hoffman Loan Assistance Repayment Program - Eligibility
Sen Lam (Joint Audit and Evaluation Commi
Higher Education - High Impact Economic Development Activities - Alterations
Sen M. Jackson
Calvert County Sheriff - Deputy Sheriffs and Correctional Deputies - Collective Bargaining
Howard County Senators
Howard Community College - Board of Trustees, Meetings, and Contracts - Alterations Ho. Co. 1-25
Del Harris
Collective Bargaining - Local Government Employees and Public Employee Relations Act
(Added - 3/24/2025 12:04 PM)
Sen Guzzone, et al
Governor's Office for Children - Boys and Girls Clubs of Maryland - Grant Funding
(Removed - 3/21/2025 11:52 AM)
Created: 3/13/2025 1:16 PM
Economic Matters Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 230, Annapolis, MD
Written testimony will be accepted for all bills
Sens Simonaire and Jackson
Maryland Department of Labor - Licenses - Notation of Veteran Status and Eligibility for Benefits
(Added - 3/19/2025 4:47 PM)
The Bill is Sponsor Only
(Added - 3/20/2025 9:46 AM)
(Added - 3/19/2025 4:47 PM)
(Added - 3/19/2025 4:47 PM)
Sen McCray
Baltimore City - Alcoholic Beverages - Hours of Operation Violations - Civil Penalties
Sen Beidle
Workers' Compensation - Prescription Drug and Pharmaceutical Services - Reimbursements
(Added - 3/19/2025 4:47 PM)
(Added - 3/19/2025 4:47 PM)
(Added - 3/19/2025 4:47 PM)
Sen Watson, et al
Occupational Licensing and Certification - Criminal History - Prohibited Disclosures
(Added - 3/19/2025 4:47 PM)
Sen Hayes
Workers' Compensation - Claims Application Form - Authorization for Release of Information
(Added - 3/19/2025 4:47 PM)
(Added - 3/19/2025 4:47 PM)
Sen A. Washington
Private Passenger Motor Vehicle Insurance - Use of Programs That Measure the Operation of an Insured Vehicle
(Added - 3/19/2025 4:47 PM)
Created: 3/24/2025 4:25 PM
Economic Matters Committee - Work Session
3:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 230, Annapolis, MD
Work Session discussing Amendments to HB1035, HB1036, HB1037
Created: 3/19/2025 1:49 PM
Environment and Transportation Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 250, Annapolis, MD
Written testimony will be accepted for all bills.
Sen M. Jackson
Environment - Coal Combustion By-Products - Fees, Coordinating Committee, and Regulations
(Jointly assigned to Environment and Transportation\Economic Matters)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Sen Guzzone
Professional and Volunteer Firefighter Innovative Cancer Screening Technologies Program - Funding
(Jointly assigned to Environment and Transportation\Health and Government Operations)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Sen Hester
Department of the Environment - Community Water and Sewerage Systems - Cybersecurity Planning and Assessments
(Jointly assigned to Environment and Transportation\Health and Government Operations)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Sen Simonaire
Agriculture - Departmental Authority Over Identification, Inspection, and Sale of Cantaloupes - Repeal
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Sen Bailey
Maryland Agricultural and Resource-Based Industry Development Corporation - Oyster Shucking House Loan Program
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Chr Education, Energy, and the Environmen
Department of Agriculture – Maryland Agricultural Commission and Young Farmers
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Chr Education, Energy, and the Environmen
Pesticide and Pest Control - Revisions to Pesticide Applicator's Law and Repeal of Obsolete Provisions
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Chr Education, Energy, and the Environmen
Plant Disease Control - Nurseries - Inspection, Certification, and Licensing Fees
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Chr Education, Energy, and the Environmen
Controlled Hazardous Substance Facility Permit - Research Facilities - Chemical Warfare Material Requirements
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Chr Education, Energy, and the Environmen
Natural Resources - Fishing Licenses and Stamps - Alterations
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Chr Education, Energy, and the Environmen
Environment - Reservoir Augmentation Permit - Establishment
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Sens Brooks and Kagan
Maryland Environmental Service - Membership of Board of Directors - Alterations
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Frederick County Senators
Frederick and Washington Counties - Bow Hunting - Openly Carrying Handguns
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Sens Corderman and M. Jackson
Natural Resources - Maryland Heritage Areas Authority - Funding and Grants
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Washington County Senators
Washington County - Public Safety - Buildings Used for Agritourism
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Sens Henson and Augustine
Department of the Environment - Definition of Ecological Restoration
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Dorchester County Senators
Dorchester County - Well and On-Site Sewage Disposal Activities - Privatization Program
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Chr Education, Energy, and the Environmen
Department of the Environment - Fees, Penalties, Funding, and Regulation
(Removed - 3/20/2025 9:21 AM)
Sen Augustine, et al
Environment - Packaging and Paper Products - Producer Responsibility Plans
(Removed - 3/20/2025 9:21 AM)
Chr Education, Energy, and the Environmen
Agriculture - Soil Conservation and Water Quality Plan - Uses of Information
(Removed - 3/25/2025 3:30 PM)
Created: 3/24/2025 6:52 PM
Environment Subcommittee - Work Session
3:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
The exact start time will be announced after bill hearings. Agenda
Created: 3/24/2025 1:00 PM
Motor Vehicle and Transportation Subcommittee - Work Session
Thursday, March 27, 2025
3:30 PM
Zoom / YouTube
3:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
The exact time will be announced after bill hearings.
Created: 3/24/2025 6:54 PM
Housing and Real Property Subcommittee - Work Session
4:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
The exact start time will be announced after bill hearings.
Created: 3/17/2025 6:19 PM
Health and Government Operations Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 240, Annapolis, MD
All bills are sponsor only unless otherwise noted.
Sen Augustine
Behavioral Health Advisory Council and the Commission on Behavioral Health Care Treatment and Access - Plan to Implement Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment Requirements
Sen Augustine
Maryland Behavioral Health Crisis Response System - Integration of 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Network and Outcome Evaluations
(Jointly assigned to Ways and Means\Health and Government Operations)
(Added - 3/24/2025 10:27 AM)
(Added - 3/24/2025 10:27 AM)
Created: 3/18/2025 3:50 PM
Government Operations and Health Facilities Subcommittee - Work Session
11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
SBs 48, 172, and 182
(Added - 3/25/2025 10:30 AM)
HB 738
(Added - 3/25/2025 10:30 AM)
SBs 48, 172, and 182
(Removed - 3/25/2025 10:30 AM)
Created: 3/19/2025 2:43 PM
Judiciary Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 100, Annapolis, MD
** Sponsor Only. **
(Added - 3/20/2025 1:16 PM)
Sen Smith
Immigration Enforcement - Sensitive Locations - Access, Guidance, and Policies (Protecting Sensitive Locations Act)
** Sponsor Only. **
Sen Lam
Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law - Restrictions on Access to Information (Maryland Data Privacy Act)
** Sponsor Only. **
** Sponsor Only. **
Chr JPR (Dept)
Drunk and Drug-Impaired Driving and Failure to Remain at the Scene - Revocation of Driver's License
** Sponsor Only. **
Sen Simonaire
Boating Accidents - Duty to Stop at the Scene, Render Assistance, and Provide Information - Penalties
** Sponsor Only. **
Sen King, et al
Criminal Law - Motor Vehicle - Criminal Negligence (Sergeant Patrick Keep Act)
** Sponsor Only. **
Sen Gile
Residential Child Care Programs - Transportation Companies - Regulation (Preventing Abduction in Youth Transport Act of 2025)
** Sponsor Only. **
** Sponsor Only. **
Created: 3/17/2025 11:49 AM
Ways and Means Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 130, Annapolis, MD
(Added - 3/18/2025 9:23 AM)
Sen Watson, et al
Public Libraries - Automated External Defibrillator Program (Raymono A. Russell Act)
(Added - 3/18/2025 9:23 AM)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
Sen Hester
Election Law - Influence on a Voter's Voting Decision By Use of Fraud - Prohibition
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
Sen Rosapepe, et al
Property Tax - Property Adjacent to Rail Stations - Subclasses and Special Rates
(Jointly assigned to Ways and Means\Environment and Transportation)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
Sens McCray and Hayes
Baltimore City - Property Tax - Authority to Establish a Subclass and Special Rate for Vacant Property Owned by Nonprofit Organizations
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
Washington County Senators
Washington County - Property Tax - Multi-Use Facilities and Economic Development Projects
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
Sens Hershey and Zucker
Property Tax - Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreements - Broadband Service Providers
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
Sen Brooks, et al
County Boards of Education - Special Education Service Delivery Models - Publication Requirement
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
(Jointly assigned to Ways and Means\Environment and Transportation)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
Sen Hettleman
Local Education Agencies - Educator Screening - Educator Identification Clearinghouse (School Personnel Vetting and Hiring Transparency Act)
(Added - 3/18/2025 9:23 AM)
Sen Kagan
Elections - Local Boards of Elections - Open Meeting Requirements (Local Boards of Elections Transparency Act)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
Sen Kagan
Election Law - Petitions and Ballot Questions - Contents, Plain Language Requirement, and Procedures
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
Sen Kagan
Campaign Finance - Political Organizations - Disclosures on Solicitations (Stop Scam PACs Act)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
(Jointly assigned to Ways and Means\Appropriations)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
(Added - 3/18/2025 9:23 AM)
Sen Gile, et al
Public Schools - High School Sports Officiating Services - Procurement Requirements
(Jointly assigned to Ways and Means\Health and Government Operations)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Sen Gile
Public Schools and Youth Services - Crisis Support and Assistance and Workgroup Study
(Added - 3/18/2025 9:23 AM)
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/25/2025 4:31 PM)
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