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As of: 3/12/2025 3:58:34 PM
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Created: 3/10/2025 3:12 PM
Budget and Taxation Committee - Voting Session
8:30 AM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
9:00 AM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD

Created: 3/6/2025 1:13 PM
Budget and Taxation Committee - Bill Hearing
3:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Sen Kagan

Commissioned Public Art - Artist Rights
Sponsor Only
(Added - 3/10/2025 2:52 PM)
Sen Hettleman

Gaming - Sports Wagering Facilities - Request for Relocation
(Added - 3/7/2025 11:02 AM)
Sen Hettleman

Sales and Use Tax - Taxable Business Services - Alterations

Created: 3/5/2025 1:33 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee - Briefing
1:00 PM - Department of Legislative Services Building, Joint Hearing Room, Annapolis, MD
This is a joint briefing with the House Economic Matters Committee
Joint briefing on Maryland's rising energy prices.

Created: 3/11/2025 7:11 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee - Voting Session
3:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD

Created: 3/11/2025 6:31 PM
Finance Committee - Voting Session
1:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
1:30 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD

Created: 3/12/2025 9:45 AM
Judicial Proceedings Committee - Voting Session
1:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD

Created: 2/21/2025 9:58 AM
Appropriations Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 120, Annapolis, MD
Chr APP (Dept)

State Personnel - Paid Family and Medical Leave
(Added - 3/10/2025 12:29 PM)
Del Smith

Baltimore City Sheriff's Office - Collective Bargaining - Compensation
Del Forbes

Baltimore County Public Library - Collective Bargaining - Supervisory Employees
Chr APP (Dept)

University System of Maryland - Academic Facilities Bonding Authority
Del Pruski

Anne Arundel County Crownsville Hospital Memorial Park Advisory Committee
St. Mary's County Delegation

St. Mary's County - Public Facilities Bond
Carroll County Delegation

Carroll County - Public Facilities Bond
Del Wu, et al

Higher Education – High Impact Economic Development Activities – Alterations
Del Grammer, et al

State Prescription Drug Benefits - Retirees

Created: 3/6/2025 1:39 PM
Economic Matters Committee - Briefing
1:00 PM - Department of Legislative Services Building, Joint Hearing Room, Annapolis, MD
This is a joint briefing between the Economic Matters Committee and the Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee that will be held in the DLS Joint Hearing Room.

Property and Casualty Insurance Subcommittee - (Economic Matters Committee)
Created: 3/10/2025 3:37 PM
Property and Casualty Insurance Subcommittee - Work Session
9:00 AM - House Office Building, Room 230, Annapolis, MD

Created: 3/4/2025 1:01 PM
Environment and Transportation Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 250, Annapolis, MD
Written testimony will be accepted for all bills.
Carroll County Delegation

Carroll County - Office of Permits and Inspections - Denial of Commercial Permit or License for Unpaid Personal Property Taxes
(Jointly assigned to Environment and Transportation\Ways and Means)
(Added - 3/6/2025 1:49 PM)
Charles County Delegation

Charles County - Governing Bodies of Common Ownership Communities - Member Training
Dels Harrison and Toles

Municipalities - Annexation - Limitations
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Del Roberts

Illegal Dumping and Litter Control Law - Video Evidence and Reward Programs
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Del Wells (BCA)

Motor Vehicle Administration Records - Access to Digital Photographic Images and Signatures - Baltimore City
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Del Arentz, et al

Queen Anne's County - Municipalities - Speed Limits
(Added - 3/6/2025 1:49 PM)
Carroll County Delegation

Carroll County - Natural Resources - Sunday Hunting
(Added - 3/6/2025 1:49 PM)
Del Terrasa, et al

Building Code - Construction and Significant Renovation of Housing Units - Electric Vehicle Parking Spaces
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Del Ruth, et al

Natural Resources - Wildlife Damage Prevention and Reimbursement Fund - Establishment
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Del Holmes

Condominiums and Homeowners Associations - Elections, Financial Statements, and Enforcement
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Del Holmes

Condominiums - Mandatory Insurance Coverage
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Del Stein

Environment - Advanced Clean Cars II Program and Advanced Clean Trucks Regulation - Application and Enforcement
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/6/2025 5:15 PM)
Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg

Montgomery County and Prince George's County - Zoning and Land Use - Fairness in Zoning MC/PG 117-25
(Added - 3/12/2025 11:51 AM)
Frederick County Delegation

Frederick County - Sheriff - Salary
(Added - 3/12/2025 11:51 AM)

Environment Subcommittee - (Environment and Transportation Committee)
Created: 3/6/2025 10:13 AM
Environment Subcommittee - Work Session
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 3:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
3:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
The exact start time will be announced after bill hearings. Agenda

Motor Vehicle and Transportation Subcommittee - (Environment and Transportation Committee)
Created: 3/10/2025 12:39 PM
Motor Vehicle and Transportation Subcommittee - Work Session
4:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
The exact time will be announced after bill hearings. Agenda

Housing and Real Property Subcommittee - (Environment and Transportation Committee) Live!
Created: 3/11/2025 4:50 PM
Housing and Real Property Subcommittee - Work Session
5:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube

Created: 3/11/2025 5:29 PM
Health and Government Operations Committee - Voting Session
4:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 240, Annapolis, MD
5:30 PM - House Office Building, Room 240, Annapolis, MD

Public Health and Minority Health Disparities Subcommittee - (Health and Government Operations Committee)
Created: 3/11/2025 5:28 PM
Public Health and Minority Health Disparities Subcommittee - Work Session
9:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
HBs 290, 386, 1142, 1083, and 1143
(Added - 3/11/2025 10:56 PM)

Created: 3/12/2025 10:16 AM
Public Health and Minority Health Disparities Subcommittee - Work Session
2:10 PM - Zoom / YouTube
2:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube

Government Operations and Health Facilities Subcommittee - (Health and Government Operations Committee)
Created: 3/11/2025 3:32 PM
Government Operations and Health Facilities Subcommittee - Work Session
11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
11:30 AM - Zoom / YouTube
Or immediately after Floor.
HBs 333, 806, 819, 1027, 1309 and 1468
(Added - 3/12/2025 11:28 AM)
HBs 333, 806, 816, 1027,1129, 1309 and 1468
(Removed - 3/11/2025 7:41 PM)
HBs 333, 806, 819, 1027,1129, 1309 and 1468
(Removed - 3/12/2025 11:28 AM)

Health Occupations and Long-Term Care Subcommittee - (Health and Government Operations Committee)
Created: 3/11/2025 3:30 PM
Health Occupations and Long-Term Care Subcommittee - Work Session
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
HBs 776, 838, 867, 1199
HBs 1004, 1298, and 1409
(Added - 3/11/2025 3:30 PM)

Insurance and Pharmaceuticals Subcommittee - (Health and Government Operations Committee)
Created: 3/11/2025 5:29 PM
Insurance and Pharmaceuticals Subcommittee - Work Session
2:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
HBs 383, 830, 926 1007, 1087, 1310 and 1315.
(Added - 3/11/2025 10:54 PM)
HBs 383, 830, 1007, 1087, and 1315.
(Removed - 3/11/2025 8:34 PM)
HBs 383, 830, 1007, 1087, 1310 and 1315.
(Removed - 3/11/2025 10:54 PM)

Created: 3/12/2025 10:16 AM
Judiciary Committee - Voting Session
4:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 100, Annapolis, MD
4:30 PM - House Office Building, Room 100, Annapolis, MD

Civil Law and Procedure Subcommittee - (Judiciary Committee) Live!
Civil Law and Procedure Subcommittee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Dels Simpson and Taylor

Child Support - Suspension of Driver's Licenses

Created: 3/11/2025 1:14 PM
Civil Law and Procedure Subcommittee - Bill Hearing
3:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 100, Annapolis, MD
3:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Terrasa, et al

Estates and Trusts - Register of Wills - Admission of Copy of Executed Will
Del Woorman, et al

Registers of Wills - Identity Verification Without Government-Issued Identification

Family and Juvenile Law Subcommittee - (Judiciary Committee)
Created: 3/11/2025 1:15 PM
Family and Juvenile Law Subcommittee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Dels Simpson and Taylor

Child Support - Suspension of Driver's Licenses
Dels McComas and Grammer

Child Abuse and Neglect - Reports and Records - Disclosure
(Added - 3/11/2025 5:26 PM)

Public Safety Subcommittee - (Judiciary Committee)
Created: 3/10/2025 12:37 PM
Public Safety Subcommittee - Bill Hearing
2:00 PM - Virtual Meeting
2:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Conaway

Criminal Law - Fraud - Possession of Residential Real Property
Del Conaway

Criminal Law – Fraud – Possession of Residential Real Property
Del Nawrocki

Criminal Law - Fraud - Conveyance, Lease, or Possession of Residential Real Property
Del Holmes

Criminal Law – Fraud – Possession of Residential Real Property

Criminal Law and Procedure Subcommittee - (Judiciary Committee)
Created: 3/12/2025 12:13 PM
Criminal Law and Procedure Subcommittee - Bill Hearing
3:45 PM - House Office Building, Room 100, Annapolis, MD
Del Conaway

Criminal Law - Theft - Mail and Packages (Porch Piracy Act of 2025)

Created: 3/6/2025 11:28 AM
Ways and Means Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 130, Annapolis, MD
The time limit per oral witness for this bill hearing will be 1 minute and 30 seconds.
Del Moon

Sales and Use Tax - Taxable Business Services - Alterations

Local Revenues Subcommittee - (Ways and Means Committee)
Created: 3/11/2025 2:23 PM
Local Revenues Subcommittee - Voting Session
9:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Kaiser, et al

Tax Sales - Homeowner Protection Program - Funding and Alterations
Del A. Johnson

Property Tax – Valuation of Operating Property of Rural Broadband Service Providers

Created: 3/3/2025 6:10 PM
8:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
8:30 AM - Zoom / YouTube
Howard County Delegation meeting on proposed local bills and bonds.

No. 4 - Baltimore County
Created: 3/11/2025 3:08 PM
12:00 PM - State House Caucus Room, 100 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401
Meeting Materials

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