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As of: 3/27/2025 1:51:44 AM
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Created: 3/24/2025 1:12 PM
Budget and Taxation Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Chr W&M (Dept)

Property Tax – Tax Sales – Revisions
Sponsor Only
Chr ENT (Dept)

Community Health and Safety Works Grant Program and Fund - Alterations
Sponsor Only
Dels Fair and Pruski

State Department of Assessments and Taxation and Department of General Services - Property Appraisal Aids - Geographic Images
Sponsor Only
Del Fair, et al

Property Taxes - Authority of Counties to Establish a Subclass and Set a Special Rate for Commercial and Industrial Property
Del Fair, et al

Housing Authorities - Tax-Exempt Status - Modifications
Del Edelson

Transportation – Major Highway Capacity Expansion Projects and Impact Assessments (Transportation and Climate Alignment Act of 2025)
Del J. Lewis

Arbitration Reform for State Employees Act of 2025
Sponsor Only
(Added - 3/25/2025 10:55 AM)
Del Edelson

Baltimore City - Raffles - Organizations Affiliated With a Professional Major League Baseball Team
Sponsor Only
Del Mireku-North, et al

Therapeutic Child Care Grant Program - Funding - Alterations
Sponsor Only
Del Charkoudian

Personal Property Tax - Exemptions for Low Assessments - Alteration
Chr W&M (Office of the Comptroller)

Local Earned Income Tax Credit - Calculation - County Income Tax Rate
Chr W&M (Dept)

Comptroller - Recording and Monitoring Telephone Calls - Clarification
Del Patterson

State Lottery - Internet Sales of Subscription Plans - Authorization
(Added - 3/25/2025 10:55 AM)
Chr W&M (Dept)

Sales and Use Tax - Sales Between Cannabis Businesses and Cannabis Nurseries - Exemption
Dels Wims and Mireku-North

Income Tax - Income Tax Reconciliation Program - Established (Maryland Fair Taxation for Justice-Involved Individuals Act)
Del Allen, et al

Local Government - Development Impact Fees, Surcharges, and Excise Taxes - Reporting
Sponsor Only
Del Atterbeary

Property Tax - Payment Plans - Notice to Taxpayers
Del Spiegel, et al

Maryland Financial Empowerment Center Network Pilot Program - Establishment
Del Solomon, et al

Access to Health Insurance for Child Care Professionals - Outreach
Sponsor Only
Del Schindler

Economic Development - Tax Increment Financing - Noncontiguous Areas
Del Kaiser, et al

Tax Sales - Homeowner Protection Program - Funding and Alterations
Del Embry, et al

Commissioned Public Art - Artist Rights and Registration of Art
Sponsor Only
Del A. Jones

African American Heritage Preservation Program and Grant Fund - Noncapital Grants and Donations
Del Moon

State-Owned Property - Inventory and Disposition - Housing
Del Williams, et al

Prince George's County - Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters - Mandated Appropriation
Washington County Delegation

Washington County - Property Tax Credit for Disabled Veterans - Eligibility
Washington County Delegation

Washington County - Notice of Tax Sale - Alterations
Del D. Jones, et al

Anne Arundel County - Property Tax - Day Care Centers and Child Care Centers
Del J. Lewis, et al

Catastrophic Event Account, Federal Government Shutdown Employee Assistance Loan Fund, and Powers of the Attorney General - Alterations (Protect Our Federal Workers Act)
Sponsor Only
Del Buckel, et al

Economic Development - Western Maryland Economic Future Investment Board and Senator George C. Edwards Fund - Alterations
Sponsor Only
Dels Howard and Behler

Local Finance - Special Taxing Districts - Anne Arundel County Erosion Prevention Projects and Erosion Control Projects
Chr Howard County Delegation

Howard County - Room Rental Tax - Maximum Rate and Distribution Ho. Co. 18-25
Del Korman, et al

Workgroup on the Reorganization of the Maryland Transit Administration
(Removed - 3/25/2025 1:07 PM)
Chr ENT (Dept)

Land Use - Transit-Oriented Development - Alterations
(Removed - 3/26/2025 2:36 PM)
Carroll County Delegation

Carroll County - Public Facilities Bond
(Removed - 3/26/2025 2:36 PM)

Created: 3/18/2025 8:20 AM
Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Dels Williams and Wilkins

Election Law - Curbside Voting - Pilot Program
Sponsor only
(Added - 3/18/2025 4:12 PM)
Dels Barnes and McCaskill

State Department of Education - Family Child Care Homes and Child Care Centers - Regulatory Analysis
Limited testimony of 2 proponents and 2 opponents. Written testimony welcome.
Baltimore County Delegation

Baltimore County - Political Party Central Committee - Elections
Sponsor only
Del Ebersole

Juvenile Services Education Board - Alterations
(Jointly assigned to Judicial Proceedings\Education, Energy, and the Environment) Sponsor only
Del Harrison

Student Health - Program for Student Dental Health - Established
Limited testimony of 2 proponents and 2 opponents. Written testimony welcome
Del Atterbeary, et al

Study on Detecting Deadly Weapons in Public Middle and High Schools
Limited testimony of 2 proponents and 2 opponents. Written testimony welcome.
(Added - 3/18/2025 4:02 PM)
Del Smith, et al

Task Force to Improve Attendance and Reduce Chronic Absenteeism in Schools
Limited testimony of 2 proponents and 2 opponents. Written testimony welcome.
Del Roberts, et al

Venue-Specific Emergency Action Plans - High School Football Games - Requirements
Limited testimony of 2 proponents and 2 opponents. Written testimony welcome.
Del Ebersole, et al

Primary and Secondary Education - New Teachers - Retention Program
Sponsor only
Del Solomon

Maryland Higher Education Commission - Maryland College Aid Processing System - Applications
Limited testimony of 2 proponents and 2 opponents. Written testimony welcome.
Del Patterson, et al

Public and Nonpublic Schools - Student Elopement - Notice and Reporting Requirements (Ace's Law)
(Added - 3/18/2025 4:02 PM)
Chr W&M and Chr JUD (Dept)

Education - Reportable Offenses and Prohibited Behavior on School Grounds - Alterations
(Jointly assigned to Education, Energy, and the Environment\Judicial Proceedings)
(Added - 3/18/2025 4:02 PM)
Del D. Jones, et al

Department of General Services - Assessment of State-Owned Facilities - Child Care Centers
Sponsor only
Del Patterson, et al

Sickle Cell Disease - Institutions of Higher Education - Policies, Procedures, and Educational Campaigns
(Jointly assigned to Education, Energy, and the Environment\Finance) Limited testimony of 2 proponents and 2 opponents. Written testimony welcome.

Created: 3/19/2025 4:53 PM
Finance Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
House Bills are sponsor only UNLESS there is opposition. If there is opposition, the Committee will hear from a limited number of proponents and a limited number of opponents.
Del Kipke, et al

Pharmacy Benefits Managers – Definition of Purchaser and Alteration of Application of Law
Del Charkoudian, et al

Maryland Transit Administration - Purple Line - Free Ridership and Promotional Materials and Services
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
Del Rosenberg, et al

Maryland Health Insurance Coverage Protection Commission - Established
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
Del Hill, et al

Health Insurance - Utilization Review - Use of Artificial Intelligence
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
Del Stewart

Transportation Network Companies - Weekly Fare and Earnings Summary and Operator Data Reporting
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/21/2025 3:59 PM)
Del Shetty, et al

Health Insurance - Preventive Services - Enforcement Authority
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
Del Bhandari, et al

Public Health - Phenibut Consumer Protection Act
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
Del Pena-Melnyk, et al

Health Insurance - Individual Market Stabilization - Establishment of the State-Based Health Insurance Subsidies Program
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
Dels Fraser-Hidalgo and Wilson

Insurance - Automobile Insurance - Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund and Affordability Study
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
Del Bagnall, et al

Public Health - Maryland Interested Parties Advisory Group - Establishment
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Del Addison, et al

State Public Transit Service and Stations - Exclusion for Assault and Bodily Injury
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
Del Wivell, et al

Homeowner's and Renter's Insurance - Lapses in Coverage - Prohibition on Denial
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
Del Alston, et al

Public Health - Prohibited Ingredients in Food
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
Del S. Johnson, et al

Health Benefit Plans - Calculation of Cost-Sharing Contribution - Requirements
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
Del Guzzone, et al

Vaccinations by Pharmacists and Health Insurance Coverage for Immunizations
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
Del Wells (BCA)

Baltimore City - AIDS Prevention Sterile Needle and Syringe Exchange Pilot Program - Revisions
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
Chr APP (Dept)

State Personnel - Paid Family and Medical Leave
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/20/2025 11:25 AM)
Del Bhandari, et al

Funeral Establishments, Crematories, and Reduction Facilities - Oversight (Ensuring Dignity and Accountability in Crematory and Funeral Home Operations Act)
(Added - 3/20/2025 2:46 PM)

Created: 3/21/2025 1:28 PM
Finance Committee - Voting Session
3:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD

Created: 3/19/2025 2:31 PM
Judicial Proceedings Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Del Addison, et al

Vehicle Laws - Out-of-State Vehicles - Improper Registration
Del Crutchfield

Family Law - Child Support - Multifamily Adjustment
Del Holmes, et al

Real Property - Regulation of Common Ownership Community Managers
Del Healey, et al

Highways - Sidewalks and Bicycle Pathways - Construction and Reconstruction
Del Feldmark, et al

Common Ownership Communities and Zoning Authorities - Operation of Family Child Care Homes - Limitations
Del Amprey

Prison Education Delivery Reform Commission - Reporting and Sunset Extension
Del Foley, et al

Motor Vehicles - Out-of-State Drivers - Automated Enforcement (Out-of-State Driver Accountability Act)
Del Amprey

Corporations and Associations - Maryland Securities Act - Filing Fees
Del Embry, et al

Correctional Services - Maryland Parole Commission - Improvements in Transparency and Equity
Del Phillips

Correctional Services - Maryland Parole Commission - Members and Hearing Examiners
Dels McComas and Grammer

Child Abuse and Neglect - Reports and Records - Disclosure
Del Williams, et al

Public Safety - Immigration Enforcement (Maryland Values Act)
(Added - 3/24/2025 4:46 PM)
Del Terrasa

Vehicle Laws - Driver's Licenses - Electronic Credentials (Maryland Mobile ID Enhancement Act)
Del Stein, et al

Vehicle Equipment - Portable Variable Messaging Signs - Authorization
Dels Holmes and Stein

Condominiums - Mandatory Insurance Coverage

Created: 3/21/2025 10:48 AM
Economic Matters Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 230, Annapolis, MD
Written testimony will be accepted for all the bills Agenda
Sens Carozza and Feldman

Cannabis Agents - Registration - Security Guards
This Bill is Sponsor Only
Sens Beidle and Hettleman

Financial Institutions and Activities - Virtual Currency Kiosks - Registration and Regulation
Sens Hershey and Lam

Maryland Self-Service Storage Act - Sale of Personal Property in Satisfaction of Lien - Notice Requirements
This Bill is Sponsor Only
Chr FIN (Maryland Cannabis Administration

Cannabis Reform - Revisions
This Bill is Sponsor Only
Sen Beidle

Electronic Smoking Devices - Seizure and Wholesaler Record-Keeping Requirements
This Bill is Sponsor Only

Created: 3/19/2025 1:49 PM
Environment and Transportation Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 250, Annapolis, MD
Written testimony will be accepted for all bills.
Sen Augustine, et al

Environment - Packaging and Paper Products - Producer Responsibility Plans
(Jointly assigned to Environment and Transportation\Economic Matters)
(Added - 3/20/2025 9:23 AM)
Sen Feldman

Maryland Public Ethics Law - School Boards - Compliance Certification
Sen McKay

Off-Highway Recreational Vehicle Recreation Oversight Board - Establishment
(Jointly assigned to Environment and Transportation\Ways and Means)
Sen Smith, et al

Motor Vehicle Registration - Fee Exemption - Unemployable Disabled Veterans
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Chr Education, Energy, and the Environmen

Maryland Public Ethics Law - Training and Financial Disclosure Requirements - Revisions
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Sen Simonaire, et al

Transportation Equality for Service Members Act
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Sen Rosapepe

Vehicle Laws - Motor Vehicle Administration - 3-Hour Roadway Safety Driving Education Program - Requirements
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Sen King, et al

Motor Vehicles - Reckless, Negligent, and Aggressive Driving (Sergeant Patrick Kepp Act)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Sen Smith, et al

Vehicle Laws - Licenses, Identification Cards, and Moped Operator's Permits - Notation of Nonapparent Disability (Eric's ID Law)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Baltimore County Senators

Baltimore County - Vehicle Laws - Private Roadways in Residential Communities
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.

Created: 3/24/2025 7:40 PM
Environment and Transportation Committee - Voting Session
2:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 250, Annapolis, MD

Natural Resources, Agriculture & Open Space Subcommittee - (Environment and Transportation Committee)
Created: 3/20/2025 2:27 PM
Natural Resources, Agriculture & Open Space Subcommittee - Work Session
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 3:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
4:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
The exact time will be announced after the voting session.

Land Use and Ethics Subcommittee - (Environment and Transportation Committee)
Created: 3/26/2025 8:53 PM
Land Use and Ethics Subcommittee - Work Session
5:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
The exact start time will be announced after the voting session.

Created: 3/15/2025 5:45 PM
Health and Government Operations Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 240, Annapolis, MD
All bills are sponsor only unless otherwise noted.
Sen Augustine

Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Required Coverage for Calcium Score Testing
Sen Gile, et al

Prescription Drug Affordability Board - Authority and Stakeholder Council Membership (Lowering Prescription Drug Costs for All Marylanders Now Act)
Sen Beidle

State Board of Pharmacy - Renewal Notices - Electronic Means
Sen Beidle, et al

Counties - Cancer Screening for Professional Firefighters - Required Coverage (James "Jimmy" Malone Act)
Sen James, et al

Commission to Study Health Insurance Pooling - Establishment
One witness to speak in favor of the bill, one witness opposed, and the bill sponsor.
Sen Kramer

Public Health - Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias - Information on Prevalence and Treatment
Sen Hershey

Health Benefit Plans – Calculation of Cost Sharing Contribution – Requirements
One witness to speak in favor of the bill, one witness opposed, and the bill sponsor.
Sen West

Health Insurance - Medicare Supplement Policies - Insurance Producer Commission
One witness to speak in favor of the bill, one witness opposed, and the bill sponsor.
Sen Kramer, et al

Health Facilities - Delegation of Inspection Authority - Nursing Homes
(Added - 3/18/2025 3:53 PM)
Sen Lam, et al

Hospitals - Emergency Pregnancy-Related Medical Conditions - Procedures
One witness to speak in favor of the bill, one witness opposed, and the bill sponsor.
(Added - 3/24/2025 10:30 AM)
Sen Folden, et al

Health Care Facilities - Service Member Community Members (SFC Matthew Fast Act )
One witness to speak in favor of the bill, one witness opposed, and the bill sponsor.
(Added - 3/24/2025 10:30 AM)

Public Health and Minority Health Disparities Subcommittee - (Health and Government Operations Committee)
Created: 3/26/2025 4:13 PM
Public Health and Minority Health Disparities Subcommittee - Work Session
9:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
SB 157, Sb163, SB 222

Health Occupations and Long-Term Care Subcommittee - (Health and Government Operations Committee)
Created: 3/18/2025 3:50 PM
Health Occupations and Long-Term Care Subcommittee - Work Session
11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
SB 57 and SB 749
(Added - 3/26/2025 4:11 PM)

Government Operations and Health Facilities Subcommittee - (Health and Government Operations Committee)
Created: 3/26/2025 4:14 PM
Government Operations and Health Facilities Subcommittee - Work Session
11:15 AM - Zoom / YouTube

Created: 3/15/2025 10:25 AM
Ways and Means Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 130, Annapolis, MD
Sen Zucker

Digital Advertising Gross Revenues Tax - Assessments - Appeals and Corrections
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Sen Sydnor, et al

Baltimore County Board of Education - Alterations of Elected Member Districts and Establishment of Redistricting Process
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/24/2025 8:21 PM)
Sen Hettleman

Gaming - Sports Wagering Facilities - Request for Relocation
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/17/2025 2:23 PM)
Sen Hayes

Economic Development - Small Business Guaranty Fund - Alterations
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 3/17/2025 2:23 PM)
Sen Corderman

Washington County - Sales and Use Tax Exemption - Target Redevelopment Area
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Sen Corderman

Economic Development - Western Maryland Economic Future Investment Board and Senator George C. Edwards Fund - Alterations
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Sen King

County Boards of Education - Reappointment of Incumbent County Superintendent - Authorization
(Added - 3/24/2025 8:21 PM)
Sen Waldstreicher, et al

Income Tax Credit - Parent of Stillborn Child

9:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
Harford County Weekly Delegation Meeting

Created: 3/25/2025 11:27 AM
9:00 AM - 302 House Office Building, Harford County Delegation Room, 6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD
Harford County House Delegation Meeting

No. 6 - Montgomery County
Created: 3/26/2025 11:55 AM
12:00 PM - Miller Senate Building, Welcome Room, 4th Floor, Annapolis, MD
Meeting Agenda
Voting List: HB963; HB1032; HB1207; HB1266

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