Delegate Kirill Reznik

- District
- 39
- County
- Montgomery
- Committee Assignment(s)
Appropriations Committee
Appropriations Committee
- Annapolis Info
427 Lowe House Office Building
6 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401 -
Phone 410-841-3039 | 301-858-3039
Toll-free in MD 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3039
Fax 410-841-3126 | 301-858-3126
427 Lowe House Office Building
- Interim Info
427 Lowe House Office Building
6 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401 -
Phone 410-841-3039 | 301-858-3039
Fax 410-841-3126 | 301-858-3126
427 Lowe House Office Building
- Contact
- Party
- Democrat

Denotes enacted legislation

- Tenure
- Appointed to the House of Delegates, October 2, 2007.
- Current Assignments
- 2017 House Parliamentarian
- 2016 Appropriations Committee
- 2016 Chair, Health and Social Services Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee
- 2017 Oversight Committee on Pensions of the Appropriations Committee
- 2016 Capital Budget Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee
- 2017 Spending Affordability Committee
- 2014 Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review (AELR)
- 2011- Joint Committee on Federal Relations
- 2017 Maryland Health Insurance Coverage Protection Commission
- Past House Service
- House Parliamentarian, 2017-2019; Deputy Majority Whip, 2015-2016; Rules and Executive Nominations Committee, 2019-2020; Health and Government Operations Committee, 2007-2016; Chair, Estates & Trusts Subcommittee of the Health and Government Operations Committee, 2015-2016; Government Operations & Long Term Care Subcommittee of the Health and Government Operations Committee, 2015-2016; Minority Health Disparities Subcommittee of the Health and Government Operations Committee, 2008-2010; Government Operations Subcommittee of the Health and Government Operations Committee, 2008-2014; Health Facilities and Occupations Subcommittee of the Health and Government Operations Committee, 2011-2014; House Chair, Joint Committee on Behavioral Health and Opioid Use Disorders, 2019-2021; Joint Committee on Access to Mental Health Services, 2011-2014; Affordable Care Act (ACA) Workgroup, 2018; Opioid Workgroup, 2018.
- Public Service
- Workgroup to Study the Laws and Policies Related to the Distribution of Money to Volunteer and Career Companies, 2013; Council for the Procurement of Health, Educational and Social Services, 2012-; Task Force to Study the Procurement of Health, Education, and Social Services by State Agencies, 2011-2012; Chair, County Affairs Committee, Montgomery County House Delegation, 2013-2014; Maryland Commission on Autism, 2009-2012; Chair, Prevention of Underage Drinking Coordinating Committee, Maryland State Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, 2009-2011; Healthier Maryland Workgroup, Maryland State Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, 2009; Maryland State Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, 2008-2015; Committee on Hate and Violence, Montgomery County, 2007-2008; Subcommittee for Office of International Operations, Business and Economic Development Workgroup, Governor-Elect's Transition Team, 2006-2007.
- Memberships
- Maryland Legislative Transit Caucus, 2019-; Maryland Alliance for Responsible Gambling, 2010-; Treasurer, Washington DC/Baltimore Chapter, Florida International University Alumni Association (President, 1997-2006), 2007; Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee, 2006-2007; District of Columbia Bar Association, 2005-; Young Democrats of America (Deputy Director, Mid-Atlantic Region, 2007-2008), 2004-; Montgomery County Young Democrats (President, 2007), 2004-; Young Democrats of Maryland, 2004-; Maryland State Bar Association, 2004-; Montgomery County Bar Association, 2004-.
- Awards
- The Sidney S. Suntag TEP Man of the Year, Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity, Inc., 2018; Presient's Award, Maryland-National Capital Homecare Association, 2018; Legislator of the Year, Maryland Association of Adult Day Services, 2018; Legislative Champion Award, ARC of Maryland, 2017; Legislative Champion Award, Maryland Association of Community Services, 2017; Legislative Award, MedChi, 2017; Outstanding Legislator of the Year, Maryland Psychological Association, 2016; Distinguished Friend, City of Gaithersburg, 2014; Legislative Award, Maryland Dental Association, 2013; Legislator of the Year, Maryland Chapter, American College of Cardiology, 2012; Health Access Award, Adventist Healthcare, 2010, 2009; Honors College Torch Award, Florida International University, 2009.
- Biographical Information
- Born, Kiev, Ukraine, August 9, 1974; North Miami Beach Senior High School, Miami, Florida; Florida International University, B.A., International Relations, 1995; The American University, M.A., International Peace and Conflict Resolution, 1998; Washington College of Law, The American University, J.D., 2003; Owner, Saminchilu Martial Arts Academy, North Miami Beach, Florida, 1992-95; Volunteer Martial Arts Instructor, Calvary Bilingual Multicultural Center, Washington, DC, 1995-96; Senior Task Coordinator, Advanced Resource Technologies, Inc., 1996-98; Project Coordinator, Agricultural Cooperative Development International/ Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance (ACDI/VOCA), 1998-2001; Program Manager, American Councils for International Education, 2001-02; Program Officer, Center for International Private Enterprise, 2002-04; Associate, Weinberg & Jacobs, 2004-05; Contracts Administrator, PADCO, 2005-06; Project Manager, The QED Group, LLC (international trade and development), 2006-2014; Director of Contracts, Training Resources Group, 2014-2017; Senior Program Manager, Macfadden Associates, 2017-; Married; two children.
Last Updated: 6/15/2021 8:18 AM
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