Floor Actions
House Proceedings No. 50
Agenda |
Convened 10:06 A.M., Legislative Day 3/17/13, Calendar Day 3/20/13
Quorum: 133
Committee Report #8 Environmental Matters
- HB 508
- Favorable with Amendments {100216/1
- Floor Committee Amendment {680412/1 Adopted
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
- Floor Committee Amendment {680412/1 Adopted
- HB 1171
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #7 Health and Government Operations
- HB 98
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 167
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #6 Appropriations
- HB 860
- Favorable with Amendments {124761/1
- Floor Committee Amendment {804863/1 Adopted
- Motion Special Order until next session (Delegate Jones) Adopted
- Floor Committee Amendment {804863/1 Adopted
- HB 935
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #10 Ways and Means
- HB 224
- Favorable with Amendments {765560/1
- Floor Amendment (Delegate O'Donnell) {523829/1 Rejected (52-76)
- Floor Amendment (Delegate O'Donnell) {563722/1 Rejected (40-93)
- Floor Committee Amendment {965669/1 Adopted
- Motion Special Order until later today (Delegate Szeliga) Adopted
- Floor Amendment (Delegate O'Donnell) {523829/1 Rejected (52-76)
- HB 263
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 380
- Favorable with Amendments {795065/1
- Floor Committee Amendment {235465/1 Adopted
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
- Floor Committee Amendment {235465/1 Adopted
- HB 675
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 817
- Favorable with Amendments {735268/1
- Floor Committee Amendment {395160/1 Adopted
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
- Floor Committee Amendment {395160/1 Adopted
- HB 1194
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1108
- Re-referred Appropriations
Committee Report #11 Ways and Means
- HB 384
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 450
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 907
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1190
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #9 Environmental Matters
- HB 598
- Favorable Adopted
- Motion Special Order until 3/21 (Delegate W. Miller) Adopted
- HB 889
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #6 House Rules and Executive Nominations
Consent Calendar #6
- HB 1355
- Re-referred Health and Government Operations Judiciary
- HB 1421
- Re-referred Judiciary
- HB 1428
- Re-referred Economic Matters
- HB 1481
- Re-referred Health and Government Operations
- HB 1482
- Re-referred Environmental Matters
- HB 1486
- Re-referred Economic Matters
- HB 1523
- Re-referred Judiciary
- HB 1529
- Re-referred Health and Government Operations
- HB 1530
- Re-referred Appropriations
- HB 1532
- Re-referred Environmental Matters
- HB 1534
- Re-referred Economic Matters
Special Order Calendar
- HB 515
- Floor Amendment (Delegate O'Donnell) {903520/1
- Floor Committee Amendment {745769/1 Adopted
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
- Floor Committee Amendment {745769/1 Adopted
- HB 787
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
- HB 863
- Motion Special Order until 3/21 (Delegate Conway) Adopted
- HB 978
- Floor Amendment (Delegate Morhaim) {343127/1
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
- HB 1140
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
Quorum: 134
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #30
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #31
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #32
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #33
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #34
Special Order Calendar
- HB 224
- Floor Amendment (Delegate Szeliga) {483128/1
Rejected (44-93)
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
Message from the Senate - First Reading Senate Bills #36
- SB 30
- Referred Environmental Matters
- SB 47
- Referred Health and Government Operations
- SB 840
- Referred Ways and Means
- SB 841
- Referred Appropriations
- SB 875
- Referred Environmental Matters
- SB 899
- Referred Health and Government Operations
- SB 965
- Referred Environmental Matters Ways and Means
- SB 969
- Referred Environmental Matters
Quorum: 138
Recessed 12:22 p.m., until Mar 20, 2013 at 5:30 P.M. (Legislative Day 3/17)
Agenda |
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