File Code: Taxes - Miscellaneous
Crossfiled with: SENATE BILL 294
- Sponsored By:
The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Afzali, Bohanan,
Cane, Clagett, Conway, Glass, Hershey, Hough, Jacobs, Jameson, A. Kelly, Krebs,
Lafferty, Love, Luedtke, McComas, Murphy, Otto, Parrott, Ready, Schulz,
Boteler, Cardin, Frick, George, Howard, Ivey, Kaiser, A. Miller, Myers, Ross,
Serafini, Stukes, Summers, F. Turner, and Walker
- Entitled:
Family Farm Preservation Act of 2012
Altering the determination of the Maryland estate tax under specified
circumstances to exclude from the value of the gross estate up to
$5,000,000 of the value of qualified agricultural property; providing
that the Maryland estate tax on qualified agricultural property may
not exceed 5% of the value of specified agricultural property
exceeding $5,000,000; providing for the recapture of specified
Maryland estate tax under specified circumstances; requiring the
Comptroller to adopt specified regulations; etc.
Legislative date is used to record
history occurring in the Chambers
otherwise Calendar date is used.
For explanation of terms
click here.
House Action
- 2/1
- First Reading Ways and Means
- 2/3
- Hearing 2/14 at 1:00 p.m.
- 4/6
- Favorable with Amendments Report by Ways and Means
- 4/1
- Favorable with Amendments {565666/1 Report Adopted
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
- 4/2
- Third Reading Passed (132-0)
- 4/6
- Returned Passed
Senate Action
- 4/1
- First Reading Senate Rules
- 4/7
- Re-referred Budget and Taxation
- 4/9
- Favorable Report by Budget and Taxation
- 4/4
- Favorable Report Adopted
- Second Reading Passed
- 4/5
- Third Reading Passed (47-0)
Action after passage in House and Senate
- 5/22
- Approved by the Governor
- - Chapter 449
Sponsored by:
- Speaker, The
- Administration
- Delegate Kathy Afzali, District 4A
- Delegate John L. Bohanan, Jr., District 29B
- Delegate Joseph C. Boteler, III, District 8
- Delegate Rudolph C. Cane, District 37A
- Delegate Jon S. Cardin, District 11
- Delegate Galen R. Clagett, District 3A
- Delegate Norman H. Conway, District 38B
- Delegate C. William Frick, District 16
- Delegate Ron George, District 30
- Delegate Glen Glass, District 34A
- Delegate Stephen S. Hershey, Jr., District 36
- Delegate Michael J. Hough, District 3B
- Delegate Carolyn J. B. Howard, District 24
- Delegate Jolene Ivey, District 47
- Delegate Jay A. Jacobs, District 36
- Delegate Sally Jameson, District 28
- Delegate Anne R. Kaiser, District 14
- Delegate Ariana B. Kelly, District 16
- Delegate Susan W. Krebs, District 9B
- Delegate Stephen W. Lafferty, District 42
- Delegate Mary Ann E. Love, District 32
- Delegate Eric G. Luedtke, District 14
- Delegate Susan K. McComas, District 35B
- Delegate Aruna Miller, District 15
- Delegate Peter Murphy, District 28
- Delegate LeRoy E. Myers, Jr., District 1C
- Delegate Charles J. Otto, District 38A
- Delegate Neil Parrott, District 2B
- Delegate Justin Ready, District 5A
- Delegate Justin D. Ross, District 22
- Delegate Kelly Schulz, District 4A
- Delegate Andrew A. Serafini, District 2A
- Delegate Melvin L. Stukes, District 44
- Delegate Michael G. Summers, District 47
- Delegate Frank S. Turner, District 13
- Delegate Jay Walker, District 26
Bill indexed under the following Subjects:
- Agriculture -see also- Farmland
- Comptroller
- Death -see also- Advance Medical Directives; Wrongful Death.
- Equipment -see also- Motor Vehicle Equipment
- Estates and Trusts
- Exemptions
- Farmland
- Revenue and Taxes -see also- Dev Fees &Taxes; specific tax
- Rules and Regulations
Bill affects the following Statute:
- Tax - General
- (
All documents except Roll Call Votes are
displayed in PDF format:
- Bill Text:
First Reading,
Third Reading, Enrolled, Chapter
- Fiscal and Policy Note:
- Amendments:
- Number: 565666/01 Offered on: April 6, 2012 at:
11:32 a.m. Status: Adopted
Committee Votes :
- Ways and Means
- Budget and Taxation
- Roll Call Votes (Legislative dates are shown):
- April 2, 2012: Third Reading Passed (132-0)
- April 5, 2012: Third Reading Passed (47-0)
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