- Title
- Department of Information Technology - Office of Broadband and Joint Committee on Broadband
- Sponsored by
- Delegate Krimm
- Status
- In the House - Unfavorable Report by Economic Matters
- Analysis
- Fiscal and Policy Note
Altering the uses of the Rural Broadband Assistance Fund; establishing the Office of Broadband in the Department of Information Technology to assist local jurisdictions in improving access to high-speed internet; requiring the Office to coordinate with certain Executive Branch agencies and stakeholders; establishing the Joint Committee on Broadband to ensure that local jurisdictions in the State are able to expand access to high-speed internet and make recommendations for new laws, programs, and services needed to support the expansion; etc.
- Original:
- Economic Matters Click to view Recorded Media
Committee Testimony
Bill File Type: Pre-Filed
Effective Date(s): June 1, 2021
Creates a Task Force or Commission
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5-1102 )
3A-101, 3A-801 through 3A-805 )
Last Updated: 4/1/2021 4:22 PM
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