- Title
- Fishing and Hunting Licenses and Trout Stamps - Complimentary Licenses and Stamp Exemption - Veterans Determined to be Unemployable
- Sponsored by
- Delegates Griffith, Adams, Allen, Anderton, Arikan, Baker, Bouchat, Buckel, Chisholm, Ciliberti, Fair, Ghrist, Grammer, Hartman, Hinebaugh, Hornberger, Howard, Hutchinson, Jacobs, D. Jones, Kipke, R. Long, Mangione, McComas, Miller, T. Morgan, Munoz, Nawrocki, Pippy, Reilly, Rogers, Rose, Schmidt, Stonko, Tomlinson, Valentine, and Guyton
- Status
- Approved by the Governor - Chapter 490
- Analysis
- Fiscal and Policy Note (Revised)
Authorizing the Department of Natural Resources to issue certain complimentary fishing and hunting licenses to certain veterans who the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs determines are unemployable; and exempting certain veterans who the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs determines are unemployable from the requirement to obtain a trout stamp.
Committee Testimony
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Last Updated: 5/15/2024 2:17 PM