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2006 Regular Session

Delegate Henry B. Heller
District 19

Status of Legislation
Total Number of Bills: 120

  • HB 586

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 333

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Heller, Hixson, Busch, Anderson, Aumann, Barkley, Bartlett, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Bohanan, Boschert, Boteler, Bozman, Bronrott, Brown, Cadden, Cane, Cardin, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Cluster, Conroy, Conway, Cryor, C. Davis, D. Davis, Donoghue, Doory, Dumais, Edwards, Elliott, Elmore, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gilleland, Glassman, Goldwater, Goodwin, Gordon, Griffith, Gutierrez, Harrison, Healey, Hogan, Howard, Hubbard, James, Jennings, Jones, Kaiser, King, Kohl, Lawton, Lee, Levy, Love, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, McDonough, McHale, McKee, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Murray, Myers, O'Donnell, Parker, Parrott, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Ramirez, Ross, Rudolph, Shewell, Simmons, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stern, Stocksdale, Stull, Taylor, Trueschler, F. Turner, Vaughn, Wood, Costa, Kullen, and Leopold
    Community Colleges - Funding Formulas - Adjustment
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 664

    Status as of March 1, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegate Heller
    Income Tax - Subtraction Modification for Teachers' Retirement Income
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 710

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 347

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Heller, Anderson, Barkley, Barve, Bates, Benson, Boschert, Boteler, Bozman, Bromwell, Brown, Burns, Cluster, Conroy, Conway, Cryor, C. Davis, Donoghue, Dumais, Elmore, Franchot, Glassman, Gutierrez, Hammen, Harrison, Hixson, Holmes, Hubbard, Impallaria, Jameson, Jennings, Jones, King, Kohl, Krysiak, Kullen, Mandel, McConkey, McDonough, McHale, Menes, Montgomery, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, O'Donnell, Parker, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Pugh, Quinter, Simmons, Sophocleus, Stern, Taylor, F. Turner, Vaughn, Zirkin, Bartlett, Cardin, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Howard, Kaiser, Marriott, McKee, Myers, Ramirez, and Ross
    Education - Blind and Visually Impaired Students - Instructional Materials
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 1405

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 395

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Heller, Barve, Benson, Bromwell, Costa, Donoghue, Elliott, Frank, Hammen, Hubbard, Kach, Kohl, Kullen, Mandel, McDonough, Morhaim, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Pendergrass, Rudolph, V. Turner, and Weldon
    Health Insurance - Coverage for Part-Time Students With Disabilities
    House: Health and Government Operations
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 1448

    Status as of May 26, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 619

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Heller, Bartlett, Bozman, Cryor, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Hixson, King, McKee, Patterson, and Ross
    Education - Scoliosis Screening in Public Schools - Repeal
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 1479

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Heller, Kaiser, Barkley, Bronrott, Cryor, Dumais, Feldman, Franchot, Gordon, Gutierrez, Hixson, King, Lawton, Lee, Mandel, Montgomery, Murray, Petzold, and Stern
    Creation of a State Debt - Montgomery County - Our House Youth Home
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 1681

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 419

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegate Heller
    Community Colleges - Supplemental Services and Supports for Students with Disabilities - Grant Program
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 1

    Status as of March 6, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Education Health and Environmental Affairs

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    The Speaker and Delegates Rosenberg, Conway, Hixson, Barkley, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Branch, Bromwell, Bronrott, Brown, Burns, Cane, Cardin, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, D. Davis, Dumais, Feldman, Frush, Gaines, Goodwin, Gordon, Griffith, Gutierrez, Harrison, Haynes, Heller, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, James, Jameson, Jones, Kaiser, King, Kirk, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Levy, Love, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, McHale, McIntosh, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Paige, Parker, Pendergrass, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Quinter, Stern, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vallario, Vaughn, and Zirkin
    Maryland Stem Cell Research Act of 2006
    House: Health and Government Operations and Appropriations
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs and Budget and Taxation
  • HB 2

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 289

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    The Speaker and Delegates McIntosh, Conway, Hixson, Aumann, Barkley, Bartlett, Barve, Bates, Bohanan, Bobo, Bozman, Branch, Bromwell, Bronrott, Brown, Burns, Cadden, Cane, Cardin, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Cluster, Conroy, D. Davis, DeBoy, Donoghue, Doory, Dumais, Eckardt, Edwards, Elliott, Elmore, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Glassman, Goodwin, Gordon, Griffith, Gutierrez, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Holmes, Hogan, Howard, Hubbard, James, Jameson, Jennings, Jones, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Krebs, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Leopold, Levy, Love, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, Mayer, McComas, McConkey, McHale, McKee, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, O'Donnell, Paige, Parker, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Quinter, Rosenberg, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stern, Stocksdale, Stull, Trueschler, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vallario, Vaughn, Weir, and Zirkin
    Agricultural Stewardship Act of 2006
    House: Environmental Matters and Appropriations
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs and Budget and Taxation
  • HB 3

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 290

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    The Speaker and Delegates Brown, Hixson, Hammen, Aumann, Barkley, Bartlett, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Boteler, Bozman, Branch, Bromwell, Bronrott, Burns, Cadden, Cane, Cardin, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Conroy, Conway, D. Davis, Donoghue, Doory, Dumais, Edwards, Elliott, Elmore, Feldman, Frank, Gaines, Glassman, Goodwin, Gordon, Griffith, Gutierrez, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, James, Jameson, Jennings, Jones, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Krebs, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Leopold, Levy, Love, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Mayer, McComas, McConkey, McHale, McIntosh, McKee, McMillan, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, O'Donnell, Paige, Parker, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Quinter, Rosenberg, Shank, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stern, Trueschler, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vallario, Vaughn, Zirkin, Boschert, Cryor, C. Davis, Gilleland, Marriott, Myers, Ramirez, Ross, Goldwater, Costa, Kach, Kohl, McDonough, Oaks, Rudolph, and Weldon
    Veterans Advocacy and Education Act of 2006
    House: Ways and Means and Health and Government Operations
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs and Budget and Taxation
  • HB 4

    Status as of March 28, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Judicial Proceedings

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    The Speaker and Delegates Vallario, Brown, Hixson, Petzold, Anderson, Aumann, Barkley, Bartlett, Barve, Bates, Benson, Bobo, Bohanan, Boschert, Boteler, Bozman, Branch, Bromwell, Bronrott, Burns, Cadden, Cane, Cardin, Carter, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Cluster, Conroy, Conway, Cryor, C. Davis, D. Davis, DeBoy, Donoghue, Doory, Dumais, Dwyer, Eckardt, Edwards, Elliott, Elmore, Frank, Gaines, Gilleland, Glassman, Goldwater, Goodwin, Griffith, Gutierrez, Haddaway, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Holmes, Hogan, Hubbard, Impallaria, James, Jameson, Jennings, Jones, Kach, Kaiser, Kelley, Kelly, King, Kirk, Kohl, Krebs, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Leopold, Levy, Love, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, Mayer, McComas, McConkey, McDonough, McHale, McIntosh, McKee, McMillan, Menes, Miller, Minnick, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Myers, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, O'Donnell, Paige, Parker, Parrott, Patterson, Pendergrass, Proctor, Pugh, Rosenberg, Rudolph, Shank, Shewell, Simmons, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stern, Stocksdale, Stull, Taylor, Trueschler, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vaughn, Weir, Weldon, and Zirkin
    Sexual Offenders - Supervision, Notifications, and Penalties
    House: Judiciary
    Senate: Judicial Proceedings
  • HB 5

    Status as of May 26, 2006: Vetoed by the Governor - Duplicative

    Failed - Vetoed - Duplicate Signed
    Sponsored By
    The Speaker and Delegates McHale , Hixson, Cardin, Aumann, Barkley, Bartlett, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Boschert, Bozman, Branch, Bromwell, Bronrott, Brown, Burns, Cadden, Cane, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Conroy, Conway, Cryor, C. Davis, D. Davis, Donoghue, Doory, Dumais, Edwards, Elliott, Elmore, Feldman, Frank, Gaines, Gilleland, Glassman, Goodwin, Gordon, Griffith, Gutierrez, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, James, Jameson, Jennings, Jones, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Krebs, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Leopold, Levy, Love, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, Mayer, McComas, McConkey, McIntosh, McKee, McMillan, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Myers, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, O'Donnell, Paige, Parker, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Shank, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stern, Trueschler, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vallario, and Vaughn
    Property Tax - Homeowners' Property Tax Credit and Renters' Property Tax Relief
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 11

    Status as of May 16, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 448

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Levy, Jameson, Sossi, Menes, Quinter, Cane, Barve, Bromwell, Cardin, McMillan, McComas, Mandel, Cryor, Bronrott, Heller, Petzold, Hogan, and King
    Crimes - Inflicting Unnecessary Suffering or Pain on Animals - Prohibition
    House: Judiciary
    Senate: Judicial Proceedings
  • HB 35

    Status as of April 8, 2006: Bill is in the House - Third Reading Passed

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Love, Boschert, Cryor, F. Turner, James, Taylor, Dumais, Minnick, Rudolph, Bromwell, Trueschler, Glassman, McMillan, Kaiser, Cadden, Miller, Aumann, Bartlett, Benson, Bohanan, Boteler, Bozman, Brown, Cane, Cardin, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Cluster, Conroy, Conway, C. Davis, DeBoy, Donoghue, Dwyer, Eckardt, Edwards, Elliott, Elmore, Frank, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Griffith, Haddaway, Hammen, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Hogan, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Impallaria, Jameson, Jennings, Kach, Kelly, King, Kohl, Krebs, Krysiak, Kullen, Leopold, Levy, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, Mayer, McComas, McConkey, McDonough, McHale, McKee, Moe, Myers, Nathan-Pulliam, O'Donnell, Parrott, Patterson, Petzold, Proctor, Ramirez, Ross, Shank, Shewell, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stocksdale, Stull, Vallario, Weir, Weldon, Wood, and Zirkin
    Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Retirement Income
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 50

    Status as of March 29, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Budget and Taxation

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Goodwin, Bartlett, Boschert, Bozman, Brown, Cardin, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Gilleland, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Howard, Kaiser, King, Marriott, McKee, Myers, Patterson, Ramirez, and Ross
    Income Tax - Credit for Security Expenses
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • Sponsored By
    Delegates Pendergrass, Kaiser, Madaleno, Cryor, Trueschler, Dumais, Frush, Heller, Sossi, Ramirez, F. Turner, Bobo, Bronrott, Cadden, G. Clagett, DeBoy, Levy, Nathan-Pulliam, Barve, Benson, Boteler, Bromwell, Costa, Donoghue, Elliott, Frank, Hammen, Hubbard, Kach, Kohl, Kullen, Mandel, McDonough, Morhaim, Murray, Oaks, Rudolph, V. Turner, and Weldon
    Hospitals - Comparable Evaluation System - Health Care-Associated Infection Information
    House: Health and Government Operations
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 89

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 294

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Ramirez, Niemann , Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Frush, Rosenberg, Bobo, Quinter, Dumais, Kaiser, Healey, Benson, Mandel, Barkley, Bartlett, Barve, Bromwell, Cane, Cardin, Carter, G. Clagett, Conroy, Cryor, Elliott, Feldman, Franchot, Frank, Goldwater, Goodwin, Gutierrez, Hammen, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Kach, King, Kohl, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Love, Madaleno, Marriott, McDonough, McHale, McIntosh, Morhaim, Murray, Oaks, Paige, Patterson, Pendergrass, Rudolph, Ross, Simmons, Stern, Taylor, V. Turner, and Vaughn
    Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Legal Immigrants - Pregnant Women and Children
    House: Appropriations and Health and Government Operations
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 114

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 296

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Boschert , Love, Bartlett, Bozman, Cardin, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Kaiser, King, Marriott, McKee, Montgomery, Myers, Patterson, Ramirez, and Ross
    Property Tax - Exemption - Surviving Spouse of a Veteran
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 123

    Status as of May 16, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 451

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Feldman, Barkley, Bronrott, Cryor, Dumais, Goldwater, Heller, Lawton, Lee, Madaleno, Mandel, Petzold, and Montgomery
    Real Property - Condominiums - Conversion of Rental Facilities - Extended Leases
    House: Environmental Matters
    Senate: Judicial Proceedings
  • Sponsored By
    Delegates Cadden, Bohanan, Bozman, Conway, Jameson, Jones, Levy, O'Donnell, Proctor, Bartlett, Boschert, Cardin, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Howard, Kaiser, King, Marriott, McKee, Myers, Patterson, Ramirez, and Ross
    Education - Adult External High School Program
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 131

    Status as of March 24, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Budget and Taxation

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hixson, Bozman, Healey, Howard, Marriott, Patterson, Bartlett, Boschert, Cardin, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Gilleland, Goodwin, Heller, Kaiser, King, McKee, Myers, Ramirez, and Ross
    Commission on Tax Reform in Maryland
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 133

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 298

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hixson, Bozman, Healey, Howard, Marriott, Patterson, Bartlett, Boschert, Bromwell, Cardin, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Heller, Hubbard, Kaiser, King, McKee, Myers, Ramirez, and Ross
    Education - Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program - Grants - Funding
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs and Budget and Taxation
  • HB 189

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 301

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hubbard, Anderson, Barkley, Benson, Bobo, Branch, Bronrott, Brown, Burns, Cane, Cardin, Carter, V. Clagett, Conroy, Cryor, C. Davis, Doory, Dumais, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Goldwater, Goodwin, Griffith, Gutierrez, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Jones, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Kirk, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, McHale, McIntosh, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Paige, Parker, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Simmons, Stern, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vallario, Vaughn, Weir, and Zirkin
    Healthy Air Act
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 193

    Status as of March 1, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Pendergrass, Anderson, Bozman, Cadden, Carter, Conroy, Doory, Dumais, Heller, Hubbard, Marriott, Nathan-Pulliam, Taylor, and F. Turner
    Video Lottery Terminals - Constitutional Amendment Subject to Voter Approval
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 197

    Status as of April 3, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - Recommit to Committee Budget and Taxation

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates McIntosh , Malone, Bartlett, Boschert, Bozman, Cardin, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Howard, Kaiser, King, Marriott, McKee, Myers, Patterson, Ramirez, and Ross
    Property Tax - Credit - Firefighters, Law Enforcement Officers, and Public School Teachers
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 244

    Status as of March 10, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Education Health and Environmental Affairs

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hixson, Patterson, Barve, Bobo, Montgomery, Bozman, Bronrott, Cardin, C. Davis, Franchot, Healey, Heller, Mandel, Morhaim, Ramirez, Ross, Boschert, Cadden, Cryor, Doory, Feldman, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Howard, Kaiser, King, Lawton, Marriott, McIntosh, Pendergrass, and Quinter
    Election Law - Voting Systems - Voter-Verified Paper Records
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 288

    Status as of May 16, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 455

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Holmes, Bartlett, Boschert, Bozman, Cardin, G. Clagett, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Hogan, Howard, Kaiser, King, Love, Marriott, McKee, Myers, Patterson, Ramirez, Ross, Stull, and Weldon
    Local Property Tax - Credit for Individuals at Least 70 Years Old
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • Sponsored By
    Delegate Marriott (Chairman, Joint Committee on Children, Youth, and Families) and Delegates Bates, Benson, Conroy, Eckardt, Gaines, Hubbard, Mandel, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Patterson, Sossi, Stocksdale, Bartlett, Boschert, Bozman, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Howard, Kaiser, King, McKee, Myers, Ramirez, and Ross
    Children, Youth, and Family Services - Local Management Boards, State Coordinating Council, and Local Coordinating Councils - Services for Children With Special Needs
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 303

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Kaiser, Taylor, Montgomery, Barkley, Franchot, Heller, King, Madaleno, Mandel, Petzold, and Stern
    Creation of a State Debt - Montgomery County - Olney Boys and Girls Club Community Park
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 310

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 220

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Aumann, Bartlett, Benson, Bohanan, Boschert, Boteler, Bromwell, Bronrott, Burns, Cardin, Cluster, Conroy, Cryor, DeBoy, Donoghue, Dumais, Dwyer, Eckardt, Edwards, Elliott, Elmore, Frank, Gilleland, Glassman, Haddaway, Harrison, Heller, Hogan, Jameson, Jennings, Kach, Kelley, Kelly, King, Kohl, Krebs, Kullen, Leopold, Malone, Mayer, McComas, McConkey, McHale, McKee, McMillan, Miller, Minnick, Moe, Morhaim, Murray, Myers, O'Donnell, Paige, Parker, Parrott, Rosenberg, Shank, Shewell, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stocksdale, Stull, Taylor, Trueschler, V. Turner, Vallario, Weir, Weldon, and Zirkin
    Drunk and Drugged Driving - Young Drivers - License Suspension
    House: Judiciary
    Senate: Judicial Proceedings
  • HB 315

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 224

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Gordon, Aumann, Barkley, Bartlett, Boteler, Bronrott, Conroy, Cryor, C. Davis, Doory, Eckardt, Edwards, Elliott, Elmore, Feldman, Franchot, Goodwin, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Hubbard, Kach, Kaiser, King, Kirk, Krebs, Kullen, Madaleno, Mandel, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, O'Donnell, Parker, Pugh, Ramirez, Shewell, Smigiel, Sossi, Stern, Stull, Taylor, Walkup, Weldon, Anderson, Benson, Boschert, Bozman, Cadden, Cardin, Donoghue, Gilleland, Goldwater, Howard, Marriott, McKee, Myers, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Ross, and Trueschler
    Family Caregiver Assistance Program
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 322

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 222

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    The Speaker (By Request - Administration) and Delegates Eckardt, Aumann, Boschert, Boteler, Cluster, Cryor, Donoghue, Edwards, Elliott, Elmore, Gaines, Gilleland, Goldwater, Heller, Hubbard, Jameson, Jennings, Kaiser, Kelly, King, Kirk, Kohl, Krebs, Kullen, Leopold, Malone, McHale, McKee, Moe, Morhaim, Myers, Nathan-Pulliam, O'Donnell, Parker, Parrott, Proctor, Shank, Shewell, Sossi, Stocksdale, Stull, F. Turner, Walkup, Weir, Weldon, Zirkin, and Mandel
    Higher Education - Nurse Support Program Assistance Fund - Hospital Rates
    House: Appropriations and Health and Government Operations
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 324

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 310

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Lee, Goldwater, Stern, Anderson, Barkley, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Bohanan, Boschert, Branch, Bronrott, Brown, Burns, Cane, Carter, Cryor, C. Davis, D. Davis, Doory, Dumais, Eckardt, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Gilleland, Griffith, Gutierrez, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Hogan, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Jones, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Kirk, Krysiak, Lawton, Love, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, Mayer, McComas, McIntosh, Menes, Miller, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Patterson, Petzold, Pugh, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Shank, Shewell, Simmons, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vallario, Vaughn, and Zirkin
    State Government - Commemorative Days - Asian Lunar New Year Day
    House: Health and Government Operations
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 347

    Status as of April 8, 2006: Bill is in the House - Second Reading Passed with Amendments

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hixson, Benson, Frush, Gaines, Healey, Howard, Hubbard, Marriott, Menes, Parker, Patterson, Pugh, Ramirez, Ross, Bartlett, Boschert, Bozman, Cardin, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Heller, Kaiser, King, McKee, and Myers
    Income Tax - Credit for Providing Adult Literacy Programs
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 348

    Status as of March 24, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Education Health and Environmental Affairs

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Chairman, Ways and Means Committee (By Request - Departmental - Education) and Delegates Bartlett, Bozman, Cardin, Dumais, Heller, Kaiser, King, Patterson, Boschert, Cryor, Elmore, Gilleland, and Howard
    Education - Youth Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Programs
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 375

    Status as of February 28, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Health and Government Operations

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Frush, Anderson, Barkley, Benson, Bobo, Bronrott, Burns, Cane, Cardin, Carter, V. Clagett, Conroy, Cryor, D. Davis, Doory, Dumais, Feldman, Franchot, Gaines, Goldwater, Goodwin, Gordon, Gutierrez, Harrison, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Hubbard, Jones, Kelley, King, Lawton, Lee, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, McIntosh, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Parker, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Stern, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vaughn, and Zirkin
    Clean Indoor Air Act of 2006
    House: Health and Government Operations
  • Sponsored By
    Delegates Petzold, Anderson, Bronrott, Cardin, G. Clagett, Cryor, Dumais, Edwards, Haddaway, Heller, Hixson, Kaiser, Kelly, King, Lee, Madaleno, Mandel, McComas, McHale, Montgomery, Murray, Myers, Ramirez, Ross, Vallario, Bartlett, Boschert, Bozman, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Howard, Marriott, McKee, Patterson, Conroy, Krebs, Miller, Parrott, and Walkup
    Maryland Clean Energy Incentive Act of 2006
    House: Ways and Means and Economic Matters
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 441

    Status as of February 8, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Health and Government Operations

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hixson, Benson, Bobo, Bronrott, Cardin, Dumais, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Goldwater, Gutierrez, Harrison, Heller, Howard, Hubbard, Kelley, Krysiak, Lee, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, McIntosh, Menes, Murray, Niemann, Oaks, Parker, Patterson, Quinter, Rosenberg, V. Turner, and Vaughn
    Healthy Maryland Initiative
    House: Health and Government Operations and Ways and Means
  • HB 451

    Status as of February 15, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Judiciary

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Dumais, Barkley, Bobo, Bronrott, Feldman, Frush, Gutierrez, Heller, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Lawton, Lee, Madaleno, McHale, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Pendergrass, Petzold, Quinter, Rosenberg, Stern, F. Turner, and Vaughn
    Police Officer Protection Act of 2006
    House: Judiciary
  • HB 456

    Status as of March 22, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Judicial Proceedings

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Dumais, Barkley, Barve, Bronrott, Brown, Cryor, Dwyer, Feldman, Goldwater, Gutierrez, Heller, Kaiser, Kelley, Kelly, Lawton, Lee, Madaleno, Mandel, Mayer, McComas, Montgomery, Murray, Petzold, Quinter, Rosenberg, Simmons, Sophocleus, Stern, F. Turner, Vallario, and Zirkin
    Correctional and Juvenile Facilities - Contact with Inmates and Juveniles - Penalties
    House: Judiciary
    Senate: Judicial Proceedings
  • HB 476

    Status as of April 8, 2006: Bill is in the House - Third Reading Passed

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Taylor, Barkley, Barve, Bobo, Bronrott, Burns, Cardin, Conroy, Feldman, Frush, Gilleland, Heller, Hubbard, Kaiser, Kirk, Krysiak, Lee, Madaleno, Mandel, McDonough, McHale, Moe, Morhaim, Murray, Niemann, Pugh, Ramirez, and Vaughn
    Community Energy and Economic Development Grant Program and Solar Energy Grant Program
    House: Economic Matters
  • HB 507

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 328

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Taylor, Anderson, Benson, Burns, Cane, Conroy, Cryor, Feldman, Gilleland, Gutierrez, Harrison, Haynes, Heller, Howard, Jones, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Kirk, Lawton, Lee, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, Moe, Montgomery, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Paige, Parker, Patterson, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Shewell, Stern, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vaughn, and Hubbard
    Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Folic Acid Supplement Distribution Program
    House: Health and Government Operations
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 531

    Status as of March 24, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Education Health and Environmental Affairs

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates King, Boschert, Bronrott, Cryor, Dumais, Feldman, Griffith, Kaiser, Lawton, Madaleno, Montgomery, Murray, Patterson, Simmons, Stern, Bartlett, Bozman, C. Davis, Elmore, Gilleland, Goodwin, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Howard, King, Marriott, McKee, Myers, Ramirez, and Ross
    Education - Contractors and Registered Sexual Offenders - Prohibitions
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 533

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 330

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Bozman, Aumann, Cane, Conway, Donoghue, Elliott, Elmore, Heller, King, Krebs, McKee, Rudolph, and Stocksdale
    Community Colleges - State Funding - Size Factor Component
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 544

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Lee, Taylor, Murray, Bronrott, Goldwater, Anderson, Barkley, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Bohanan, Branch, Brown, Burns, Cane, Carter, Conroy, Cryor, C. Davis, D. Davis, Doory, Dumais, Elmore, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Gilleland, Griffith, Gutierrez, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Jones, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Kirk, Krysiak, Lawton, Love, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, Mayer, McIntosh, Menes, Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Patterson, Petzold, Pugh, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Simmons, Smigiel, Stern, Trueschler, V. Turner, Vallario, and Vaughn
    Creation of a State Debt - Montgomery County - Uncle Tom's Cabin
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 585

    Status as of February 14, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Bobo, Bozman, Bronrott, Cardin, Cryor, Dumais, Gordon, Heller, Kaiser, Lee, Madaleno, Mandel, and Stern
    Campaign Finance - Affiliated Business Entities - Attribution of Contributions
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 603

    Status as of February 14, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Marriott, Anderson, Benson, Bobo, Burns, Cane, Carter, C. Davis, Gaines, Goodwin, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Jones, Kaiser, Kelley, Kirk, Mandel, Menes, Montgomery, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Paige, Parker, Patterson, Pugh, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Taylor, V. Turner, and Vaughn
    Elections - Voter Registration Eligibility Requirements - Convicted Criminals
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 605

    Status as of May 26, 2006: Vetoed by the Governor - Policy

    Failed - Vetoed - Policy or Technical
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Jones, Anderson, Barkley, Barve, Bobo, Bromwell, Bronrott, Brown, Burns, Cadden, Carter, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Conroy, Costa, C. Davis, D. Davis, DeBoy, Doory, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Gordon, Griffith, Gutierrez, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Kirk, Krysiak, Lawton, Lee, Love, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, McHale, McIntosh, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Paige, Parker, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Rudolph, Simmons, Sophocleus, Stern, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vallario, Vaughn, Weir, and Zirkin
    State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Revisions
    House: Appropriations
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 612

    Status as of February 15, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Healey, Bozman, Cardin, Cryor, Elmore, Gilleland, Heller, Hixson, Kaiser, King, Marriott, McKee, and Ramirez
    Higher Education - Senatorial and Delegate Scholarships - Transfer of Unspent Funds to the Janet L. Hoffman Loan Assistance Repayment Program
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 613

    Status as of May 16, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 464

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Healey, Bartlett, Bozman, Cardin, Cryor, C. Davis, Gilleland, Goodwin, Heller, Hixson, Kaiser, King, Marriott, McKee, Patterson, and Ramirez
    Education - Public Schools - School Health Services Program Coordinator
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 626

    Status as of February 8, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Health and Government Operations

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Mandel, Burns, Frush, Heller, Hubbard, Kaiser, Kohl, Lee, Madaleno, Marriott, Menes, Montgomery, Parker, Pendergrass, Ramirez, Trueschler, and F. Turner
    Prescription Safety Act
    House: Health and Government Operations
  • HB 630

    Status as of February 8, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Economic Matters

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Moe, Anderson, Bobo, Carter, Conroy, Donoghue, Feldman, Frush, Gutierrez, Heller, Jameson, Krysiak, Lee, Love, Mandel, McHale, Menes, Niemann, Pendergrass, Petzold, Quinter, Rosenberg, Rudolph, Taylor, F. Turner, and Vaughn
    Consumer Protection - Personal Information Protection Act
    House: Economic Matters
  • HB 636

    Status as of March 20, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Economic Matters

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Pendergrass, G. Clagett, DeBoy, Dumais, Gilleland, Goldwater, Healey, Heller, James, Jameson, Kullen, Mandel, McDonough, Menes, Minnick, Parker, Rudolph, Sossi, Stocksdale, Trueschler, and F. Turner
    Business Entities - Annual Report - Fee
    House: Economic Matters
  • HB 651

    Status as of March 1, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates King, Barkley, Gutierrez, Heller, McKee, Montgomery, and Patterson
    Education - Public Charter Schools - Clarifications
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 652

    Status as of March 23, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Education Health and Environmental Affairs

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates King, Boschert, Bozman, Gutierrez, Heller, Lawton, Lee, McKee, Montgomery, Patterson, Stern, Bartlett, Cardin, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Hixson, Howard, Kaiser, Marriott, Myers, Ramirez, and Ross
    Teacher Quality Act of 2006
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs and Budget and Taxation
  • HB 653

    Status as of May 16, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 465

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates King, Petzold, Barkley, Bozman, Dumais, Gutierrez, Heller, Lee, McKee, Montgomery, Patterson, and Simmons
    Juvenile Law - Informal Adjustment - Substance Abuse Treatment Program
    House: Judiciary
    Senate: Judicial Proceedings
  • HB 665

    Status as of February 3, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Frank, Aumann, Bartlett, Bates, Boschert, Boteler, Bromwell, Bronrott, Cluster, Conroy, Costa, Cryor, DeBoy, Donoghue, Dwyer, Eckardt, Edwards, Elliott, Elmore, Goodwin, Haddaway, Hammen, Haynes, Heller, Hogan, Jennings, Kach, King, Kohl, Krebs, Kullen, Levy, Marriott, Mayer, McComas, McConkey, McDonough, Miller, Morhaim, Myers, Oaks, O'Donnell, Pendergrass, Shank, Shewell, Smigiel, Sossi, Stocksdale, Stull, Trueschler, V. Turner, Walkup, Weir, and Weldon
    Income Tax - Credit for Long-Term Care Insurance
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 727

    Status as of March 7, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Environmental Matters

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Conway, Boteler, Bozman, Cadden, Cane, Cluster, Costa, Dwyer, Eckardt, Edwards, Elmore, Frank, Gilleland, Glassman, Goodwin, Haddaway, Harrison, Hogan, Impallaria, Kach, Kullen, Kelly, King, Kirk, McConkey, McKee, Minnick, O'Donnell, Parker, Ramirez, Shank, Shewell, Smigiel, Sossi, Stocksdale, Stull, Weir, Weldon, Aumann, Bartlett, Bates, Bohanan, Boschert, Bromwell, C. Davis, Haynes, Heller, Jameson, Jennings, Kohl, McComas, Murray, Myers, Oaks, and Vaughn
    Vehicle Laws - Protective Headgear Requirement for Motorcycle Riders - Exceptions
    House: Environmental Matters
  • HB 744

    Status as of March 30, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Ways and Means

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Trueschler, Aumann, Bartlett, Boschert, Boteler, Bozman, Cardin, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Gilleland, Heller, Howard, Kaiser, King, Marriott, McKee, Myers, Patterson, and Ramirez
    Income Tax - Credit for Classroom Supplies Purchased by Teachers
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 773

    Status as of February 8, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates McComas, Cryor, Dumais, Dwyer, Gilleland, Glassman, Heller, Kohl, Mayer, Shewell, and Sophocleus
    Income Tax - Credit for Motorized Shopping Carts
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 794

    Status as of May 16, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 474

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Rosenberg, Bozman, Gilleland, Kaiser, Ross, Bartlett, Boschert, Cardin, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Howard, King, Marriott, McKee, Myers, Patterson, and Ramirez
    Education - Maryland Alternative Teaching Opportunity Program
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 810

    Status as of March 24, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Ways and Means

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Cardin, Aumann, Bronrott, V. Clagett, Cryor, C. Davis, Franchot, Frush, Gilleland, Glassman, Healey, Heller, Holmes, Hubbard, Kaiser, King, Lawton, Lee, Morhaim, Pendergrass, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Shewell, and Zirkin
    Solar Energy Tax Credit
    House: Ways and Means
  • Sponsored By
    Delegates Donoghue, Anderson, Aumann, Barkley, Bartlett, Barve, Bates, Benson, Bobo, Bohanan, Boschert, Boteler, Bozman, Branch, Bromwell, Bronrott, Brown, Burns, Busch, Cadden, Cane, Cardin, Carter, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Cluster, Conroy, Conway, Costa, Cryor, C. Davis, D. Davis, DeBoy, Doory, Dumais, Dwyer, Eckardt, Edwards, Elliott, Elmore, Feldman, Franchot, Frank, Frush, Gaines, Gilleland, Glassman, Goldwater, Goodwin, Gordon, Griffith, Gutierrez, Haddaway, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Hogan, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Impallaria, James, Jameson, Jennings, Jones, Kach, Kaiser, Kelley, Kelly, King, Kirk, Kohl, Krebs, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Leopold, Levy, Love, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, Mayer, McComas, McConkey, McDonough, McHale, McIntosh, McKee, McMillan, Menes, Miller, Minnick, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Myers, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, O'Donnell, Paige, Parker, Parrott, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Rudolph, Shank, Shewell, Simmons, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stern, Stocksdale, Stull, Taylor, Trueschler, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vallario, Vaughn, Walkup, Weir, Weldon, Wood, and Zirkin
    Health - Maryland Medbank Program - Sunset Repeal
    House: Health and Government Operations
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 825

    Status as of March 6, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Bronrott, Eckardt, Anderson, Barkley, Bartlett, Barve, Bobo, Bohanan, Boschert, Brown, Burns, Cadden, Cane, G. Clagett, Conroy, Cryor, Donoghue, Dumais, Dwyer, Elmore, Feldman, Frank, Frush, Gaines, Glassman, Goldwater, Gutierrez, Haddaway, Hammen, Heller, Hixson, Hogan, Holmes, Hubbard, Jameson, Jennings, Jones, Kohl, Krebs, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Levy, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, Mayer, McComas, McConkey, McHale, McKee, McMillan, Menes, Miller, Moe, Montgomery, Parker, Parrott, Petzold, Pugh, Shank, Shewell, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stern, Stocksdale, Stull, Taylor, V. Turner, Walkup, Weir, and Weldon
    Alcoholic Beverage Violations - Drivers' Licenses and Driving Privileges - Suspensions
    House: Judiciary
  • HB 828

    Status as of March 8, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Health and Government Operations

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hubbard, Barkley, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Branch, Bronrott, Cane, Cardin, Cryor, D. Davis, Dumais, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Goldwater, Gordon, Gutierrez, Heller, Hixson, Kaiser, King, Lawton, Lee, Madaleno, Marriott, McIntosh, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Pendergrass, Quinter, Rosenberg, Ross, Stern, F. Turner, V. Turner, and Vaughn
    Public Health - Licensed Pharmacists - Contraception Dispensing Program
    House: Health and Government Operations
  • HB 832

    Status as of March 20, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Environmental Matters

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Bozman, Cane, Conway, Heller, King, McKee, and Rudolph
    Vehicle Laws - Stopping, Standing, or Parking After Turning - Prohibition
    House: Environmental Matters
  • HB 860

    Status as of March 23, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Budget and Taxation

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Cryor, Bartlett, Bohanan, Dumais, Elmore, Feldman, Gutierrez, Hogan, Kach, Kaiser, Kohl, Lawton, Morhaim, O'Donnell, Shewell, Sossi, Stull, Weldon, Boschert, Bozman, Cardin, C. Davis, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Howard, King, Marriott, McKee, Myers, Patterson, Ramirez, and Ross
    Income Tax - Subtraction Modification for Living Organ Donors
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 869

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 359

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegate Morhaim, Delegate Hammen, Chair, Health and Government Operations Committee (By Request - Governor's Office of Minority Affairs and Transportation) and Delegates Cane, Love, Busch, Brown, Anderson, Harrison, McIntosh, D. Davis, Vallario, Hixson, Conway, Zirkin, Cardin, Barve, Burns, Jones, Oaks, Benson, Mandel, Nathan-Pulliam, Bromwell, Murray, Donoghue, V. Turner, Hubbard, Kach, Frank, Pendergrass, Rudolph, Weldon, Boteler, Costa, Elliott, Goldwater, Kohl, Bobo, Aumann, Bohanan, Bozman, Branch, Bronrott, Cadden, Carter, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Conroy, Cryor, C. Davis, DeBoy, Doory, Dumais, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Glassman, Goodwin, Gordon, Griffith, Gutierrez, Haynes, Healey, Holmes, Howard, James, Jameson, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Kirk, Krebs, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Leopold, Levy, Madaleno, Malone, Marriott, Mayer, McComas, McHale, McKee, Menes, Minnick, Moe, Montgomery, Niemann, Paige, Parrott, Patterson, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Shank, Shewell, Simmons, Sophocleus, Stern, Taylor, Trueschler, F. Turner, Vaughn, Weir, Wood, Heller, and McDonough
    Procurement - Minority Business Participation
    House: Health and Government Operations
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 940

    Status as of March 1, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hixson, Aumann, Bartlett, Boschert, Bozman, Cardin, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Howard, Kaiser, King, Marriott, McKee, Myers, Patterson, Ramirez, and Ross
    Property Tax - Assessment Freeze for Elderly Homeowners
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 941

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 362

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hixson, C. Davis, Gilleland, Howard, Ramirez, Ross, Bartlett, Boschert, Bozman, Cardin, Cryor, Elmore, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Kaiser, King, Marriott, McKee, Myers, and Patterson
    Enterprise Zones - Property Tax Credits After Expiration of Designation of Enterprise Zone
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • Sponsored By
    Delegates Lawton, Barkley, Barve, Bronrott, V. Clagett, Conroy, Cryor, Dumais, Franchot, Frush, Glassman, Gutierrez, Heller, Hixson, Hogan, Holmes, Hubbard, Jennings, Kaiser, Kelly, Madaleno, Mandel, McComas, McConkey, McHale, McIntosh, Montgomery, Petzold, Quinter, Sossi, Stern, Stull, F. Turner, Weldon, and Weir
    Natural Resources - Hunting Via an Internet Connection - Prohibition
    House: Environmental Matters
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 987

    Status as of March 23, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Ways and Means

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Kaiser, Barkley, Bartlett, Boschert, Bozman, Bronrott, Cadden, Conroy, Cryor, Doory, Dumais, Elmore, Gilleland, Goldwater, Gutierrez, Healey, Heller, King, Lawton, Lee, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, McKee, Montgomery, Parker, Pendergrass, Ross, Shewell, Smigiel, Sophocleus, and V. Turner
    Income Tax - Deduction for Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 988

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 367

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Kaiser, Aumann, Bartlett, Bozman, Gilleland, Goldwater, Heller, Jones, King, Madaleno, McKee, Pendergrass, Proctor, Ross, Shewell, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Stocksdale, F. Turner, Boschert, Cardin, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Hixson, Howard, Marriott, Myers, Patterson, and Ramirez
    Higher Education - Workforce Shortage Student Assistance Grants
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 994

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 368

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Love, Bates, Boschert, Cadden, V. Clagett, Conroy, Costa, Frush, Gilleland, Leopold, McConkey, Miller, Moe, Pendergrass, Pugh, Sophocleus, F. Turner, Bartlett, Bozman, Cardin, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Howard, Kaiser, King, Marriott, McKee, Myers, Patterson, Ramirez, and Ross
    Income Tax - U.S. Government Employees' Foreign Earned Income
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 998

    Status as of March 6, 2006: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Ways and Means

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Healey, Boschert, Cryor, C. Davis, Goodwin, Gordon, Heller, Hixson, Howard, King, Marriott, McKee, Patterson, and Ross
    Income Tax Modification and Sales Tax Exemption Evaluation Act
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 1004

    Status as of March 1, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Bronrott, Cardin, Cryor, Franchot, Heller, Kaiser, King, Lawton, Madaleno, and Marriott
    Sales and Use Tax - Tax-Free Periods for the Purchase of Energy Efficient Products
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 1016

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 371

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Murray, Bronrott, Carter, Cryor, Franchot, Gutierrez, Heller, Hixson, Madaleno, Montgomery, Oaks, Stern, and F. Turner
    Consumer Protection - Merchant Contact Information for Contract Cancellation
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 1054

    Status as of April 2, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Senate Rules

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Cardin, Anderson, Barkley, Benson, Bobo, Bronrott, V. Clagett, Cryor, C. Davis, Dumais, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Gordon, Gutierrez, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Howard, Hubbard, Kaiser, King, Krysiak, Lawton, Lee, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, McIntosh, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Paige, Parker, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Rosenberg, Ross, Simmons, Stern, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vallario, Vaughn, and Zirkin
    Election Law - Public Campaign Financing Act for Candidates for the General Assembly
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Senate Rules
  • HB 1130

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 380

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hixson, Anderson, Bartlett, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Boschert, Boteler, Bronrott, Brown, Cane, Carter, V. Clagett, Conroy, Cryor, C. Davis, Doory, Dumais, Elmore, Frush, Gilleland, Glassman, Goodwin, Gordon, Gutierrez, Healey, Heller, Howard, Hubbard, Jameson, Kach, Kaiser, King, Kirk, Krysiak, Lee, Love, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Parrott, Patterson, Proctor, Pugh, Ramirez, Ross, Simmons, Sossi, Stern, F. Turner, V. Turner, Weir, Bozman, Cardin, McKee, and Myers
    Education - Adult Education and Literacy Services - Funding
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 1139

    Status as of March 24, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Ways and Means

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Morhaim, Bartlett, Barve, Bozman, Cardin, Cluster, Feldman, Gilleland, Goodwin, Haynes, Heller, Kaiser, Marriott, McKee, Moe, Ramirez, Rosenberg, and Zirkin
    Corporate Income Tax - Tax Credit for Location in a Higher Education-Affiliated Research Park
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 1190

    Status as of February 15, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Health and Government Operations

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Stern, Goldwater, Barve, Jones, Conway, McIntosh, Hixson, D. Davis, Rosenberg, Simmons, Elliott, Weldon, Barkley, Benson, Bronrott, Cane, V. Clagett, Cryor, Donoghue, Doory, Dumais, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Glassman, Heller, Hubbard, James, King, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, McKee, Menes, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Shank, Smigiel, Sossi, Stull, F. Turner, and V. Turner
    Prescription Drug Safety Act
    House: Health and Government Operations
  • HB 1200

    Status as of April 25, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 203

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Lee, Barkley, Bronrott, Conway, Dumais, Gilleland, Goldwater, Gutierrez, Kaiser, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, Menes, Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Petzold, Shewell, Sophocleus, Bartlett, Boschert, Bozman, Cardin, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Howard, King, McKee, Myers, Patterson, Ramirez, and Ross
    High Schools - Automated External Defibrillators Program - Requirements
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 1213

    Status as of March 24, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates McComas, Aumann, V. Clagett, Cryor, Eckardt, Elliott, Frank, Gilleland, Heller, Hogan, Kaiser, Kohl, Lee, McDonough, Shank, Smigiel, and Stocksdale
    Crimes - Commercial Depiction of Dogfight or Cockfight - Prohibition
    House: Judiciary
  • HB 1223

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 385

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Haynes, Bates, Brown, C. Davis, DeBoy, Gilleland, Jones, Kirk, Malone, Paige, Patterson, Ramirez, Bartlett, Boschert, Bozman, Cardin, Cryor, Elmore, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Howard, Kaiser, King, Marriott, McKee, Myers, and Ross
    Sales and Use Tax - Production Activity - Taxable Laundering Services
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 1226

    Status as of March 22, 2006: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Health and Government Operations

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Healey, Boteler, Cryor, C. Davis, Elliott, Gilleland, Goldwater, Heller, Howard, Hubbard, Kaiser, Mandel, Marriott, McKee, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Patterson, Ross, and V. Turner
    Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Tanning Facilities - Licensing and Regulation
    House: Health and Government Operations
  • HB 1262

    Status as of March 23, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Budget and Taxation

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Barve, Gordon, Simmons, Bartlett, Boschert, Bozman, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Gilleland, Goodwin, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Howard, Kaiser, King, Marriott, McKee, Myers, Patterson, Ramirez, and Ross
    Homeowners Property Tax Credit Program - Local Supplement - Municipal Corporation
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 1275

    Status as of May 16, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 489

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates James, Boschert, Bozman, Cardin, Heller, Howard, Ramirez, Ross, Bartlett, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Hixson, Kaiser, King, Marriott, McKee, Myers, and Patterson
    Property Tax - Assessment of Conservation Property
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 1276

    Status as of February 22, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates James, Boschert, Heller, Howard, Ramirez, and Ross
    Income Tax Credit for Preservation and Conservation Easements - County Tax Credit Authorized
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 1290

    Status as of March 20, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Environmental Matters

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Bozman, Cane, V. Clagett, Conway, Frush, Heller, King, and Moe
    Atlantic Coastal Bays - Leasing Submerged Land for Clam Cultivation - Prohibition
    House: Environmental Matters
  • HB 1294

    Status as of February 22, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Healey, Barkley, Bozman, Bronrott, Burns, Busch, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Conroy, C. Davis, Doory, Frush, Gaines, Goodwin, Gordon, Griffith, Haynes, Heller, Hixson, Howard, Hubbard, James, Kaiser, King, Lee, Love, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, Menes, Montgomery, Niemann, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Quinter, Ross, and F. Turner
    Public School Construction Assistance Act of 2006
    House: Ways and Means and Appropriations
  • HB 1310

    Status as of April 7, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Ways and Means

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Gutierrez, Anderson, Barve, Bobo, Bronrott, Carter, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Heller, Hubbard, Kaiser, King, Lawton, Lee, Madaleno, Marriott, Menes, Moe, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Petzold, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, and Vaughn
    Higher Education - State Student Financial Assistance - Eligibility
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 1315

    Status as of February 27, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Taylor, Conroy, DeBoy, Feldman, Heller, Kaiser, Lee, Madaleno, McDonough, Miller, Montgomery, Niemann, Parker, and Trueschler
    Drunk and Drugged Driving - Repeat Offenders - Special Registration Plates
    House: Judiciary
  • HB 1317

    Status as of April 7, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - Third Reading Passed with Amendments

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Taylor, Murray, Benson, Carter, Dumais, Feldman, Haynes, Heller, Hixson, Kirk, Lee, Madaleno, Marriott, Oaks, Ramirez, and Vaughn
    Business Regulation - Representation of Business Affiliations with Small Businesses and Certified Minority Business Enterprises
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 1344

    Status as of April 6, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Budget and Taxation

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hixson, Howard, Bozman, Conway, Cardin, Bartlett, Boschert, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Kaiser, King, Marriott, McKee, Myers, Patterson, Ramirez, Ross, and Eckardt, and the Queen Anne's County Delegation
    Motor Fuel Tax - Exemption for Biodiesel Fuel - Government Vehicles
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • Sponsored By
    Delegates Hixson, McIntosh, Howard, Healey, Ramirez, Cardin, Patterson, Gordon, Marriott, Bozman, Ross, Goodwin, Conroy, Dumais, Goldwater, Mandel, Montgomery, Feldman, Gaines, Gutierrez, Lee, Murray, Niemann, Simmons, Vaughn, Barkley, Bohanan, Boschert, Bronrott, Cryor, C. Davis, Franchot, Griffith, Heller, Kaiser, King, Lawton, Madaleno, Mayer, McKee, Petzold, Stern, and Wood
    Transportation Funding - Mass Transit - Funding Study
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 1367

    Status as of February 15, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Judiciary

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Quinter, Anderson, Barkley, Benson, Bronrott, Brown, Burns, Conroy, Doory, Dumais, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Gutierrez, Haynes, Heller, Hubbard, Kelley, Krysiak, Lee, Madaleno, McIntosh, Menes, Moe, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Paige, Patterson, Petzold, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Stern, Vaughn, and Zirkin
    Maryland Assault Weapons Ban of 2006
    House: Judiciary
  • HB 1368

    Status as of April 10, 2006: Became Law - Overridden Veto

    Became Law - Overridden Veto
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Patterson, Hixson , Cardin, King, McKee, Ross, Bozman, C. Davis, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Howard, Kaiser, Marriott, Ramirez, Rosenberg, and Conroy
    Election Law - Voter Bill of Rights
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 1372

    Status as of April 6, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates McComas, Aumann, Barkley, Bartlett, Burns, Cadden, Carter, V. Clagett, Cluster, Conway, Cryor, Eckardt, Edwards, Elmore, Frank, Haddaway, Heller, Hogan, Impallaria, Jameson, Jennings, Kach, Kohl, Kullen, Levy, McDonough, McKee, Myers, O'Donnell, Ramirez, Ross, Rudolph, Shank, Shewell, Smigiel, Sossi, Stull, Trueschler, F. Turner, and Vallario
    Task Force on Child Custody Decisions
    House: Judiciary
  • HB 1380

    Status as of May 16, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 494

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hixson, Bartlett, Bohanan, Bronrott, Cane, Donoghue, Elmore, Frank, Haynes, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Levy, Malone, Marriott, McKee, Menes, Paige, Patterson, Petzold, Rudolph, Sophocleus, Wood, Boschert, Bozman, Cardin, Cryor, C. Davis, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Howard, Kaiser, King, Myers, Ramirez, Ross, and O'Donnell
    Libraries - County Library Capital Project Grants
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 1381

    Status as of April 8, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 58

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hixson, Bozman, Healey, Heller, and Madaleno
    Higher Education - Tuition Affordability Act of 2006
    House: Appropriations
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 1392

    Status as of April 7, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Ways and Means

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Kaiser, Barkley, Conroy, Dumais, Franchot, Goldwater, Heller, Lawton, Mandel, Montgomery, Patterson, and Ross
    Transportation Funding - Mass Transit - Sales and Use Tax
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 1411

    Status as of March 25, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Ways and Means

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Franchot, Anderson, Barkley, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Bronrott, Brown, Burns, Cane, Carter, V. Clagett, Doory, Dumais, Feldman, Gaines, Goldwater, Griffith, Gutierrez, Heller, Hixson, Hubbard, James, Jones, Kaiser, Kelley, Kirk, Lawton, Lee, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, McIntosh, Menes, Montgomery, Murray, Myers, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Paige, Parker, Patterson, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Simmons, Stern, F. Turner, V. Turner, and Vaughn
    Illegal Gaming Enforcement Act of 2006
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 1432

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 397

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Marriott, Barve, Anderson, Carter, Cryor, Gilleland, Goodwin, McHale, Oaks, Paige, Rosenberg, Bartlett, Boschert, Bozman, Cardin, C. Davis, Elmore, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Howard, Kaiser, King, McKee, Myers, Patterson, Ramirez, and Ross
    Education - Residential Boarding Education Programs - At-Risk Youth
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs and Budget and Taxation
  • HB 1435

    Status as of May 16, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 496

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Ramirez, Boschert, Cardin, Cryor, Gordon, Hixson, King, Patterson, Bartlett, Bozman, C. Davis, Elmore, Gilleland, Goodwin, Healey, Heller, Howard, Kaiser, Marriott, McKee, Myers, and Ross
    Higher Education - Financial Assistance - Community College Access Initiative
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • Sponsored By
    Delegates Ramirez, Anderson, Bartlett, Boschert, Branch, Cane, C. Davis, Doory, Edwards, Goodwin, Haynes, Holmes, Howard, Kelly, Kirk, Love, Marriott, Minnick, Moe, Myers, Paige, Patterson, Ross, Bozman, Cardin, Conroy, Cryor, Elmore, Gilleland, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Lee, Kaiser, King, McKee, Parker, and Wood
    Education - Educational Technology Pilot Program - Elementary Schools
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 1449

    Status as of March 29, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Budget and Taxation

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Brown, Hogan, Bartlett, Bozman, Cardin, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Howard, King, Marriott, McKee, Myers, Patterson, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Boschert, Bromwell, Cane, Carter, V. Clagett, Donoghue, Dumais, Feldman, Franchot, Gilleland, Goodwin, Holmes, Hubbard, Jameson, Jones, Kach, Kaiser, Krebs, Kullen, Levy, McConkey, McHale, Moe, Niemann, Pendergrass, Pugh, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Simmons, Trueschler, and Zirkin
    Lead-Safe Housing - Income Tax Credit
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 1477

    Status as of April 7, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hixson, Anderson, Barkley, Bartlett, Boschert, Bozman, Branch, Bronrott, Brown, Cardin, Cryor, C. Davis, Dumais, Elmore, Feldman, Frush, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Kaiser, King, Kirk, Lawton, Lee, Mandel, Marriott, McKee, Menes, Montgomery, Murray, Niemann, Paige, Patterson, Pugh, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Stern, and Vaughn
    Department of Human Resources - Grandparent Caregiver Subsidy Program
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 1478

    Status as of March 28, 2006: Bill is in the House - Referred to interim study

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Love, Anderson, Aumann, Barkley, Bartlett, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Bohanan, Boschert, Burns, Cadden, Carter, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Cluster, Conroy, Costa, Cryor, C. Davis, D. Davis, DeBoy, Donoghue, Dumais, Edwards, Feldman, Franchot, Frank, Gaines, Gilleland, Goldwater, Goodwin, Gutierrez, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Hogan, Howard, Hubbard, James, Jennings, Jones, Kaiser, Kelly, King, Kohl, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Levy, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, McComas, McHale, McIntosh, McKee, Menes, Minnick, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Myers, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, O'Donnell, Paige, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Shank, Sophocleus, Stern, Trueschler, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vaughn, Weldon, Wood, and Zirkin
    Quality Child Care Access and Affordability Act
    House: Economic Matters and Ways and Means
  • HB 1532

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 403

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Bartlett, Bozman, Cardin, Cryor, Elmore, Gilleland, Kaiser, Marriott, McKee, Myers, Patterson, Ramirez, Ross, Boschert, C. Davis, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Howard, and King
    Property Tax Credit - Structures Using Qualifying Energy Conservation Devices for Electricity Generation
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 1609

    Status as of April 7, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Jones, Anderson, Aumann, Barkley, Benson, Bobo, Bohanan, Branch, Brown, Burns, Busch, Cadden, Cardin, Carter, Conroy, Conway, DeBoy, Dumais, Franchot, Frank, Gaines, Griffith, Gutierrez, Haynes, Heller, Hubbard, Jameson, Kaiser, Kelley, Kelly, Kirk, Kullen, Lee, Leopold, Madaleno, Marriott, McIntosh, Menes, Myers, Niemann, Oaks, Patterson, Petzold, Proctor, Quinter, Rosenberg, Rudolph, Taylor, F. Turner, and Weldon
    Family Law - Foster Care - Payment Rates
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 1610

    Status as of March 13, 2006: Bill is in the House - Re-referred Health and Government Operations

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Feldman, Barkley, Bromwell, Brown, Cadden, Cryor, Doory, Dumais, Franchot, Frank, Goldwater, Haddaway, Heller, Jameson, Kach, Kaiser, Kelly, King, Krebs, Lee, Love, McHale, Minnick, Moe, Myers, O'Donnell, Simmons, and Wood
    Procurement - Small Business Reserve Program - Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses
    House: Health and Government Operations
  • HB 1616

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - Re-referred Budget and Taxation

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Ramirez, Ross, Healey, Hixson, Bartlett, Boschert, Bozman, Cryor, C. Davis, Elmore, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Heller, Howard, Kaiser, King, Marriott, McKee, Myers, and Patterson
    Income Tax Credit for Restaurants in Arts and Entertainment Districts
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 1624

    Status as of April 25, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 210

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates C. Davis, Bartlett, Boschert, Bozman, Cardin, Cryor, Elmore, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Howard, Kaiser, King, Marriott, McKee, Myers, Patterson, Ramirez, and Ross
    Sales and Use Tax - Exemption for Sales by Religious and Nonprofit Organizations
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 1630

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Griffith, Barkley, Benson, Bronrott, Brown, Conroy, Dumais, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Goldwater, Gordon, Gutierrez, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Kaiser, King, Lawton, Lee, Madaleno, Mandel, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Murray, Niemann, Parker, Patterson, Petzold, Proctor, Ramirez, Ross, Simmons, Stern, Taylor, V. Turner, Vallario, and Vaughn
    Creation of a State Debt - Capital Area Food Bank
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 1674

    Status as of April 10, 2006: Became Law - Overridden Veto

    Became Law - Overridden Veto
    Sponsored By
    Delegates F. Turner, Pendergrass, Anderson, Barkley, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Branch, Brown, Cadden, Cane, Carter, G. Clagett, Conroy, Conway, D. Davis, DeBoy, Donoghue, Doory, Dumais, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Goldwater, Gordon, Gutierrez, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Howard, Hubbard, James, Jones, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Kirk, Krysiak, Lawton, Lee, Levy, Madaleno, Malone, Marriott, McHale, McIntosh, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Paige, Parker, Patterson, Petzold, Proctor, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Rudolph, Simmons, Stern, Taylor, V. Turner, Vallario, and Vaughn
    University System of Maryland - Restrictions on Campaign Fund-Raising Activities by Members of the Board of Regents
    House: Environmental Matters
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 1737

    Status as of April 25, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 110

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates James , Conway, Jones, Barkley, Bates, Bohanan, Cadden, G. Clagett, Eckardt, Edwards, Gaines, Griffith, Haynes, Leopold, Paige, Proctor, Stocksdale, Busch, Anderson, Aumann, Bartlett, Barve, Bates, Benson, Boteler, Bozman, Bromwell, Bronrott, Brown, Burns, Cane, Cardin, V. Clagett, Cluster, Conroy, Cryor, Donoghue, Doory, Dumais, Elliott, Elmore, Feldman, Franchot, Frank, Frush, Glassman, Goodwin, Gordon, Haddaway, Hammen, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Hogan, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Impallaria, Jameson, Jennings, Kaiser, Kelley, Kelly, King, Kohl, Krebs, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Love, Malone, Mandel, Mayer, McComas, McConkey, McDonough, McHale, McIntosh, McKee, McMillan, Minnick, Montgomery, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Parker, Parrott, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Pugh, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Shank, Shewell, Simmons, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stern, Stull, Taylor, V. Turner, Weir, Weldon, and Zirkin
    State Employees' and Teachers' Retirement Enhancement Benefit Act of 2006
    House: Appropriations
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HJ 4

    Status as of March 20, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable House Rules and Executive Nominations

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Mandel, Bobo, V. Clagett, Conroy, Cryor, Dumais, Goldwater, Heller, Howard, Kaiser, Lawton, Lee, Madaleno, McComas, Montgomery, Murray, Parker, Pendergrass, and Stern
    ICE Designation on Cell Phones
    House: House Rules and Executive Nominations
  • HB 257

    Status as of May 26, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 565

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegate Heller (Chairman, Joint Committee on the Management of Public Funds) and Delegates Aumann, Bohanan, and Marriott
    State Treasurer - Authorized Investments - Commercial Paper
    House: Appropriations
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 294

    Status as of May 26, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 567

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegate Heller (Joint Committee on the Management of Public Funds) and Delegates Aumann, Bohanan, and Marriott
    Bonds - Small Denominations
    House: Appropriations
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 448

    Status as of May 26, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 577

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegate Heller (Joint Committee on the Management of Public Funds) and Delegates Aumann, Bohanan, and Marriott
    Revenue Collection - Offsets
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
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