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2006 Regular Session

Delegate Carolyn J. Krysiak
District 46

Status of Legislation
Total Number of Bills: 100

  • HB 326

    Status as of May 16, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 456

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegate Krysiak
    Home Builder Registration - Application - Social Security Numbers
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 391

    Status as of March 28, 2006: Bill is in the House - Referred to interim study

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Krysiak and Love
    Commercial Law - Abandoned Property - Money Orders
    House: Economic Matters
  • HB 511

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Krysiak, Hammen, and McHale
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Peale Museum
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 515

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Krysiak, Anderson, Carter, C. Davis, Doory, Goodwin, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Kirk, Marriott, McHale, McIntosh, Oaks, Paige, Pugh, and Rosenberg
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - School 33 Art Center
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 627

    Status as of April 6, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Finance

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Krysiak, Harrison, McHale, Moe, and Conroy
    Joint Committee on Workers' Compensation Benefit and Insurance Oversight - Membership
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 1371

    Status as of March 20, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Economic Matters

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Krysiak, Anderson, Conroy, Feldman, Kirk, McHale, Moe, and Vaughn
    Insurance - Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund - Calculation and Use of Surplus
    House: Economic Matters
  • HB 1642

    Status as of May 26, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 631

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegate Krysiak
    Business Occupations and Professions - Stationary Engineers - Qualifications
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 1680

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Krysiak, Rosenberg, Cardin, Hammen, McHale, Morhaim, Zirkin, C. Davis, and Mandel
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Lloyd Street Synagogue
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 1

    Status as of March 6, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Education Health and Environmental Affairs

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    The Speaker and Delegates Rosenberg, Conway, Hixson, Barkley, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Branch, Bromwell, Bronrott, Brown, Burns, Cane, Cardin, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, D. Davis, Dumais, Feldman, Frush, Gaines, Goodwin, Gordon, Griffith, Gutierrez, Harrison, Haynes, Heller, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, James, Jameson, Jones, Kaiser, King, Kirk, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Levy, Love, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, McHale, McIntosh, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Paige, Parker, Pendergrass, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Quinter, Stern, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vallario, Vaughn, and Zirkin
    Maryland Stem Cell Research Act of 2006
    House: Health and Government Operations and Appropriations
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs and Budget and Taxation
  • HB 2

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 289

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    The Speaker and Delegates McIntosh, Conway, Hixson, Aumann, Barkley, Bartlett, Barve, Bates, Bohanan, Bobo, Bozman, Branch, Bromwell, Bronrott, Brown, Burns, Cadden, Cane, Cardin, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Cluster, Conroy, D. Davis, DeBoy, Donoghue, Doory, Dumais, Eckardt, Edwards, Elliott, Elmore, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Glassman, Goodwin, Gordon, Griffith, Gutierrez, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Holmes, Hogan, Howard, Hubbard, James, Jameson, Jennings, Jones, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Krebs, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Leopold, Levy, Love, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, Mayer, McComas, McConkey, McHale, McKee, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, O'Donnell, Paige, Parker, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Quinter, Rosenberg, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stern, Stocksdale, Stull, Trueschler, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vallario, Vaughn, Weir, and Zirkin
    Agricultural Stewardship Act of 2006
    House: Environmental Matters and Appropriations
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs and Budget and Taxation
  • HB 3

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 290

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    The Speaker and Delegates Brown, Hixson, Hammen, Aumann, Barkley, Bartlett, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Boteler, Bozman, Branch, Bromwell, Bronrott, Burns, Cadden, Cane, Cardin, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Conroy, Conway, D. Davis, Donoghue, Doory, Dumais, Edwards, Elliott, Elmore, Feldman, Frank, Gaines, Glassman, Goodwin, Gordon, Griffith, Gutierrez, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, James, Jameson, Jennings, Jones, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Krebs, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Leopold, Levy, Love, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Mayer, McComas, McConkey, McHale, McIntosh, McKee, McMillan, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, O'Donnell, Paige, Parker, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Quinter, Rosenberg, Shank, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stern, Trueschler, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vallario, Vaughn, Zirkin, Boschert, Cryor, C. Davis, Gilleland, Marriott, Myers, Ramirez, Ross, Goldwater, Costa, Kach, Kohl, McDonough, Oaks, Rudolph, and Weldon
    Veterans Advocacy and Education Act of 2006
    House: Ways and Means and Health and Government Operations
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs and Budget and Taxation
  • HB 4

    Status as of March 28, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Judicial Proceedings

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    The Speaker and Delegates Vallario, Brown, Hixson, Petzold, Anderson, Aumann, Barkley, Bartlett, Barve, Bates, Benson, Bobo, Bohanan, Boschert, Boteler, Bozman, Branch, Bromwell, Bronrott, Burns, Cadden, Cane, Cardin, Carter, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Cluster, Conroy, Conway, Cryor, C. Davis, D. Davis, DeBoy, Donoghue, Doory, Dumais, Dwyer, Eckardt, Edwards, Elliott, Elmore, Frank, Gaines, Gilleland, Glassman, Goldwater, Goodwin, Griffith, Gutierrez, Haddaway, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Holmes, Hogan, Hubbard, Impallaria, James, Jameson, Jennings, Jones, Kach, Kaiser, Kelley, Kelly, King, Kirk, Kohl, Krebs, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Leopold, Levy, Love, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, Mayer, McComas, McConkey, McDonough, McHale, McIntosh, McKee, McMillan, Menes, Miller, Minnick, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Myers, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, O'Donnell, Paige, Parker, Parrott, Patterson, Pendergrass, Proctor, Pugh, Rosenberg, Rudolph, Shank, Shewell, Simmons, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stern, Stocksdale, Stull, Taylor, Trueschler, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vaughn, Weir, Weldon, and Zirkin
    Sexual Offenders - Supervision, Notifications, and Penalties
    House: Judiciary
    Senate: Judicial Proceedings
  • HB 5

    Status as of May 26, 2006: Vetoed by the Governor - Duplicative

    Failed - Vetoed - Duplicate Signed
    Sponsored By
    The Speaker and Delegates McHale , Hixson, Cardin, Aumann, Barkley, Bartlett, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Boschert, Bozman, Branch, Bromwell, Bronrott, Brown, Burns, Cadden, Cane, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Conroy, Conway, Cryor, C. Davis, D. Davis, Donoghue, Doory, Dumais, Edwards, Elliott, Elmore, Feldman, Frank, Gaines, Gilleland, Glassman, Goodwin, Gordon, Griffith, Gutierrez, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, James, Jameson, Jennings, Jones, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Krebs, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Leopold, Levy, Love, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, Mayer, McComas, McConkey, McIntosh, McKee, McMillan, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Myers, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, O'Donnell, Paige, Parker, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Shank, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stern, Trueschler, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vallario, and Vaughn
    Property Tax - Homeowners' Property Tax Credit and Renters' Property Tax Relief
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 35

    Status as of April 8, 2006: Bill is in the House - Third Reading Passed

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Love, Boschert, Cryor, F. Turner, James, Taylor, Dumais, Minnick, Rudolph, Bromwell, Trueschler, Glassman, McMillan, Kaiser, Cadden, Miller, Aumann, Bartlett, Benson, Bohanan, Boteler, Bozman, Brown, Cane, Cardin, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Cluster, Conroy, Conway, C. Davis, DeBoy, Donoghue, Dwyer, Eckardt, Edwards, Elliott, Elmore, Frank, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Griffith, Haddaway, Hammen, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Hogan, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Impallaria, Jameson, Jennings, Kach, Kelly, King, Kohl, Krebs, Krysiak, Kullen, Leopold, Levy, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, Mayer, McComas, McConkey, McDonough, McHale, McKee, Moe, Myers, Nathan-Pulliam, O'Donnell, Parrott, Patterson, Petzold, Proctor, Ramirez, Ross, Shank, Shewell, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stocksdale, Stull, Vallario, Weir, Weldon, Wood, and Zirkin
    Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Retirement Income
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 36

    Status as of May 16, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 449

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Pugh, Anderson, Branch, Carter, C. Davis, Doory, Goodwin, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Kirk, Krysiak, Marriott, McHale, McIntosh, Oaks, Paige, and Rosenberg
    Education - Task Force to Study Raising the Compulsory Public School Attendance Age to 18
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 55

    Status as of May 26, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 557

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates D. Davis, Burns, Moe, Vaughn, Taylor, Love, Conroy, Doory, Krysiak, Kirk, McHale, and Harrison
    Labor and Employment - Minimum Wage - Application
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 89

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 294

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Ramirez, Niemann , Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Frush, Rosenberg, Bobo, Quinter, Dumais, Kaiser, Healey, Benson, Mandel, Barkley, Bartlett, Barve, Bromwell, Cane, Cardin, Carter, G. Clagett, Conroy, Cryor, Elliott, Feldman, Franchot, Frank, Goldwater, Goodwin, Gutierrez, Hammen, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Kach, King, Kohl, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Love, Madaleno, Marriott, McDonough, McHale, McIntosh, Morhaim, Murray, Oaks, Paige, Patterson, Pendergrass, Rudolph, Ross, Simmons, Stern, Taylor, V. Turner, and Vaughn
    Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Legal Immigrants - Pregnant Women and Children
    House: Appropriations and Health and Government Operations
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 103

    Status as of April 25, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 156

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Krebs , Feldman, Doory, Haddaway, Jameson, Krysiak, McHale, Miller, Minnick, Moe, Parrott, Trueschler, Vaughn, Walkup, and Wood
    State Board of Public Accountancy Fund
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 120

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hammen, Krysiak, and McHale
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Library Square Revitalization
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 139

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Pugh, Carter, C. Davis, Goodwin, Hammen, Harrison, Kirk, Krysiak, Marriott, McHale, Oaks, Paige, and Rosenberg
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Baltimore Child Abuse Center
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 144

    Status as of February 20, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Ways and Means

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Pugh, C. Davis, Goodwin, Harrison, Haynes, Kirk, Krysiak, Marriott, McHale, McIntosh, and Paige
    Education - Student Suspension - In-School Requirement
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 151

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates C. Davis, Anderson, Carter, Doory, Goodwin, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Kirk, Krysiak, Marriott, McHale, McIntosh, Oaks, Paige, Pugh, and Rosenberg
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Herring Run Watershed Center
    House: Appropriations
  • Sponsored By
    Delegate Marriott (By Request - Baltimore City Administration) and Delegates Anderson, Branch, Carter, C. Davis, Doory, Goodwin, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Kirk, Krysiak, McHale, McIntosh, Oaks, Paige, Pugh, and Rosenberg
    Baltimore City - Highway User Revenues - Authorized Use
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 181

    Status as of March 23, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegate Marriott (By Request - Baltimore City Administration) and Delegates Anderson, C. Davis, Doory, Goodwin, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Kirk, Krysiak, McHale, McIntosh, Oaks, Paige, Pugh, and Rosenberg
    Sex Offenders - Electronic Tracking and Movement Restrictions - Penalties for Violating Registration Requirements
    House: Judiciary
  • Sponsored By
    Delegate Marriott (By Request - Baltimore City Administration) and Delegates C. Davis, Doory, Goodwin, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Kirk, Krysiak, McHale, McIntosh, Paige, Pugh, and Rosenberg
    Baltimore City - Special Traffic Enforcement Officers - Jurisdiction and Requirements
    House: Judiciary
    Senate: Judicial Proceedings
  • HB 189

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 301

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hubbard, Anderson, Barkley, Benson, Bobo, Branch, Bronrott, Brown, Burns, Cane, Cardin, Carter, V. Clagett, Conroy, Cryor, C. Davis, Doory, Dumais, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Goldwater, Goodwin, Griffith, Gutierrez, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Jones, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Kirk, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, McHale, McIntosh, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Paige, Parker, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Simmons, Stern, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vallario, Vaughn, Weir, and Zirkin
    Healthy Air Act
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 240

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates C. Davis, Branch, Goodwin, Harrison, Krysiak, and McHale
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Diakon Housing and Development
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 285

    Status as of May 16, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 454

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Holmes, Cluster, Burns, Conroy, Doory, Haddaway, Krebs, Krysiak, Love, McHale, Minnick, Moe, Trueschler, Vaughn, and Walkup
    Homeowner's Insurance - Underwriting, Premium Increases, Cancellation, and Refusal to Renew
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 324

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 310

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Lee, Goldwater, Stern, Anderson, Barkley, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Bohanan, Boschert, Branch, Bronrott, Brown, Burns, Cane, Carter, Cryor, C. Davis, D. Davis, Doory, Dumais, Eckardt, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Gilleland, Griffith, Gutierrez, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Hogan, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Jones, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Kirk, Krysiak, Lawton, Love, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, Mayer, McComas, McIntosh, Menes, Miller, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Patterson, Petzold, Pugh, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Shank, Shewell, Simmons, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vallario, Vaughn, and Zirkin
    State Government - Commemorative Days - Asian Lunar New Year Day
    House: Health and Government Operations
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • Sponsored By
    Delegates Jones, Anderson, Branch, Carter, C. Davis, Doory, Goodwin, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Krysiak, McHale, McIntosh, Oaks, Paige, and Pugh
    Higher Education - Auxiliary and Academic Facilities Bond Authority - Morgan State University
    House: Appropriations
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 438

    Status as of March 22, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegate Marriott (By Request - Baltimore City Administration) and Delegates Anderson, Carter, Goodwin, Harrison, Krysiak, McHale, McIntosh, Oaks, Paige, Pugh, and Rosenberg
    Baltimore City - Automatic Expungement of Records - Arrest Without Charge
    House: Judiciary
  • HB 439

    Status as of February 1, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegate Marriott (By Request - Baltimore City Administration) and Delegates Carter, Goodwin, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Kirk, Krysiak, McHale, McIntosh, Oaks, Paige, Pugh, and Rosenberg
    Income Tax Subtraction Modification for Seniors' Medical Expenses
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 441

    Status as of February 8, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Health and Government Operations

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hixson, Benson, Bobo, Bronrott, Cardin, Dumais, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Goldwater, Gutierrez, Harrison, Heller, Howard, Hubbard, Kelley, Krysiak, Lee, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, McIntosh, Menes, Murray, Niemann, Oaks, Parker, Patterson, Quinter, Rosenberg, V. Turner, and Vaughn
    Healthy Maryland Initiative
    House: Health and Government Operations and Ways and Means
  • HB 476

    Status as of April 8, 2006: Bill is in the House - Third Reading Passed

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Taylor, Barkley, Barve, Bobo, Bronrott, Burns, Cardin, Conroy, Feldman, Frush, Gilleland, Heller, Hubbard, Kaiser, Kirk, Krysiak, Lee, Madaleno, Mandel, McDonough, McHale, Moe, Morhaim, Murray, Niemann, Pugh, Ramirez, and Vaughn
    Community Energy and Economic Development Grant Program and Solar Energy Grant Program
    House: Economic Matters
  • HB 488

    Status as of March 3, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Judicial Proceedings

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Minnick, Conroy, Feldman, Harrison, Jameson, Kirk, Krysiak, Love, McHale, Taylor, Trueschler, Vaughn, Walkup, and Wood
    Real Property - Construction Contracts - Retention Proceeds
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Judicial Proceedings
  • Sponsored By
    Delegates Doory, Conroy, and Krysiak
    Insurance - Loans and Advances Made to Stock Insurers and Mutual Insurers
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 536

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Kirk, Anderson, Bates, Branch, Carter, Doory, Edwards, Goodwin, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Krysiak, Marriott, McHale, McIntosh, Miller, Oaks, Paige, Pugh, and Rosenberg
    Creation of a State Debt - Kennedy Krieger Children's Hospital
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 544

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Lee, Taylor, Murray, Bronrott, Goldwater, Anderson, Barkley, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Bohanan, Branch, Brown, Burns, Cane, Carter, Conroy, Cryor, C. Davis, D. Davis, Doory, Dumais, Elmore, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Gilleland, Griffith, Gutierrez, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Jones, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Kirk, Krysiak, Lawton, Love, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, Mayer, McIntosh, Menes, Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Patterson, Petzold, Pugh, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Simmons, Smigiel, Stern, Trueschler, V. Turner, Vallario, and Vaughn
    Creation of a State Debt - Montgomery County - Uncle Tom's Cabin
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 580

    Status as of February 15, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Economic Matters

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Rosenberg, Bobo, Bromwell, V. Clagett, DeBoy, Dumais, Jameson, Kach, Kaiser, Krysiak, Kullen, Lee, Love, McHale, Moe, Morhaim, Niemann, Pendergrass, Pugh, Quinter, Simmons, and Vaughn
    Public Safety - Emergency Management - Essential Goods and Services
    House: Economic Matters
  • Sponsored By
    Delegate Marriott (By Request - Baltimore City Administration) and Delegates Anderson, Carter, Goodwin, Harrison, Haynes, Kirk, Krysiak, McHale, McIntosh, Oaks, Paige, Pugh, and Rosenberg
    Vehicle Laws - Race-Based Traffic Stops - Sunset Extension and Reporting Requirements
    House: Environmental Matters
    Senate: Judicial Proceedings
  • HB 598

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates McHale, Carter, Doory, Goodwin, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Kirk, Krysiak, Marriott, McIntosh, Oaks, Paige, and Pugh
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Baltimore Museum of Industry
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 605

    Status as of May 26, 2006: Vetoed by the Governor - Policy

    Failed - Vetoed - Policy or Technical
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Jones, Anderson, Barkley, Barve, Bobo, Bromwell, Bronrott, Brown, Burns, Cadden, Carter, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Conroy, Costa, C. Davis, D. Davis, DeBoy, Doory, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Gordon, Griffith, Gutierrez, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Kirk, Krysiak, Lawton, Lee, Love, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, McHale, McIntosh, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Paige, Parker, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Rudolph, Simmons, Sophocleus, Stern, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vallario, Vaughn, Weir, and Zirkin
    State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Revisions
    House: Appropriations
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 628

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates McHale, Anderson, Hammen, Krysiak, McIntosh, Oaks, and Paige
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - The Powerhouse
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 629

    Status as of March 20, 2006: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Economic Matters

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Moe, Cluster, Conroy, Frush, Haddaway, Impallaria, Jameson, Kirk, Krebs, Krysiak, Love, McDonough, Miller, Parrott, Trueschler, Vaughn, Walkup, and Wood
    Labor and Employment - Licensing - Penalties for Employment of Undocumented Aliens
    House: Economic Matters
  • HB 630

    Status as of February 8, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Economic Matters

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Moe, Anderson, Bobo, Carter, Conroy, Donoghue, Feldman, Frush, Gutierrez, Heller, Jameson, Krysiak, Lee, Love, Mandel, McHale, Menes, Niemann, Pendergrass, Petzold, Quinter, Rosenberg, Rudolph, Taylor, F. Turner, and Vaughn
    Consumer Protection - Personal Information Protection Act
    House: Economic Matters
  • HB 660

    Status as of February 15, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Judiciary

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Sophocleus, Boschert, Bozman, Bromwell, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Costa, Dwyer, Gilleland, Harrison, Healey, Kelley, Krysiak, Love, Mayer, McComas, McMillan, Montgomery, Quinter, Simmons, Smigiel, and Weir
    Criminal Law - Use of Firearm in Commission of Crime
    House: Judiciary
  • HB 674

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Marriott, Anderson, C. Davis, Doory, Goodwin, Harrison, Haynes, Kirk, Krysiak, McIntosh, Oaks, Paige, and Pugh
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Waxter Center for Senior Citizens
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 679

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Harrison, Branch, C. Davis, Goodwin, Hammen, Haynes, Kirk, Krysiak, and McHale
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Historic East Baltimore Community Action Coalition
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 682

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Marriott, Anderson, C. Davis, Doory, Goodwin, Harrison, Haynes, Kirk, Krysiak, McIntosh, Oaks, Paige, and Pugh
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - The Trinity Family Life Center
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 684

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Marriott, Anderson, C. Davis, Doory, Goodwin, Harrison, Haynes, Kirk, Krysiak, McIntosh, Oaks, Paige, and Pugh
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Pimlico Road Arts and Community Center
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 685

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Marriott, Anderson, Carter, C. Davis, Doory, Goodwin, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Kirk, Krysiak, McHale, McIntosh, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Paige, Pugh, and Rosenberg
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Sandi's Learning Center
    House: Appropriations
  • Sponsored By
    Delegate Marriott (By Request - Baltimore City Administration) and Delegates C. Davis, Goodwin, Hammen, Harrison, Krysiak, McHale, McIntosh, Paige, and Pugh
    Criminal Procedure - Process Against Limited Liability Companies - Summons, Service, and Execution
    House: Judiciary
    Senate: Judicial Proceedings
  • HB 710

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 347

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Heller, Anderson, Barkley, Barve, Bates, Benson, Boschert, Boteler, Bozman, Bromwell, Brown, Burns, Cluster, Conroy, Conway, Cryor, C. Davis, Donoghue, Dumais, Elmore, Franchot, Glassman, Gutierrez, Hammen, Harrison, Hixson, Holmes, Hubbard, Impallaria, Jameson, Jennings, Jones, King, Kohl, Krysiak, Kullen, Mandel, McConkey, McDonough, McHale, Menes, Montgomery, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, O'Donnell, Parker, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Pugh, Quinter, Simmons, Sophocleus, Stern, Taylor, F. Turner, Vaughn, Zirkin, Bartlett, Cardin, Goodwin, Gordon, Healey, Howard, Kaiser, Marriott, McKee, Myers, Ramirez, and Ross
    Education - Blind and Visually Impaired Students - Instructional Materials
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 715

    Status as of April 25, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 188

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Minnick, Conroy, D. Davis, Haddaway, Holmes, Krysiak, Miller, Moe, Vaughn, and Wood
    Licensed Real Estate Brokers - Branch Offices - Managers
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 737

    Status as of March 7, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Health and Government Operations

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Healey, Burns, Conroy, DeBoy, Donoghue, Krysiak, Minnick, and Sophocleus
    Health Insurance - Individual Health Benefit Plans - Pregnancy Coverage
    House: Health and Government Operations
  • HB 754

    Status as of March 20, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Judiciary

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegate Marriott (By Request - Baltimore City Administration) and Delegates C. Davis, Goodwin, Hammen, Harrison, Krysiak, McHale, McIntosh, Paige, and Pugh
    Counties and Baltimore City - Inspectors General - Subpoena Power and Judicial Enforcement
    House: Judiciary
  • Sponsored By
    Delegates Jones, Anderson, Doory, Goodwin, Haynes, Kirk, Krysiak, McHale, McIntosh, Paige, Pugh, and F. Turner
    Higher Education - University System of Maryland and Morgan State University - Financial Management
    House: Appropriations
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 801

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Pugh, Anderson, Carter, C. Davis, Doory, Goodwin, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Kirk, Krysiak, Marriott, McHale, McIntosh, Oaks, Paige, and Rosenberg
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Coppin State University Lutheran Site Demolition
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 803

    Status as of March 22, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Environmental Matters

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Pugh, Carter, C. Davis, Doory, Goodwin, Hammen, Haynes, Kirk, Krysiak, Love, McHale, Miller, Murray, Oaks, and Paige
    Eminent Domain - Moving, Relocation, and Reestablishment Expenses
    House: Environmental Matters
  • HB 804

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Pugh, Goodwin, Marriott, Anderson, Carter, C. Davis, Doory, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Kirk, Krysiak, McHale, McIntosh, Oaks, Paige, and Rosenberg
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Parks & People Headquarters at Auchentoroly Terrace
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 818

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Kirk, Anderson, Carter, C. Davis, Doory, Goodwin, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Krysiak, Marriott, McHale, McIntosh, Oaks, Paige, Pugh, and Rosenberg
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Paul's Place
    House: Appropriations
  • Sponsored By
    Delegates Donoghue, Anderson, Aumann, Barkley, Bartlett, Barve, Bates, Benson, Bobo, Bohanan, Boschert, Boteler, Bozman, Branch, Bromwell, Bronrott, Brown, Burns, Busch, Cadden, Cane, Cardin, Carter, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Cluster, Conroy, Conway, Costa, Cryor, C. Davis, D. Davis, DeBoy, Doory, Dumais, Dwyer, Eckardt, Edwards, Elliott, Elmore, Feldman, Franchot, Frank, Frush, Gaines, Gilleland, Glassman, Goldwater, Goodwin, Gordon, Griffith, Gutierrez, Haddaway, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Hogan, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Impallaria, James, Jameson, Jennings, Jones, Kach, Kaiser, Kelley, Kelly, King, Kirk, Kohl, Krebs, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Leopold, Levy, Love, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, Mayer, McComas, McConkey, McDonough, McHale, McIntosh, McKee, McMillan, Menes, Miller, Minnick, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Myers, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, O'Donnell, Paige, Parker, Parrott, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Rudolph, Shank, Shewell, Simmons, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stern, Stocksdale, Stull, Taylor, Trueschler, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vallario, Vaughn, Walkup, Weir, Weldon, Wood, and Zirkin
    Health - Maryland Medbank Program - Sunset Repeal
    House: Health and Government Operations
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 869

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 359

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegate Morhaim, Delegate Hammen, Chair, Health and Government Operations Committee (By Request - Governor's Office of Minority Affairs and Transportation) and Delegates Cane, Love, Busch, Brown, Anderson, Harrison, McIntosh, D. Davis, Vallario, Hixson, Conway, Zirkin, Cardin, Barve, Burns, Jones, Oaks, Benson, Mandel, Nathan-Pulliam, Bromwell, Murray, Donoghue, V. Turner, Hubbard, Kach, Frank, Pendergrass, Rudolph, Weldon, Boteler, Costa, Elliott, Goldwater, Kohl, Bobo, Aumann, Bohanan, Bozman, Branch, Bronrott, Cadden, Carter, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Conroy, Cryor, C. Davis, DeBoy, Doory, Dumais, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Glassman, Goodwin, Gordon, Griffith, Gutierrez, Haynes, Healey, Holmes, Howard, James, Jameson, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Kirk, Krebs, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Leopold, Levy, Madaleno, Malone, Marriott, Mayer, McComas, McHale, McKee, Menes, Minnick, Moe, Montgomery, Niemann, Paige, Parrott, Patterson, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Shank, Shewell, Simmons, Sophocleus, Stern, Taylor, Trueschler, F. Turner, Vaughn, Weir, Wood, Heller, and McDonough
    Procurement - Minority Business Participation
    House: Health and Government Operations
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 907

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Conroy, Anderson, Aumann, Bartlett, Bates, Benson, Bobo, Bohanan, Boschert, Bozman, Bromwell, Brown, Cadden, Cane, Cardin, V. Clagett, Conway, Costa, Cryor, C. Davis, D. Davis, DeBoy, Donoghue, Doory, Dwyer, Edwards, Elliott, Frank, Frush, Gaines, Glassman, Goldwater, Griffith, Gutierrez, Hammen, Harrison, Healey, Hixson, Hogan, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, James, Jameson, Jones, Kach, Kelley, Kirk, Krebs, Krysiak, Lawton, Leopold, Levy, Love, Malone, Mandel, Mayer, McConkey, McDonough, McHale, McIntosh, McKee, McMillan, Menes, Miller, Minnick, Moe, Murray, Myers, O'Donnell, Parker, Patterson, Pendergrass, Proctor, Quinter, Ramirez, Ross, Rudolph, Shewell, Simmons, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stocksdale, Trueschler, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vallario, Vaughn, Weir, Weldon, and Wood
    Creation of a State Debt - American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 1054

    Status as of April 2, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Senate Rules

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Cardin, Anderson, Barkley, Benson, Bobo, Bronrott, V. Clagett, Cryor, C. Davis, Dumais, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Gordon, Gutierrez, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Howard, Hubbard, Kaiser, King, Krysiak, Lawton, Lee, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, McIntosh, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Paige, Parker, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Rosenberg, Ross, Simmons, Stern, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vallario, Vaughn, and Zirkin
    Election Law - Public Campaign Financing Act for Candidates for the General Assembly
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Senate Rules
  • HB 1107

    Status as of April 25, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 200

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Jameson, Feldman, Haddaway, Holmes, Krysiak, McConkey, Quinter, Vaughn, Wood, Conroy, Impallaria, Krebs, Miller, Parrott, Taylor, and Walkup
    Real Estate Licenses - Reciprocity
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 1108

    Status as of February 27, 2006: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Economic Matters

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Jameson, Feldman, Haddaway, Holmes, Krysiak, McConkey, Vaughn, and Wood
    Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons - Advertisements - Trade Names
    House: Economic Matters
  • HB 1122

    Status as of April 7, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - First Reading Senate Rules

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates V. Clagett, Aumann, Bartlett, Barve, Bates, Bobo, Bohanan, Boschert, Boteler, Bozman, Bromwell, Bronrott, Cadden, Cane, Cardin, G. Clagett, Cluster, Conway, Costa, Cryor, Donoghue, Dumais, Eckardt, Edwards, Elliott, Elmore, Franchot, Frank, Frush, Glassman, Gutierrez, Haddaway, Hogan, Holmes, Hubbard, Impallaria, James, Jameson, Jennings, Kach, Kelley, Kelly, King, Kohl, Kullen, Lawton, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, Mayer, McComas, McConkey, McIntosh, McKee, Miller, Montgomery, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, O'Donnell, Parrott, Patterson, Petzold, Pugh, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Rudolph, Shank, Shewell, Simmons, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stocksdale, Stull, Trueschler, Walkup, Weldon, Zirkin, Feldman, Krebs, Krysiak, Love, McHale, Moe, Taylor, Vaughn, and Wood
    Alcoholic Beverages - Limited Wine Wholesaler's License and Nonresident Winery Permit
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Senate Rules
  • HB 1130

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 380

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hixson, Anderson, Bartlett, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Boschert, Boteler, Bronrott, Brown, Cane, Carter, V. Clagett, Conroy, Cryor, C. Davis, Doory, Dumais, Elmore, Frush, Gilleland, Glassman, Goodwin, Gordon, Gutierrez, Healey, Heller, Howard, Hubbard, Jameson, Kach, Kaiser, King, Kirk, Krysiak, Lee, Love, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Parrott, Patterson, Proctor, Pugh, Ramirez, Ross, Simmons, Sossi, Stern, F. Turner, V. Turner, Weir, Bozman, Cardin, McKee, and Myers
    Education - Adult Education and Literacy Services - Funding
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • Sponsored By
    Delegates Moe, Barve, Benson, G. Clagett, Conroy, Costa, Donoghue, Doory, Feldman, Frush, Glassman, Haddaway, Harrison, Healey, Hogan, Jameson, Jennings, Kirk, Krebs, Krysiak, Lawton, Love, McHale, Menes, Miller, Minnick, Parrott, Trueschler, Vaughn, and Walkup
    Property Tax Credit - Nonprofit Swim Clubs
    House: Ways and Means
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 1202

    Status as of April 3, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - Unfavorable Finance

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Zirkin, Quinter, Bobo, Lee, Moe, Petzold, Burns, Conroy, D. Davis, Doory, Feldman, Harrison, Kirk, Krebs, Krysiak, Love, Minnick, Parrott, Taylor, Trueschler, Vaughn, and Walkup
    Consumer Protection - Consumer Reporting Agencies - Consumer Reports - Security Freezes
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 1246

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates King, Barkley, Cardin, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Cryor, C. Davis, Dumais, Feldman, Goldwater, Goodwin, Gutierrez, Healey, Hixson, Kaiser, Krysiak, Lawton, Lee, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, McIntosh, McKee, Montgomery, Murray, Paige, Rosenberg, and Stern
    Creation of a State Debt - Maryland Affordable Housing Trust
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 1251

    Status as of April 5, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Economic Matters

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates McHale, Conroy, Harrison, Impallaria, Kirk, Krysiak, Miller, Minnick, Moe, and Parrott
    Insurance - Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund - Offers of Coverage - Limitation
    House: Economic Matters
  • HB 1261

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 388

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Trueschler and Minnick and D. Davis, Frush, Gaines, Healey, Moe, Parker, Ramirez, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vaughn, Burns, Conroy, Doory, Haddaway, Harrison, Krebs, Krysiak, Love, McHale, Parrott, and Taylor
    Homeowner's Insurance - Summary of Coverage , Notice Regarding Flood Insurance, and Statement of Additional Optional Coverage
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 1280

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 389

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Brown, Cadden, Minnick, Burns, Conroy, D. Davis, Doory, Feldman, Haddaway, Harrison, Impallaria, Jameson, Kirk, Krebs, Krysiak, Love, McHale, Miller, Moe, Parrott, Taylor, Trueschler, Vaughn, Walkup, and Wood
    Aid to Service-Disabled Veterans and Military Reservists or National Guard Personnel Called to Active Duty
    House: Economic Matters and Ways and Means
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 1300

    Status as of April 7, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - Favorable with Amendments Finance

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Moe, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Bozman, Bronrott, Cardin, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Conroy, Conway, Costa, Donoghue, Doory, Frush, Glassman, Harrison, Jennings, Kirk, Krebs, Krysiak, Lawton, Love, Malone, McHale, Menes, Minnick, Morhaim, Murray, Parrott, Rudolph, Stull, Trueschler, F. Turner, Vaughn, and Weir
    Maryland Cigarette Fire Safety and Firefighter Protection Act
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 1309

    Status as of May 26, 2006: Vetoed by the Governor - Policy

    Failed - Vetoed - Policy or Technical
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Oaks, Rosenberg, Carter, Kirk, Krysiak, Marriott, McHale, and Paige
    Baltimore Corridor Transit Study - Red Line - Requirements and Citizens' Advisory Council
    House: Environmental Matters
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 1311

    Status as of March 24, 2006: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Economic Matters

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Jameson, Burns, Conroy, Krysiak, Love, Minnick, Moe, Trueschler, and Vaughn
    Vehicle Laws - Abandoned Vehicles - Storage and Sale
    House: Economic Matters
  • HB 1320

    Status as of February 22, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Economic Matters

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Rosenberg, Benson, Bromwell, G. Clagett, Conroy, Goldwater, Harrison, Kirk, Krysiak, Love, Mandel, Moe, Murray, and V. Turner
    Procurement - Service Contracts - Employee Compensation Standards
    House: Economic Matters
  • HB 1323

    Status as of April 25, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 122

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Walkup, Bozman, Eckardt, Haddaway, Rudolph, Holmes, Doory, Jameson, Krysiak, McHale, Miller, Minnick, Moe, Parrott, Trueschler, and Wood
    Electric Companies - Net Energy Metering - Accrual of Generated Electricity - Crediting to Customer's Account
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 1367

    Status as of February 15, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Judiciary

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Quinter, Anderson, Barkley, Benson, Bronrott, Brown, Burns, Conroy, Doory, Dumais, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Gutierrez, Haynes, Heller, Hubbard, Kelley, Krysiak, Lee, Madaleno, McIntosh, Menes, Moe, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, Paige, Patterson, Petzold, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Stern, Vaughn, and Zirkin
    Maryland Assault Weapons Ban of 2006
    House: Judiciary
  • HB 1424

    Status as of April 10, 2006: Bill is in the House - Favorable with Amendments Ways and Means

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hixson, Bohanan, Bozman, Bromwell, Brown, Cane, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Conway, Donoghue, Griffith, Hammen, James, Jameson, Krysiak, Kullen, Levy, Love, McHale, Minnick, Rudolph, and Wood
    Hometown Heroes Act of 2006 - Income Tax - Subtraction Modification for Retirement Income of Law Enforcement, Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Services Personnel
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 1431

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 396

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Vaughn, Anderson, Benson, C. Davis, Goodwin, Haynes, Howard, Oaks, Paige, Patterson, Ramirez, V. Turner, Burns, Conroy, D. Davis, Doory, Feldman, Haddaway, Harrison, Kirk, Krysiak, Love, McHale, Moe, Parrott, and Taylor
    Linked Deposit Program - State Depository Financial Institutions - Loans to Minority Business Enterprises
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 1470

    Status as of May 16, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 499

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Marriott, Haynes, Krysiak, McHale, Oaks, Paige, and Pugh
    Baltimore City Civilian Review Board - Additional Powers and Training
    House: Judiciary
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 1478

    Status as of March 28, 2006: Bill is in the House - Referred to interim study

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Love, Anderson, Aumann, Barkley, Bartlett, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Bohanan, Boschert, Burns, Cadden, Carter, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Cluster, Conroy, Costa, Cryor, C. Davis, D. Davis, DeBoy, Donoghue, Dumais, Edwards, Feldman, Franchot, Frank, Gaines, Gilleland, Goldwater, Goodwin, Gutierrez, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Hogan, Howard, Hubbard, James, Jennings, Jones, Kaiser, Kelly, King, Kohl, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Levy, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, McComas, McHale, McIntosh, McKee, Menes, Minnick, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Myers, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks, O'Donnell, Paige, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Proctor, Pugh, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Shank, Sophocleus, Stern, Trueschler, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vaughn, Weldon, Wood, and Zirkin
    Quality Child Care Access and Affordability Act
    House: Economic Matters and Ways and Means
  • HB 1513

    Status as of March 1, 2006: Bill is in the House - Re-referred Ways and Means

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Oaks, Carter, Anderson, C. Davis, Goodwin, Hammen, Kirk, Krysiak, McHale, Paige, and Rosenberg
    Election Law - County Offices or Baltimore City Municipal Offices - Election Dates
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 1517

    Status as of March 1, 2006: Bill is in the House - Re-referred Ways and Means

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegate McHale (By Request) and Delegates Hammen and Krysiak
    Baltimore City - Property Tax Credit for Qualified City Resident Homeowners - New Home Purchase
    House: Ways and Means
  • HB 1525

    Status as of April 10, 2006: Bill is in the Senate - Favorable with Amendments Finance

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates D. Davis, Doory, McHale, Burns, Harrison, Kirk, Krysiak, Love, Moe, Taylor, Vaughn, and Stern
    Electric Industry Restructuring - Standard Offer Service
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 1603

    Status as of March 13, 2006: Bill is in the House - Withdrawn Appropriations

    Failed Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hammen, Krysiak, and McHale
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Lloyd Street Synagogue
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 1639

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Hammen, Krysiak, McHale, Goodwin, and Pugh
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - National Aquarium in Baltimore
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 1654

    Status as of March 9, 2006: Bill is in the House - Re-referred Economic Matters

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Doory, Anderson, Branch, Bromwell, Burns, Cardin, Conroy, Conway, Franchot, Goldwater, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Hixson, Howard, Jones, Kirk, Krysiak, Love, Malone, Marriott, McHale, McIntosh, Menes, Moe, Morhaim, Nathan-Pulliam, Paige, Patterson, Pendergrass, Pugh, Rosenberg, and Zirkin
    Commission to Study the Proposed Merger of FPL Group, Inc. and Constellation Energy Group, Inc. and Rate Cap Extension
    House: Economic Matters
  • HB 1660

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Jones, Doory, Haynes, Krysiak, and McHale
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Port Discovery
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 1674

    Status as of April 10, 2006: Became Law - Overridden Veto

    Became Law - Overridden Veto
    Sponsored By
    Delegates F. Turner, Pendergrass, Anderson, Barkley, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Branch, Brown, Cadden, Cane, Carter, G. Clagett, Conroy, Conway, D. Davis, DeBoy, Donoghue, Doory, Dumais, Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Goldwater, Gordon, Gutierrez, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Howard, Hubbard, James, Jones, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Kirk, Krysiak, Lawton, Lee, Levy, Madaleno, Malone, Marriott, McHale, McIntosh, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Paige, Parker, Patterson, Petzold, Proctor, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Rudolph, Simmons, Stern, Taylor, V. Turner, Vallario, and Vaughn
    University System of Maryland - Restrictions on Campaign Fund-Raising Activities by Members of the Board of Regents
    House: Environmental Matters
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
  • HB 1696

    Status as of April 11, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 109

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates James, Anderson, Arnick, Aumann, Barkley, Bartlett, Barve, Bates, Benson, Bobo, Bohanan, Boschert, Boteler, Bozman, Branch, Bromwell, Bronrott, Burns, Cadden, Cane, Cardin, Carter, G. Clagett, V. Clagett, Cluster, Conroy, Conway, Costa, C. Davis, DeBoy, Donoghue, Dwyer, Eckardt, Edwards, Franchot, Gaines, Gilleland, Goodwin, Gordon, Griffith, Haddaway, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Hixson, Hogan, Holmes, Hubbard, Impallaria, Jameson, Jennings, Jones, Kach, Kelly, Kirk, Krebs, Krysiak, Lawton, Leopold, Levy, Love, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, Mayer, McConkey, McDonough, McHale, McIntosh, McKee, Menes, Miller, Minnick, Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Myers, Niemann, Oaks, O'Donnell, Paige, Parker, Parrott, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Proctor, Rosenberg, Rudolph, Shank, Shewell, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stern, Stocksdale, F. Turner, Weir, Wood, and Zirkin
    Retirement and Pensions - Service Retirement Allowance - Creditable Service
    House: Appropriations
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 1712

    Status as of April 9, 2006: Bill is in the House - Third Reading Passed

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates D. Davis McHale, Doory, Burns, Harrison, Kirk, Krysiak, Love, Moe, Taylor, Vaughn, and Stern
    Electric Restructuring - Standard Offer Service - Rate Stabilization
    House: Economic Matters
  • HB 1713

    Status as of April 8, 2006: Vetoed by the Governor - Policy

    Failed - Vetoed - Policy or Technical
    Sponsored By
    Delegates D. Davis , McHale, Doory, Moe, Burns, Conroy, Feldman, Harrison, Impallaria, Kirk, Krysiak, Love, Minnick, Parrott, Taylor, Vaughn, Hubbard, Benson, Gaines, Howard, James, McDonough, and McMillian
    Public Service Companies - Mergers, Acquisitions, and Financing
    House: Economic Matters
    Senate: Finance
  • HB 1728

    Status as of April 4, 2006: Bill is in the House - Unfavorable Appropriations

    Became Law - Bond Bill rolled into Capitol Budget
    Sponsored By
    Delegates McHale, Hammen, and Krysiak
    Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Helping Up Mission
    House: Appropriations
  • HB 1737

    Status as of April 25, 2006: Became Law - Chapter 110

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates James , Conway, Jones, Barkley, Bates, Bohanan, Cadden, G. Clagett, Eckardt, Edwards, Gaines, Griffith, Haynes, Leopold, Paige, Proctor, Stocksdale, Busch, Anderson, Aumann, Bartlett, Barve, Bates, Benson, Boteler, Bozman, Bromwell, Bronrott, Brown, Burns, Cane, Cardin, V. Clagett, Cluster, Conroy, Cryor, Donoghue, Doory, Dumais, Elliott, Elmore, Feldman, Franchot, Frank, Frush, Glassman, Goodwin, Gordon, Haddaway, Hammen, Healey, Heller, Hixson, Hogan, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Impallaria, Jameson, Jennings, Kaiser, Kelley, Kelly, King, Kohl, Krebs, Krysiak, Kullen, Lawton, Lee, Love, Malone, Mandel, Mayer, McComas, McConkey, McDonough, McHale, McIntosh, McKee, McMillan, Minnick, Montgomery, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Oaks, Parker, Parrott, Patterson, Pendergrass, Petzold, Pugh, Quinter, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Shank, Shewell, Simmons, Smigiel, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stern, Stull, Taylor, V. Turner, Weir, Weldon, and Zirkin
    State Employees' and Teachers' Retirement Enhancement Benefit Act of 2006
    House: Appropriations
    Senate: Budget and Taxation
  • HB 1748

    Status as of March 27, 2006: Bill is in the House - First Reading Ways and Means

    Failed - Dead Legislation
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Marriott, Anderson, Branch, Brown, C. Davis, Doory, Goodwin, Hammen, Harrison, Haynes, Kirk, Krysiak, McHale, McIntosh, Oaks, Paige, Pugh, and Rosenberg
    Baltimore City - Public School System - Restructuring - Legislative Approval
    House: Ways and Means
  • HJ 3

    Status as of May 2, 2006: Became Law - Joint Resolution 4

    Became Law - Governor Signed
    Sponsored By
    Delegates Bromwell , Cadden, Harrison, Conroy, Conway, Cryor, Edwards, Gordon, Kach, Krysiak, McHale, Menes, Stull, Walkup, and Wood
    Grant of Federal Charter to the Korean War Veterans Association, Incorporated
    House: House Rules and Executive Nominations
    Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
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