2005 Regular Session
- Entitled
Corporate Income Tax Reform
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
State Board of Examiners in Optometry - Regulation of Optometric Care
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Higher Education - Community Colleges and Regional Higher Education
Centers - Degree Programs
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Appropriations
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Criminal Justice Information System - National Crime Prevention and
Privacy Compact
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Controlled Dangerous Substance Offenses - Subsequent Offender
Penalties - Incarceration in Another Jurisdiction
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Basic Human Rights Act of 2005
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Video Lottery Terminals - New Racetrack at Pocomoke City
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
Health General - Diseases Required to be Reported by Medical
Laboratories - Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Massage Therapists - Certification and Registration -
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Maryland Clean Cars Act of 2005
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Natural Resources - Nonresident
Hunting Licenses - Types
and Fees
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Mid-Atlantic Regional Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether Compact
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Same Sex Marriages - Foreign Jurisdictions - Invalidity
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Natural Resources - Seafood Landing License - Establishment
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Gaming and Video Lottery Terminals - State Lottery Commission -
Licensing, Revenues, and Operations
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
Commercial Drivers' Licenses - Standards, Requirements, and Penalties
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters and Judiciary
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners - Physical Therapists and
Assistants - Qualifications and Scope of License
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Licensed Out-of-State Certified Public Accountants - Authority to
Practice Certified Public Accountancy
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Medical Decision Making Act of 2005
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Senate Rules
- Entitled
Maryland Polysomnography Act
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Financial Institutions - Consumer Credit - Mortgage Originators
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Corporate Income Tax - Single Sales Factor Apportionment - Reporting
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
Senate: Budget and Taxation
- Entitled
Health Occupations - License Waiver - Pro Bono Services of Federal
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
State Board of Massage Therapy Examiners - Licensure, Registration,
and Regulation
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Environment - Air Quality - Reducing Emissions of Four Pollutants
from Power Plants
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Citizens' Protection Act of 2005
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
State Board of Glass Technician Examiners - Licensure and Regulation
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
State Board of Cosmetologists - License Renewal - Continuing
Education Requirements
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Vehicle Laws -
Vehicles Temporarily Used in Farming - Registration
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Public Safety - National Capital Region Mutual Aid Agreements
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Blue Ribbon Panel Recommendations for the Washington Metropolitan Area
Transit Authority
- Committee
Assignments -
- Entitled
Procurement - Debarment - Violations of Law
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
State Government - International and Interstate
Compacts and Agreements - Filing and Publication
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Criminal Justice Information System - National Crime Prevention and
Privacy Compact
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Maryland Clean Cars Act of 2005
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
State Racing Commission Reorganization Act
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Higher Education - Nursing Scholarships
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
Education - Procurement - Reciprocal Preferences for Resident Bidders
or Resident Offerors
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Ways and Means and Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
State Board of Massage Therapy Examiners - Licensure, Registration,
and Regulation
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Massage Therapists - Certification and Registration -
Educational Qualifications
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Commercial Drivers' Licenses - Standards, Requirements, and Penalties
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
House: Environmental Matters and Judiciary
- Entitled
Criminal Procedure - Jurisdiction for Electronic and Other Crimes -
Territorial Applicability
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Financial Institutions - Consumer Credit - Mortgage Originators
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Mid-Atlantic Regional Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether Compact
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Licensed Out-of-State Certified Public Accountants - Authority to
Practice Certified Public Accountancy
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Environment - Air Quality - Emissions of Four Pollutants from Power
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Insurance - Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Medical Decision Making Act of 2005
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Basic Human Rights Act of 2005
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems and Holding Tanks - Licensing
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs