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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0206 - Condominiums - Common Elements - Clean Energy Equipment

Judicial Proceedings 1/30/2024 1:00:00 PM
Environment and Transportation 3/26/2024 1:00:00 PM
As of: 2/15/2025 11:19:07 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator Smith, Senator Smith FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Haaser, Brian FAV SB-0206-FAV-Haaser 01-30-2024.pdf JPR
Cohn, Debbie FAV Testimony CCMC SB206 FINAL.pdf JPR
Fahrig, Landon Maryland Energy Administration FAV SB0206 (HB0216) - FAV.pdf JPR
Morhaim, Dan none FAV SB 206 and HB 216.pdf JPR
Yeazel, Seth FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Testimony - SB0206_Seth Yeazel.pdf
McGilvray, Laurie Climate Justice Wing of the Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV SB206 Condominiums-Common Elements – Clean Energy_ JPR
Vernon, Michael UNF No Testimony JPR
Posner, Mark Maryland Sierra Club FAV SB206_MDSierraClub_fav 30Jan2024.pdf JPR
sirkel, jess UNF No Testimony JPR
D’Orazio , Daniela UNF No Testimony JPR
Elrich, Marc Montgomery County Government FAV SB 206 - MoCo_Elrich_FAV (GA 24).pdf JPR
Fisher, Joshua Alliance for Automotive Innovation FAV No Testimony JPR
Williams, Peggy UNF No Testimony JPR
Mizrahi, Jennifer Mizrahi Family Charitable Fund FAV SB206 Favorable
Testimony for SB206 - Condominiums-Common Elements
Elbourn, James UNF No Testimony JPR
Price, Suzanne Concerned Citizen UNF No Testimony JPR
Arshavsky, Svetlana UNF No Testimony JPR
Fixsen, Elizabeth Indivisible Howard County FAV SB206_IndivisibleHoCoMd_FAV_ElizabethFixsen.pdf JPR
Volkmar, Leslie UNF No Testimony JPR
Plante, Cecilia Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV SB0206_Conominimums_Clean_Energy_Equipment_MLC_FAV JPR
Lang, Alan UNF No Testimony JPR
Morel, Stephen Montgomery County Green Bank FAV No Testimony JPR
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 1-30-2024 at 1143 AM JPR
Senator Smith, Senator Smith FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Fahrig, Landon Maryland Energy Administration FAV SB0206 (HB0216) - FAV - House.pdf ENT
Williams, Peggy UNF No Testimony ENT
Meyerovich, Mark UNF No Testimony ENT
Arshavsky, Svetlana UNF No Testimony ENT
McGilvray, Laurie Climate Justice Wing of the Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV SB206 Condominiums-Common Elements – Clean Energy_ ENT
Lang, Alan UNF No Testimony ENT
Hopkins, Barbara UNF No Testimony ENT
Diefenbach, Linda UNF No Testimony ENT
Elbourn, James UNF No Testimony ENT
DOrazio, Peter Year UNF No Testimony ENT
Bartolomeo, Kathleen GCAN, MCRT FAV No Testimony ENT
Robinson, Lee UNF SB206_Robinson_UNF ENT
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