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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0234 - Personal Information - State and Local Agencies - Restrictions on Access (Maryland Driver Privacy Act)

Judicial Proceedings 1/28/2021 11:00:00 AM
As of: 9/18/2024 7:12:09 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator Lam, Senator Lam FAV No Testimony JPR
Le, Kim FAV SB0234.pdf JPR
Harrison, Jeffrey FAV Jeffrey_Harrison_FAV_SB234.pdf JPR
Follingstad, Susaanti Sanctuary DMV and Maryland Against ICE Detention FAV MDAID - Support Driver Privacy bill SB 234.pdf
SDMV - Support Driver Privacy bill SB 234.pdf
Sugarman, Kate Doctors For Camp Closure and MD Against ICE Detention FAV D4CC - Support Driver Privacy Act SB 234.pdf JPR
Smeton, Jonathan SURJ Baltimore FAV SB 234 - Driver Privacy Act.pdf JPR
Kickenson, Jerry Congregation Action Network FAV Testimony in support of SB0234 - CAN.pdf JPR
Egan, Ashley UULM-MD FAV Support of SB234 - MVA Data Privacy- Steve Eckstra
Testimony in Support of SB 234 - MVA Data Privacy
Britt, Adiena N/A FAV No Testimony JPR
Girdner, Linnie FAV SB0234 Support Driver Privacy Act LG.pdf JPR
Syrrakos, Holly Takoma Park Mobilization FAV TPM SB234 Support.pdf JPR
Lloyd, Rianna Jews United for Justice FAV SB234 - Anita Lampel.pdf
SB234 - Carol Stern.pdf
SB234 - Emily Blank.pdf
SB234 - Jerry Kickenson.pdf
SB234 - Shana Fischer - Jews United for Justice.pd
Atwood, Laura Takoma Park Mobilization FAV SB234 - support (individual).pdf JPR
Bedoya , Alvaro FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Alvaro Bedoya_FAV_SB234.pdf
Rochkind, Jonathan FAV SB 154 - Right to Counsel in Eviction Hearings.pdf JPR
Sell, Jennifer SURJ3A FAV SB0234- Testimony- Support- JS.pdf JPR
Escobar, George FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Caucus, MD Latino FAV SB234_LatinoCaucus_FAV.pdf JPR
Plante, Cecilia Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV TESTIMONY FOR SB0234 Personal Information - State JPR
Juberg, Arielle FAV SB0234 Written Testimony A Juberg.pdf JPR
Cocke, Abigail Baltimore for Border Justice FAV SB0234 Testimony Driver Privacy.pdf JPR
Tu, Chengbiao N/A UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
SB 234 Testmony Against.pdf
Miicke , Sarah FAV SB234 Testimony 2021 Limiting access to MVA record JPR
Murray, Kerriann SURJ FAV SB234 written testimony - Murray.pdf JPR
Rendall, Shari FAIR UNF Maryland testimony opposing SB 234 - Facial Recogn JPR
Gorny, Daniel FAV SB 234 - Driver Privacy Act.pdf JPR
Elliott, Richard DeShay Prince George's County Young Democrats FAV Legislative Testimony 234.pdf JPR
Ewing, Hamza CAIR Office in Maryland FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Esposito, Lindsay SURJ - Baltimore FAV SB 234 - Driver Privacy Act Esposito 1.26.21.pdf JPR
Ross, Sarah FAV No Testimony JPR
Todd, Tamara FAV SB 234 - Driver Privacy Act.docx.pdf JPR
Ritz, David FAV No Testimony JPR
Drukker-Schardl, Evan FAV No Testimony JPR
Waychoff, Amy UNF SB 234 Written Testimony 1_28_21.pdf JPR
Bellanca, Emily FAV No Testimony JPR
Bankard, Sarah FAV No Testimony JPR
Yoder, Daryl FAV SB 234 - Driver Privacy Act.pdf JPR
Green, David Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Beskid, Jennifer Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Paul, Cathryn FAV Elsa Vargas_FAV_SB234.pdf
Gabriel Albornoz_FAV_SB234.pdf
Jose Hernandez_FAV_SB234.pdf
Karla Rodriquez_FAV_SB234.pdf
Marcia Bravo_FAV_SB234.pdf
Hauck, Barbara SURJ Baltimore FAV SB 234 - Driver Privacy Act BH.pdf JPR
Spielberger, Joe ACLU of Maryland FAV SB 234_FAV_ACLU_Spielberger.pdf JPR
Paul, Ellen UNF SB 234.pdf JPR
Martinez, Ashanti FAV AAJC_FAV_SB234.pdf
Alex Kohn_FAV_SB234.pdf
Dianne Seiffert_FAV_SB234.pdf
Perry Beider_FAV_SB234.pdf
Robert Cullen_FAV_SB234.pdf
Tammy Spengler_FAV_SB234.pdf
Emmanuelle, Colline FAV In favor SB0234.pdf JPR
DeStefano, Amanda FAV No Testimony JPR
Moravec, Joseph FAV 2021.1.26_FIRN Testimony_Drivers Privacy Act.pdf JPR
Lam, Clarence FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Haile, Sara FAV No Testimony JPR
Gutierrez, Rosa FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Westervelt, Patricia Maryland Department of Transportation UNF SB0234 - MVA - Personal Information - Restrictions JPR
Kemerer, Hannibal Office of Attorney General FAV 2021-01-28 SB 234 (Support).pdf JPR
Katz, Nick FAV NILC_FAV_SB234.pdf
Our Revolution_FAV_SB234.pdf
Zeng, Jianning UNF AgainstSB0234.pdf JPR
Ratnayake, Kushan FAV Testimony in support of SB0234.pdf JPR
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 1-28-2021 at 853 AM JPR
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