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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0746 - Education - Community Colleges - Collective Bargaining

Finance 3/4/2021 1:00:00 PM
As of: 3/31/2025 7:17:36 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator Guzzone, Senator Guzzone FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Elrich, Marc Montgomery County Executive FAV SB 746 - MoCo - CE (GA 21).pdf FIN
Moger, Susan FAV Susan Moger_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Pappas-Brown, Valeria FAV Valeria Pappas-Brown_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Paisner, Hana FAV Hana Paisner_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Yates, Peggy FAV Peggy Yates_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Grossman, Karen FAV Karen Grossman_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Casteel, Bruce FAV Bruce Casteel_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Ways, Kirt FAV Kirt Ways_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Pittman, Steuart Anne Arundel County Executive FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Anne Arundel County_FAV_SB 746.pdf
Bevelaqua, Joan FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Joan Bevelaqua_Support_SB 746.pdf
Sanchez, Jorge FAV Jorge Sanchez_Support_SB746.pdf FIN
jeter, Mary FAV Mary Jeter_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Moran, Ryan FAV Ryan Moran_Support_SB746.pdf FIN
Stanik, Joseph FAV Joe Stanik_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Kassaye, Ermias FAV Ermias Kassaye_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Clem, Nicole FAV Nicole Clem_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Gaquin, Audrey FAV Audrey Gaquin_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Adams, Rachel FAV Rachel Adams_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Stull, Eric several FAV Eric Stull_Support_SB 746[19553].pdf FIN
Bost, Cheryl Maryland State Education Association FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Landers, Addison Howard Community College FAV Addison Landers_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Diamond, Brendan FAV Brendan Diamond_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Murek, Sally Please Select FAV Sally Murek_Support_SB 746 College collective barg FIN
Lindsay, Dawn Anne Arundel Community College UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Schumaker, Richard FAV Richard Schumaker_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Tatum, Mark FAV Mark Tatum_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Paez, Linda FAV Linda Paez_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Kent, Deborah FAV Deborah Kent_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Plante, Cecilia Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV SB0746_Community_Colleges_Bargaining_MLC_FAV.pdf FIN
Ortiz, Gracey FAV Gracey Ortiz_Support_SB746.pdf FIN
Morrison, Pia SEIU Local 500 FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SEIU 500 SB 746 SUPPORT Testimony.pdf
Young, Ron FAV Testimony for Senate Bill 746 - Prince George's Co FIN
Guy, Paulette FAV Paulette Guy_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Moore, Jeffrey FAV Jeffrey-Moore-Support.pdf FIN
Conner, Charles Office of the Baltimore County Executive FAV BaltimoreCounty_FAV_SB0746.pdf FIN
Sage, Kathy FAV Kathy Sage_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Collins-Cavanaugh, Daniel FAV Daniel Collins-Cavanaugh_Support_SB 746[1707].pdf FIN
Fields, Iesha FAV Iesha Fields_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Coppersmith, Clifford Maryland Association of Community Colleges UNF SB746_CC_unfav_Copprsmith.pdf FIN
Otten, Richard FAV Otten Testimony in support of House Bill 894 Senat FIN
Gardner, Jan Frederick County Executive FAV SB 746_FrederickCoCE_Gardner_Support.pdf FIN
Dawson, Marci FAV Dawson SB746 Legislative Testimony.pdf FIN
Goetsch, Shana FAV Shana Goetsch_Support_SB 746 (1).pdf FIN
Lungociu, Kimberly FAV Kim Lungociu_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Tropin, Mitchell FAV Mitchell Tropin_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Mathias, Keith FAV Keith Mathias_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Robinson, Adam FAV Adam Robinson_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Muirhead, Jake FAV Jake Muirhead_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Sadusky, Dr. Bernard Maryland Association of Community Colleges (MACC) UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
McComb, CC FAV Chris McComb_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Stevenson, Christopher 1199SEIU FAV Testimony-SB746-Education- Community Colleges -Col FIN
Parks, Anya FAV Anya Parks_Support_SB746.pdf FIN
Scott, Jereme FAV Jereme Scott_Support_SB 746 (1).pdf FIN
Pitts, Anthony FAV Anthony Pitts_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Neuman, Linda FAV Linda Neuman_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Parks, Todd FAV Todd Parks_Support_SB746.pdf FIN
Rocha, Janaina FAV Janaina Rocha_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Torres, Stephen FAV Stephen Torres_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Cavanagh, Terry SEIU Maryland & DC State Council FAV SEIU Testimony on SB746 Community Colleges - Colle FIN
Ochs, Maxwell FAV Max Ochs_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Bruno, Timothy FAV Tim Bruno_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Kambic, Mary FAV Mary Kambic_Support_SB 746 (1).pdf FIN
Wulf, Charlotte FAV Charlotte Wulf_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Stanton, Jon FAV Jon Stanton_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Middleton, Glen AFSCME Council 67 FAV AFSCME Council 67-FAV-SB746.pdf FIN
Edwards, Donna Maryland State and DC AFL-CIO FAV SB 746 - MD DC AFL-CIO - SUPPORT.pdf FIN
Simon, Travis FAV AA CE Steuart Pittman Support HB 894:SB746 0210202
Balt. City Mayor Scott Letter Support Community Co
Baltimore County Johnny O Support for SB746:HB894.
CE Alsobrooks PG Testimony for Senate Bill 746 - P
Frederick CE Gadner Support Letter for SB 746:HB89
Howard CE Ball Supprt 2021 HB 894 - Collective Bar
MOCO CE Elrich Support SB 746:HB894.pdf
murrell, renee FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Renee Murrell_Support_SB 746.pdf
Jackson, Marcus Associated Builders and Contractors UNF sb746test(mj).pdf FIN
Murphy, Maureen College of Southern Maryland UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
SB746 Murphy_Maureen_Testimony_3 2 21.pdf
Zwerling, Samantha Maryland State Education Association FAV SB 746 - Education – Community Colleges – Collecti FIN
Riley, Denise FAV Written SB 746 Coll Barg Comm Colleges.pdf FIN
Kinnally, Kevin Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Schumitz, Kali Maryland Center on Economic Policy FAV SB 746_MDCEP_FAV.pdf FIN
Miller, William FAV Bill Miller Testimony_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Mack, Jonn FAV Jonn Mack_Support_SB 746 (1).pdf FIN
Hale, Terry Cecil County Councils Office UNF SB 746 LOO Final.pdf FIN
Ruffin, Prem-Raj FAV Prem-Raj Ruffin_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Moore, Jeffrey FAV Jeff Moore_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
DUMAIS, BRIG 1199SEIU UHE FAV Favorable SB 746 - Education - Community Colleges FIN
Wilson, Michael UFCW Local 400 FAV 20210304Testimony in Support of SB746.pdf FIN
Hoy, Murray Wor-Wic Community College UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
SB746 Collective Bargaining Opposition Testimony -
Millar, Amy UFCW Local 1994 MCGEO FAV Collective Bargaining Testimony.pdf FIN
Ball, Calvin Office of Howard County Executive Calvin Ball FAV CE Ball 2021 SB 746 - Collective Bargaining .pdf FIN
Houser-Archield, Nadene FAV Nadene Houser-Archield_Support_SB 746.pdf FIN
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 3-2-2021 at 300 PM FIN
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