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Delegate Terri L. Hill

Hill, Terri L.
Committee Assignment(s)
Health and Government Operations Committee
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404 Lowe House Office Building
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Annapolis, MD 21401
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404 Lowe House Office Building
6 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone 410-841-3378
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District 12A
Hill, Terri L.
First elected to the Maryland House of Delegates in 2014. Member of the House since 2015.
Current Assignments
2015 Health and Government Operations Committee
2019 Public Health and Minority Health Disparities Subcommittee of the Health and Government Operations Committee
2020 Government Operations and Health Facilities Subcommittee of the Health and Government Operations Committee
2025 Joint Committee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Biotechnology
2020 Secretary, Baltimore County Delegation
2015 Women Legislators of Maryland
2015 Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland
2015 Maryland Legislative Latino Caucus, Associate Member
2024 Maryland Legislative Jewish Caucus, Associate Member
Past House Service
Government Operations and Estates and Trusts Subcommittee of the Health and Government Operations Committee, 2019; Health Facilities and Occupations Subcommittee of the Health and Government Operations Committee, 2017; Insurance Subcommittee of the Health and Government Operations Committee, 2015-2019; Health Facilities and Pharmaceuticals Subcommittee of the Health and Government Operations Committee, 2017-2019; Estates and Trusts Subcommittee of the Health and Government Operations Committee, 2015-2017; Affordable Care Act (ACA) Workgroup, 2018; Death with Dignity Workgroup, 2015; House Chair, Howard County Delegation, 2018-2019.
Public Service
Maryland Cannabis Public Health Advisory Council, 2023-; Maryland State Advisory Council on Hereditary and Congenital Disorders, 2022-; Moderator, N.O.B.E.L Women Annual Legislative Conference panel on Health Equity, 2022; Commission to Advance Next Generation 9-1-1 Across Maryland, 2021-2022; University of Maryland School of Public Health Environmental Justice & Health Disparities Symposium "2G Intersectional EJ: Racism, Incarceration, and Toxic Prisons in the US", 2021; Board of Directors, Columbia Center for Theatrical Arts, 2021-; Attorney General's COVID-19 Access to Justice Task Force, 2020; American Medical Association State Advocacy Summit panel on "Prior Authorization Reform: Policy and Strategy", 2020; The Public Leadership Institute Annual State Strategy Forum, Panel on Healthcare and Prescription Drug Legislation, 2019; Alzheimer's Association 15th Annual Pythias A. and Virginia I. Jones African American Community Form on Memory Loss, 2019; "Hot Topics in Public Health", Johns Hopkins Center for Diversity in Leadership in Public Health Leadership, 2019; Black Women's Agenda and AARP "I Am The Change: Living Your Best Life at Every Age," Summit, 2018; "Local Engagement for Equity in Public Health Policy," Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School, 2018; "PlayMore!Building Healthy Communities through Youth Sports," Risk Management and Policy Development Panel, 2018; "Sport-related Brain Trauma Head O:" A Film Screening & Panel Discussion, George Washington University School of Business, 2018; Travis Smiley Presents - ROAD to HEALTH, Health Fitness and Wellness Expo"; Guest appearances: CBS Radio, "The Back Room" and "92 Q The Big Phat Morning Show"; Guest appearances in programs sponsored by Monumental Medical Society, Student National Medical Associations, the University of Maryland Medical School and; Johns Hopkins University, Morgan State University, Coppin State College, Office of Baltimore Mayor Shelia Dixon, The American Cancer Society; Maryland Commission on Women, "Women of Tomorrow" Awards, Selection Committee, 2005-2006; American Red Cross of Central Maryland, Board of Directors, Emergency Services Committee, 1997-2003; Operation Smile, Mission Surgeon: China (2004); Venezuela (1998 & 1995); Baltimore (1996-1999), 1996-2004; Camp About Face (for children with facial deformities), Counselor, 1999; Vision Howard County, 1999; Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons Financial Aid Committee, 1981-1985; Panelist Johns Hopkins University, Symposium on Scientifically and Mathematically Precocious Youth; St. Bernadine Roman Catholic Church, Corporator, Lector and Bible Study Leader.
American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons; Maryland State Medical Society (MedChi); John Stage Davis Society (past secretary); National Medical Association; Maryland Legislative Transit Caucus, 2019-; Webster Society; Howard and Anne Arundel County Medical Societies; American Medical Association; American Medical Women's Association; St. Bernadine Roman Catholic Church; Thurgood Marshal Democratic Club, Founding Member and Voter Services Chair, Howard County, 2011-; Columbia Democratic Club; Southwest Baltimore County Democratic Club, 2015-2022; League of Women Voters, Howard County; National Organization for Women; National (Political) Congress of Black Women, Howard County Chapter; The Scarborough Association (HOA), Board of Directors (Member-at-Large and Documents Committee Chair), 2006-2012; Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Howard County Chapter, 2003-; Western Howard Democratic Club, Ellicott City, MD; Founding Member, National (Political Congress of Black Women, Howard County Chapter.
Green Champion, Maryland League of Conservation Voters, 2023; Sheroes of Philanthropy Honoree, Howard County Women's Giving Circle, 2021; Howard County Women's Hall of Fame Inductee, Howard County MD Commission on Women, 2020; Advocate of the Year, Maryland League of Conservation Voters, 2020; Honorary Inductee, Omega Beta Iota, Osteopathic Political Honor Society, 2019; Health Promotion Achievement Award, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., North Atlantic Region, 2017; Legislative Award, Medical and Chirurgical Society of Maryland (MedChi), 2017; Legislator of the Year, Maryland Association of Eye Physicians, 2016; Women on the Move Award, Small Business, Associated Black Charties, Baltimore, MD, 2015; Women in Medicine Award, Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Baltimore Chapter, 2015; Mother Mary Lange Leadership Award, Archdiocese of Baltimore, 2012; Community Service Award, Columbia, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Columbia, MD, 2009; Outstanding Professional Achievement Spirit Award, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Columbia, MD Chapter, 2004; Tribute to Excellence Award, Baltimore Black Women's Leadership Conference, 2003; Distinguished Black Marylander, Towson University, Towson, MD, 2001; Baltimore AFRAM Salute: "Hope for Tomorrow", 1992; Aura E. Severinghaus Scholar, National Medical Fellowships, Inc. (Outstanding Academic Achievement, Leadership, and Community Service), 1985; Class Marshall, Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges; Dean's List, Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges; Honoree, Salute to Outstandig Young Women, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Baltimore, MD Chapter, 1979; National Merit Finalist.
Biographical Information
Born, Pennsylvania, May 3, 1959; Wilde Lake Senior High School, Columbia, Maryland, 1977; Harvard University, A.B. Bioelectric Engineering, 1981; Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, M.D.,1985; Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, Resident, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 1988-1990; University of Miami School of Medicine, Fellowship, Craniofacial Surgery, 1991; American Board of Plastic Surgery, Board Certification, 1994; Terri L. Hill, M.D. P.A., solo medical practice, 1991-; Visage Rejuvenation Spa, LLC, Medical Director and Owner, 2006-present.
Last Updated: 3/27/2025 6:47 PM
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