As of: 12/21/2024 8:22:06 AM
Created: 1/31/2023 9:53 AM
8:30 AM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
These bills are being heard before the Pension Subcommittee
Sen Jackson
Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System - Membership - Emergency Medical Technicians
(Added - 2/3/2023 1:56 PM)
Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns)
Correctional Officers' Retirement System - Transfer of Membership - Modifications
(Added - 2/3/2023 1:56 PM)
Sen Bailey
State Employee and Retiree Health Benefits - Creditable Service - Historic St. Mary's City Commission
(Added - 2/2/2023 3:10 PM)
Sen Elfreth, et al
State Police Retirement System, Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System, and Judges' Retirement System - Surviving Spouse Benefit - Same-Sex Spouses
(Added - 2/2/2023 3:10 PM)
Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns)
State Retirement and Pension System - Amortization of Unfunded Liabilities and Surpluses
(Added - 2/3/2023 1:56 PM)
(Added - 2/3/2023 1:56 PM)
Created: 1/31/2023 9:53 AM
8:30 AM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Bill Hearings
Created: 1/6/2023 1:06 PM
1:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/6/2023 1:06 PM
1:00 PM - Miller Senate Building, William Amoss Room, 4th Floor, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/6/2023 1:06 PM
1:00 PM - Miller Senate Building, Schweinhaut Room, 4th Floor, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/27/2023 3:48 PM
1:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Updated Bill Order
Sen Rosapepe, et al
Cryptocurrency - Campaign Finance Prohibitions - Disclosures by Financial Institutions
(Added - 2/2/2023 11:37 AM)
Sen Ready, et al
Election Law - Casting General Election Ballot in Multiple States - Prohibition
Sen Gallion
State Board of Elections - Municipal Elections - Publication of Results on Website
(Added - 2/2/2023 11:37 AM)
(Added - 2/2/2023 11:37 AM)
(Added - 2/9/2023 12:34 PM)
Sen Jackson
State's Attorney, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Register of Wills, Sheriff, and Judge of the Orphans' Court - Nonpartisan Elections
(Removed - 2/13/2023 8:40 AM)
Created: 2/15/2023 4:46 PM
3:30 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Sen Kagan
Open Meetings Act - State Ethics Commission (Maryland State Agency Transparency Act of 2023)
Sen Jackson
Maryland Higher Education Commission - Access to Mental Health Advisory Committee - Establishment
Created: 1/28/2023 10:40 AM
1:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Sen Gile, et al
Utility Contractors - Employment and Licensure - Requirements and Application
(Jointly assigned to Finance\Education, Energy, and the Environment)
(Added - 1/31/2023 5:34 PM)
(Jointly assigned to Finance\Education, Energy, and the Environment)
(Jointly assigned to Finance\Education, Energy, and the Environment)
(Added - 1/31/2023 5:34 PM)
Sen Kramer, et al
Food Service Facilities - Automated External Defibrillator Program (Joe Sheya Act)
Sens Kramer and Ellis
State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Supervisory and Managerial Employees
Sen Kramer, et al
State Personnel – Collective Bargaining – Faculty, Part–Time Faculty, and Graduate Assistants
Created: 2/10/2023 3:28 PM
4:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
(Added - 2/15/2023 7:04 PM)
(Added - 2/15/2023 7:04 PM)
Sen Rosapepe
Employment for Minors - Opportunities for Work (Job Opportunities for High School Students Act)
(Added - 2/15/2023 7:04 PM)
(Added - 2/15/2023 7:04 PM)
Sen Augustine
Elevator Safety – Privately Owned Single–Family Residential Elevators – Inspection and Registration Requirements
(Added - 2/15/2023 7:04 PM)
(Jointly assigned to Budget and Taxation\Finance)
(Added - 2/15/2023 7:04 PM)
Sen M. Washington
State Board of Examiners of Psychologists - License and Registration Issuance and Renewals - Electronic Means
(Added - 2/15/2023 7:04 PM)
Created: 1/26/2023 11:24 AM
1:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
(Added - 2/1/2023 11:22 AM)
(Added - 2/1/2023 5:17 PM)
(Added - 2/1/2023 11:22 AM)
(Added - 2/1/2023 5:17 PM)
(Added - 1/30/2023 2:14 PM)
(Added - 1/30/2023 2:14 PM)
Sen M. Washington
Maryland Legal Services Corporation - Affordable Life, Wills, and Estate Planning for Seniors Program
(Added - 2/1/2023 11:22 AM)
(Added - 2/1/2023 5:17 PM)
(Added - 1/30/2023 2:14 PM)
(Added - 1/30/2023 2:14 PM)
Created: 1/10/2023 2:43 PM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 120, Annapolis, MD
Created: 2/16/2023 1:50 PM
1:55 PM - House Office Building, Room 120, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/10/2023 2:45 PM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 145, Annapolis, MD
(Added - 1/19/2023 10:22 AM)
Department of General Services
(Removed - 1/19/2023 10:18 AM)
Created: 2/1/2023 2:39 PM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 230, Annapolis, MD
Del Charkoudian
Utility Contractors - Employment and Licensure - Requirements and Application
Del Queen, et al
Public Utilities - Primary and Secondary Account Holders - Domestic Violence Protections
(Added - 2/7/2023 4:03 PM)
Del Crosby
Public Service Commission – Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity – Local Permits
(Added - 2/7/2023 4:03 PM)
Del Wilkins, et al
Motor Vehicle Insurance – Insurance Identification Card – Multiple Named Insureds
(Added - 2/7/2023 4:03 PM)
Created: 1/27/2023 12:07 PM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 250, Annapolis, MD
(Added - 2/2/2023 4:18 PM)
Dels D. Jones and Bagnall
Bicycles, Play Vehicles, and Unicycles - Authorizations and Requirements
(Added - 2/2/2023 4:18 PM)
(Added - 2/2/2023 4:18 PM)
Del Bagnall
Department of Transportation – Heads of Business Units – Appointment and Senate Confirmation
(Removed - 2/13/2023 12:01 PM)
Created: 2/10/2023 4:01 PM
12:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Created: 2/9/2023 9:36 AM
4:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Created: 1/19/2023 3:59 PM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 240, Annapolis, MD
Del Crosby
Health Occupations - Service Members, Veterans, and Military Spouses - Temporary Licensure, Certification, Registration, and Permitting
(Added - 1/26/2023 5:40 PM)
Del Amprey
Workgroup on Black, Latino, Asian American Pacific Islander, and Other Underrepresented Behavioral Health Professionals - Extension of Dates
(Added - 2/6/2023 11:12 AM)
Dels Guzzone and Cullison
Health Occupations - Clinical and Graduate Alcohol and Drug Counselors - Licensure
(Added - 1/26/2023 5:40 PM)
Del Sample-Hughes, et al
Health Insurance – Diagnostic and Supplemental Examinations for Breast Cancer – Cost–Sharing
(Added - 1/26/2023 5:40 PM)
Del Cullison
Maryland Health Benefit Exchange and Maryland Department of Health - Health Care Coverage for Undocumented Immigrants - Report
(Added - 1/26/2023 5:40 PM)
Del Kipke
Genetic Testing – Prohibitions on Disability, Life, and Long–Term Care Insurance and Educational Materials (Genetic Testing Protection Act of 2023)
Del R. Lewis
Maryland Health Benefit Exchange – Small Employers – Special Enrollment Period and Marketing
(Added - 1/26/2023 5:40 PM)
Created: 2/13/2023 1:51 PM
11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
HBs 19, 26, and 401.
Created: 2/1/2023 9:10 AM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 100, Annapolis, MD
Del Charles
Child Custody - Relocation of Child - Expedited Hearing (Assurance of Child's Safety Act)
(Added - 2/6/2023 2:46 PM)
Created: 2/14/2023 10:23 AM
11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
- HB 117
- HB 126
- HB 212
- HB 226
- HB 287
- HB 332
Created: 1/31/2023 9:41 AM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 130, Annapolis, MD
The Spkr (Admin), et al
Income Tax - Subtraction Modification for Military Retirement Income (Keep Our Heroes Home Act)
(Added - 2/2/2023 11:26 AM)
(Added - 2/2/2023 11:26 AM)
(Added - 2/2/2023 11:26 AM)
The Spkr (Admin), et al
Economic Development - Build Our Future Grant Pilot Program and Fund (Innovation Economy Infrastructure Act of 2023)
(Added - 2/2/2023 11:26 AM)
Dels Rosenberg and Attar
Gaming - Video Lottery Terminals - Local Impact Grants - Baltimore City
This bill is Sponsor only oral testimony
(Added - 2/1/2023 2:37 PM)
Prince George's County Delegation
Economic Development – Independent Innovation Agency of Prince George’s County – Establishment PG 401–23
This bill is Sponsor only oral testimony
Del Feldmark
Economic Development Tax Credit Programs - Qualified Position and Qualified Employee - Definitions
Del Ruth, et al
Department of Commerce - Office of Climate Change Assistance for Small Businesses - Establishment
(Jointly assigned to Ways and Means\Economic Matters)
(Added - 2/1/2023 2:37 PM)
(Added - 2/1/2023 2:37 PM)
Del Attar
Economic Development – Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise Zone Program – Alterations and Financing
Created: 2/16/2023 3:56 PM
4:30 PM - House Office Building, Room 130, Annapolis, MD
This Voting Session will begin following today's bill hearing.
Del Qi
Disclosure of Tax Information – Maryland Small Business Retirement Savings Board – Authorization
Del Ebersole, et al
Nonpublic Schools and Child Care Providers - Corporal Punishment - Prohibition
Del Szeliga, et al
Education – Interscholastic and Intramural Junior Varsity and Varsity Teams and Sports – Designation Based on Sex (Save Women’s Sports Act)
Harford County Delegation Meeting
Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland Meeting
The Law Enforcement Committee covers the following and related issue areas:
(Added - 1/28/2023 7:48 AM)
Alcoholic Beverages
(Added - 1/28/2023 7:48 AM)
(Added - 1/28/2023 7:48 AM)
(Added - 1/28/2023 7:48 AM)
(Added - 1/28/2023 7:48 AM)
Criminal Procedure
(Added - 1/28/2023 7:48 AM)
Public Safety
(Added - 1/28/2023 7:48 AM)
All local and bi-county bills are assigned to one of the following committees for study and review before being voted on in the full House Delegation. The local committee then votes to make a recommendation to the full delegation.
(Removed - 1/28/2023 7:48 AM)
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
(Removed - 1/28/2023 7:48 AM)
The Bi-County Committee covers the following and related issue areas:
(Removed - 1/28/2023 7:48 AM)
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
(Removed - 1/28/2023 7:48 AM)
Western Maryland Delegation Meeting