Status as of May 27, 1999: Became Law - Chapter 513
Sponsored By
The President (Administration) and Senators Blount, Lawlah,
Collins, Baker, Ruben, Hollinger, Conway, Bromwell, Middleton, Stone,
Teitelbaum, Green, Dyson, Astle, Exum, and Van Hollen
Maryland Learning Success Program - Public School Class Size Reduction
Committee Assignments
Senate: Economic and Environmental Affairs and Budget and Taxation
House: Ways and Means
Status as of May 27, 1999: Became Law - Chapter 515
Sponsored By
The President (Administration) and Senators Blount, Hoffman,
Lawlah, Middleton, Neall, Ruben,
Currie, DeGrange, Hogan, Kasemeyer, McFadden, Munson, Stoltzfus, and
Van Hollen
Higher Education - University System of Maryland - Coordination,
Governance, and Funding
Committee Assignments
Senate: Budget and Taxation and Economic and Environmental Affairs
House: Appropriations