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Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter) |
Title | Sponsor | Sponsorship Type Sort | Chamber Sort | Current Status | Org Committees & Hearings | Opp Committees & Hearings |
HB0017 | Internet Gaming - Authorization and Implementation | Delegate Atterbeary | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Ways and Means |
HB0025 (SB0265) | Environment – Reservoir Augmentation Permit – Establishment | Chair, Environment and Transportation Committee | 5 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Environment and Transportation |
HB0028 | Constitutional Amendment - Form of County Government - Requirement to Adopt Charter Home Rule | Delegate Bouchat | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Environment and Transportation |
HB0038 | School Construction and Housing - School Zones and Adequate Public Facilities Ordinances | Delegate Moon | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Appropriations |
HB0041 (SB0267) | Election Law - Petitions for the Formation of a New Political Party - Process | Chair, Ways and Means Committee | 5 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Ways and Means |
HB0051 | Business Regulation - Sale of Local News Organizations - Required Notice | Delegate Lehman | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Economic Matters |
HB0055 | Criminal Procedure - Expungement of Records - Good Cause | Delegate Ruff | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Judiciary |
HB0057 | County Boards of Education - Student Cellular Phone Use Policy - Establishment | Delegate Fraser-Hidalgo | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Ways and Means |
HB0059 (SB0192) | Property Tax – Tax Sales – Revisions | Chair, Ways and Means Committee | 5 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Ways and Means |
HB0073 (SB0194) | State Finance and Procurement - State Leasing of Real Property | Chair, Health and Government Operations Committee | 5 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Health and Government Operations |
HB0075 (SB0262) | Election Law – Special Elections | Chair, Ways and Means Committee | 5 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Ways and Means |
HB0092 (SB0263) | Heating, Ventilation, Air–Conditioning, and Refrigeration Contractors – License Restoration | Chair, Economic Matters Committee | 5 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Economic Matters |
HB0093 (SB0234) | Housing and Community Development - Homeless Shelter Certification Program - Establishment | Chair, Environment and Transportation Committee | 5 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Environment and Transportation |
HB0096 | General Assembly - Membership, Election Timing for State Senators, and Eligibility | Delegate Bouchat | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations |
HB0107 (SB0049) | Consumer Protection - Automatic Renewals | Delegate Pruski | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Economic Matters |
HB0128 (SB0149) | Responding to Emergency Needs From Extreme Weather (RENEW) Act of 2025 | Delegate Fraser-Hidalgo | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Economic Matters and Environment and Transportation |
HB0131 (SB0117) | Environment - Bay Restoration Fund - Septic System Upgrade Program | Delegate Stein | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Environment and Transportation |
HB0132 (SB0215) | Cannabis – On–Site Consumption Establishments and Cannabis Events | Chair, Economic Matters Committee | 6 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Economic Matters |
HB0146 (SB0126) | Estates and Trusts - Resignation of Trustee - Notice | Delegate Cardin | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Judiciary |
HB0147 | County Boards of Education - Elementary and Middle Schools - Student Technology Use Policy | Delegate Wu | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Ways and Means |
HB0156 | Education - Interscholastic and Intramural Junior Varsity and Varsity Teams - Designation Based on Sex (Fairness in Girls' Sports Act) | Delegate Szeliga | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Ways and Means |
HB0194 | Consumer Protection - Retail Sales - Reimbursement of Shipping Costs | Delegate Conaway | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Economic Matters |
HB0205 (SB0124) | Employment Standards – Firefighters – Payment of Wages and Payroll Information | Delegate Solomon | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Appropriations |
HB0207 (SB0268) | Higher Education - Undocumented Students - Out-of-State Tuition Exemption Eligibility | Delegate Pasteur | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Appropriations |
HB0213 | Public Utilities - Natural Gas Energy Generation - Authorization and Limitation | Delegate Mangione | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Economic Matters |
HB0217 (SB0173) | Workers' Compensation - Occupational Disease Presumptions - Hypertension | Delegate Rogers | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Economic Matters |
HB0226 | Anne Arundel County – Public Schools – School Schedule Options | Delegate Bagnall | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Ways and Means |
HB0227 | Corporations and Associations - Electric Cooperatives - Nonescheat Capital Credits | Delegate Adams | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Economic Matters |
HB0229 (SB0032) | Real Property - Holding Over - Expedited Hearing and Service of Summons for Active Duty Service Members | Delegate Chisholm | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Judiciary |
HB0232 | Maryland Beverage Container Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Program | Delegate Terrasa | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Environment and Transportation and Economic Matters |
HB0239 (SB0184) | Charitable Organizations - Late Fees and Registration - Suspension and Cancellation Requirements | Chair, Economic Matters Committee | 5 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Economic Matters |
HB0264 (SB0218) | Business Occupational and Professional Licenses - Suspension and Revocation for Workplace Fraud | Chair, Economic Matters Committee | 5 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Economic Matters |
HB0271 | Real Property - Expedited Wrongful Detainer Proceedings - Property for Sale or Lease | Delegate Addison | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Judiciary |
SB0017 | Anne Arundel County - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Veterans' Organizations | Senator Simonaire | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - First Reading Finance |
SB0032 (HB0229) | Real Property - Holding Over - Expedited Hearing and Service of Summons for Active Duty Service Members | Senator Gile | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - First Reading Judicial Proceedings |
SB0049 (HB0107) | Consumer Protection - Automatic Renewals | Senator Gile | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - First Reading Finance |
SB0117 (HB0131) | Environment - Bay Restoration Fund - Septic System Upgrade Program | Senator Hester | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - First Reading Education, Energy, and the Environment |
SB0124 (HB0205) | Employment Standards - Firefighters - Payment of Wages and Payroll Information | Senator Kramer | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - First Reading Finance |
SB0126 (HB0146) | Estates and Trusts - Resignation of Trustee - Notice | Senator West | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - First Reading Judicial Proceedings |
SB0149 (HB0128) | Responding to Emergency Needs From Extreme Weather (RENEW) Act of 2025 | Senator Hester | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - First Reading Education, Energy, and the Environment and Finance |
SB0184 (HB0239) | Charitable Organizations - Late Fees and Registration - Suspension and Cancellation Requirements | Chair, Judicial Proceedings Committee | 5 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 1/14 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB0194 (HB0073) | State Finance and Procurement - State Leasing of Real Property | Chair, Budget and Taxation Committee | 5 | 2 | In the Senate - First Reading Budget and Taxation |
SB0215 (HB0132) | Cannabis - On-Site Consumption Establishments and Cannabis Events | Chair, Finance Committee | 6 | 2 | In the Senate - First Reading Finance |
SB0218 (HB0264) | Business Occupational and Professional Licenses - Suspension and Revocation for Workplace Fraud | Chair, Finance Committee | 5 | 2 | In the Senate - First Reading Finance |
SB0262 (HB0075) | Election Law - Special Elections | Chair, Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee | 5 | 2 | In the Senate - First Reading Education, Energy, and the Environment |
SB0263 (HB0092) | Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration Contractors - License Restoration | Chair, Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee | 5 | 2 | In the Senate - First Reading Education, Energy, and the Environment |
SB0265 (HB0025) | Environment - Reservoir Augmentation Permit - Establishment | Chair, Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee | 5 | 2 | In the Senate - First Reading Education, Energy, and the Environment |
SB0267 (HB0041) | Election Law - Petitions for the Formation of a New Political Party - Process | Chair, Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee | 5 | 2 | In the Senate - First Reading Education, Energy, and the Environment |
SB0268 (HB0207) | Higher Education - Undocumented Students - Out-of-State Tuition Exemption Eligibility | Senator Brooks | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - First Reading Education, Energy, and the Environment |
Last Updated: 1/6/2025 9:23 PM